IPFS GUI and Browsers Biweekly 2020-06-02
Jun 4, 2020 19:27 · 5910 words · 28 minute read
Marcin Rataj (lidel): And welcome, welcome to go and in web browsers be weekly call for the second of June. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yeah. Marcin Rataj (lidel): So let’s jump straight to the first one is Marcin Rataj (lidel): Topic about third party opinion integration in desktop and web UI. Jessica Schilling: I yeah I think most folks on this call have heard this already, but the materials that were sort of sketched out at the pinning summit. We’ve turned those into high fidelity screens. There’s two links there I can share my screen. If anybody wants to see them up to all y’all. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yes, please. Okay. Jessica Schilling: Which point, everything’s going to get all porky on my screen. But let’s let’s give this let’s give this a go. Jessica Schilling: All right. Jessica Schilling: Can you all see that Jacob Heun: Yes. Jessica Schilling: Okay, cool. It’s tiny. Let’s make it bigger.
01:12 - Jessica Schilling: So these sort of sit in two different Jessica Schilling: Two different flows. One is within the settings screen the existing settings green Jessica Schilling: Where we’ve added a box at the top for folks to integrate the pending services of their choice. The default is just local pinning if you’ve got absolutely nothing someone’s bringing me coffee. Hooray. Thank you. Jessica Schilling: So the default, you have, you don’t have anything. It’s all those just going to be the local pinning Jessica Schilling: But you add a service and it walks you through this.
This is sort of an intermediate step all we’ve still got a small number of providers. We wanted to showcase them and have them. Jessica Schilling: Have big flashy icons and to encourage more people to do so if one of these is not depending service you want you can add your own custom one Jessica Schilling: And flows. Pretty simple. You give it a nickname, in case you have to end Farah accounts you put in your secret key and then Jessica Schilling: Upload. There’s a couple of settings for that. I’ll go into it. I’ll go into that in a sec. You can visit the pending Services website, presumably Jessica Schilling: They will have some nice instructions for you every ball involving getting started on on web UI or desktop, but that link goes to something external Jessica Schilling: If it’s a Custom Fitting service, the exact same box, except you don’t have a pretty icon and you have to find the API endpoint. Jessica Schilling: There’s also a link here that says if you want to make your custom pinning service available to other people.
You can do that that link would go to somewhere on our docs that talks about how to integrate with our pinning API, which is not exist yet. Jessica Schilling: So say you’ve got a bunch of them because you’re a super interesting person and it says the number of files, you’ve got on them. The bandwidth use which is still a little bit hand wavy Jessica Schilling: So these are your auto upload settings, either. Nothing’s gonna get auto uploaded or everything you pinned to your local node will get automatically uploaded to that third party or all your services will get uploaded some more details for how you edit it or remove it and Jessica Schilling: Some little things like say you were auto uploading every saying or your you were auto uploading anything. And then you say, I want to upload on my pins. Jessica Schilling: You can say, oh, do you want to upload it first.
03:36 - Jessica Schilling: Linking all of the pins that you’ve currently got so there’s a bunch of and I, no need to go into detail about all of these, but there’s bunch of dialogues and such for exceptions. So Jessica Schilling: That’s how that lives in the settings screen I can move on to the file screen if y’all want to see or even any questions. Jessica Schilling: Alright. Jessica Schilling: I’ll screen. Jessica Schilling: Is Jessica Schilling: Very tiny Jessica Schilling: Oh, this is settings. Jessica Schilling: I’m really not a big fan of sigma Jessica Schilling: I can move on and find it. I’m in web. Web sigma and I don’t actually know how to use web Sigma Marcin Rataj (lidel): To the chat. Jessica Schilling: I thank you very much. Jessica Schilling: Thank you.
Alright, so this guy’s got to flows, because we’re not completely certain yet whether we want to allow manual painting of individual files. Jessica Schilling: But say, here we are sitting in the file screen, it looks fairly familiar, but you’ve got this somewhat amended pin status column. This is up to a little bit of discussion right now if it’s just locally pin. Jessica Schilling: You just have a pin if it’s only cloud and cloud pinned if it’s only pen with a third party service, which is sort of a rare situation. Jessica Schilling: That’s if you back out of one of your automatic preferences and then you on pin something locally, for example, but then you’ve also got things are pinned to both Jessica Schilling: If you want to learn more.
And then there’s also this is probably going to be a little bit tough to do, but in the idea is floated that you have the standard loading animation, while a file is being pinned and that may not happen, but that’s the forums. If it does, Jessica Schilling: Say we have the option for manual pinning you get this. The three dots menu, you have a set pinning menu option here rather than just pen that gives you Jessica Schilling: And if you have more than one file selected, you get set pinning down here, which currently don’t get at all. Jessica Schilling: And this will tell you what services, you’ve already got and you could manually override some of them so Jessica Schilling: Yeah, and then also if you need to go to your settings, it’ll kick you back the settings if something is strange. Jessica Schilling: If Jessica Schilling: The individual override of the global pending rules, turns out to be too much to deal with.
And then this just turns into the pin and pin menu as we know it. Jessica Schilling: And if you Jessica Schilling: If we’ve we’ve talked about this isn’t set in stone. But if you were to just click on this pin status. Jessica Schilling: In this would only be in a world in which you don’t have the override enabled because there’d be no other way to find this information if you clicked on the icon and pin status, it would tell you which services, it’s pinned with just the check marks. You can’t do anything. Jessica Schilling: And then there’s just a couple of different states in here, some error states if we can’t query whether something is successfully pin will add an overlay icon and a piece of snack bar that says, Go check your settings. And that is it so far. Jessica Schilling: I will stop sharing my screen, but there is no fixed the link.
There is also an epic that we’ve set up and get up, you can click on that to see all the constituent parts questions rackley 07:40 - Irakli Gozalishvili: I have a question, if I may. Irakli Gozalishvili: What do you say local pin signifier. Jessica Schilling: Logo pen is just that it’s pinned at your local node. Irakli Gozalishvili: And local node being on a different machine or it’s Jessica Schilling: Being on the Jessica Schilling: Being on the machine that you’re using right now. So it would be the same, the same visual language that you’re using in web UI and desktop right now that that that that icon present right now indicates that your opinions to the box that you’re running web UI on at the moment. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yeah so.
But basically, on the top right corner of web UI, you got this option to connect to arbitrary API. Marcin Rataj (lidel): So that those local pins are local to the API you connected with you i to cause like, where do I live. Marcin Rataj (lidel): In IPF has desktop, but some people may just run web UI on its own and it will still work. Irakli Gozalishvili: I guess I was assuming that whatever you see in the manifest. It’s, it’s not gonna, it’s not going to be. You see, but if you do it, then it seems like Marcin Rataj (lidel): Oh, yeah.
08:50 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): That’s in mfs is implicitly pin and by that we mean it won’t be garbage collected so it’s like protected from garbage collection, but it’s not explicitly pinned so if you do API call for like pls it won’t show up there and by Marcin Rataj (lidel): If we are the remote cleaning services and you are able to set up that remote pinning service to automatically a pin everything in your mfs so you’ve got a copy of everything, but maybe you don’t want to Marcin Rataj (lidel): Automatically backup everything and you just want to manually Mark things Marcin Rataj (lidel): Here is where we like make those local pins more useful because in mfs if you pin something it’s effectively does nothing. It’s just like shows as an explicit been but it it’s protected. Either way, but here this act of pinning and that icon which was kind of useless until now. Marcin Rataj (lidel): has a meaning if us set up. It’s like a trigger for triggering remote been as well. You can set up like Marcin Rataj (lidel): pinata to automatically pin stuff your local the paint and you made that way. Marcin Rataj (lidel): It’s like a bit clear visual language of controlling what’s been and what’s not without going too deep, and the Marcin Rataj (lidel): Two flows that Jessica shown on the file screen. The bottom one is like the super simple. The simplest one where you actually are not able to override any Marcin Rataj (lidel): Pinning strategy, apart from tweaking that on the settings you can either like disable automatically pin local one needs locally pinned or in everything. Marcin Rataj (lidel): So it’s just a rapper person local pins as a trigger which kinda like bridges the onboarding like likes most the onboarding for users who are familiar with the idea of painting, but may not fully understand what’s the cloud been Irakli Gozalishvili: I just fear, it might be a little complicated for people to understand, especially winds are like two different kind of pinning which one to use. When will they do. Jessica Schilling: Right. And a lot of that I think is going to rely on very good guidance around the setup flow for Jessica Schilling: Any of those new third party services. We want to make sure that the documentation.
We provide both 11:26 - Jessica Schilling: Explains a really good concise definition of pinning on its own, but then also explains really what Lytle just said in terms of why Jessica Schilling: Maybe introducing the metaphor of using a local pin as a means for doing more useful global or other people accessible ends, for example. So yeah, it’s gonna it’s gonna hit on really good on morning documentation. Irakli Gozalishvili: Thanks for explaining Jessica Schilling: That other thing is mine too. Jessica Schilling: So we put out that survey, I guess it was about two weeks ago and that said, How do you use I PFS GUI tools. We had 56 responses which was cool. That’s enough to really Jessica Schilling: Kind of trust the numbers, but then also still be able to get some useful in the sound of the individual verbatim responses.
I’m going over those 12:23 - Jessica Schilling: To start with yesterday and haven’t dug too deep. But a couple of interesting points is kind of everyone uses companion that’s cool desktop is a little bit more of an all or nothing sort of scenario. People either said they use it often or never which was interesting. Jessica Schilling: Web UI peak sort of in the middle of that range and then COI is fairly universally used. This is something interesting, because this aligns with Jessica Schilling: What we have seen, you know, what were the audience assumption we’re working on right now is that most respondents are saying Jessica Schilling: Is about 72% say they’re using I PFS for learning how to use I pfs and hacking on I PFS Jessica Schilling: But this gets interesting.
Because I’m that motivation is nearly first place tie with people who are saying, I’m using IP fest to publish websites or share things she or publish articles share files was a close third place. This is something interesting that I’ll get to in a second. Jessica Schilling: Will know that the best loved features are just like real super gooey stuff visual indicators for network traffic for bandwidth. The number of nodes connected in your bar in your browser. Jessica Schilling: Right click actions drag and drop stuff like that.
Um, so this, I think, at a very high level is telling us 13:41 - Jessica Schilling: We’re not going to be able to align on a a very well defined funnel. If you want to use sort of marketing language around this to get people Jessica Schilling: To learn more, and engage more with I pfs and then maybe what we need to be thinking about, you know, we’ve been so focused on the single hacker audience really Jessica Schilling: It may be best to start thinking about this as two or three primary journeys are funnels. Jessica Schilling: And based on the core stakeholder types that we had from the ecosystem audit because there isn’t really a clear winner here and I think we’re seeing this in some of the collapse discussions as well as we’re starting to see Jessica Schilling: Not super, super, super technical but moderately technical integration guidance or integration inspiration from folks. So, so this is going to get interesting. Jessica Schilling: You tentatively, I might think that that splits out along the hackers. Jessica Schilling: The, the very well informed business users and then the people who just want to build a website on I PFS now the the people who are early adopters, but who may not necessarily care.
14:52 - Jessica Schilling: passionately about the web. For example, it was like, oh, this is a cool new thing. Let me play with it. So watch this space. I will share more stuff as I get more stuff. Jessica Schilling: But, but it’s interesting just to see that there really was not a clear winner in any of this. Any questions on that. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I will surprise that publishing website was higher than sharing files. Jessica Schilling: I know right. I mean, they’re pretty close. They are pretty close. But it’s very, it’s very definitely publishing websites sharing files and hacking Jessica Schilling: And then there’s like everything else, and that includes people who responded that they’re using IP address is part of Jessica Schilling: Its you know critical to their open source project or it’s critical to their to their business model or something like that which you know I expected to see those little bit maybe not that low. Oh, that was interesting.
15:45 - Irakli Gozalishvili: Is this related to try to figure out what to do with the web UI first or like getting out of Irakli Gozalishvili: Desktop or is it Jessica Schilling: Someone some, um, so it was a it was a good set of focus questions to to get you an initial answer to that question. Jessica Schilling: The answer to that question is fairly murky even just based on the distribution of who uses what, there’s some some new ones and some of the other questions where people are like, Jessica Schilling: I was, I was very surprised to see a lot less confusion around like accidentally trying to open multiple nodes, for example, than we were suspecting and then the distribution of the Jessica Schilling: We just flat out. Ask them if we worked out desktop, what would that make your life better or worse or not care that was sort of an interesting one, too. So, so we may Jessica Schilling: We may actually want to approach this more as a sort of getting an idea of audience segmentation at this point. Jessica Schilling: Especially now that we’re sort of distracted with pending service stuff. But, um, but it does give us.
It does give us some initial guidance on both of those and answer your question. Irakli Gozalishvili: Yes, thank you. Okay. Jessica Schilling: I’ve been talking for a long time. Can I stop talking now. Jessica Schilling: Okay. Cool. Thanks. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I can, I can pick it up. I think this one is mine. Marcin Rataj (lidel): So subdomains. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Long time no speak. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Maybe I’ll quickly share my screen. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Please tell me that you can Marcin Rataj (lidel): See something Marcin Rataj (lidel): I assume you can see something so yes subdomain support for longer the IDs are there are two fixes. I’m not sure if I mentioned that on this call.
Specifically, I mentioned it on the other calls so 17:50 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): Long story short is the Marcin Rataj (lidel): Longer CDs, do not fit within Marcin Rataj (lidel): Six different character limit of a single label for the Ns compliant domain name. Marcin Rataj (lidel): It’s not the problem right now, but in the future when we decide to switch to a longer harsh. By default, or when people start using Marcin Rataj (lidel): Ed to five 519 keys. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Which will probably at some point, switch guy DFS as a new default that will go over when I’m called it to base 32 so the ways to fix it. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Involve either splitting the label or changing the encoding.
18:42 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): And each one has pros and cons. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Splitting is easy because you can simply take the CD and adults after 63 characters. The problem is that Marcin Rataj (lidel): causes problems as sub domain gateways when people want to provide pls certificate. There are no multi level certificates. You can only create a wild card for a single level. So the problem is if you split, you can only get a third for a single level. Marcin Rataj (lidel): So we looked at ways to fix it. One, we want to provide pls at the public gateways, at least for the defaults. So the default CD produced by Greg Fs, and the default Marcin Rataj (lidel): Pure ID which people will use for publishing happiness websites. At some point in the future. So the fixes are splitting long CDs. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Art 63 characters. There’s an upper PR, but I believe we got the consensus that it’s mostly waiting for being merchants shipped with the next version logo I pfs and then and the separate fix is using the base 36 specifically for those Ed. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Keys. So IPS websites would fit in a single label and we’ll get a telus cert, and I linked a discussion proposed by Peter on if we end up in this situation we have base for two to four regular CDs.
20:31 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): And we get base 36 for those elliptic curve. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Keys use for IPS publishing. So the question was, Marcin Rataj (lidel): Maybe we should switch everything to base four to six. And that’s still an open question and we’ll probably have a separate discussion design discussion with stakeholders. The sun or next week, but I just wanted to mention it here. If anyone is interested, please comment on this issue. Marcin Rataj (lidel): problems will arise. Anyway, from vice versa six, we need to add support to that across the ecosystem, it will land in the next version of go I pfs and Jess I PFS but you will take at least like one or two really cycles until our ecosystem is capable of recognizing this new Marcin Rataj (lidel): Encoding which is not that popular like base 42 was much more popular, and it’s still was pretty hard to get support that everywhere. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And there are still like some libraries like the Java HTTP library, which I looked at today, which does not support base related to, so we might need to think about Marcin Rataj (lidel): Ensuring all recordings used in the wild, at least the default Marcin Rataj (lidel): Or like default candidates are supported out of the box. So that is this problem space and sort of where we are right now. I think the action item here.
If anyone is interested is to comment on the base 46 by default in all contexts. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And I just want to highlight that like base for the two are those CDs that start with Buffy like that. They start with be but the rest is usually the same and the base 36 gives us CDs which start with K tool, which is also cool Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yeah, so that’s it and Marcin Rataj (lidel): Hopefully, it was useful tidbit of information. Any questions. Dietrich Ayala: Is there any compatibility concern. Dietrich Ayala: Okay. Well, every single one of our existing clients and libraries and Dietrich Ayala: Implementation yes and yes URLs and addresses all need to be updated.
23:04 - So, Marcin Rataj (lidel): It’s actually not it’s a hard question because depends what you mean by compatibility. So, this, this, the idea is the Content Identifiers and the identifiers us in I PFS Marcin Rataj (lidel): Have text representation and they have like the bite representation of on the wire. So here we don’t talk about changing the bite representation. So all like the networking lippy to be stuff everything on the wire and Marcin Rataj (lidel): Programmatic interfaces that will continue to work and will remain backwards compatible. The problem is the text representation, because when we Marcin Rataj (lidel): Create a text representation we add a base prefix.
So when you convert from a text representation to the binary representation you when you drop the graphics and the problem disappears. Marcin Rataj (lidel): But the problem here is if someone takes that text and input it’s in an IP application which talks lippy to pee or talks I PFS but does not support that specific base encoding. That’s the compatibility problem we need to like Marcin Rataj (lidel): Address before Dietrich Ayala: So basically, well, almost exclusively only user facing places where I see ID or address might be used. Yeah. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Or output in the console like Unix, if you will, like write scripts programs that operate on tax. Irakli Gozalishvili: And I have a question.
24:41 - Irakli Gozalishvili: As I or, I guess, check assumption and Christian. I assume that main reason is to have a Irakli Gozalishvili: Origin separation between things so Marcin Rataj (lidel): For sub domain gateways. Marcin Rataj (lidel): For that change. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Of the CIT used in the sub domain from base 32 to base for two six. The reason is we want to fit in a single label. Irakli Gozalishvili: Yeah, no, I get it. So I guess, let me rephrase I think switching from putting Civ after the slash and now moving it to the sub region is mostly to get a separate content separation is a case. Is there a reason why is this cannot be hidden away from the end user seeing like Irakli Gozalishvili: What I’m imagining gateways could do the internal redirects, but all the printed URLs might still reflect the older way of doing it.
So, 25:48 - Irakli Gozalishvili: Suppose this discussion wouldn’t be happening like I’m concerned, like you might get the same URL, but including different ways and some of them might work. And some of them may not work, and that will just create Irakli Gozalishvili: Very confusing situation. Yeah. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I totally agree what our sub domain gateways do right now if you use a subdomain gateways, such as da da web link. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And you put I PFS path. So the web links I PFS NC ID. And that’s the ID, no matter in which encoding you Marcin Rataj (lidel): Put it there our sub domain gateway will automatically normalize that CD to sub domain safe version and redirect you to a sub domain.
And if you use I PFS companion companion takes advantage of that and redirect you to that. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Router which automatically converts. But the problem is user ends up on some sub domain and it that sub domain that is that see ID. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And user may either copy that link and open it in companion or some other tool which understands I PFS but does not understand that CD encoding. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Or they may copy just sad because they know.
Oh, this is the content identifier and I can like simply take it and paste it in I PFS capable application and it will just fetch the content. So that’s that the gap. Irakli Gozalishvili: Yeah, so this is kind of what I was wondering. Irakli Gozalishvili: On I did something similar in the experimentation that I’ve been doing before with lead and I think one things that worked well and I don’t know if you Irakli Gozalishvili: Are some issues that I’m overlooking is to have the top level navigation. Irakli Gozalishvili: Keep the URL you just for the end user, brother. When he wakes up number location. You can just navigate to the iframe that eternally do the same.
27:42 - Irakli Gozalishvili: Which pretty much takes a whole UI space and you wind up with the result, where it looks like the URLs that you typed with slush. I can see ID, but internally will be still origin separated. Because the thing, everything will actually be loaded under Irakli Gozalishvili: I am I don’t want to take up too much time. Maybe there’s something we’re talking about in the future somewhere else. Marcin Rataj (lidel): But I yeah like that’s one way of addressing it.
The problem is, like, 28:14 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): It are the complexity, it’s no longer just returning the payload right and and Marcin Rataj (lidel): We may revisit it when we have no choice. Marcin Rataj (lidel): For longer CDs. Marcin Rataj (lidel): But I don’t think we will Marcin Rataj (lidel): Do us like iframe hoc FOR NOW ON subdomains. People just expect actual HTTP pay a lot, without any like framing. Irakli Gozalishvili: Yeah, but you can actually be smart because when you get a request, you can tell it whether it’s flowing in. Irakli Gozalishvili: Sync. So if you, Carl, for instance, you could actually read direct.
But if the loading from the browser, you could 28:59 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): Actually, yeah. Actually we do something similar right now in sub domain. So if you ask sub domain for a path using non web browser user agent which does not follow redirects you still get the payload response, but we add like clear cache data. Marcin Rataj (lidel): To avoid situation when there is like origin leakage. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yeah, definitely. It’s, it’s yet another option we may consider Marcin Rataj (lidel): All right, maybe lippy to be upcoming work guys maybe vascosantos: So yeah, in which side of things. So first, Jacob.
Push the button last weekend we released the zero 28 release candidate, and we hope that we get the final release this week. vascosantos: So, it is basically we last week we sing about the upcoming work that we expect with liberty for the upcoming weeks and I will probably share my screen. Okay. vascosantos: Are you seeing my Chrome vascosantos: Yep. Yep. Okay. So, first in the zero dot 29 release, we, we are working on shipping three main things which are the signal signal sign peer hackers bendable protocol in the gossip. So we wonder vascosantos: Basically the same fear Haggard’s it’s needed, both for any gossip seven for tenable protocol and specifically to the browser context, it’s mostly the Hannibal protocol.
And so this Phyllis will be focused on bosses will be hardening and improve diverse experience. vascosantos: In the interview protocol. I already started implementing it. So I have a PR with an initial workable. vascosantos: There are some things that it doesn’t equal yes some like testing parameters that do extra stuff, but in general we are on a good way to vascosantos: On the financial side of things. And yeah, this is basically the all the milestones that we expect to work on during the festival work and then for the after this for the zero 30 we are planning on working on improving the connection manager, which vascosantos: From until now. It’s really a basic implementation and we want to vascosantos: As also a thing that we need to improve in the browser side, we want to really focus one chilis on the connection manager. And yeah, that’s it. And if anyone has any questions. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I got sort of tangential question if someone asks me Marcin Rataj (lidel): Today, what’s the best we can do.
32:12 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): For connectivity in a web browser. Marcin Rataj (lidel): What is it is a better advice to tell people to stay on that older version of lifted up and Jess I PFS before that we factor which still has web socket star or is one of existing intermediate options better vascosantos: I think the ideal recommendation would be to update to the newest version, use the web RTC stir unless the Web RTC it’s a problem for the projects because basically vascosantos: The amount of versions that people get behind will be each time more difficult and complex to upgrade. And I would say that vascosantos: Web RTC should work for everyone. Right. I’ve been vascosantos: answering some issues. And I know that there are people having problems with Web RTC star when using depends and other kind of stuff and vascosantos: So for that specific use cases, maybe it would be better for people to wait.
But I would hopefully when people to update sooner rather than later. But yeah, like vascosantos: We are now we’re starting to work on the zero dot 29 so i think will not take much longer until we have a better solution for our users in the rubble. Jacob Heun: Some of the stuff we should do as part of Jacob Heun: 29 when we land rendezvous is because will also need to spin up some rendezvous servers. Jacob Heun: For that on go is also potentially looking at implementing rendezvous for different reasons. So we may be able to leverage Jacob Heun: Some servers there, but I think we also need to couple, we should couple that with some just generic would be to be nodes running as relay servers and get those up to really replace like web socket star so that we also then have Web RTC star and then rendezvous with relay Jacob Heun: Which is kind of a more reliable direction that we’re looking to go.
So I think making sure that we coordinate all that for 29 with infra will be important. vascosantos: Yeah, I added in the initial milestone, just for the deployment part. So I think I’m tracking that we do that for sure. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Um, we are the end of our agenda. Marcin Rataj (lidel): We have some spare time. So I will quickly go over highlights and the meantime you can add any ad hoc topics you want to discuss.
If not, we’ll 35:00 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): free up some time off so Marcin Rataj (lidel): There have been two releases of companion. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Stable includes changes from the bat. So I’ll just quickly mentioned that it was compiled on two point 12 landed, including includes previously mentioned revamp of preferences screen by Jessica. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And he also includes Turkish translation bunch of fixes. Marcin Rataj (lidel): And opening I PFS that eth works.
35:39 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): So I’m not sure I don’t have for note running at the moment, but if you answer it has that eth that will fail because it’s not that real DLD. Marcin Rataj (lidel): However, that DLD. Marcin Rataj (lidel): However component is able to recover from DNS errors. Now, so Marcin Rataj (lidel): If DNS fails component checks if go I PFS is able to resolve DNS link. Marcin Rataj (lidel): For eth we have a special logic which uses Marcin Rataj (lidel): eth over DNS gateway and DNS link is the text ads and companion is able to recover and open that website from a local nodes. Marcin Rataj (lidel): In the same tab. So all that stuff happens behind the scenes. And if you enter I PFS that that eth in the address bar, it will just open Marcin Rataj (lidel): So that’s an interesting side effect of contribution we received to do the recovery in the same tab. It also improved UX of ans websites.
36:50 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): And I made a quick release of web UI. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Mostly to squeeze it into go idea fast, but also to not fall behind with all the other projects new files progress feedback BY REFERRAL. So when you Marcin Rataj (lidel): Import files you you don’t forget what you’ve imported and some UX improvements for Windows users when you need to set up course headers in your local nodes and Catalano language others. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Thank you to everyone who contributes translations to give us Translation Project. I know we not always are super fast in shipping those translations. But don’t worry, they are not lost.
We just 37:43 - Marcin Rataj (lidel): We try to bump translations before every release, sometimes we need to skip one release for technical reasons, but eventually those contributed translations will Marcin Rataj (lidel): Get to our projects I’m at the end of my teleprompter. So Marcin Rataj (lidel): Unless you have any questions, two releases or any topics I will make 30 seconds of uncomfortable silence, and then I will end the meeting. So think twice. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I don’t think we need to do it like 30 seconds action. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Yeah. Dietrich Ayala: I thought at least three times. Marcin Rataj (lidel): Alright, so Marcin Rataj (lidel): See you in two weeks. Thanks so much for joining. Marcin Rataj (lidel): I Right. .