Cocoon Foresta Incantata

Nov 17, 2020 06:30 · 2580 words · 13 minute read still want little longer repeat

Hello everyone in this new tutorial I will show how to make this cocoon with long sleeves that I have decided to call enchanted forest as regards the yarn I have decided to use that ella miss tricot yarns look at that ball of yarn is called picasso and is made up of 43 percent wool merinos 35 percent microfiber pc 22 percent polyamide each elbow and from 150 grams it measures 192 meters the color I chose and the 0 2 and here are these shades that you look at are amazing reminiscent a little of the colors of Brazil but also that of the woods and of the forests and that’s why I decided to call the enchanted forest cocoon with regard to this with which it is a size s I used three of these balls but in the last one it had advanced a lot so that I decided that I will use it for make a neck warmer perhaps combining it with another yarn and I was thinking about the cin ci there at the lux that there is a color that in these same shades so maybe mine the two pirates i then the inscriptions I will leave the link to be able to buy via the same pilate also in other colors which is the link of the site hooking with strings there are also other colors they have bored us of the sky shaded by blues the shades of gray so the in total are six colors on one more beautiful than the other and I recommend, however, the size m according to while balls may be enough because in any case the cocoon to the maximum you do not have to do only a little wider so it has not registered a little higher in a large reference I would say that if compared to me you make three more reasons and you can easily do it with three balls of yarn while cutting l 4 balls of s if you want a little bigger do not worry with size m first meter in are enough and advance in the fraction is very simple because we go to analyze a long rectangle that came to me about 80 centimeters long and about 55 centimeters high which I then went to sew and then I created a border a simple round of 3 stitches alt and but you can do even more if you want it to close in such a way that you can stop it here with a pin so in this case I advise you to do another 23 more turns and then I went to create the sleeves in reality I wanted to do something a little wider but since I don’t want to wear over the jackets with a light one I decided not to do too wide they do this width badly video I will also explain how to do a little appellate if you want to wear it with even over jackets heavy having said that I hope that even this simple coccon with really fantastic colors and used a point as you can see very simple that they are double crochets alternating with crosses… I recommend if you say you have made it, send me our photos or on the facebook page of hooking with elsa or on the facebook group and the freedom to hook and knit and if you bought my own yarn through the site or at haberdashery coleti you can tag me at even on instagram where you will find me crocheting with yarns or elsa I do and we as always see you then at the next video tutorial to make our cocoon and I decided to use a new yarn from the miss tricot yarn picasso line this beautiful ball you see here the color I chose is 0 2 and we will work with this yarn with beautiful cucon with the crochet number 10 vivi tanning that I made a sample and here at 14 and chain stitches the processing we are going to do is obtained on multiples of four to which we must then add 2 chains in the actual working I will mount 62 chains that would be a multiple of four plus two chains that I need to have the beginning which at the end and this will allow me to have a rectangle because I will go to work a rectangle about 82 83 cm long so I recommend if you want the cuckoo wider then longer wider starting I say you have to go to increase by 4 chains so if I don’t mount 62 you can mount 34 more or 8 always keep in mind that the processing on messi and west is obtained on much more than four to which you then have to add 2 more chains of the same thing if you want it fight small go to decrease of 4 chains having said that we can go and make our first round which is very simple let’s go to make two chains that are the first treble stitch 1 2 I take the jump yarn the first of mine if among my excuses we are pulling the thread of my 14 chains and I’m going to make a double crochet and now I continue like this going to make a double crochet in each chain for a total of 14 double crochets in my case then continue like this for all my first round a shirt over each chain I finished the first I turn around with the work and I go to do the second round and it goes to make 3 chains that sony has first double crochet then one two three I go to the next shirt and make another double crochet p I make the yarn state 2 treble crochets 1 and 2 within between the second never high the third then jump of treble crochets 12 within between the second and third and from parma treble stitch I take the yarn I go back assault 2 high stitches 12 and again within between the second and the third going from left to right so you never skip act 1 and 2 and the pro between the second and third and I go to do a double crochet and start all over again then I go to make a double crochet over the next shirt a second stitch over the next double crochet I take the yarn jump 2 double crochets within between the second and third and I go to make a double crochet I take the yarn back I jump 2 double crochets 12 within between the second and the third it is again to make a double crochet crossed and start all over again then never high above the next double crochet second double crochet above the next shirt I take the yarn jump three stitches 1 and 2 I enter between the second and the third and go sweaty myth pull a bit of yarn a sweater at high I take the yarn go back I assault two stitches within between the second and third thing my double crochet does cross this is what I have to do for the entire second round I finish the second round and then do a double crochet over the penultimate double crochet and a double crochet enter the third chain which was equivalent to my first double crochet perfect so I also finished the second round third and last round I turn with the work and again to buy a double crochet above me and never high therefore 3 chains that are our first shirt and then we go to make a double crochet over each double crochet in this way 2 and then as I told you on the third round we go to make a double crochet over years in double crochet finished this third round we start all over again then we will go and make a double crochet over each double crochet because if you remember here they made a soprani chain stitch shirt so now we are making a double crochet over og n the t-shirt are really very simple laps child the first the third from everything are the fastest to do the second is the one a little longer to do but still very simple I will repeat it 7 so these three laps until you reach the desired length I want a cuckoo and rules let’s say that a friend with the big big ones is not that I like them very much I prefer them smaller so that I can always put under a leather jacket or a light dap jacket that closes in front of me the cuckoo names as it does especially behind me I will let you know at the end of course how high I got how many times I repeated these three rounds for once we have done that we will go to sew it and then to create shady around a very simple border also in that case and we will then decide whether to also make the sleeves to the monster cocoon or leave it as it was then I worked until I got 55 centimeters then I repeated my emotional for a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 times then we repeat rip I keep my turns up to a total length of 55 centimeters then now we are going to close in order to create our cuckoo so I took the corners in this way and also on the other side so that now we will go here to create the sleeves I will go to sew from the outside to the inside for about 13 cm both on this side and on this other side then to which I will circle from the outside to the inside for about 13 cm leaving the space open here to pass the arm once this seam is done I will create an edge around the whole neckline so excuse me, so the whole opening and I still have to decide whether to stretch my hands or to do like wrists there are those who then to make it rivals up to well then make the fate of hands that I have yet to decide for now we close here and I repeat I will ask for about 13 cm leaving let’s say a 15 cm of space for the work for the arm and but the edge of our joint appears so I have sewn on both sides so here is the armhole to let my embrace pass and the same thing also on this other side I went to sew at the end I am 14 cm not 13 and I did so the hull for my sleeve now I will go to do a vote in thor all the armhole very simple edge you see here we have the low stitches facing towards this side down this part upwards but we are going to make a round of 1 treble crochets above each treble crochet so I’m hooking here where I have the seam I hook with the thread and go to make the first 3 chain stitches which are my first double crochet and I go to make a double crochet over each double crochet in this way so without decreasing without increasing a shirt over each double crochet throughout the opening of my co with so we continue I wanted to make a double crochet over each double crochet for all the coverage and we will then close here by entering the third chain with a very low stitch I do not know how many turns I will do s and one two or three of course I will let you know and as you turn I will go and track down a shirt only each finished shirt here then I will decide of course I will let you know how many turns I have done I will decide whether or not to make the hands I cast with I made the edge of three laps then 123 laps of treble crochets around the entire opening of my co with and now we can go and make the sleeve I decided to make the sleeve we will not make one too wide or one too narrow but let’s say something in between so if you want then you want to make it wider I will tell you how if you want to make it narrower naturally I will tell you how then mi a cannes cherokee where at the opening of the year the only one under always with the same yarn always with the crochet of number 10 mi I hook under where or the seam and I go to make my first double crochet, however, doing 3 chain stitches so one I got lost on the thread that to stop it then a two three that here is worth as I told him my first double crochet now I don’t have to tighten and the workmanship nor to carla I have to make it normal so I take care, among other things, here you see between the shirt and I’m going to make a double crochet and now I’m going to make a double crochet in each horizontal vertical double crochet in this way so now you see horizontal alt I’m going to make a treble crochet now if you have to widen you must also enter the small hole if you want to do more treble crochets you can never do horizontal treble crochets in the horizontal treble crochet and here in the nano lighthouse hole in yalta and continue like this in such a way to widen a little bit the sleeve severe occur stitching you have done and too tight if you still want a large sleeve but if you need to tighten, then I suggest you do not in this round but in the next one to go for two shirts that together with one-off her every five stitches if you don’t have to tighten too much then the knitting and continue in this way I’m going to make a double crochet in each horizontal stitch because I told you I don’t want to tighten the knitting too much but I don’t want to widen it either and continue to work like this until the end of the round I will tell you how many double crochet or and we could always do a round of but the others then a round of double crochet over each double crochet so very simple also how you do the sleeves I will tell you at the end how many sweaters and how many turns but the top I did to get the sleeve that comes here on the wrist then a total I made a total of 15 double crochets so in each round I find myself 15 magni arte and I made a total of 12 engraved to be able to get to the wrist so I repeat I found myself 15 treble crochets I made 12 treble crochets to get to the end of the wrist now I’m going to do the other sleeve and my account and then will be finished .