La Informática: Promotora de un mundo mas sostenible
Apr 12, 2020 10:56 · 302 words · 2 minute read
CAMELOPARDALIS, THE PROGRAM, YOUR PROGRAM Realized by: Javier Puras, David Romé and Ignacio Jorquera Today, in Camelopardalis we have attended a seminar where experts will explain to us about Production and sustainable development In few moments, we will stay with them, and those experts will explain us about the most innovative technologies of this moment ¡Pay attention! Here you will be shown how to avoid execc production thanks to the Cloud. This way and thanks to the network, we will be able to avoid creating a lot of services for which we would need a large expenditure of time, cost and overuse of resources When we could avoid it with the services provided by the Cloud, and we dispense with the physical infrastructure. In summary, more efficient production with lower consumption. Increasing the sustainability of the planet. So, we can produce more with less In this session we are going to explain how in our field we are working with development environments (IDE’s) and text editors that are improving, to consume much less RAM and computer energy So, this way it significantly reduce CO2 emissions, leading to a greener environment When we accept a job, or even when we buy a product, we will often have to deal with moral decisions. In a realistic way, many big companies seek their economic benefit above all else, regardless of the impact on the environment, on society…
01:52 - They develop harmful products, deteriorate the environment, or even over-exploiting their workers. Therefore, we will find ourselves in the situation to decide: Do we want to be part of it? Do we really want to be supporters of activities that harm, not only the world in which we live, but also the one in which our future generations will live? The participants and main actors .