Dutch Sheets: Binding and Loosing with Faith-Filled Decrees (Matthew 18:18)

Dec 22, 2020 12:30 · 1521 words · 8 minute read gonna see entire nations transformed

  • The greatest revival in the history of the planet is beginning now. It is, we’ve never experienced, no one has ever seen anything like it. It’s gonna be a tidal wave of power and outpouring of Holy spirit around the world. And I wanna come back to what Lance suggested, and that is the war for the soul of America is a war over this awakening. God needs an America. Our destiny that was prophesied at Cape Henry is that the gospel would go for from these shores.

00:34 - The gospel of the kingdom will go forth from these shores, not only to this land, but to all the nations of the earth, there has never been a nation raised up by God for the purpose, sole purpose of partnering with him to evangelize and share His message with the world other that I know of other than America, it is why we exist. And the reason the enemy hates us so much and is fighting us is because God needs a free America. He needs a strong America. He needs a revived awakened America in order to reap this harvest that’s coming. So we’re not talking about warring for America, I’m talking about warring for harvest. I’m talking about warring for the purposes of God around the world. And I won’t stop.

01:21 - And I tell people, my love for America is frankly, it’s not a nationalistic love. It’s a spiritual love. I fell in love all over again with America, when God mantled me and showed me His heart and His need for America. So He is sending revival. I’m telling you right now, we are moving into revival. We are moving into a third grade awakening here, first grade awakening for many, but there are going to be parts of the earth that are slammed with this revival and principalities and rue broken off of them that have never in thousands of years, been under the dominion of darkness, they’re gonna be free for the first time. You’re gonna see entire nations transformed and almost overnight.

02:06 - And so we’re moving into that and I’m telling you this war over the soul of America is connected to this degree. And I’ve been doing this for quite some time. We call it Give Him 15. And people can either download the app, Give Him 15, or they can go to givehim15.com and do it or on Facebook. But, you know, just to encourage everyone, this thing has grown in a month. We just started doing the videos. Up until this election it was just in writing, people would to read it and do it themselves.

02:40 - We started doing the videos when this all started. And so we may have, may have had 10,000 people. And in a short time, it ballooned to 150. Now it’s up close to 200,000 people a day are doing this. And I just say that to say that there is a remnant praying, you know, don’t buy this, these statements that all hope is gone, no one believes anymore. God has never needed a majority. God has always used to the remnant. He said, if two or three agree, he whittled down Gideon’s army.

03:12 - God just doesn’t need a majority, but there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people praying every single day regarding this. And it’s a short, easy read and prayer, and we try to stay right on point and we try to make it very biblical. So, you know, I like, I like what Bill said. I agree with Him a thousand percent, this is not complicated. We just take the word of the Lord, we take the promise of the Lord. And we declare that just as He said to do. He said, if you do that, you can open doors and close doors. You have keys to the kingdom and you can lock and unlock, bind and loose. Those are actually judicial terms, binding and losing the, you know, we think of tying or untying well, they became a literal physical meanings, but the origination of those words was the courtroom, legally binding and to dissolve something or lose something that legally binds because he’s talking to His earthly government, the ecclesia, and He said, I’ve given you keys. But how do we release those? We release our faith by what we do and by what we say, we don’t fight in the natural. We fight in the spirit.

04:28 - And so our words are spiritual and even the new Testament word for confession just means, say the same thing. Ham same loggia, log us words. Say the same words. We find out what God is saying to the best of our ability. And we say that, that’s how we were born again. We believe that in our heart, we say what He tells us in His word to say, and our faith is released out of our mouth. And it does something because we all know, we know words are powerful.

04:55 - God created with those words, we create with those words, He said, my words, Isaiah 55, 11, my words out of my mouth, they don’t return to me void. They do what I command them to do. And when He, and He said, the word do accomplished there, he uses the very same word as the Hebrew word for creation. Asa, my words He said, create. When I send them, they create, they do exactly what I say. So the key is become convinced of what God is saying. You have to listen to what he’s saying, you have to have that witnessed in your heart. Yes, I believe this word.

05:28 - And then we begin to say what He says, and we hold fast to that. And it’s just, again, it’s faith one-on-one, we just do it, we just keep doing it. We persevere. We don’t grow weary in well-doing because we know in due season, we’re gonna reap if we don’t fail. So, you know, to me, we just have to persevere and that’s what we do in Give Him 15. Every day, every day. Well, I keep myself reminded of the passage. It says, we’re wrestling with flesh and blood. That doesn’t mean they’re not involved. That doesn’t mean that God doesn’t have to deal with them. It means that my anger and my spiritual authority is not aimed at a person, it’s aimed at the spirit behind that. It’s aimed at the strategy and the plan itself. Jesus, didn’t say, whosoever you bind on earth will be bound. He said whatsoever.

06:21 - And so I have to remember that I love people and I want to see them delivered. And so I asked for God’s judgments, but I know that he’s a righteous judge. Sometimes He judges with mercy. Sometimes He judges and says innocent, but I trust His judgment. It’s good to ask for Him to shake, to judge, to expose because He knows how to do that in perfect balance. And He will always do it with perfect love. So I don’t tell Him how to do it.

06:48 - I do address situations and I address the powers of darkness that we’re told we wrestle against but I can walk in love toward people, even my enemies. So again, that doesn’t mean I sit back and let them do whatever they wanna. If someone comes and tries to break into my house, I’m not gonna allow that if I can stop it, and there’s nothing wrong with that. And that’s not a lack of love. That’s just common sense and protecting those that God’s called me to protect, et cetera. So I do that, I do the same thing spiritually.

07:17 - You know, I’m not gonna let the enemy come in and steal my nation just because I wanna sit back and love to all, love everybody, you know, whatever they do, they do, that is not biblical, Jesus didn’t do that. The early church didn’t do that. They made a stand for righteousness, Jesus over through the tables, Jesus spoke out against the hypocrites, the Pharisees, the religious spirit. He had compassion for the sinner, the normal run of the middle streets, the prostitute, the people out there just, you know, that didn’t get it. He had great mercy for them, but He hated that religious spirit, and He hated the political spirit. And He dealt with that. And when He had to rebuke people, so, you know, but no one’s gonna say Jesus was not the greatest lover, He is love. So we just have to remember that.

08:00 - And we have to walk in that and speak truth. There’s nothing unkind about speaking truth. I don’t rant and rave against people. I rant and rave against policies. I speak against evil works and plans and strategies, but I don’t have to be accusatory to individuals in order to do that. .