How to create videos without showing your face for YouTube

Mar 17, 2021 08:06 · 4006 words · 19 minute read

hi this is Keith and in today’s video i’m going to teach you how to create videos for YouTube without showing your face and without using your voice so the things you should know is that you’re not going to use any video editor and you are going to be able to generate videos in five minutes or less and the videos are going to be creating will be high quality they’ll they’ll have subtitles included you won’t do anything like that manually so this video is actually going to be long yeah i’m sure maybe 30 minutes but not more than an hour so if you can’t watch this video to the end simply click on watch later or don’t have this watch later or save for later uh and as well you can also download it and watch it later we can just copy this video link and come back later so i’m going to mention everything in this video yeah so how do i create the videos i make and how do i make them in such way so actually there’s a software that i use okay the software which i use actually converts text into videos so let me just show you the videos i’ve made so to get to know them in case you are new to this channel so just head over to youtube okay search for Keith Rainz okay and click on the first link you will see which is that one over there okay so this is my channel so let me show you the videos i’ve created without showing my face and without using my voice okay so for example this feed over here how to make money on tick tock okay so let me click on it you see how it is so for example this video we are seeing right now here Zambia and Africa at large it’s an understatement to say that tick tock has undergone a meteoric rise since its global release in 2018 with absolutely 100 million monthly active users and 2 billion downloads globally at the highest levels of government its influence has been noted with president trump seeking to ban the site in the united states because of what trump’s lawyers cited as national security okay so currently this video is about 1 000 views i posted it on 4th february 2021 okay so as you can see this video actually this video was actually written as a post that faced okay so if you want to read about it just click in the description unfortunately i didn’t pay uh okay i didn’t comment the post link okay so actually this video is actually a post so just copy the text and turn it into a video so that’s exactly what i’m going to show you i’m going to show you how contain text into videos so there’s actually a software i use that converts text into videos so this is not the only video i created using the software i’m about to show you so i created a new channel where i make videos without my face it’s called Keisha Rainz it’s my new second YouTube channel dedicated to Zambian content oh that’s it for Keith Rainz and click on the first thing you’re going to see oh wow and hit subscribers just now okay better that’s good okay so i’m going to click on the first link which is this one over here yeah so on your free time or after watching this video you can come back to this channel and look at the quality these videos have so all the videos here i get it from the software i’m from just i’m about to tell you okay there’s no my voice there’s nor my face and as you can see people are really watching them okay i haven’t been promoting these videos that much but they are really getting views so that was to me with them let’s now get started which software does this okay so i told you that you’re not going to be spending a lot of time to make these videos all you have to do is write up some text copy the text paste into the software the software makes the videos okay but the only bad part about the software is that you need the laptop or a computer to use it but if you have a tablet or maybe a tablet with a bigger screen you can use it a bit as well so this uh software i use to convert text or to convert my articles into videos is called Vidnami i’m sure maybe you have seen you you might have seen it somewhere else okay so with Vidnami is a software that we can use to convert any text into a video so let’s check it out okay so it’s actually a website you don’t have to download it just have to visit it it’s called read vidnami.

com so let’s wait for it to load okay so this is the dynamic over here okay at first it was called content samurai okay they now rebranded to vidnami so as you can see these are the type of videos we can make with this website you actually just paste in the content yeah and it will convert them into videos and that is exactly what i’m going to show you okay so you can also get videos for Facebook like for advertisements like the one you’re seeing right now here okay you can also create like this one the one that i’m showing you from my YouTube channel okay okay there are a lot of templates we can use so now let’s check out the Vidnami pricing okay i didn’t mention about the pricing if this is free or if it is paid so i’m going to click on the pricing page link here okay so as you can see okay the cheapest one is 47 dollars per month and when you pay annually okay you pay 397 dollars annually so with a 47 per month you can get unlimited videos okay with access to storybooks royalty free music music tags free also video team plays a lot and some popular phones and all these other intelligent features okay so i’m sure you might be wondering why is it so expensive no it’s not really expensive but it’s worth the money because with one subscription you can really create a lot of videos and the videos if i to create them on your own it will take up to maybe a day or three days to make one video but with this software just within 10 minutes we are done or even five minutes just depends how long the video i’m making is so so this is how much the dynamic cost but before you create an account with vidnami okay i’m currently an affiliate to the vidnami so before you create an account with vidnami i’m actually an affiliate with vidnami which means that if you create an account on the vidnami name using my affiliate link you’re going to receive a 25 discount okay so instead of paying 47 dollars you’re going to be paying 35 so the affiliate link will be there in the description okay so all you need to do is click on the affiliate link and you’ll be able to get to the vidnami actually at a lower rate so what if you can’t manage even at 35 dollars after the 25 discount okay here’s what you can do if you’re really certain about making videos without showing your face without using your voice or maybe just a busy person or maybe don’t have the perfect equipment for youtube videos okay or maybe a shy like me but would like to make videos of showing your face and you can’t afford at five dollars well there’s one thing you can do okay doc find someone who’s interested in making videos on youtube and put money together and try to buy it okay maybe up to three people maybe can put it fifteen fifteen dollars each can manage to get it okay so this is my affiliate link the link up in the description when you click on it you’re going to receive a 25 percent discount for life okay so you’re going to be you’re going to be paying that 35 dollars per month instead of 47.

so as i mentioned here on if you can’t manage to pay this find someone interested and start paying together okay with a vidnami you can create unlimited accounts or unlimited video so you can share an account with someone under your name so once you do that uh buy it and i’m going to show you how to generate those videos okay but just in case maybe you don’t want to pay or maybe do not trust this software or maybe having some second thoughts there’s actually a free trial okay the link to the free trial will be in the description you’re buy you can use the vidnami for free for 14 days that’s paying for it but a free trial has got limited features and it has got a watermark and if your videos of watermarks doesn’t look so professional and no one would want to watch something with water marks so it’s better just pay this the paid one and get all the features available okay so the trial link is also there in the description so i’m going to try out the vidnami free trial which is for 14 days okay so to do all that simply click the link in the description for the free trial and click on the try it for free button over here so all you have to do is enter your name and enter your email address so email address i’m going to enter okay so that’s my email address and i’m going to click on start free trial and just give it time so if it’s not meters i’m going to send my username and my password after verifying my account and i’ll be able to start making videos of which i’m going to show you in the next seconds okay so i have successfully signed up for the trial so i’m told to check my email address and verify my account and start making the videos okay so let me just do that right now let me log into my email okay so here’s the email that has come so i’m told hi keith my name is dr anthony fernando and i’m one of the founders of vidnami on behalf of the whole team her doctor welcome into vidnami community make sure that using google chrome so you’re ready for your stuff make sure that you use google chrome and simply click on access if you deny me to get started okay so i’m asked to enter my own new password okay so let me just create my new password and i’ll get back to you okay i’m done entering my password so i’m going to click on continue and wait for it to processes okay so so as you can see here on the top bar i’m told your 25 percent discount expires in 13 days so after creating your account you have the option to buy the paid one and if we don’t do that within the 14 days your discount will expire so make sure that you are programmed before the trial expires to be eligible for my 25 percent discount okay so once you are done with all that all you need to do is comment click on create a new video the button which is over here okay so once this page loads up all you need to do is click on the template and you’ll be presented with this page so it shows what type of video you want okay either this one or the lime green okay so this one is a content video as you can see there are a lot of templates so from here there’s a presenter video let’s check it out okay so these are the videos i was talking about for for example if you’re creating a debate for facebook or instagram okay where you add your video and you adding a title on top and some weddings below the video okay i’m sure you’ve seen this type of videos on facebook and they’re quietly trending okay you can as well create like them because there’s also an instant ad you can create an advertising about something there’s also a sales video if you’re trying to create this if you’re selling a product you can choose either health there goes you can create a quick video so for this case we’re going to be getting videos for youtube so i’m not going to go through all the templates what i’m going to do is go through the content video because it’s the one i’m going to create okay so as for me i like using this one which is the polar ice i like using the polar eyes okay so you can as well customize this template you can choose your own font okay you can also choose your own color you can also choose anything to match your brand or your color you prefer so after choosing a template click on click on use this template and wait it loads up okay so i’m going to enter the type of video making so let’s say this video it’s about me Keith Rainz about Keith Rainz okay but here i need to do is pasting the content and we’re going to convert that into videos okay so one thing you should know that if i getting videos for youtube don’t copy someone’s contact on your website and paste here okay the owner can report your video and you may end up using your channel so consider writing your own unique content and get videos from them okay if you need a content writer you can hire me i can create for you search engine optimized content for you and convert them into videos so let’s get started now okay so this is my website so i’m going to copy this content over here about Keith Rainz and i’m going to paste here and i’m going to copy this last paragraph okay and i’m going to paste it as well control plus v same just close discount my icon okay so once you are done with this uh adding your content here okay all you need to do is to all you need to do is to click on create scenes and let it do the magic and sit back and relax okay so it’s done creating scenes so now let’s take a look at them and try to see if there’s anything we can remove or add okay so as we can see by clicking somewhere here you can make the heading board okay you can as well hide the text if you want text to be seen you can as well hide any media it is appearing here and you can change the text position okay for example if i wanted to view on the left side just click there and the text about the left side want it below down there to be better okay you can as well change other things so this is the first page people see about Keith Rainz okay and the next one will be about will be about who is Keith Rainz with the question mark and the next page is i’m a freelancer and nothing that’s so i’m not going to read everything here so what i’m going to do is just i’m going to scroll down and click on add voice track to your video okay so as i mentioned earlier on this is your free trial and in the free trial there are always limitations okay so but once you pay for the subscription of which i told you that you should definitely do you’ll be able to use auto voice okay so let’s try to play a sample with autovoice so let’s try with heidi hi my name for your is so sit back relax and i’ll do all the hard work for you okay so this heidi does sound human although i like using kate in most of my videos because she sounds more human so as i said area or unfortunately sony available when you pay so you want to be able to use this one so if you really want to make money on youtube should definitely pay for this service because most of the features which would help you make money actually not free so if you can’t afford that at five dollars per month we can just pay once off in a month get to the videos in advance and schedule them and cancel the subscription you can do that so start a kitty voice hi my name is kate and i would love to read the script for your video so sit back relax and i’ll do all the hard work for you okay yeah i like a voice sound so yeah so you mind so perfect just okay so apart from using the the voice vidnami you can also upload your own voice like okay if you’re good at voice over stuff you can do that you can record yourself saying the same stuff so if maybe if maybe you had someone you can also upload a or maybe you’ve created your voiceover from another website you can upload it here okay i’m going to show you another way of getting voiceovers like you might like me otherwise the same playlist okay so uh so what i’m going to do is okay unfortunately this is a free trial i need you to know to create using a voice but otherwise you can take a look at my videos i’ve created they’re slow perfect you can check them out and see if it’s something you would pay for so once you’re done with everything all you have to do is click on preview video okay so just have to wait for it to build up the preview okay so the preview is done so this page you can add in a background song so all music here is currently free so let me click play we see how it is so as you have noticed that there’s no uh any voiceover there’s nothing because this is a free trial but otherwise if there was a voice should have been so perfect with these subtitles down there that they’ve been very perfect so in case you don’t like the background song you can actually change it by choosing any of the background songs which are here for example this one here in epic okay let’s try it out okay this one would be perfect for an advert so like once you are done with you’ve chosen your perfect background song simply click on looks good continue so this is the last stage of which is downloading so currently you can export videos in 720p or you can also change it in hd but when you choose hd it’s going to take a lot of time to finish generating a video for you so for now for this purpose i’m going to choose full i’m going to choose hd which is 720p resolution and i’m going to click on generate video so the generation i think is going to take about three minutes or so so i’m going to pause the video then wait for three minutes to pass okay so let me just wait for the services to start okay it’s now 38 percent okay quite fast okay so as you can read here it says please note videos generated during your free trial will be water marked to remove the motor mac please upgrade okay i thought about having your videos being professional okay so videos of a motor watermark uh drawing through professional and starts on something people would really enjoy watching okay and people would know like this is actually where you’re getting videos from so they need to look professional by getting the paid vision okay so make sure that you pay using my affiliate link to get a 25 percent discount for life you want to be paying all that money and if you can’t mandate 12 dollars okay find someone who is interested in youtube starting a channel and put mine together and pay for it okay if you can’t find one contact me i’ll try to find for you one who is interested and you can put the money together and pay for the service so i’m going to pause the video and wait for it it finishes okay so instead of waiting for this video to finish let me just say some things i forgot to mention in my previous video okay so as i said the header online people really do watch something which is of high quality so according to my experience um videos without my face without my voice actually have gotten me so much views than the rest okay i’ve got a bad accent i’m not really good in talking that much so most of my videos i created using this software really do have very veritable use okay so this is actually the first part in creating a youtube channel without using your face now there’s the hard part which comes in which is the search engine optimization okay so this is when you’re starting out you don’t have an audience don’t have people to watch your videos so how do you get people to watch your videos so in the next videos that’s what i’m going to show you how to rank your videos in search engines both on google and in youtube okay so it’s now done what i’m going to do is click on download and the downloading will begin okay so the downloading is done let us try to play the video now but remember this video created it with a free trial so it’s not as perfect as the ones i’ve created on my youtube channel and my new channel so should check them out if you’re really interested in this okay so let’s now try to play this video we’ll see how it is okay so this is the watermark it’s quite bad okay no one would watch a video like this okay they’re different relieve it and weren’t getting views or sales from it but it’s quite perfect okay so this is the free trial so remember to get a paid version okay i’ve talked about this a lot of times so just to conclude if you have any other questions let me know in the description or let me know in the comment section i read and reply to all comments okay and i mentioned the other one this is going to be a paradise so i haven’t ended so the next video is going to be about how to rank your videos okay after ranking videos that are going to be about how to make money even when you have zero subscribers so all you have to do is to subscribe if you haven’t done that and like this video to share to show some love and share this video if you have anyone interested in learning how to make videos for youtube and make money from them even when you have zero subscribers okay so this is it about this video all the links to everything i’ve mentioned in the video will be in the description bye for now.