Nov 11, 2020 07:30 · 4033 words · 19 minute read
The first one was to learn about the Sumerians after the translation of the cuneiform inscriptions found in northern Iraq in the 19th century . In the 20th century, all of the inscriptions found were read, but with the suspicion that it could reverse the religious and historical taboos we know , information was partially censored at that time. Researcher scientists of our age can now easily say that this civilization is more advanced than we think in terms of level and that the roots of this civilization people are deeper. Some research scientists about this advanced civilization went a little further and put forward different ideas with science fictional narratives. These researchers claim that at the time when beliefs were first formed on earth, when the Sumerians brought writing, art, law, agriculture and astronomy to Mesopotamia , the Annunaki, who were the leaders of faith , spread all over the world during these periods.
Russian-born archaeologist Zecharia 01:04 - Sitchin , born in Baku in 1922 and passed away in 2010, claimed that before the Sumerians made the advanced civilization inventions, beings who were higher than humans came to the world from space, and their names were Annunaki . Michael Zimmerman, a professor of philosophy at Abd Tulan University, who approved this theory, referring to the Annunaki; “If we take into account that beings came to our solar system before and more advanced than us , we need to rethink our perceptions of history and where we came from,” he says !!! Researchers like Sitchin cite as evidence the pictures and supernatural stories told about Enlil, Ninlil, and Enki, which I believe to be the celestial valves on the 4500-year-old cylinder stamps . What is interesting in a stamp was that the solar gravitational pattern was depicted according to the position accepted by today’s science . The sun in the middle and 9 planets in the same orbit and revolving around it , 2 separate planets out of orbit , and Enlil in the front and the 12th planet in front of Enlil in the relief showing Enki ’s ascension to the presence of Anu at the back. According to researchers like Zecharia Sitchin, engraving 12 planets instead of nine proved that a planet named nibiru existed and passed by the earth every 3600 years.
02:42 - According to Sitchin, in ancient times there was another planet named tiamat between mars and jupiter. This famous planet named Nibiru collided with thiamat in its passage 400,000 years ago, and our world came into being from the shattered planet thiamat. Although it was damaged by this collision, the nibiru entered the solar system gravitational field in a certain period of time , continuing to pass near the earth every 3600 years. Alien celestial beings with advanced levels of superior intelligence , which they call the Annunaki, descended to the world during this period, fertilized people with low intelligence levels and gave their own genes. In their theories, these people, who defend their thoughts with the information they obtained from the Sumerian stamps, claim that the Sumerians were scientifically and religiously developed to such an extent that they started with the arrival of the superior beings Annunaki on the planet nibiru , the spread of the beliefs of Anu / An / Tengri to the world and the beliefs called pagan.
They attributed their impact to the fact 03:51 - that the Annunaki invaded other regions. According to these people, nibiru, which rotates in a reverse orbit unlike other planets in its wide transverse orbit , enters the cycle of planets rotating in a solar order orbit every 3600 years and passes near the earth. From this planet passing near the earth , superior beings with superior characteristics descended to the world, civilizing people, teaching science, and advising them to believe and not during their stay on earth. Indeed, similar facts are described in the Sumerian inscriptions. According to these people, these superior beings also created or fertilized people in the world.
04:40 - In the Sumerian inscriptions, there is no truth in the claims of these people, who add a little romance with science fiction, based on the fact that it is written that extraterrestrials or beings created humans when there was no human in the world. The inscription in the Sumerian inscriptions that these beings have come to the world many times to inform people is evidence that the Annunaki will come back to the world from Nibiru for people like Zecharia Sitchin and Zimmerman. The word “Tiamat”, which is used in the Babylonians to mean the salt of the oceans and the substance forming the world, comes from the Sumerian “Ti” (life) and “Ama” (Mother / Mother) words . The meaning of “the main life” comes from the combination of these Sumerian words. The word Sumerian Tiamat, which entered the Torah as Tehom from the Babylonians , means limitless depth, eternal disaster in this belief.
05:44 - Having lost her husband Absu in the battle with the young gods in the Babylonian accounts, Tiamat tries to seize life again , but Enlil hinders and saves the universe. Marduk then cuts Tiamat’s throat with wind-arrows, then creates the earth with the lower part of Tiamat’s body and the sky above. We can see the traces of the Babylonian narrative of pre-Turkish Sumerian origin in the chapter of Torah, creation 1: 2-3 . In the Torah narration, the world was dark and in eternal disaster, they were stopping the rising waters with the breath of God “Elohim” = (Gods !!!), saving the world from a disaster !!! We also see this narrative in the Torah in Jesus 11:15, where the story of the Israelites being saved by God, which resulted in the destruction of the Red Sea by Moses, the ease of the Israelites crossing the sea, and the drowning of the Egyptian army , we see this narration more compactly. Zecharia Sitchin perceives these mythical creation stories with the image of the celestial war described in the ancient scriptures and the Torah as planets and the formation of the universe, and he narrates in his books as the creation of the universe and the formation of planets.
07:03 - According to the linguistic meaning of the Tengri belief, from the phrase “An nu na (ki)” it means that “An”, which is the sole ruler of the eternal blue , selects representatives only on earth. In the religious narratives, the heavenly beings sent by An were saying the rules that should be obeyed to people by descending to “ki” (to the earth, “Ki” reye, Ku’reye), they were making a kind of revelation in the Islamic sense. People like Sitchin, who read An only as eyes (maybe it sounds like their work !!!) , translate the Sumerian Annunaki phrase as those from heaven !!! However, the word “moment” at the beginning of the sentence means Tengri , the sole ruler of eternal blue in Sumerians, the creative absolute being . According to the people who defended the Sitchin theory, the Annunakis , in order to extract the vital minerals they needed on their planet , such as gold, from the earth , had civilized them by giving them their genes and then employing the people they enslaved to work in mines in south Africa. This view, which is the basis of Sitchin, is mentioned in the Sumerian inscriptions as follows; Seeing the daily ministry of the great heavenly beings under God, the worker Gigi seek help from Enlil , the ruler of the oceans and wisdom, because of their busy work .
Enlil creates man to lighten the 08:25 - burden of the Gigi from the soil he has kneaded with the blood of a dead celestial being . It was believed in the Sumerians that divine intelligence was formed to man because he was created from the blood of the dead God . We see the similar creation story of man in the Old Testament Torah and the Qur’an. In the Torah, God created man from mud and blew his soul from his nose and died . In the Qur’an, God created man from mud and died by blowing his own soul.
09:00 - It was the Annunaki from the planet nibiru who fertilized the Homo eracti, the human race before the Homo sapiens and another human race, Homo neanderthals, which means human thinking according to these people, and made us reach this level !!! Planets 4.5 billion years ago, life began to form on earth 3.8 billion years ago, when the universe began with the big bang 13.8 billion years ago. According to people like Sitchin, who defended the formation of the world with the impact of nibiru on tiamat , life began to form right after the formation of air space, oxygen, water, minerals and mines after this impact, and homo eracts had spread to the world until nibiru passed again after 3,600 years ! !! However, the formation of life on the earth formed by the passage of a certain process shows that this theory is not quite correct, and even though it is the fact that the vital minerals and enzymes that we carry in our body and that enable life on earth came from space, many questions remained unanswered and suspended in this theory. Moreover, the substances that enabled the formation of life came to the world not from a planet like thiamate, but as a result of the super nova / star-sun burst, with dust and meteorite showers that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years . Our sun will explode and the universe we live in will be destroyed after it has completed its life.
10:45 - However, the continuation of life on other planets is among the possibilities we have learned from this information, as our exploding sun will give the substances that need life on another planet with dust rains. Because life on our earth was formed by substances from an explosive sun. ———————————– The Sumerians engraved the planet Pluton, which was discovered in 1930, on their stamp 4500 years ago. If it is true, this is really interesting information that needs attention. The fact that it was impossible for humans to see planets other than Mars, Venus and Jupiter with the naked eye before the 17th century when telescopes were discovered makes it even more interesting to have the planets in the Sumerian stamps.
The information the Sumerians gave about the planet uranus is almost the same as 11:38 - today’s science findings. However, in the time of the Sumerians, there was no telescope. It is written in the Sumerian inscriptions that an object hit the planet uranus. Nasa also confirms that its orbit changed as a result of a celestial body colliding with Uranus !!! The Sumerians wrote in their inscriptions that the planet Neptune is green / blue. The people of our age are just learning. The possibility that the Sumerians knew about the existence of uranus and neptune is really interesting !!! However, the years 1781 and 1846 are given as the date of discovery of these planets.
12:11 - Whether pluton, the farthest planet from the sun, is a planet or a large meteorite is still a matter of debate today. In 2006, in Prague, scientists removed the pluton from its planetary position due to its very small size, and named it a new definition, plutoide. The Annunaki, the superior being described by people like Sitchin who focused on science fiction, contradicts the meaning of the phrase “An-nu-na-”. Because, from the meaning of this sentence, it means that only Tengri is the sole ruler of the earth, sky and eternal blue. It is impossible to derive plural deities from this description, which emphasizes the single dominant Tengri.
12:53 - It seems that Sitchin constructs his work by referring to Judaism. Thread the experts Kramer, Sumerian history and language experts like Landsberger Asurologist and that means endless blue / in the words of the great God, other assets or lower gods or the / Anuta is / they are heavenly beings who Anuar’s disposal and has ideas to me by Sumer as Sitchin There is some truth in the findings of these people who search for their beliefs , but they could not see the truth as a whole because they turned their backs on scientific data and looked at it from the wrong angle, or they consciously defended the opposite theories to talk about themselves. The human gene structure, which carries 98% common genes with chimpanzees, a species of ape. It existed around 1 million years ago, their existence is from BC. It is genetically closer to homo eracti, another human species that ended in the 300,000 years, but the Annunaki, which are claimed to be the ones who fertilized humans 3-4,000 years ago, have not been traced any gene !!! These data, which are scientific facts, show us that the theories of people like Sitchin and Zimmerman are not correct.
14:11 - According to Sitchin, this planet , which is in solar order, very excantrique / following a reverse orbit very far from the center , passes very close to the earth every 3600 years , causing the seas to overflow, floods and even polar displacements at each pass. In these transits, the beings on nibiru descend to the earth, take the gold from the earth to save their dying planet , spray gold dust into the atmosphere to protect their endangered planet !!! Before he passed away in 2010, Sitchin said from the beginning that nibiru would pass again in 2012, and as he knew scientifically that this would not be possible, he later claimed that he would pass the transition date by 2085. While Mars and Venus can be seen with the naked eye, the fact that a planet that is constantly approaching 4⁄5 times the size of the earth , which is claimed to pass by us very recently, can not be seen even with advanced technology telescopes , shows that this theory is completely absurd. Scientists like Zecharia Sitchin ignore some of the Sumerian belief phenomena in their planetary narratives that they call nibiru. The fact that the moon Tengri is believed in the Sumerian city of Ur with the name of “Nanna” is among the possibilities that they counted the “moon” and the moons of other planets as planets.
The name of Ur, also known as the “city of brothers”, and the word Nanna means “ 15:59 - God of the city of brothers”. BC 2150 in the inscriptions scientists root meaning of forget what Nanni word of Nanna word in the strict sense of the Sumerians “Na Na” separating “They get the information they make meaning sky stone or sky people. Constitutes the origin of the Semitic languages later periods- speaking former aramid Akkadians months as Nannar this name ’s god and “bright” they started to use in the sense. to me, Nibiru in Sumerian name as the origin of the planet Nanna, is derived from Nannaru in Akkadian is more realistic. millions of light years of its existence discovered, scientists of the super nova in from the last close to a world 3,600 years, in reverse orbit the fact that hide the presence of a rotating planet is not in a logical Statement.
16:57 - If you are in a world close to passing Nibiru 4 thousand years 3,600 years no one’s inability to see that this theory is completely undermined. Nibiru and suggesting the Annunaki theory there is one fact that they ignore the people of this theory it shows that it is completely irrational and unscientific. Perhaps some researchers, such as Sitchin, who had no knowledge of Anu as a civilization before the Sumerians, in the Sumerians, as a civilization, had put their theories on the wrong ground for these reasons . Because the city of Göksuri civilization, which is the heart of Anu’s Turkmenistan Karakum, and the excavations carried out in these city cemeteries showed that the civilization of Anu was formed thousands of years before the Sumerians who migrated from here. It is more realistic to me that beings like Enlil, Enki, Ninlil are celestial beings that enable the communication between Tengri and humans.
It 18:03 - is not difficult to know that the Sumerians who are named as kağanlar who lived in history were not gods. Because there are heavenly beings like Enlil who inform the kagans like Ziusudra / Noah, and who brought the rules to be obeyed from Tengri. Kramer, considered the greatest expert on Sumerians and Akkads, is the main source of reference to Sumerian circles as the person who solved the Sumerian cuneiform writings. History begins in Sumer is the masterpiece on which anthropologists, historians and linguists have studied . Even in our country, foreign scientists who direct and direct archaeological excavations , while working in dust and soil in the field, follow the headlines of newspapers to find out what has been found in ours.
Today, it is not possible to learn anything from the 19:01 - prosaic and simple understanding of history of the people we apply as scientists. These people, who are in charge of researching human and human history and their roots, do nothing but translate texts on western civilization into Turkish, like articles on ancient greek civilization. However, there is a long period in which the massacres the Turks suffered during the wars with the Umayyad Arabs before accepting Islam were not told, hidden, left in the dark and wanted to be covered !!! Since it is easier to read the works of Western scientists and historians about themselves and tell them in entertainment-oriented talks on newspaper columns and TV screens, it is not for them to think about it. These are also people with the capacity of researchers, historians who direct and enlighten the society !!! Society, formed by passing the strain of thousands of years that made us who we are , has lost its customs, traditions and spirit. These so-called historians, on the other hand, continue to tell fairy tales in show / entertainment talks .
20:08 - Creation in Sumerians is summarized as follows in Kramer’s determinations about the Sumerians, of which I have benefited greatly from his findings such as the world man ; -The God depicted and accepted as Mother in the Sumerians is eternal, not created and Single. Look, the same as Islam - He created the heavens and the earth that are attached to one another. -The earth and sky are separated from each other as a result of the pressure force arising from gas compression between these two objects . -Tengri’s giving a piece of himself to this gaseous object caused the moon to form. -After the separation of the sky and the earth, the earth became suitable for the formation of plants and for animals to live.
All living things, which are vital objects on earth, came to life with 21:04 - the activation of the sun as a result of the combination of water, soil and air. It is a fact that some political, religious and scientists are disturbed by some facts. Others consciously try to cover up the facts. There are two facts that disturb these obsessed people, who are in the minority. First, all the findings about the Sumerians are religious, customary facts brought from the civilization of Anu, Turkestan, to Mesopotamia.
21:33 - From Anuar Mesopotamia or 8 thousand years ago emigrated Sumerians and contemporary Turkic with them all these disjointed times have hundreds of words Although it has been used with the same meaning while living humanity stone age of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia advanced civilization who, in the development of mankind from the most basic community and have them front the Turks It disturbs some western aryanist racist political and scientists who do not see it possible that other nations other than Indo-European speaking nations have established superior civilizations. For these reasons, they try to conceal the ethnic identity of the Sumerians and the linguistic integrity of the language they speak. Although at least 300 words are used by Sumerians in today’s Turkish, they put Sumerian as an archaic / dead language, ignoring the fact that they have used the additive spelling feature that shows the basic characteristics of Turkic languages. Understanding the meanings of many words in Sumerian even in contemporary Turkish, which is contaminated with words borrowed from Arabic, Persian, and French, hurts them . These people used to say that the Sumerians were Indo-European speaking communities without showing any scientific data, but no one is in a position to defend these falsifications and lies anymore.
23:08 - You are also aware that everything comes from the Anatolian Turks. Kramer, who is regarded as the greatest expert in Sumerian and Akkadian language and history , wrote the facts in his work titled “History begins in Sumer ” and ragged the theories of people who made such ridiculous claims. The second reason is the Sumerian Tengri belief. The fact that people who have focused on the legend of nibiru with a little science fiction romance gives real information about the Sumerian beliefs. The points where they are wrong, as Anunakis, they have the disagreements that I have just described, such as connecting the celestial beings that mediate between Tengri and humans, which I believe to be the belief of Truth, which has existed since time immemorial, to the arrival of high-level beings to the world.
24:00 - As I have repeatedly dictated in my previous videos, there is hardly any belief that is not affected by the Tengri belief . The civilizations that emerged in the following periods , whether in their uncorrupted form or in their degenerate form far from their essence , were definitely affected and founded their beliefs on this belief. Although the Sumerian civilization, which guided humanity with its 3 thousand years of discoveries, has come to an end, it is not possible for other beliefs and civilizations to be affected by the Tengri belief phenomena , since the Sumerian script and language have been used as the language of science for 2 thousand years . Tengri belief has been the source of all beliefs in the world in one way or another. The legendary phenomenon and narrative of the Sumerian Gilgamesh, the ruler of the city of Uruk, is one of many examples.
24:52 - In the Gilgamesh epic, it is told that Gilgamesh traveled around the planets. In the narrative, Gilgamesh visits the planet Mesh, this name transforms into Her “(mesh)” in ancient Greece, mercure in the Romans. The planet that Gilgamesh visited becomes the god of thieves as Ganesh in Hindiuzim. These are different civilizations, but since their main sources are the same, the basic characteristics of all of them are the same, they are all healers, physicians seeking healing. What a coincidence !!! Gilgamesh is also a person who searches for the plant of immortality, who aims not to die !!! A Gilgen in Western languages “mesh” spell after the gördükt from each one of the ancient Greek gods “mesh” There is a need for specific information to see that it was swiped from in Gilman legends actually…
25:40 - That information aryanizml one part themselves put to the superior human location western political and racist scientists and It disturbs bigot communities who consider Arabism to be special . When the historical facts are accepted, Muslims will have to abandon the Umayyad belief molded by arab fascism . Christians will see that the Bible dictated by the pagan king Constantine in AD 325 has almost no relevance to the belief in Truth. The Zionists, on the other hand, will have to admit that they are not chosen people because they do not belong to the Tengri belief facts they created to exploit all humanity and which they took away from the Babylonians they used. For these reasons they have to deny historical and religious facts.
26:35 - But whatever is done, historical facts can be hidden for a while, but never destroyed. .