GliMR - Short Term Scientific Mission - Dr Ruben Nechifor

Sep 1, 2020 12:21 · 200 words · 1 minute read even personally consider productive team

STSM’s are in general great opportunities, because they offer you the tremendous benefit of being part of great research teams, and exploit their knowledge and infrastructure, which I personally consider being a crucial step in advancing your research career. Even if it was shorter than what I expected due to the Coronavirus crisis, this STSM was particularly a great scientific mission, because, during this time, I had the privilege to meet Prof. Michael Chappell and his very productive team, and to join their effort in developing the Quantifyse tool, which will be used in providing a freely available, and unbiased range of DSC analysis options of glioma imaging. The most impressive result obtained in this STSM, is related with identifying another leakage-correction method: more exactly, the bidirectional leakage-correction method, which should be implemented in the existing infrastructure for DSC-MRI analysis in order to obtain a better fitting for particular types of tissue, such as tumours. In conclusion, I will definately encourage any young research to consider STSM, because of the powerfull result which could be obtained and because STSM will also open further area of research and collaborations with various experts, as this STSM did for me! Thank you. .