Chuck Pierce 2021: Time to Get a Grip on Your Emotions (1 John 4:4)

Jan 30, 2021 12:30 · 1439 words · 7 minute read

- Now, have you ever had someone look at you and say “Would you just get a grip?” - [Kieth] Yeah, usually it’s you.

00:08 - - Yeah, it’s usually me with Kieth. Look at somebody next to you and say, “Will you get a grip?” (audience talking) I mean now, what does that mean? What do they want you to grab hold of? What are they asking you to do? What happening in you that makes a person just say, “Get a grip. ” I mean, what is that and what does it really mean? See, we’re in a season where you got to get a grip, I’m telling you.

00:53 - And I’ve been grabbing at lots of stuff to try to make sure I’m gettin’ a grip.

00:58 - And, and lots of people, I do love this. Hope is defined as a rope extended.

01:09 - So any time someone ever says to me, “Get a grip,” I assume they are saying my hope is lacking.

01:19 - And if I will reach out and grab hold of that rope that God’s extending, I’ll come into a new place eventually because greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world.

01:33 - And his hand can pull me from any other hand who’s trying to pull me back! (inspirational music) Woo, listen to Chad making a shelf back here.

01:45 - - [Chad] Are the worship warriors in the house? - I got this message because Chad and I were together this week.

02:04 - I even said one thing too. It was so bad, he got, started laughing so hard up against the window.

02:12 - I thought we were going to wreck. I mean, it was, it’s so key right now that we listened to what our voice is saying.

02:24 - And we’re in a season to go beyond. Now, you’re going to be hearing this, say the word beyond.

02:30 - - [Audience] Beyond. - I learned years and years ago, all I had to do was listen to what was coming out of my mouth and I would know what I would need it to be delivered up.

02:47 - You see what I mean? And so, because the heart expresses itself put your hand right here and say don’t be still, keep speaking up.

03:02 - And yet I feel like for us to go beyond, we have to get a grip on our emotions.

03:11 - It’s very key. And I began to get before the Lord this week and he began to say, “I’m not sure my people understand their emotions. ” “I’m not sure they understand what’s operating in ‘em right now. ” I had conversation yesterday for almost an hour with someone.

03:32 - And finally we both came to the conclusion that the emotional need, had overtaken reasoning.

03:44 - And so what do those words mean? What am I saying to us? Well, and why do we need to come into this place where we get a grip? Well first of all, we’re moving from the swamp to the land of giants.

04:05 - Remember God had promised him all this milk and honey, all these riches that had been amassing for 10 generations and they finally went in and looked at them, they were all there! They were all there just as God had said to Abraham.

04:27 - Finally here to people who had come out of the tar pits, the mud pits.

04:33 - And they were looking at these incredible promises and you know what they did? They looked one fathom beyond, and they saw the giants that were encroaching on the promises and they slandered the promises, and they slandered God and they said, we would rather go back to the pit.

05:08 - Are you aware that that is what your emotions can do? That is how well, your emotions can rise up and force you into a place that God never intended you to be.

05:31 - And a place he was trying to get you out of and you were one you were unwilling to get out of because you saw the war that it was going to take to get out of it.

05:45 - And so you have to say, emotions get ready for the conflict ahead.

05:52 - Say it out loud. (crowd talking) See, because we’re coming full circle, cycles are ending and that’s the hardest place to be because you know when a cycle’s ending, you’re experiencing a death.

06:09 - And some people refuse to die, some people refuse to acknowledge that a time has ended.

06:22 - Some, I have watched some, I know of one situation that Linda and I had to counsel on, her husband had been dead for over 30 days.

06:35 - And she would not allow the service to celebrate him to occur because she did not want him dead.

06:45 - And she knew God was going to raise him from the dead.

06:50 - Well, God can raise anybody from the dead, he’s already raised, if you know him, he’s already raised you from the dead once.

06:59 - - [Man] That’s right. - Look at somebody and tell him, thank God he raised me from the dead, my sins and my trespasses but you have to understand something, there comes a moment when something ends.

07:17 - And you can’t go past that moment or else you end up in delusion.

07:24 - That means presumption, something that was of faith, lost the power of faith and you started not thinking correctly about at all.

07:40 - I found it interesting. I asked the Lord this morning.

07:44 - I said, Lord, there’s so many new people. There’s so many new people joining in with us and so many don’t know a whole lot.

07:54 - They see us up here, they see that we keep pressing forward.

07:57 - They see that we keep having faith, but they don’t know some of the things that caused that to happen.

08:07 - I was walking with John in and I mean, he ran over this one girl because she doesn’t know that he’s blind in one eye.

08:18 - John only has one eye and if you run up on his right side, if you run up on his right side, he doesn’t know that you’re there.

08:32 - And so you have to understand there are certain things about people that we’re going to have to embrace so that we keep moving together.

08:48 - I had to learn to embrace John’s blind eye because I would turn around sometimes in the midst of the spirit flowing and, and I would get so frustrated with him ‘cause he wasn’t doing what what I was telling him to do and then I realized he can’t even see what I’m doing.

09:05 - (laughing) Everybody say frustration.

09:11 - - [Crowd] Frustration. - I’m using a lot of terms today that you need to get a grip on.

09:18 - Now I did have to come into some, beyond with John when he was driving ‘cause you know, anybody that knows me knows I drive like I drove on our 600 acres growing up, still today.

09:33 - - [Chad] Amen, amen. - And Chad, nobody asked you to talk.

09:38 - We just want you to play. And, and so I tell people, I have people, I have people because I want to live longer, who drive me and, - [Chad] A fleet of chauffeurs.

10:00 - - Yeah, I have to because they don’t want something happen to me.

10:05 - ‘cause it all be in a big mess if something happened to me right now.

10:09 - And so, but John, and John was my chauffeur.

10:13 - Well now I don’t, I drive like I drive and John has one eye.

10:20 - (laughing) - And I’m teaching a master’s class at a university in Oklahoma and John goes with me.

10:30 - And he’s driving and all of a sudden we’re driving in his one eye, good eye, all of a sudden it fogs up.

10:40 - And he said, I can’t see, I can’t see! My good eye is fogged up.

10:47 - I knew right then we had to go beyond the fog.

10:56 - Look at somebody and say I’m glad you went beyond the fog today. .