Coronavirus Update- Im Under Quarantine!
Mar 15, 2020 12:42 · 289 words · 2 minute read
Hey everyone! I’m safe and sound back in Shenzhen. The only catch is I’m under two week home quarantine. Don’t worry I’m fine, it’s just a precaution for all travelers coming in from Thailand. It’s not really a big deal, they have people bring any food and packages I order to my front door and leave it there. And I have a lot of work to catch up on anyway.
00:26 - We haven’t had a new local case of COVID-19 in quite some time here in Shenzhen, just a few people returning home with it after getting it abroad. This is why everyone returning from countries with a lot of infections has to stay at home or in a special quarantine hotel for two weeks. Because they might be asymptomatic. I might be asymptomatic. So I’m going to stay home and make absolutely sure I don’t come in contact with anyone. The streets here in Shenzhen are not quite back to normal, lots of temperature checks and you have to wear a mask- but it’s getting there. I know things are looking bad in some countries right now as everyone comes to terms with just how serious this virus it, but if we listen to doctors and scientists, make rational, scientific decisions, and all work together we can absolutely beat this.
01:30 - I’ve just posted a new update, I know I’m a little behind, but I’ll be working hard during my quarantine to put out as many videos as I can for those of you who are also stuck at home- maybe I can make that a bit more pleasant. Ok- time for me to get to work, I’ll have a new video for you soon! .