we had to get away...

Oct 27, 2020 16:00 · 2952 words · 14 minute read actually wearing shania twain something

(soft upbeat music) - Good morning everybody, from out breath me. I am taking a moment sitting on the couch to collect myself. It is a very busy morning in this household. Yeah, we’re not leaving just yet, in just a minute, okay, just a minute. It is a very busy morning in this household because we are getting out of town for the weekend. I’m so excited.

00:32 - We have not been on a trip together since we went to Seattle in June of 2019. So I’m so excited. We’re gonna be doing an RV trip this weekend. And I wanna say a huge thank you to Outdoorsy for providing us with a complimentary RV. I am so, so, so excited to document this journey. It’s something that I was actually just going to do myself. And then I got in touch with them and they’ve been amazing. So this is going to be the start of the vlogs for this trip. I’m so excited to see it and take it up North. It’s still pretty hot here in Phoenix and we’re going up North to Flagstaff Arizona, which by the way, I asked on Instagram for some suggestions, for like fall foliage, fall things to do, blah, blah, blah. And a lot of you recommended Flagstaff and it was actually already on my list.

01:18 - So I’m really excited to like, do some fall things at a safe distance. Like there’s a Pumpkin Patch up there that apparently requires masks which I’m very excited about. There’s fun little like Ski Lifts you can go on. And also, I think we’re a little late for the fall leaves. I’m pretty sure they’re like mostly gone, but that’s okay. We’re excited to get into some cooler temps and just like explore or go on like nice nature walks and all of that fun stuff. We really wanted to bring Layla with us, but with her leg, like after her surgery this year, and just with how old she’s getting, we don’t want to risk reinjuring her. And also she doesn’t do like that great away from home. Like she’s much more of a happy, like go for a dubby around the block and then like come home and watch TV if you on the couch type of dog. So we’re actually going to take her to my mom’s and then we have a good friend who’s going to be coming here and staying with Moe.

02:09 - We will take them to my mom’s as well but she has a cat and Moe is not very friendly with other cats. So anyway, it’s about like almost 10 o’clock right now. We’re gonna head to my mom’s dropped Layla off and then go pick up our RV for the weekend, our new home for the weekend. We’re moving in. No, literally like if you all could only see, I’m actually gonna show you the trunk. ‘Cause if you would only see what we have packed so far for a literal three-day trip, it’s mind blowing.

02:36 - We just wanted to do this trip as a way to kind of get out of town, but like do so in a safe way. So we’re trying it out. We’ll see how it goes. Okay, so here we have it. I’m not gonna lie. These two bags are full of my clothes and I am shooting some branded contents and like upcoming branded content. While we’re there so I had to bring like huge puffy jackets and things like that. So I do have two bags and this is literally full, like all the way to the back of my truck. So we brought like all bunch of groceries to eat for the next, like two, three days.

03:07 - We had to bring like cutlery and you know, they have things but we’re just trying to use as much of our own stuff as possible. Brought some extra water just in case like drinking water. We have the booze, don’t you worry. Got our sparkling waters, sodas, things like that. That’s all in here. We actually need to fit Drew’s duffel bag, like right here. So hopefully that will fit. And then around the side. We have this dilemma because we bought this cooler at Target yesterday and it’s amazing.

03:32 - And it has wheels, and you can like, you know, it’s like a rolling backpack or a rolling suitcase. But we didn’t even think about the back of that. It doesn’t fit in our truck. And that wouldn’t matter but we need to have Layla in the back seat. Hello? Yes, my car is very dirty, whatever. We need to fit Layla in the backseat, but she takes up like the whole backseat. So I think what’s gonna happen is Drew is gonna sit in the back seat with Layla. We’re gonna keep this in the front seat, just for the drive to my mom’s obviously. And then we’ll see if we can all fit in here as a family. We still need to solve for a bag of ice. Drew is in the shower right now. And then we have to obviously drop Layla off at my mom’s. But other than that, we’re on the road to let’s get going. I’m so excited. My first of year trip.

04:10 - I thought I would show you my outfit of the day before we head out. And again I’m out of breath because I just ran up the stairs. I’m actually wearing the same pants I wore, what was it like last week? When we tried to go to a Pumpkin Patch and it didn’t work out because they haven’t had their moment yet and I want them to. So starting on the top here. This headband, I don’t actually know where this is from. This shirt, believe it or not is from Brandy Melville.

04:34 - (chuckles) I got to visit Brandy Melville like two or three years ago when I filmed a video there ‘cause this was the only thing in the store that fit me. I don’t shop there and I don’t recommend anyone shop there. I’m wearing my little chain necklace, that’s from Target. And then my little D necklace, Drew bought this for me because of the Taylor Swift song, “Call It What You Want” for Christmas, like 2017, maybe. And then the piece de resistance, if you will. Is these pants. I love these pants so much. I wanna live in them every single day.

05:03 - I’m pretty sure they were pants for an old man. I got these on Deep Hop. They were pretty affordable. I featured them in a video on my main channel. And then I’m wearing my new canvas, my little high tops. I think this color is called saffron. So stinking cute. Oh, and my earrings are from Target as well. That’s my look today. We gonna hit the road and go pick up our RV. All right, got the whole family in the car. We’re doing okay. We just have like 30 minutes and then she’s a free lady. She can roam my mom’s entire house in backyard. Oh, okay. We are so, so, so, so, so sweaty and it’s so damned hot today. But we’ve made it in our RV. I’m going to be doing a separate video, showing an RV tour.

05:47 - Once we get in some cooler temps and get settled. But we’re gonna hit the road. It’s about like a two and a half hour drive, I believe to where we’re going. So we’re really excited to get the hell out of this heat. We just had a like crash course in RV ownership slash like management, function, yeah. So we’re, I’m hopefully gonna remember everything. The guy was so nice and we’re gonna take his little baby around for the rest of the weekend. So let’s get started! Are you excited? - I’m gonna die of ice. (Carrie laughing) (bright upbeat music) - Okay, like three hours later took a lot longer than expected but we’re in a very big vehicle. We’re actually making our first stop of the night. We’re going to a Pumpkin Patch. We found a Pumpkin Patch up here that requires masks. That’s pretty exciting.

07:14 - It’s called Viola’s Flower Patch and Pumpkin Patch or something like that. So we gonna check it out. Maybe, you know, we don’t need any pumpkin’s but maybe take some cute pics or something. Will see. (jazz music) We going in the Straw Maze. Are you ready, babe? - No, we can kind of see over it. You know what she said it’s not just for kids. Can we go. Hope you you’re following me. (Carrie screams) Sarah can you tell us the way out. Okay, maybe that way. No, the spiders. - The spiders. - [Carrie Clayton] Oh big spider. - Oh, no. - Oh thing is, swirly gone wrong. Exit. We did it. - We barely made it. - Barely, barely made it out alive. That was thrilling, let me tell you. All right, we came, we saw, we conquered. It only costs $3 dollars to get in there. So we felt like it was worth it. That was like a very fair price because you literally just walk through and then that’s it. We took a couple pictures. It’s a good time. So now we think we gonna go wrong from our original plan which was to stay at an RV park tonight. Ooh, thank you. And we think we might actually try out a campground. So we might do a little boondocking as they say, let’s see if there’s any available. He’s locked down.

09:09 - (gentle jazz music) That, now very comfortable. - What about that? - Oh, you are genius now. - What would you do without me? - Have really bad angles. So we made it to our campgrounds for the night. We made it to an RV park. We decided to just go for what we had. It was getting dark. It was such a pretty drive over here. It’s actually not as crowded here as we thought. - Tomorrow would be. - Tomorrow would be yeah. And we’re definitely dipping tomorrow. But we’re in for the night.

10:03 - So I think it’s time to change in some comfy pajamas. Brought sweats and I have been waiting all day to change into them. You know what time I think it is? - Food. - It’s time for beveragino. - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - Did someone say beveragino? - We brought some hot dogs and brought bockwurst to make for dinner. And we also have booze. I’m happy about that. Oh my God, I’ll teach you. (laughing) Oh wow! That’s the way it used to look like. Over here. Oh I’m out of to that season.

11:01 - Oh my gosh I feel like I’m back as a server again. I should have presented you this bottle. Apparently I’m out of practice. Okay, it’s been awhile since I served, okay. Cut me a break. (machine beeping) (machine vibrating) Cheers to that. All right, here we have a gourmet camping meal of hot dogs. I put a little catch up and then I was like, do I want to put mustard on it? I think I’m just going to dip it on the side.

11:35 - I don’t know why I put extra ketchup because I’m probably not gonna eat it. And then I have paired it with a beautiful Sauvignon Blanc and some salt and vinegar chips as you saw. So that is done meal, my gourmet meal tonight. Let’s test it out and see how Drew did. Hmm. Really good cooking. - Drew’s having bockwurst. (laughing) I’m happy. One of exciting, what a night is. Obviously here extended into my frame. (Laughing) I wanna take smart, inside because it’s gonna, haa! Has a fire burn at the moment. So doesn’t that look good Also, how do you like your marshmallow roasted for you and I feel like it’s like the age old debate.

12:24 - I don’t mind a golden brown, like, but I just really don’t have the patience. So I often burn it. But I feel like in here we really can’t afford to burn it ‘cause we already set off the smoke alarm. So we’re going to make our a good, old smart. We have these honey graham crackers. We got the target brand ‘cause it was all that had left. And then unfortunately this is what became of our chocolate. It’s completely. - [Drew] Like a soiled diaper. - Yeah.

12:53 - So we’re just going to cut a little corner off and then like squeeze it onto the graham cracker but it’ll work. Hello, that’s propane marshmallow. - [Drew] Do you know how it taste. - [Carrie] Yeah, I saw that. - [Drew] I didn’t do anything. - [Carrie] You few burnt it, I saw you. - That’s good, like that one. - Yeah, I do actually. Oh my God, it smells so good. When’s the last time we had a smart? when we camped like two years ago? - [Drew] With our friends. - [Carrie] With our friends. I’m so excited. Should I prepare our melty? - [Indistinct]. - [Carrie] Okay, okay, okay. - [Drew] What are you doing? - I don’t know. Okay, here we go. Gonna make my, melted chocolate situation happen over here. This is so aesthetic.

13:35 - Are you guys ready? Oh yeah, baby. (machine beeping) Oh God, oh God. It’s time. Oh my gosh it’s so hot. Oh my gosh it’s so hot it’s burning me. What I’m I we doing now? It tastes so good. Cheers! Oh look at that, it’s like our other camping vlogs from like three and a half years ago. Oh, ready? - It’s very mouthy. - Look up here. Just as good as if you made her on a fire honestly. This was a good choice. Yeah, let’s play some games.

14:23 - - Which Canada born seen her was Oprah’s most frequent guest appearing 27 times in the 25 years, Ms. Winfrey Wilton TV? - Shania Twain? Celine Dion. It’s Celine Dion, yeah. - Yeah it’s Celine Dion. Which 1939 film rephrased, “I’m So Glad to be Home Again” from a children’s book into a memorable movie catchphrase. - Wizard of Oz. There’s no place like home. - In Belgium, which crispy snack, a traditional favorite is sold at The Free-Cocked Stall, - Stroopwaffle. - Price your riser fruits. - Oh, [Indistinct] The names of how many countries in Asia and with the suffix Stan? - 12. - Seven.

15:08 - Which 1984 video game became the first of its kind when players were tasked with fitting all the blocks into just the right spot? - Decos - Which round flat candles did Admiral Byrd take to the South Pole on his two year expedition of 1928. Candies. (laughing) - You’re read it again. Candies. - Maybe it’s I should have asked you, which round flat candies did the Admiral Byrd take to the South Pole during his expedition of 1928. You liked them, disgusting. - Make a way for this. - I would say who would know what type of candle. - She is married to the oldest Prince. - Yeah. She does a song with Ariana Grande that I really like. - Nicki Minaj.

16:05 - - You met him at a restaurant basketball player. - Oh God, Shack. - Yeah. - I met Shack, I thought who did I meet? Hey now, hey now, hey now! This is? Sing to me about it a little. - I don’t know. - I can no more, It’s such a beautiful night. (Drew laughing) - Kind of been listening to McGuire? I’ve watched Lizzie McGuire. Not one single episode. All I know that there is a cartoon. - Its from the movie, how dare you? How should I act it out? - No, please, no.

16:40 - (Carrie laughing) Funny girl, I didn’t know. - Is funny girl “bette midler”? - I don’t know. - Or madonna? - I have no idea. And then gone to- - Or barbara sprest? (both laughing) (both continues laughing) - I’ve made up the wrong- - We’ve had like literally one glass of wine - I think we’re just tired. What a time that was. I also downloaded some spooky movies on my laptop. I downloaded all three screen movies, the newest Halloween movie, like not the one that was supposed to come out this year, but the one that came out in like 2018.

17:36 - And what lies beneath oddly is like one of my favorite movies to watch around Halloween. I don’t know why, it has nothing to do with Halloween. It’s just like creepy. And I think it’d be really fun to watch like a scary movie more in this RV park like with people we don’t know. I don’t know, we’ll see. All right, everybody. We are gonna crawl into bed. We’re in our companies. we’re going to bed and we would check in with you tomorrow for another full day of RV life. Good night. (gentle jazz music) .