La otra cara de la tecnología
Mar 21, 2020 19:43 · 289 words · 2 minute read
Good morning YouTube, we are the Auriga team formed by Francisco, Jaime and Miguel and we are going to talk about the effect of computing on decent work and economic growth let’s start Nowadays each of us has one of these and we complain when the battery runs out something very annoying for us But how many of you have asked ever from where the materials for the manufacture are obtained If we flip the coin we will see that all that glitters is not gold We only have to get away 5000 km from our country Half of the planet’s cobalt reserve mines are located in the Congo are located in the Congo and despite this the revenue are very poor only 88 million of the total 2600 Most of these mines are controlled by rebels and unfortunately there is slavery and child exploitation children between 5 and 14 years are forced to work in terrible conditions of hygiene and health Charging as little as $ 15-20 a week for 12 consecutive hours of work Now that you know the other side of computing you will be asked How can we informatics help alleviate this situation? We leave that to your choice sure you can think of great ideas to help get a more decent job without affecting your economic growth But if you are not inspired, we show you some ideas VIM is a text editing tool which collaborates in favoring decent work How it does? As we can see its founder created an association where they teach a lot of students to guarantee them a good education in addition to providing them with materials to alleviate its harsh working conditions VERY WELL DONE VIM !!!! .