Simon Sinek - Coronavirus Team Speech
Apr 2, 2020 19:20 · 1015 words · 5 minute read
I just did a web a podcast interview with some folks in Australia and they were pushing me very hard to try and explain how the infinite mindset helps in times like these and I had a thought on that call that I wanted to share with everybody which is these are not unprecedented times there are many cases lists of cases were change or something unexpected has put many companies out of business and made other companies come out stronger and reinvent themselves the invention of the internet put many many companies out of business the ones who could not reinvent their companies for the Internet age but rather double down on the old way they did business every video store is out of business because because of streaming and they couldn’t reinvent themselves when Starbucks moved into neighborhoods many many companies went out of business many coffee shops went out of business not because of Starbucks but because they refused to change the way they did business they still had an old ripped up couch when you had a better product uber is putting taxi companies out of business not because it Uber it’s because the taxis refused to change this is not unprecedented the fact that something new and this more sudden absolutely more shocking absolutely without a doubt but this is not unprecedented in the business world and so for us to say not how do we do what we’re doing but rather how will we do what we’re doing in a different world and the world is different and and and and I and the thing that I said on this interview was it’s the companies that have been investing in will and had it and having an infinite mindset for a long time that will come out of this stronger because they’re prepared some of many of them were saving money as opposed to giving out huge fat bonuses to everybody and spending all the money and the will of the people is high to figure out a way through it the ones that are struggling the most are the ones that spend all their money save nothing appeased Wall Street and the will of the people is low that people are in survival mode rather than reinvention mode it’s the companies that with an infinite mindset that are a reinvention mode is the companies are the finite mindset that are in survival mode regardless of how much money they have it’s the mindset how are we gonna get through this versus how are we gonna change to get through this so I feel so optimistic because we’re thinking about the future we’re in a dark tunnel but there’s a light over there I don’t know how far away that light is but I can see it but we’re in darkness now but when we come out of there we will have a better train a different train we will be a completely different business some of us will have different jobs by the time we get out of this and that’s our opportunity the opportunity is what will we be not how do we do preserve what we had that’s an infinite mindset and I’m so proud of this team because my attitude is this not theoretically but because I’m watching a team go through it right now and watching people reinvent themselves I’m watching people think about their jobs differently I’m watching people think how can I contribute in a new way I’m watching people say what could we be how will we bring our message to people in a different way in new ways that will last forever by the way not just for now so proud of you guys love you guys because we are a living example of the stuff that I’m talking about out loud I get to say we are doing this we’re not allowing uber to put us out of business well not online Starbucks to put us out of business we’re not allowing the internet to put us out of business we’ll reinvent ourselves this is not unprecedented this has happened many many many times in business this was just a little more sudden ¨by different jobs you don’t need different jobs out of this company but reinvent yourself within this company¨ that is the opportunity so I know a company it’s a hot fine-dining restaurant in New York City he’s figured out a way to become a delivery company all of his people have kept their jobs because they have different jobs now but if you think you’re gonna do the same job and you’re waiting like if you’re a public speaker who was waiting for this to get through so you can go stand on a stage I got some bad news that that ship has sailed we have to be a normal company now we have to market ourselves and and develop product this is a huge wake-up call for us we have we had the luxury of being lazy and I don’t mean that in a bad way there was no reason to reinvent when when we’re drinking from a firehose but now the opportunity is magical I’m thinking how do I put myself out there without a stage this is entirely new for me as well this is entirely new for me but I’m not worried about what I do I’m worried about why I do it and I will find a job that helps me do that I’ll make a job that helps me do that and expect the same of everyone and here’s the best thing you don’t have to do it alone we’ve got each other’s backs we’ll help each other some of it’ll be easy some of it will be unbelievably difficult this is a very very magical team we’re streamlined good all right I got to go the doctor Thank You Simon all right I love you guys wash your hands more I’m more worried about the doctor bye .