REMONT SYPIALNI panele tapicerowane ♥ zabudowa grzejnika

Dec 30, 2020 16:00 · 1689 words · 8 minute read look neat order still much

We welcome you very warmly, I am Marta, Krzysiu And welcome to the new old bedroom As you can see behind us we have quite a big change here And if someone forgot what it looked like before and would like to see exactly what it looks like now We are already showing you The most important element of this bedroom is There are FLLOW panels. Such panels that we have installed in the back there, behind me you can see This is what we chose because our bed completely collapsed and we had to use something else In return, and we did not want to buy a new bed, we just wanted to repair it Our whole bed was made of eco leather and after a few years of headlessness everything started to peel off completely and at this point it is useless. Before us we had to replace the bed with a new one or give our old bed a new life And we chose the latter option The film is recorded together with the FLLOW brand We have an endless the number of ideas for the arrangement of these panels in various combinations and are also available in many different types materials From such a teddy bear through ordinary upholstered materials You can choose the color depending on what suits you and what you would like to do They are very easy to install , we mounted them on a double-sided tape They can also be mounted on glue, we just chose a double-sided tape with velcro . they soundproof the room give such coziness We can give them in the office, we can give them in the living room behind the sofa We can give them in the children’s room or, as we made ourselves, a headless bed from these panels We test them already because we have them for two weeks when we finished the bedroom design And we can to say with a clear conscience and hand on heart that it was a great choice, at the moment we know that it is a really nice exit and the panels are also easily available We give you a link to the page where we ordered them directly but you can also get them in stationary stores I brand FLLOW has everything listed on the page where you can get it to see it physically. They’re really solidly made like this neat, nice So many panels where we had quite a lot of them, none had any defect You can do something yourself that a carpenter would have to do for you, you do it to size and now, due to the fact that we have access to such panels, it is not so distant and above all so expensive Because if you do it yourself, you really save a lot on the contractor, on all this.

03:33 - The panels have so many sizes that you will surely fit it so that it will look like a made-to-measure. The FLLOW brand was kind enough to give us a fabric so that we could cover the bed. So I personally knocked the bed up, but everything in order. We zero our bedroom for us and invite you to show us how we did it. And what? we are going with this topic Today we will change our bedroom a bit we chose crazy things that you will see soon on the prints From the project how we designed it Yes, we designed everything for ourselves, we looked for a solution for a long time But we like the current design very much Due to the fact that our the bedroom was just a room with a bed.

04:29 - We want to cover this entire part because the radiator does not fit us here at all And we will build the radiator in. So that the radiator is functional and continues to heat the room, we will have fireplace vents here and there will be four such. Someone designed it here so that instead of a bed symmetrically between the windows We have a symmetrical radiator. But that’s how it was when we bought a house . Because we are more able to build a wall than move the radiator. We found out that we would build a wall.

05:05 - And the most important part of this bed in our whole bedroom will be FLLOW panels. We’ve seen them several times. It looks beautiful in the design as you can see And they will make all the cosiness of this bedroom. Great, honey, you’re doing it, great. Now we’re going to make the whole frame. The first part of the frame is ready, so we have top plate Here you go shelf Which shut us all to the wall it is not yet screwed if anyone thinks this is askew Here it is the whole frame when mounted now strip starting the sides and we are on the distance all connect to each other I will not fidgeted already even one air vent has landed here There will be such a beautiful wall with vents And there will be a bed with cupboards Krzyś cuts the boards I am useful as dust under the bed I am only to move the boards and there were only three So I did not do much waiting until I could prove myself But my husband is working full steam ahead let’s see what it looks like here It looks like beautiful Will you pass me a knife? Oh Jesus I will be of use for something Please, thank you Oh God, oh God my husband will cut two more contacts and I will be able to clean I will be useful for something We are making a wall we have the first part already installed there now we are going with more We know that there will be a lot of comments about the heater How could we do this? We invented it in such a way that we had access to the radiator So we have access to the valves at the bottom, we have access to the thermostat We have access to vent to all the elements that we need to have access to the radiator, we just have them Yes, if it would be appropriate replace the radiator because you probably have not replaced it yet You do it once in your life But if someone wanted to tell us that we can replace the radiator someday , we can also implement this option and take out the radiator And the next thing, i.e. the temperature, we tested it in a few ways How to best arrange it so that this temperature reaches us here, because, as you know, we will build the entire radiator in, then this temperature may drop That it will not be so efficient But we used an air supply under the radiator through such a long strip and the discharge of this air above the radiator So at this point we have this circulation, flow And still cold air from the ground It is sucked into this radiator And it is pushed upwards and when you put your hand next to the vent, it feels like blowing warm air And let me just tell you that heating the bedroom is much more efficient with this housing and it is still much warmer in the bedroom despite all this that the radiator is built-in, we also have it overworked Our room was completely unmovable due to the radiator in the back now it took on a completely different character I just want to add that the radiator casings are normally sold The fact that we enclosed it in this way, this is ours idea However, such things can also be bought We are starting to unscrew the bed The panels are already more or less standing they will be up Here we have the cupboards already partially folded the second part is yet to come Okay, we start bumping in the same material in which we have the panels on the headless bed W first we have to measure the material. Now I will cut it, see how it is you look here we have an effect after And if someone forgot what the side looked like before, see for yourself What we will need for this, of course the material, a meter some strip, a soap for marking a sewing machine and taker This material has something in it that you can have two colors in one because now it looks like this, and it is enough to turn it upside down and we already have a darker shade We are starting to turn the bed, we have to cut the beam that will connect it all into a rectangle IKEA arrived, cabinets and shelves are folded up also It’s time, my love ? It’s time to stick the panels, we will stick them on double-sided tape.

12:01 - On such a special Velcro which is available just for these panels Thanks to which we can, for example, replace the panel that breaks or completely change the arrangement, for example, replace the color with other panels, so a nice option not to stick these panels directly to the wall.We will now cut them into pieces of this turnip And we will stick to the panel And then this panel will go to the wall here right below. Pay attention to the panels made of this material to arrange them well. So that there will be no color differences And that’s it for today, leave a paw up. If you have a lot of paws in we move upstairs with another project Maybe a wardrobe? However, we will be very pleased because we worked hard, maybe we also showed you some new alternative.

13:40 - If you use our way at home, we are waiting for your photos for your comments, we invite you to subscribe to be up to date and see you in the next material, PA.