Librem 5 Shell: Convergence Concept Art by Tobias

Apr 7, 2020 16:59 · 185 words · 1 minute read right opens 50 hey chino

There are no floating windows. Apps open fullscreen and take up the entire workspace by default. Windows can be grouped onto the same workspace in tiled layouts in the overview, and the exact sizes can be adjusted with explicit resize handles between windows. Tiles can be split along both axes, as long as the minimum size of the respective windows allows for it. Multitasking works similarly across desktop and phone. Three-finger swiping from the bottom, or clicking the bottom bar, or pressing Super key, opens the overview, where tiled app groups are arranged in an horizontal view.

00:50 - Three finger swiping from the left, or clicking the time, opens the calendar, including upcoming events and weather. Three finger swiping from the right opens the system status area and notifications. After boot up, and when there are no open windows, Shell only shows the app grid, and you can’t leave the overview. When the first window is opened, the app grid is compressed vertically, and the strop of running applications appears at the top. Hey Chino? You believe we should f*ck this video up? .