Oct 20, 2020 18:21 · 2044 words · 10 minute read moment vision talking 15 las

Have you ever studied the new structures in the world? Can you hear more of what they say than its designer? Are you aware that the states that you cannot even imagine have created incredible masonic structures while they are struggling with the occult systems of Freemasonry? In this video, we will take a look at the interesting structures that you have probably never seen before, and the messages he gave more than his designer. And we will try to answer the question of why people still do these extreme masonic structures and how can states allow this as much as we can. In the first stage, we are going to Kazakhstan. And this structure you see is in Kazakhstan with all its appearance… Nur-Sultan, Khazakhstan Astana is the first capital built in the 21st century and perfectly represents where the world is going.

01:41 - This is truly one man’s vision: President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev (yes Borat’s country, I know). The city, supported by billions of petrodollars, is being built from scratch in a desolate and desolate region of the Asian steppes. The result is surprising: a futuristic secret capital that embraces the New World Order while celebrating the oldest religion known to man. The city is still a major construction site, but the buildings that have already been completed epitomize Nazarbayev’s secret vision. Peace Pyramid Designed by Britain’s most prolific architect, Lord Norman Forster, this giant pyramid is a strange presence in the middle of the Asian Steppes.

02:06 - The building is dedicated to “giving up violence” and “bringing world religions together”. Norman Foster said the building did not have recognizable religious symbols that would allow confessions to be reunited in a harmonious manner. In fact, the pyramid is the temple of the Sun worship, which is the occultist’s only TRUE religion. A journey inside this building is truly a symbolic journey. It represents every person’s path to enlightenment. Let’s go on a tour.

02:29 - Pyramidal Shape Initiates recognized the pyramid form as the ideal symbol of both the occult doctrine and the institutions established for its propagation. ”-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages Novus Ordo Seclorum = A New Order for the Ages As Manly P. Hall points out, the pyramid is the ultimate symbol representing the mysteries of ancient civilizations. Supreme in their simplicity, divine in proportions, they embody both the divine knowledge possessed by the enlightened and the confusion of the masses. Today’s elites are the heirs of this ancient wisdom, started as an occult, and use the pyramid as a symbol of power in the modern world.

03:00 - The enlightened / floating / missing capstone represents the divine principle that is present in the universe as well as in every human being. Another symbolic meaning attributed to the missing capstone is the unfinished nature of the New World Order. It is said that the capstone of the Great Pyramid will be restored when this century-old project becomes a reality. Here are other pyramids emerging around the world and representing the power of the elite over the masses. Memphis Arena Luxor Hotel, Las Vegas Raffles Hotel, Dubai Raffles Hotel, Dubai When entering the pyramid from ground level, it is dark and cavernous inside.

03:24 - In the basement, there is no doubt the Astana opera house where the masses are hosted. Despite the darkness, a gigantic view of the sun covers almost the entire ceiling. Middle Part KAZAKHSTAN-RELIGIONS-CONGRESS Just above the opera house is the central area of ​​the pyramid. It acts as a meeting room for conferences that reunite the world’s religious leaders. Take a moment and soak up the symbolism here.

03:51 - You have religious leaders from all over the world sitting around a great sun figure and discussing how to reconcile their differences for the next New Age. Symbolism is self-evident: all these theologies are simply the result of the original object of worship: the sun. The designer says that the building has nothing to do with religion, but those who appear say it is not at all. This venue is much brighter than the opera house and represents progress towards lighting. The sun image in the middle of the round table is just above the sun of the opera house.

04:22 - In other words, while the general population is hosted in the darkness of the material world, the lights sitting right above them are thinking about how to reach divinity. Thinking Divine If you have watched other videos on this channel, you may be aware of the goals of the New World Order, so now you have reached a certain level. One is that all religions have been replaced by some form of neo- paganism. These meetings are for that. These meetings are held in many countries and in many cities and many results are achieved. The city of Astana is truly a city of the New World Order. Apex The hill is literally heaven.

05:42 - It is round, fully windowed, and appears in the magnificent sunlight. Images of white doves are embedded in windows and represent peace, which will result in the unification of world governments and religions in the New World Order. The hill is the ultimate representation of lighting success on an individual and earthly level. Let’s take a look at the Apex ceiling like this: The sun god shines above the illuminated. As you see. Parts of the pyramid (lower dark opera house, middle lecture room, and divine crest) embody the Pythagorean vision of the world.

06:19 - Pythagoras’ teachings have been studied in depth in today’s occult societies. Of course, a footnote, I have to convey to you that Pythagoras is one of the leading Kabbalah educators. Pythagoras divided the universe into three parts, which he called the Supreme World, the Superior World, and the Lower World. The Highest, or Supreme World, was an all-encompassing subtle, intertwined spiritual core and therefore the true plane of the Supreme Deity itself, the Deity is omnipresent, omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. Both lower worlds existed within the nature of this supreme sphere.

07:06 - The Master World was the home of the immortals. It was also the abode of archetypes or seals; Their nature was by no means a part of the earth material, but it was they who cast their shadows deep (the Lower World), they could only be grasped through their shadows. The Third, or Lower World, was the home of creatures who took a share of material substance or engaged in labor with or above material substance. Therefore, this sphere (…) was the homeland of humanity and the lower kingdoms, those who were temporarily on earth but who could rise above this sphere with reason and philosophy. Dear friends, I need to tell you that these texts are based on vulgarity.

07:41 - In other words, this pyramid is more than a tourist attraction, it is a representation of the initiates’ philosophy. As Dan Cruikshanks put it in his documentary quite cryptic, this is “a representation of future power.” Bayterek Also designed by the outstanding British architect Sir Norman Foster, the monument aims to embody a folk tale about a legendary tree of life and a magical bird of happiness. The bird named Samruk laid its egg in the cleft between the two branches of an aspen tree. The golden orb egg at the top of the monument represents once again the Sun, the Supreme God.

08:14 - Of course, this is more true for those who worship the sun. This “tree of life” represents the channel through which souls go to leave the material world and join the divine world. This concept is recurring in most (if not all) esoteric societies. Of course, the Tree of Life is the main point of Kabbalah philosophy. Inside the Golden Globe, there is something that I cannot fully define. Visitors can go to the top of the tower and see the magnificent view of the city of Nazarbayev. It’s okay, but there are some strange items to look at. We find this mysterious “thing” inside the world. A golden triangle with the handprint of President Nazarbayev. Why is that? I really do not know.

08:58 - All I can say is that it looks like it came out of the movie Total Recall. But I think this has a very important secret. Let’s investigate this issue together, of course, I want you to express your thoughts in your comments. Another point you will see here, Bata Composition It is a globe signed by representatives of seventeen religious sects. Yes, once again we’re talking about combining all religions in one of the NWO and all this. Masonic Pillars Between the two pillars and the two, further away. There seems to be a possibility that this is Masonic symbolism. What do you think? Yes, the twin gold pillars represent the two pillars of Freemasonry named Boaz and Jachin. We do not need to go into all the symbolism behind these pillars, as you already know, but according to the images and permissions it turns out that Nazarbayev is a “Freemason and Accepted”. What do you guys say? Presidential Palace The palace between the two pillars.

09:56 - Presidential Palace, which is in command position in the city, is located at the end of the ceremonial route starting from Bayterek tower. At the top of the palace, in contrast to the phallic Bayterek tower representing the man, sits a large dome representing the woman. This layout is present in almost all major cities, including Washington DC and Paris. Khan Shatyry Entertainment Center (World’s Largest Tent) This unfinished quirk was once again designed by Sir Norman Foster (he basically designed the entire city). Under the tent, there will be an urban-scale interior park, shopping and entertainment venue with more than 10 football stadiums, squares and cobblestone streets, a rowboat river, shopping mall, minigolf, and a covered beach resort.

11:36 - It is said that this structure looks like a temple in the same way as Solomon’s Temple. These portable places of worship consisting of tents were used by Jews in biblical times. Beginners attribute an esoteric meaning to these ancient settlements. Soon in Astana Astana is still under heavy construction, but there are some really cool projects among the buildings. Let’s take a look at some of these Central Markets It was designed by Norman Foster.

13:19 - Crazy Towers (not official name) As a result Members of the world elite distribute symbols of their power around the world, while fulfilling the conditions for uniting the world into a single government. The fact that the general population has no idea what these structures represent is the reason why their plans progress without question and unnoticed. But these plans have been here for ages. Manley P. Hall wrote in 1918: “When the crowd rules, man is ruled by ignorance; when the church rules, it is governed by superstition; and when the state rules, it is ruled by fear. Before people can live together in harmony and understanding, ignorance must be transformed into wisdom, superstition into enlightened faith, and fear into love.” “The world’s perfect government must ultimately be modeled after this divine government in which the universe is regulated.

15:14 - On that day when the perfect order is restored with universal peace and good victorious peace, people will no longer seek happiness because they will find it within themselves. Sounds good right? It’s just a trick. I’ll just tell you that When this happens, most of the world’s population will die. For some reason this writer does not mention this. Many people and many countries, submissive to Freemasonry, continue to deceive their people and use false promises, and it seems likely to continue.

16:08 - Will they achieve their goals, will they be able to unite all religions, how long will we remain silent? The designs made in front of my eyes are shouting the whole truth. Keeping silent is a great danger for us, I would like to remind the following hadith. “it is the mute devil who keeps quiet” either we are really quiet or we don’t really feel our water getting warmer, that’s all. .