Dec 20, 2020 05:53 · 3413 words · 17 minute read stay colour changes condition prostration

“A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.” “ Wa Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum.” Wa ana abdukal ‘ajeez, wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence. “Ya Wahhab, Ya Wahhab, Ya Wahhab. Ya musabbibal asbab, ya mufattihul abwab.” “Ya musabbibal asbab,” that Allah (AJ) is the one whom causes all conditions and next part of that du’a (supplication), “Mufattihul abwab.” And Allah (AJ) is the only one who is going to open a door and two doors.

00:55 - In our life as a reminder always for myself is that every condition that comes to us as one whom believes and they ask, ‘Oh Shaykh talk about fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence).’ Ah these are all the haqqaiqs (realities) of fiqh. That as soon as we accepted Islam and said, “la ilaha illallah, wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa Rasuluhu.” That we accepted Allah (AJ) and that we bear witness with our tongue, not yet with the heart and not yet even with the vision of the heart, that Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is a Messenger of Allah (AJ). But when we bear witness we’re acknowledging that everything is from Allah (AJ).

01:47 - “Ya Musabbibal Asbaab,” that He put me in every type of condition so that to extract my character. Because we are the people of muhasabah and taking an accounting. We said meditation is the highest stage of Islam not the entry. Muraqabah (spiritual connection), tafakkur (contemplation) to stop and contemplate, tadhakkir- to remember what Allah (AJ) gave us from the day of promises not this dunya (material world). These are the end stages of perfection but the book is being read in reverse because there’s no more time.

02:32 - They’re opening the last chapter of our practices and saying, ‘Read from here time is finished.’ If they get it, they get it. If they don’t then pray for them. “Musabbibal asbab,” that Allah (AJ) the one who causes every condition in my life and that’s the secret of division, says ‘I want you to know about yourself because you may have a very high thinking of yourself.’ Not what you say to the people, ‘Oh I’m nothing I’m no one,’ but you may think you’re very high and the divider comes the one whom extracts our reality says that, ‘You think you’re gold nugget, I’m going to put a fire on you.’ “Musabbibal asbab,” is the fire. Should be versed differently in Arabic, ‘The one whom puts fire on you.’ Because every condition is a fiery condition, every condition that comes into our life is meant to extract a reaction and there lies the secret of our reality.

03:49 - The one whom journals the one whom is successful on the path, no time left, journals his reaction or her reactions to everything. The fire is not important in this laboratory of Allah (AJ), whatever caused the fire of your reaction is not important. Because Allah (AJ) use propane use liquid gas, use this, use a match it’s not important for you. That was just something that would speed up the process in chemistry. Means whoever gave you a rise got you angry got you riled up get you all emotional, that’s from Allah (AJ).

04:41 - Those whom we love most, those whom we brought dearest into our reality they hurt the most and that’s where Allah (AJ) will push the hardest. Test doesn’t come from people you don’t care about don’t know don’t have anything to do with, that’s not a fire for you that’s like throwing ice cubes at you. Test is when those whom are deep within your being within your breath and your existence and Allah (AJ) pushes them to get your reaction. In this time of difficulty this reaction has two doors that are opening on this earth. “Mufattihul abwab,” is that Allah (AJ) says that, ‘ If every time I’m going to test you and the character going to come out bad and the character is going to come out aggressive and angry and wild, you take away every Divinely beauty and light,’ and this is the law of opposite if you pull the light from your existence by rule of opposite you are now de-voiding yourself of light.

06:10 - When you fill yourself with light and good actions and good character the angels around the fragrances of the Divine are around the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is around. When the test comes and the character goes negative goes angry goes wild goes everything against what Allah (AJ) wants and we’re extracting the wrong character then Allah (AJ) says, ‘Look, do you see that when this testing comes this is the character you exhibit.’ If enough times it exhibits the door of that reality opens and now you take a path in that direction. The path that you wanted of realities and higher self and higher realities is a different door and that’s the reason for the testing, ‘I want to get in to the school of realities,’ and you’re sitting and taking a test. If you fail, Allah’s (AJ) rahmah (mercy), ‘Take it again.

’ 07:14 - You fail, Allah’s (AJ) rahmah (mercy), ‘Take it again.’ And the test keep coming but now the zaman, time is ending. And when the test comes we fail we fail we fail, Allah (AJ) opens the door and says ‘This is now the door of your destiny.’ If it’s not rising to the better character and to the noble characteristics and to the world of light and you’re devoiding yourself of light becoming angered becoming angered, well, you can see that on YouTube, Facebook and every other.. even the news doesn’t show those videos. Everyone’s angry, violent, yelling, screaming.

08:00 - Screaming crazy like they’ve lost themselves. Even their colour changes because they take on and exhibit the satanic characteristics. Then clearly Allah (AJ) is showing that door has opened that becomes the destiny of that servant, because of the negativity because of the bad reactions they’re choosing in that direction. Tariqah (spiritual path) then came to teach, ‘No, you have to know that Allah’s (AJ) testing you doesn’t matter who’s burning you, Allah’s (AJ) testing you. Allah’s (AJ) the flame, and He’s going to make the dearest and nearest to ignite the firecracker.

08:43 - Then did you have your practices did you go back and make your wudu (ablution), did you go back and pray your two rakahs (cycles of prayer). Did you go back and put your head onto sujood (prostration) asking Allah (AJ), ‘Give me sabr (patience), give me sabr. Ya musabbibal asbab, ya mufattihul abwab, ya muqallibul qulubi wal absar. Ya Dalilal mutahayyirin, ya Ghiyathal mustaghithin, ya Hayyu ya Qayyum, ya dhalJalali wal Ikram. Wa ufawwidu amri illAllah, innAllaha basirun bil ‘ibad.” These are big codes.

09:14 - As soon as you say, ‘ Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum (‘O The Ever-Living and ‘O the Self-Sustaining).’ You’re asking to be in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. The atomic reality of haq (truth). That Prophet ﷺ is Hay (The Ever-Living), Allah (AJ) doesn’t have life and death. You’re asking for the ruhaniyat (spiritual presence), that’s the secret of “Jaooka.” When Allah (AJ) said in Holy Qur’an that, ‘When you’ve oppressed yourself, Jaooka. Go, go to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.’ Then how awliya (saints) were taught to go to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, “Jaooka.” “Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum,” that you the one that represents the haq of Allah (AJ) and that your coding is hay. You’re the oceans of Al-Hayat (The Ever-living). When Allah (AJ) wanted to be known He created your hayat.

10:08 - And Qayyum, made you to be eternal that nobody, nobody supports you but Allah (AJ). ‘Ya Janab al-Haq, I’m asking in your presence as Allah (AJ) ordered me. I’m an oppressed to myself I’m asking Allah’s (AJ) forgiveness. I’m asking your forgiveness, I’m asking your madad and your support.’ If we’re not using these tools that the tariq (path) is teaching us and we fall into chal (a hole), we fall into chal, we fall into a hole and a hole and a hole, well now everyone should begin to start having dreams of the dajjal (man/system of deceit). He’s walking this earth. His system has been here for long time.

10:53 - If you have a dream where someone in a white suit comes and nice hair but you feel petrified and that one has a whip in their hand and whips you, every time he hits you half your brain will be gone. Pay attention to what’s coming, you’ve been warned! If you don’t use, you don’t use the tools that Allah (AJ) gave to us you’re showing Allah (AJ) you don’t care for His teachings and if you don’t care there’s one whom is waiting and he is the one who rounds up the animals. Even to see him in a dream; you’re in the zoo, he considers you a potential creature that he’s going to control and that he’s going to manipulate. Either they want to turn you into one of them or they want to eat you. Their food is suffering and their drink is pain, they will eat and drink your existence.

12:10 - They won’t kill you, they’ll torment you for an existence that’s beyond imagination. Either they turn you or they eat, you’re into their team. If you choose to be with Rahman (All Merciful), well, start using His tools. Meditate, contemplate, understand when the fire’s coming why they’re saying because this is nothing, what’s about to open up on this earth-immense negativity. So much negativity people don’t even understand.

12:50 - There’s so much bad creatures around us all the time now that people can’t even understand what effect this has on us. They have released horrific creatures all around us, all around. It’s not even something that can be described by the tongue, of immense negativity. These creatures, they are attracted to the bad character. As soon as somebody is lending themselves to their anger to their badness, to their inability to extinguish their fire and regain their calmness, these creatures means they’re ravaging inside that person.

13:36 - They’re entering and they’re feeding off and people just don’t.. don’t understand and there’s not a tongue to describe how this process works. The more they find somebody with a little bit of spirituality that can get angry stay angry, they’re sitting and feeding off of you. They’re taking that energy and they’re feeding off of that energy. They begin to call all of those creatures.

14:08 - Imagine people who have a rat problem and take your trash and leave it in your living room, say ‘I can’t throw it out I’ll put it in my living room.’ How many rats you’ll have in that living room in no time because it’s feeding time. When they see the characteristic you’re allowing the anger you’re allowing these energies to come, they’re coming to feed off of it. They take more and more from that negativity and anger and all of the bad characteristics until that person begins to make all the wrong choices, all the wrong and that’s when Allah (AJ) open a different door. Say, ‘ You maybe not meant to rise and you’re not choosing to go towards the heavens.

14:56 - You’re taking your destiny of fire and the nafsani (egocentric) bad characteristic and there’s one waiting for you now to take you.’ He is gathering his circus and his zoo. It’s not a barn. Heavenly Kingdom and Sayyidina Mahdi (as) is not interested in the zoo. He comes as a zookeeper - this dajjal. Comes to the people in their dream begin to gather them and your good conscience and your soul and heart is petrified by the existence of that person coming towards you and they’re making every attempt to move towards you and that’s a warning from the Divinely presence. Whatever you’re doing you’re on the wrong radar. Whatever characteristics you have they’re pleasing to him and not to Allah (AJ).

15:52 - So tariqah is coming and warning that make your tafakkur, make your contemplations make your good characteristics. Your money won’t save you, in the hands of dajjal your entire existence and being will be turned around. Make your contracts now make your characteristics now. Do the practices, make wudu wash when you’re angry, meditate, contemplate, pray, put your head into sujood asking for the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. That’s why they taught the love. We say that other people are asking, ‘What about this Imran, what about that one who talks about Akhir e Zaman (End of time), talk about this Akhir e Zaman?’ Eh, these people are the official hadith translators, they know Arabic.

16:43 - When somebody translates the hadith of the last days, bravo! We all read it. But if you don’t give the solution to everything on this earth, the only solution against dajjal is the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. If somebody’s mouth is not saying that and saying it 100% of the time, run! Run! Why his tongue, can’t be mentioned. When Allah (AJ) says , ‘We don’t allow our name to be mentioned on their tongue.’ They’re repeating whatever they want, they repeat the hadith a thousand times but if they don’t give the equation at the end, if all day long I tell you, ‘2 + 2 is.. 2 + 2 is.. 2 + 2 is.

’ 17:35 - And you say, ‘Bravo this is amazing this guy knows 2 + 2.’ No he doesn’t, he just told you 2+2, he didn’t tell you what 4 was. He’s just reading a formula for you, what was the answer? The hadith have an answer, they’re not just statements. “Iqtarab as-sa’at. Wait for the clock.’ Awliya came and said, ‘Do you see the clock now?’ It was an answer to that question, is right there, big, this tower of Saruman that he built in the middle of nowhere. The answer came. The answer to every difficulty is the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

18:17 - Is the sunnah (traditions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.’ Is the sunnah of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is the armour and shield of the believer. That when Allah (AJ) want to activate onto this earth, this staff [shaykh refers to his cane] is more powerful than all their snakes and all their dragons if Allah (AJ) activate the ‘asaa (cane) of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. When Allah (AJ) grant the reality that, ‘My hand is on your hand,’ and His hand is upon the hand, and Allah’s (AJ) hand on over them. When Allah (AJ) grant the reality of the bayah (allegiance), image the one whom holds the ‘asaa of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. This is from the reality of Janab al-Hu.

19:05 - The “Hu-Allah,” will never be seen, but the reflection of hu that is visible for creation. That hu and the hay and the wow of hu is the hidayat (guidance) of love, and these are the guides of muhabbat and love. They answer to Janab al-Hu. To Janab al-Haq. They answer and bring everybody back to the presence of that love and muhabbat because in their wujood (existence) is hu. In their wujood is hidayat and guidance that all their characteristics are under the guidance and openings of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and Allah (AJ) made them to be from wow. Everything about them is love, Divinely love and calling people back to that Divinely love.

20:04 - If somebody is teaching you something but not calling you back to Divinely love he’s not from the hu, he’s from a different ‘Who.’ Now what do you see on earth, wake up now. What do you see on earth? ‘WHO.’ They’re about to kill many people. We see a different ‘Who’ on earth, you don’t think this is a reality, why shaitan (satan) copying it? When I’m telling you the one of the heavens his name is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and he’s ‘Hu.’ The one who didn’t make it and he fell to earth, he made his own group called ‘Who,’ and they spell it ‘W-H-O.’ When Nabi Musa (as) came to fight them and the Pharaonic Empire, Allah (AJ) gave him an ‘asaa from Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. ‘It’s enough for you, kaafi, it’s enough.

21:16 - When they throw their magic release your staff, became a dragon of jahannum (hellfire), ate their magic and their magicians made sujood. It was not another snake it was from Sayyidina Malik’s (as) reality and Zabanis (angels of punishment). That merely he throws his staff and it came to its reality from “Malik al-Jabbar.” Enough to eat all their magic and all of them on that earth. So what you see now in their logos, they think they have an ‘asaa, but theirs is with a snake. They’re trying to say, ‘We have an izzat (might) too.’ But my Lord beat you up a thousand years ago when his staff opened and a dragon came out and you still have the same ridiculous snakes and they don’t scare anyone. But that’s all they have is snakes and that’s why they show, ‘Oh look we an ‘asaa and a snake that runs next to it we also have magic - our WHO.’ That’s why it’s in their logo. That, ‘We have support, our ‘asaa we have a support and we have our snakes.’ The snake was the vehicle in which brought Bani Adam (children of Adam) onto earth.

22:45 - The snake was the creature in heaven that gave himself to let shaitan enter into his mouth to go and make deceit within paradise and to bring the Heavenly Kingdom to be thrown onto earth, to bring the ghadab (anger) of Allah (AJ). And Allah (AJ) curse that creature and took away its arms and limbs and gave the, its form as it is now that just slides on its belly and speaks with a forked tongue. That creature and that staff have no power and they’re now going to dictate to the world what they have to take to live and what to die? Everything is already unfolding upon this earth but do we have ears to hear and eyes to see? Whatever anyone is teaching if they’re not teaching to go and run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, how to make that connection, how to ask for that connection, then they’re not completing the formula and there not a part of the solution they’re actually a part of the problem. If you are not a part of the solution then by virtue of opposites you are actually a part of the problem, you’re just propagating whatever you’re propagating. But now the earth needs to know the solution, for people of the heavenly Kingdom run to the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and find those doors- Ulul Baab (Gatekeepers of the reality).

24:26 - Allah (AJ) call them, they’re the servants the door. They carry the door to the presence and the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ on this earth and their reality is to give you your encoded understandings. As soon as you make du’a and say, ‘Ya Hayyu ya Qayyum,’ It’s a code. It’s a code to be in the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ from the malakut (heavenly realm) reality. That, ‘Grant me a najat (salvation), grant me your intercession.

24:54 - Take away my bad characteristics before Allah (AJ) opens the door and says, ‘No more testing you’ve given yourself to a fire existence, then walk into that existence.’ We pray that Allah (AJ) give us eyes to see everything is already opening upon the earth. Anyone living abroad and your country sending you home, go home! Run to your homes. That Middle East is going to be all on fire, stay away from those regions. Go back to your homes in Pakistan. Go back to your homes where you belong and stay out of the regions where you don’t belong. We pray that Allah (AJ) dress us bless us and protect us. Bi Hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi Siri Surat al-Fatiha. Click the link now to subscribe .