The challenges of remote work

Mar 11, 2020 21:42 · 408 words · 2 minute read really committed understand time zone

Kenneth Lopez: You need to have people that is really committed, responsible, … mature. They have the right space to work, the right communication. Otherwise it will be very bad. Communication. They don’t, they don’t, they don’t understand how the company works. They don’t understand what motivates the teams. They don’t share enough. They assume a lot. They think that working in agile is just Post-its…

00:37 - or they just basically do not create one team. They have a provider when you have a provider only it doesn’t work. It’s planning. As simple as that, because if you plan and you have a good team that you trust, you don’t need to talk to them every single moment so you can do check- ins. We have clients all over the place with plus/minus four hour, three hours, two hours, one hour, the same time zone. Even with the ones, even with, even with the ones that we have in the same time zone, we are not like talking every single minute because otherwise you won’t work.

01:11 - So I don’t see it as an issue The client… If the client knew what he wants, they will be able to solve it by themselves. So usually what happened is that when they tried to solve them or they think they know, they don’t listen to the client. If they don’t listen to the client, usually the solution is bad. Okay. So we learned from that experience before because at the beginning we were doing that and it didn’t work out very well.

01:34 - So that’s why we try to challenge the clients to think twice before he builds something. That’s why the consulting works really well because allow us to not secure success, but at least to reduce risk. The whole process is designed to mitigate risk, meaning that from the moment that we arrived at the company, your risk is 100%. As long as you move, as you move forward into the phases of the process, the risk is reduced. So from the discovery, the assessment, the consulting, the UX, UI, the wire frames, all those steps allow you to reduce risk before you go to development.

02:11 - And obviously before you go to development properly, you have a 20-30% risk. You still have a 20% risk to fail, but it’s better than go to with 100%. So that’s how we do it. .