2020 Was The Most Important Year Of My Life...
Dec 19, 2020 18:00 · 1093 words · 6 minute read
so i think we can all agree that 2020 has been a bit of a [ __ ] year for everyone you know really unexpected things have happened this year that none of us could have prepared for but i think in times like this it’s really really good to start reflecting on the positive to really appreciate how lucky we all are to just be alive now a year ago i made a video explaining why 2019 was the best year of my life and i feel like 2020 has been not only the best year of my life but the most important year of my life in terms of channel growth business growth personal growth 2020 has been the most experienced holding year of my life if that makes any sense at all so let’s run down on everything we’ve done this year reflect on the positives and just ignore the negatives for a minute because we’ve experienced a lot of them but positives are also a good thing to reflect on so let’s go so the start of 2020 i played fortnite with extreme dares made the world’s smallest party in my room made an ultimate blanket fort in my room ran over a live straw to see what was inside made a bathtub full of tea gave my girlfriend the world’s biggest valentine’s day card made 100 pancakes and did asmr customized some air force ones started to self-isolate clipped laundry pegs to my body made an outfit out of sellotape made a tower of party cups and knocked them down covered my entire room with sticky notes destroyed my subscriber’s face with facetune spent 100 pounds on scratch cards and made nothing back made a huge tango ice blast ate a hell of a lot of krispy kremes made a nando’s chicken burger from scratch unboxed a mystery box from ramel with yeezys and jordans in which i still cannot believe made a giant rubber bamboo and fruit off the roof of my girlfriend’s house made a big mac from scratch ruined my subscribers with facetune again super glued high heels to my feet for a day which i still can feel the pain in my nightmares jumped into a trampoline full of lego made a giant coffee in my bath got a concussion made a giant bowl of cereal superglued calyx’s no two-way shoes to my feet made of four guys obstacle course in real life open my own restaurant burst the bubbles on my vapor max made a hot chocolate in jay’s bath and then sent generated 40 cheeseburgers as a prank let a mystery will decide my next tattoo 820 000 calories got scammed 100 pounds out of a childish hoodie played among us with you guys unboxed my brand new hoodie that just released offered a trade with me that he couldn’t turn down played among us live my first ever gaming live stream on the channel and it went so good destroyed my first edition charizard and [ __ ] up my head for a new series that i want to start called blindfolded barbers so if you guys want to see any more youtubers on blindfolded barbers then please let me know in the comments but apart from all of that i feel like we should talk about some more things that i achieved outside of just making videos i found a new passion for music and not just listening to it but making it i grew my channel by over double in a year which is [ __ ] mental i revamped my room at my office space to make it a little bit more livable and nice designed marketed and released my first ever hoodie under batson clothing limited which i’m so super proud of like guys i own my own company are you joking build relationships that i will never ever take for granted with some amazing new youtubers creators and basically just sick people all around got some tattoos released my second ever hoodie under batson clove unlimited which it’s just crazy it’s crazy that i own my own company what the [ __ ] is going on all in all this year i’ve made videos i’ve grown a channel and i’ve made memories but i feel like the most important thing to take away from 2020 is despite the negative [ __ ] that has happened right i’m happy and a year ago today if you told me in a year’s time you’re going to be in this position what you never imagined you’d be and i’d laugh in your face as i’ve said because i did not think it was able to go from where i was to now in only a year and i feel like it’s just proof that if you genuinely put your mind to something and if it’s deeply rooted in your bones that’s something that you want to do is just so ingrained into your mind then you will do it and i feel like this year has been such a huge learning opportunity for me because i’ve used every single second that i’ve had in work out of work on furlough making youtube videos doing so much crazy stuff that has allowed me to grow not only as a person but as a creator i’ve not taken any of it for granted and all of it is thanks to you guys every single person that subscribed to this channel every single person that watches my videos likes my videos comments on my videos i say this every single time but you guys are making my dreams closer and closer to reality every single day by your continued support and i cannot thank you enough so thank you from the bottom of my heart thank you so much for trying your best to make my dreams a reality and all i can give you in return is some sick [ ] content so in 2021 if i tell you some of the videos that i have lined up already filmed and edited for 2021 you would not believe it a channel of my size creating such sick [ ] content for you guys it is unreal so what i’m going to say is stay tuned for 2021 because it is going to be 10 times better than 2020 if not 20 times better thank you guys for an amazing year and this is another amazing year i guess peace you .