Deno, CSS Cascade, and Clean code: FrontEnd news (14 Feb20)

Feb 14, 2020 08:00 · 464 words · 3 minute read npm javascript package manager displays

Hi! Let’s talk today about Deno, CSS Cascade, and Clean code. If this is your first time here and you want to learn Frontend and JavaScript, start right now by subscribing, and don’t forget to turn on the subtitles. [Music playing] Let’s start today from the next part of the “JavaScript Visualized” series, namely “JavaScript Visualized: Generators and Iterators” by Lydia Hallie. The author explains how the Function Generator works, using a lot of visual examples. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer posted one more interesting article, namely, “A Class-Based enum Pattern for JavaScript.

” 00:48 - The author examines a pattern for implementing enums (as available in other languages) in JavaScript based on classes. The author shows the JS library Enumify that helps with the enum pattern. The next point in my list is not a too technical article, but quite enjoyable. “Building LightOS with React Native” is the story of writing the operating system for The Light Phone 2, why React Native was chosen, and how it was built. Take a look. In the tutorial “Implementing an OAuth Server With Node.

js and Express” by Valeri Karpov 01:38 - you can learn how to build a minimal Node.js based authentication server, without any OAuth modules usage. [Music playing] In a talk “Deno is a New Way to JavaScript” by Ryan Dahl & Kitson Kelly, you can see a brief presentation by authors of Deno and the usage showcase. In the session “Parallel computing in ReactJS, ” the author shares his experience running jobs in parallel within the React app to provide a pleasant user experience. “A short history of body copy sizes on the Web” by Florens Verschelde, is a curious look into how default text sizes have changed over the years, some thoughts regarding the default size, and what modern variable solutions are.

02:34 - [Music playing] “Understanding filesystem takeover vulnerabilities in npm JavaScript package manager” by Lyran Tal, explains the nature of the vulnerabilities that have package managers npm, yarn, and pnpm, are exposed to when using binary executables. You can read the details on Snyk blog. In the post “Transitioning Hidden Elements” by Paul Hebert creates the web-accessible animation that hides or displays elements, through attribute “hidden” or “display: none” property. In the article “Fun with CSS Motion Path,” Michelle Barker experiments with the “offset-path” property that is available for animation and demonstrates beautiful usage examples. The last but not least point for today is a brief note by Dan Abramov, titled “Goodbye, Clean Code.” The author tells us to beware of premature refactoring and de- duplication, using examples.

03:51 - [Music playing] If you like this video, give it “thumbs up,” share it with your friends, subscribe to the channel and watch other episodes. Thanks for watching and stay curious. .