Greenhouse Build Day 2, Chicken Ladder Repair | RangerRob Country Living
Nov 2, 2020 13:00 · 758 words · 4 minute read
our videos are made possible by ranger rob poopy bags available at amazon right now good morning this is ranger rob from ranger rob country living hope you’re all doing fine it’s cold out today it’s like 30 degrees 32 degrees right now it’s uh supposed to warm up in a day or two so uh we’re kind of slow going about going outside went for it to warm up a little bit the sunshine helps but we still need to uh start assembling our greenhouse and uh but i gotta come out here and check on the chickens first and uh apparently the chickens don’t like to come out in the cold because uh they’re just uh hanging out in the house but um we got everything uh out here kind of got our distance we want to make sure we have enough space between the greenhouse and the chicken pin to get the tractor in here if we had to and i think we’ll be all right so uh we’re anxious to get this up we are gonna use uh uh uh six ply clear plastic on our greenhouse and uh the connectors were kind of um trying to decide between using a pvc pipe and then splitting a pipe and you can pop it in or using that zigzag wire connectors um haven’t quite decided on that we’ll let you know so anyway i gotta go check on the chickens so well while i was out there checking out the chicken pins some of the on the ramp some of those steps are gone so i found a couple of boards here they have to be uh 11 inches drill a couple of holes replace the steps make it a little easier for the birds to get in the in the house so like uh i’ve been procrastinating on that so grab my little skill saw just gonna whip out a couple of these guys and drill some holes and get the birds all set up so foreign me so well it’s kind of an overkill but they’ll work besides the scrap wood okay guys on day two which is actually three three days ago uh we took the sightings that we built and we got them upright look at that so uh so far we’ve got all the walls up except the front the reason we haven’t done the front yet is because we’re waiting for the door and that’s still in the front of the house we want to install the door before we put it up here does this make it a little easier these beams are just temporary to hold the structure up plus we just got extra support beams just in case it gets windy but uh yeah that’s gonna be a big it’s 14 by 21 by eight foot and uh what’s gonna be really nice is a high ceiling i’ll be great for hanging things or if i get really tall plants what we’re planning for the inside is literally shelving on this side raised bed in the center and raised bed on this side because we want to focus on tomatoes so uh anyway there she is she’s getting there now what we’re gonna do is we got our cattle panels this is only 14 foot the cattle panels are 16 by 50. anyway uh they’re going to be strung across on the top here and we’re going to cinch them down with a plumber’s tape and then make sure we have nice smooth edges and then we’ll be putting a 2x4 cross beam about yay high all the way across all the way across which our plastic will come down and cinch down there and then from this point on down uh we’ll be able to roll up the plastic to open up more air to the greenhouse to turn it into kind of a high tunnel when we need to so pretty cool huh a little farther back it’s a beast it’s gonna be a really cool i have a greenhouse that big so anyway guys i’m gonna wrap this up i want to thank you very much for uh watching please take the time to like and subscribe and share our videos and say hello in the comments below and uh we’ll see you next time bye thank you very much for watching our video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks .