Unofficial End User Guide to Microsoft Ignite: Sleep Deprivation over the 48 hr event

Sep 16, 2020 08:00 · 346 words · 2 minute read environment registered 1 time management

[MUSIC] >> Hey, everybody. The Patch and Switch consultancy is back with your unofficial End User Guide to Microsoft Ignite, the Digital Event. Today, we’re talking about sleeplessness, 48-hours long. Everybody, wake up. Come on now. >> Well, you know what? I’m glad that we have this because I’ve actually asked our good friend, Rob Tougher to come back, otherwise known as Threddy T. rex. Now, Rob, I know that as a parent of young children, you’ve probably dealt with sleeplessness and time management, and stuff like that. What is your game plan for handling the watching of a 48-hour event like Microsoft Ignite? >> Well, as I’m watching and enjoying the content, I need to make sure I watched the clock because if I don’t, you can go to 12:00 AM, 1:00 AM, 2:00 AM. Before I know it, I’ve no time to sleep.

00:48 - I have to wake up in the morning to do my thing. Watching the clock is my biggest strategy. >> I’m going to have to disagree with you there, Rob. I see your environment there. You appear to have the perfect environment to be watching a 48-hour digital event. >> I do. Well, I got the computer right here. I have a 10-foot cable on my headphones. >> Nice. >> I have stunt dinosaurs so they can stand in for me when I’m listening to things that maybe I don’t need to participate in. >> Yeah. >> Nice. >> Yeah, I see that. Well, listen.

01:20 - If you want to do what Rob does and manage the clock in terms of watching what you want to watch, when you want to watch it, you need to be a registered attendee. So head on over to Get yourself registered for Microsoft Ignite, the Digital Event. For more stellar content with us and a dinosaur, head on over to our blog post located below. We’ve got more videos to come. Rob? >> Rob? >> He’s there. I do. >> Rob? >> Rob? >> He’s going to sleep. [MUSIC] .