halal alyx 4

Dec 5, 2020 12:30 · 1541 words · 8 minute read x2 wheo oh shit mate

autism I’m good to go, where did I stop? Wh… Where is my… fucking… ??? Aaah, we’re back! red going insane Alright, so I wanted this, I’m gonna to save this… …and I’m NOT going to walk into you, because I’m not an idiot. And this is where we gotta FIGHT! This is painfully slow, holy shit… op- Op-… Fucking… Oh shit! Argh! He’s [combine soldier] using the suppressing fire…

00:36 - Suppressing fire! fail Oh shit! Fuckin’ asshole. You don’t fuck with me! Hey Russell, I don’t have vodka but I have beer, if you want to. ABOUT THAT BEER I OWED YA! HAHA! realization of how shit that joke was Oh man, hacking the mainframe again, huh… FUCKING- Have I seriously become THIS bad at hacking mainframes now? It only has been like 2 weeks or something. FUCK- seizure This is becoming really annoying… Agh, for once! Jesus.

01:20 - ALL THAT, FOR A SINGLE FUCKING MAG? ARE YOU FOR REAL!? FUCK OFF! On the other hand… come back. And uh… Get this op- These crates really like to explode, don’t they… Oh hey, hacking the mainframe again, wow, that’s- Half-Life: Alyx? More like… Main… frame… hacking! fails Valve, I know you like VR… now and… you want it to push it to limits… but, come on, this is just… this is too much now, this is just… …this, this is not fUN THIS IS A CHORE BY NOW AAA explosion.mp4 Russell, you piece of shit…

You could’ve warned me about that! 02:10 - You deserved it! Where is he (x3) I can’t see him… Where is he (x2) That’s right… I had a trick up my sleeve! Hahahaha! You can’t outplay me… You can’t outplay a gamer… I’m a SEASONED gamer! An EPIC gamer-lol Wheo- dead You’re about to die, motherfucker! Le evil laugh My stupid ass not realizing that health station may require power W H A T ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Oh, okay, sure, that works. Dumb shit. You don’t just… Stand by the grenade and hope it will defuse itself. Wait, can I make that jump? Noo… Can I make it now? Noo… There we go, I did it :) Oh look! My favorite chapter ahead! Oh boy! My name JEFF I’m surprised they don’t do* damage if you put your finger in them. I’m surprised they don’t do that. I heard barnacles REALLY like vodka…

03:57 - I’m not sure if it’s true or not, but better to try out! Oh!… Seems like he loved it! Here is another one, buddy! He loves it! Oh hey, this is the part of the game we will NEVER explore. Hm, yes, realistic… Hm… Realistic glass, hm… Looks like you’re in a bit of a situation here, buddy! lol Alright, you know what, let me help you out. Jeff. Hears just fine, though. Alright. JEEEEEFF!!! Here he is! Oh, watch this! He won’t be there for long guys, don’t worry! He’ll get out juuuust fine! There we go, just like that, the power is out. And this is where the FUN part begins! Yo. Hey bud.

05:19 - You having fun? Yeah, now go over there. Alright, so you gotta be careful here, because you don’t want to set this alarm off. So we gonna disarm it just in case… Just like that. He’s trying to get in. And here he is! lol Hi, Jeff! Oh, I think I-… You gotta be careful with him. Because if you come too close… He’s just gonna rip you apart… Sadly… This is gonna be perfectly demonstrated right here when this headcrab gonna come up… …down here. Jeff’s gonna grab him. Slam him against the wall. And he gonna spit acid. At the same time, the door opens, and we can go through.

05:55 - Don’t bother with that, it’s gonna fall anyway… This headcrab is gonna drop some bottles, but we gonna kill him anyway… You get an achievement for that by the way. We’re temporarily away from Jeff! And this is the part where we need 3 batteries where we can get from there… Where Jeff is! There is not much to say, apart from that… You know… For me it’s just mundane chapter, once again… I know where the battery is, I know how to deal with Jeff… There he is… oops. …

I did not mean to do that lol 06:34 - “I HaTe YOu JeFf” Nah I love Jeff man. Jeff is funny. You know, the meme? My name JEFF? That’s very funny! I think I had a bug before in this section, where I went for the battery, I dropped it here and I put it into this thing… …I went back but there wasn’t Jeff anywhere, and me making noises didn’t make any difference for some reason… I don’t know why. Here is a pro tip… The… That place with Jeff… Shut up PLEASE! SHUT UP! I’m talking! Shut up! Thank you! Here is a pro tip: you know that area where we were just in? Where we were collecting batteries… …yeah it has some nice loot, like resin and probably some ammo.

07:17 - You don’t actually have to collect that loot right there as you see it, you can actually come here… Activate this… Wait for Jeff… Guys, I’m not a professional, however, I think Jeff might have some anger issues… Go there! Good boy! Drop this here. And now you can CRUSH HIM! Ooh that did NOT sound good… But I think Jeff is alright, should be in good shape… Ehhh… Yeah, good as new! Oh my god, Jeff, are you okay? I hope not! Okay, after you crushed (or just trapped) Jeff, you can go back… To this area. And without Jeff on your ass, you can collect some goodies! Oh yeah, by the way, if you want an extra achievement, you can bring Russell some vodka… He’ll appreciate it. Uh, oops… Um… Oops, you did not see that… You did NOT see that… lmao Oops. >Survived Jeff >Died to fall damage This is some nice red herring, because… We’re not gonna meet turrets, we’re not gonna see any turrets, we won’t* have to fight them. Nice try, mate. Fun fact, Valve had to slow down the antlions because they were too fast for VR…

In my opinion, they could’ve been just a little bit faster. They’re god awfully slow, even for VR… (imo) But hey, I’m not gonna complain, this is supposed to be a game introductory to VR. It’s not supposed to be something advanced like, oh I don’t know, Boneworks… dial up connection …I do not know any other flagship title… for VR… …Oh no. BOO This kinda got me, I forgot about this lol MONKEY! Why did they have a propane tank right next to them? Like wtf dude? If you look closely, this resin is booby-trapped… Now it is not. Who is the smartass here? Me! ME! MEE- Haha, ha, look, headcrabs…

10:16 - lmao Dumb shit! What a fucking idiot! Oh man there is a tiger, I’m sure it’s friendly… …Nevermind. Oh no… Another whiteboard… They’re gonna be so pissed when they find out about this! Oh look, an easter egg. aneurysm Oh hey bud. …dumb shit. Why- why would you fuckin’ carry a propane tank on your back?? Like what kind of fuckin’ idiot are you? You’re just asking people to shoot you in the back! Uh… OH NO! UH, OKAY GUYS SO THIS IS THE END OF THE GAME, UH, THANK YOU FOR WATCH- …why did he run away? You have better weapons than me- comes back Op- Shit… Okay then, oh! …nice.

Thanks bud! 11:40 - Your death was not in vain! (nah it was) Oh hey! It’s that hentai thing! WHA- WHAT THE? WHA- W- WHAT WAS THAT? WHAT WAS-… WH-… What? WHAT? WHAT? WHAT? W H A T? W H A T? W H A T? What was that!? What did I just fell through? I just slopped into the void! How are you still alive!? Ha, too bad he’s not gonna tell us! Haha, ha… Hahahaha. Oh, that’s what I fell into! Oh! Damn! Here is a little hideout, where you can… Get some ammo if you want to… With a lot of cockroaches… And a little bit of resin. Some people speculate that this is Barney’s hideout, but… Ehhh maybe, this is like ‘maybe’ at best. But… Who knows? Who knows? Maybe, maybe. WHAT? WHAT? What? What? What!? How? How? How? HOW? HOW? How? How? Howhowhowhow? Howhowhoaha? seizure “Nothing but a crowbar” Um…

13:27 - Well, as far as I remember, I was using RPGs, crossbows, uh… Mines, C4s… lol But I bet some mothafucka did get out of Black Mesa with just a crowbar. Some I don’t fuckin’ know, speedrunner I’ve never heard about lmao Well… That was hella fun. I had some fun. I laughed. This game is hella fun, and… Man, I just wanna keep playing it, oh my god, but… Sadly, my controllers are discharging, so… Oh well.

13:58 - Thanks everybody for watching, and I’ll see you in the next one! Peace! IMMA TRASH MAAAN EHEHEHE autism.