Indigathon TBR [CC]
Nov 5, 2020 20:54 · 1408 words · 7 minute read
What’s up, friends? Welcome back to another video. I hope everyone is doing alright as we wait for the results. I am really anxious or I was. I just made some green tea so that’s gonna help me. But, I do hope everyone is practicing some self-care, if they can. It’s very important as we have a long way to go until we know the final results. I’m here for everyone.
00:25 - My DMs are always open if you need to vent or talk about your anxiety. I’m here for you, I’m here for everyone. And I hope we can all be there for each other. Today, I am going to be sharing my November TBR. I’ll be participating in two readathons: Indigathon and the Queer Lit Readathon Round Six. Before I get into my TBR, please check my description box for updated petitions and if you haven’t heard about the #EndSars movement in Nigeria, I have linked resources down below.
00:55 - I also highly encourage you to watch the livestream done by The Black Prose Club with a fellow Nigerian Booktuber, Noria who had to relive her trauma to educate us on the police bruality and the horrific events that are happening by police in Nigeria. I highly recommend to go and watch that to learn more about the #EndSars movement and then educate yourself on it. And the other resources will navigate you to donation links, petitions, and ways to send emails or call to EndSars. November is Native American Heritage Month and Indigathon is a readathon focused on reading works by Indigenous authors. The readathon is being held throughout the whole month of November and hosted by two Indigenous booktubers, Michelle from thorwantsanotherletter and Brody from Et tu, Brody? Please check out both of their channels.
01:49 - They make really good content and I’ve gotten really good book recommendations from the both of them. I will leave all of the links in my description for the readathon. They have Instagram challenges, giveaways, and they are also doing Twitter sprints on their Twitter. This is such a great readathon and I am so excited to participate. This readathon has a bingo board and as I filled mine out, I could win bingo two ways. So, I’m going to start with the top.
02:14 - The first prompt is “Intersectionality”, meaning to read an Indigenous author who also is intersectional. I’ve been reading a lot of poetry this year, so I chose the poetry collection, Disintergrate/Disssociate by Arielle Twist. She is a trans woman, and I really enjoyed the Native poetry collection I read, Holy Wild by Gwen Benaway. So, I’m excited to read this one. This poetry collection is about Arielle’s experience’s as an Indigenous trans woman. She is Cree and Two-Spirit. The next prompt is “New To You” and this is to read a book by an Indigenous author who is new to you and you haven’t read before.
02:50 - I’m going to be reading There, There by Tommy Orange. My sister had to read this book for school. So, I am going to be looking for it in our house. I know Brody talks about loving this one and I am very excited to read it. I know it’s fiction. There, There follows 12 characters who are all going to the Big Oakland Pow-Wow in California. It sounds like it’s gonna be good. So, I’m hoping that I can find the book in my house and get to read it for Indigathon. Tommy Orange is from the Cheyenne and Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma. The next prompt is “Other Than 5CT” - meaning to read a book by an author who is not from one of the Five Civilized Tribes and I have chosen Elatsoe by Darcy Little Badger who is from the Lipan Apache Tribe of Texas. This book has also been recommended a lot and I am very eager to read it. I just read an article on We Need Diverse Books and it was #ownvoices and it was just a great interview and made me learn more about the story.
03:52 - Elatsoe is about a seventeen-year old girl named, Ellie who can raise the ghosts of animals and that sounds so fun! She also is asexual and I am going to be reading this book for the Queer Lit Readathon and that is going to fulfill the prompt, “a book with an Ace/Aro main character”. I’m not sure if I’m going to read it physically or listen to the audiobook because Hoopla has both. But, either way I’m going to be reading that this month. By completing the books for the first row, I will give myself a bingo. I could have a second bingo with the first row and the next prompt would be “To read a Middle Grade”. I have chosen ‘Cattywampus’ by Ash Van Otterloo. This is an Appalachian book. As I’m still on a Halloween kick, this is a perfect book to read. It is about a rival witch family, witches, and saving a town. I am very excited. It sounds so good and this is one of Brody’s favorite books of the year and I’m just excited to finally experience it. The last prompt in the first row is “Other Than the US” - meaning to read a book by a Native author outside of the U.S. And I’ve chosen Pet by Akwaeke Emezi.
05:00 - I have already started this and I am obsessed. I love it so much and I just can’t wait to keep reading it and I have not felt like that in a long time. This is about a trans girl named Jam and she is selective mute and she does sign which I love. I think that’s such great representation. This is a Fantasy. I haven’t really gotten to the magic part yet. I am just really enjoying the message of monsters as a metaphor.
05:26 - I really enjoy that and I just can’t wait to keep reading this. For this prompt, Akwaeke Emezi was born and raised in Nigeria and they are Igbo. And last for Indigathon, I have a free space and I will be using Mongrels by Stephen Graham Jones and this is actually the Spooky Bitches Book Club pick for November and I’ve been waiting to read it for that. Last month, I read Mapping the Interior by Stephen Graham Jones and absoutely loved it. So, I am excited to read like a full-length novel from him? This is also on Hoopla and I’m very excited.
05:57 - The Spooky Bitches Book Club is hosted by Brody and Angel and I will have all of the information for that book club linked down below. This book is about werewolves, and I’ve never read a book about werewolves. So, I’m very interested. I really like the way that Stephen Graham Jones writes. The way he writes his characters - in this book we are going to be following the main character from age seven to seventeen and I love that. I just love how he writes like that. And yeah, I’m just excited to read this. First time for everything. For more info on the readathon, and to check out more Indigenous authors, I have a link down below to the playlist of Indigenous creators that Brody created so go and check them out.
06:36 - For the non-bookish media prompt, you could go and watch some of the booktubers on that playlist. I ended up listening to an Indigenous playlist on Spotify. So, I’ll link that down below, too if you would like to use that for your non-bookish media prompt. So, that is all for my Indigathon TBR. I am going to be posting my Queer Lit Readathon TBR at the end of the month just because it goes over to Decemeber. I think it would be eaiser to just do it at the end of the month because I don’t know if this is my official TBR.
07:07 - I’ll just link some things down below for that if you would like to check it out and if you just haven’t heard about it yet. So, that is it for me today. Thank you all for watching. I hope you’re all doing okay. I’ll see you next time, bye. ( You Are Never Alone by Zachary Friederich playing) .