Explainer PeeKin 2020

Jan 13, 2020 20:34 · 235 words · 2 minute read belonging behind take client receives

Meet Antoine. He’s the manager of the hotel. He likes seeing his clients leave with a smile, and his team proud to do a good job. Before, when a client left a belonging behind, it meant a lot of hassle for the team. You had to record the item, store it, contact the client… And when the client called back, the staff member at the desk wasn’t always up to date. Returning the item was the worst bit: You had to find the right postage fee and hang on to the item until payment was received.

00:29 - You had to find packaging, queue at the post office… and all the while the customer would be growing more impatient and staff time was being taken up. Then one day, a fellow manager recommended PeeK’in to Antoine. Now, you take a photo of the lost property via the app and fill in the client’s contact details. The client receives a message, and decides if he wants the item sent. He provides his postal address and pays the shipping cost through the app. Then all you have to do is print the delivery slip edited by the app and use the packing provided. Clients receive their forgotten item at the address of their choice anywhere in the world. They’re happy and let others know… which is great for Antoine and his team, too! PeeK’in touch ! .