LÜFTEN, mähen, DÜNGEN, säen - volle AKTION bei RASENFREAK

Jun 6, 2020 11:58 · 1436 words · 7 minute read automatically pushed right ... 40

Wonderful freaks, let’s go out when it rains. Why not. I’ve never filmed the way I walk through the rain in my T-shirt. Glorious, glorious! Rain!!! The mood is beautiful here, there is the storm cloud. Cool! Mega. I have to go back in, the camera must not get wet. Ahhh crap! Walked briefly over the lawn. Tomorrow I have to mow again and tomorrow it should rain all day. Let’s shoot in the rain. Exactly, rain video. Good morning dear lawn freaks. Today there is… Today there is full action, full action with the Lawnfreak.

00:52 - We’ll scarify or brush today, let’s see what’s better. We will then mow and we will finally reseed, finally reseed. I have to reseed now. It is relatively late. We now have June 4th. It is a bit late to reseed, but it should rain a lot over the next few days. The bad weather starts today at noon. It’s still nice. So we really have to hurry up, speed up. My wife is coming to help. Yeah, go! A very small special for the technology freaks. I have my eFlex cylinder mower, which has a movably suspended spindle at the front.

01:38 - So it also has two roles and in the back is the fat drive role. The whole device weighs 130 kg. Also because of the heavy battery on the eFlex. And the question, the discussion, was: How hard is the spindle pressing on the floor? Is it 130 kg or is it less? I said it’s a lot less. And now we measure that by determining the mass here. Determine the weight with which the spindle presses on the scale here. It’s a bit complicated now. First I have to go to one level so as not to falsify that. To zero. The rear roller does not touch the scales, 24… ahh now the display is gone. 24.8 24.5 Look! 24.5… cool And if I now back here… here the spindle has a game. There… there is such an open space. You should always hold this handle in the balance. And if I now lift the handle… went out again… 24.6…. yes and now I’m going to lift the handle back… keep it free… and now I lift… you can see that… 40 kg… It’s really interesting. The spindle itself presses on the floor with about 25 kg, when the mower is free. If I lift the handle at the back, let it float freely, so keep it free, then the spindle presses with 40 kg on the floor That means the main mass is on the back of the drive shaft, namely almost 90 kg lies on the rear of the drive shaft. And the spindle presses when mowing, if you always keep the handle nice in this free area, presses the spindle onto the floor with about 40 kg. You wanted to know that.

05:22 - The spindles hang freely because I have now removed these front rollers here. I have my front role… here is usually the front role, and I removed this front roll to attach it to my eFlex. Because I wanted to try it out, whether it then runs straight, does not swim that way. And whether he mows the grass even better then. Has everything advantages and disadvantages. That’s good now… my broom cart… Now we’re going to add a little fat. A little universal oil on it.

06:21 - I have my stone, which I need to weigh down the brushes, I have installed it in my sand bunker. Now the wheels, the rollers, are more likely to push in. But it does not matter. We will now drive 2 lanes to the right of the rock pear. And right next to it we’ll scarify with my Scarifier. That was now, so first impression, it was not so great now. Well, a couple of blades came up here. But that the lawn wasn’t brushed really high, apparently the brush is not sharp enough for that. This is more of a gentle processing. Yes dear lawn freaks, that’s a number. It’s cool! So that’s a lot better. Much better! Brushing is the very gentle method. But scarifying is just awesome. The cylinder mowers keep pushing the grass down again. They don’t suck it up, they push it on the floor, they push it on the soil. Then the stalks grow across and lie flat in the lawn and they have to be pulled up. This works really well with the Scarifier.

09:32 - Now of course the problem is, actually I need a sickle mower. I’m about to go and buy a new sickle mower. I sold my John Deere, the big one with the roller drive, because it was just too heavy and unwieldy for me. That was a cool part. Basically, I have to go now and buy a new one. Because now a sickle mower, that is still sucking nicely, is of course for these long blades, which of course have already turned over again, ideal. I could also mulch now. We have to do that more often! Yes freaks, I didn’t quite make it. It’s raining now, too bad.

11:02 - I have now scarifyed the area crosswise and now I buy a sickle mower. A new one, and then I mow. I can still fertilize today. Maybe now I’m going to fertilize in the rain, I don’t really know that yet So freaks, I’m completely through. I just kept going. It rained a little less. Now I have the rear surface here, completely oblique, once straight, scarifyed. Yes, that’s super, super important. When I see the grass being pulled up. How long stems were hidden in the turf. madness Then once it’s dry, I’ll mow with the sickle mower. The whole area as deep as possible. If possible with a sickle mower that sucks. I hope I get one now.

12:10 - Yes and then we mow here and then we sow and then I mow with the cylinder mower again. And with that the grass seed is automatically pushed down nicely. I just keep mowing. Hoping that Overseeding, sowing, reseeding, then works well anyway. Well, I have to go back in, the camera is getting wet. What is this about? That’s cooly too. Yes dear lawn freaks, stay tuned. It will soon continue with the big lawn action at the Lawnfreak. Thank you for watching.

Bye 12:47 - So dear lawn freaks, we have a gap right now, a gap in the rain, and I really want to spread my fertilizer right now. The last time I fertilized was exactly 4 weeks ago. So it’s a bit early now, actually with slow release fertilizers. This is not a slow release fertilizer. This is a fertilizer that works immediately. And that has to be treated specially. You should even sprinkle it on damp lawns. And then rain right away. So if the gap now fits here, it is perfect. The lawn is wet, we sprinkle it is raining again the fertilizer is washed into the soil. It dissolves immediately.

13:24 - Cool stuff! And I’m not doing so much now, I’m only doing 20 g / m², not 31, not the whole bag. On 800 m² this is now 16 kg. I’ll put 16 kilos in here and then we go. Then there are only 15. Not 20 but 19. But a little more. Now I probably put in too much. Of course, I put in too much now. 8.4… see… never mind So that you can fertilize even in the rain. It’s a cool thing. Not every fertilizer wagon has that. Pull it tight! so wonderful Now the stuff is protected and now it’s off! all 😕 It was not a good thing here. That’s it, scarify, fertilize, now it can rain properly again. And then mow and then sow again at the end. The order is not optimal.

16:02 - Actually, I should have first mowed, then fertilized, then sowed, and then roll in. Now it can rain again. Now look out. Now it starts again. Really amazing. Now it’s getting really strong again. That was the 10 minutes, 15 minutes. Perfect! On the subject again: spread rate. You can buy my annual planner on my homepage. Self-promotion 😏 You only have to enter the spread rate, in this case that would be 17 kg. And then the program will immediately calculate what amount of nitrogen you then applied to the lawn, by your area. Can you look again? .