Signs of Last Days: The Hour al-Sā’ah (الساعة), Safety Zones from Anti-Christ By Sheikh Nurjan
Feb 9, 2021 22:23 · 2778 words · 14 minute read
“A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem. Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem.
00:15 - Wal hamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen, was salatu was salaam Ashrafil Mursalin Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad al Mustafa ﷺ, Bi Madadekum wa Nazarekum Seyyidi Ya Rasulul Kareem (The Most Generous Prophet), Ya Habeeb al-Azheem.
00:28 - Madad Ya Seyyidi Ya Sultan al Awliya Mawlana Shaykh AbdAllah Fa’iz ad-Daghestani, Sultan Al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani (Q).
00:35 - Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Shaykh Adnan Kabbani (Q), Shaykh Muhammad Adil (Q).
00:39 - Wa Abdul Khaliq al- Ghujdawni, Sahibul Zaman Sayyidina Muhammadul Mahdi (‘alayhis salaam), wa Ruhullah Sayyidina ‘Isa (‘alayhis salaam), Sayfullah Sayyidina ‘Ali (‘alayhis salaam), Thumma Sayyidina Abu Bakr As-Siddiq, Sayyidina Umar, Sayyidna Uthman, Imam al-Hassan (‘alayhis salaam), Imam al-Hussain (‘alayhis salaam), wa Sayyidatina Fatima tuz Zahra (‘alayhis salatu was salaam),wa ila sayiri sadatina wa Siddiqin.
01:02 - Al Fatiha. Shafaat Ya Rasulul Kareem, Ya Habib al Azheem.
01:07 - Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum. ” And always a reminder for myself ana abdukal ‘ajeezu dayeefu, miskin wa zhalim wa jahl, and but for the grace of Allah (AJ) that we are still in existence and with everything that happening around us and the blessed month that is the dress of Surat al-Qamar, the realities of 54 and, “Iqtarab assaAAat,” that look for the clock.
01:43 - And alhamdulillah Allah (AJ) make everything to be a reality that is right in front of us and we don’t have to make things to be complicated.
01:53 - As soon as the clock in Mecca went up – Iqtarab assaAAat.
01:58 - That, that was a big isharat (sign) that is ushering in a Mahdiyun time in which the realities of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) appear where Prophet ﷺ taught to. . as alamat and signs for the arrival of his blessed grandson and that how deception would fill the earth and the leader of deception would appear.
02:31 - And so the dajjal (man of deceit) and Imam Mahdi (as) they go side by side, that for that deception to appear Allah (AJ) gave a salvation to the nation of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ with the arrival of Sayyidina Mahdi (as).
02:47 - And we talked last night that many are teaching about the alamat (signs), alhamdulillah.
02:55 - When they try to give the understanding of physical locations and this is Yajuj Majuj (Gog and Magog), this is this, this is this. . more important is the haqqaiq (realities) of these alamat.
03:09 - When Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is describing for us that three places on this earth will be safe, safe from the fitna (confusion) of dajjal and to preserve those whom Allah (AJ) want to be preserved for the arrival of Sayyidina Mahdi (as).
03:27 - So, when we see what types of events are coming – Dukhan (smoke) and immense tribulations upon the nation.
03:36 - Can I be heard? Okay sound is coming through.
03:40 - The earthquakes, the sudden death, a time of sudden death of sicknesses and difficulties, wars that would encompass the entire earth into a state of annihilation in which they want to annihilate 6 out of 7 human beings on earth, and this is the dajjal plan to do all of these and Allah (AJ) although they plan, Allah’s (AJ) plan is within that plan because Allah (AJ) wrote the whole package.
04:16 - And that Allah (AJ) has those whom He wants to be saved and preserved for the arrival of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and the immense reality of the Mahdiyun and that the Mahdiyun reality is the reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
04:35 - Once they’ve been taught these Muhammadan haqqaiqs (Muhammadan Realities), when they understood the Muhammadan haqqaiq and it entered into their heart that all these awliya (saints), all these shaykhs, all these lovers and muhibeen (lovers of the way) they’re love is making them to be a reflection of the Muhammadan Reality, then imagine the highest of that reflection returning upon this earth – Imam Mahdi (as).
05:02 - Then imagine then the immense joy they would feel to be in the presence of that reflection of the Muhammadan light.
05:10 - And they made their whole life for that purpose and for that cause and their reality and their teaching to give us an understanding to reach that and when Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ is describing for us that nowhere on this earth when these fitnas are moving and rolling will be safe except Mecca, Madina, and Sham as-Sharif which is Damascus.
05:39 - That three locations would be safe from the entry of dajjal to enter into its precincts and to destroy and utterly destroy that reality that Allah (AJ) is preserving.
05:55 - And awliyaullah come into our life and begin to teach that this is three states; these are three realities that every insan (human being) should have.
06:08 - It’s not that you going to run to Mecca because in reality the inhabitants of Mecca are not really very clean.
06:16 - And it’s not about anybody just living there, getting an apartment and being in Mecca or getting an apartment in Madina or running to Sham.
06:25 - Many ran to Sham and now they’re probably perished with the wars that have come.
06:31 - But these are haqqaiqs and realities that teach us that if we want to be with such holy personalities then we must be of a holy nature ourselves.
06:44 - That if we want to be with this immense reality, this immense pure reflection of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ then we must be pure and clean and take a path of purity and cleanliness to reach towards that reality.
06:59 - So, then they teach that we must be in a state of Mecca within our heart.
07:06 - That our heart has to be a Ka’bah and that’s why we were teaching before that every reference in Holy Qur’an to the holy ka’bah is a reference to the similitude of our heart.
07:19 - That, ‘Take My house, to clean My house, to wash My house and to circumambulate My house. ’ Means that my life should be about my heart reaching a state in which it is like the ka’bah.
07:34 - That my heart should have nothing in it but the love of Allah (AJ) and that I take away the idols, take away the fear, take away all this is impure and incorrect and that to be perfect the station of my faith in my heart so that my heart becomes purified, the zikr (Divine remembrance) of my heart is purified, all the actions… and that’s what we call wuquf ul-quloob – the vigilance of my heart.
08:03 - That these are three states Ya Rabbi I’m trying my best to reach in which my heart is a Mecca, is a Ka’bah and that my soul and my reality is in the ishq and the love of Madina and that my whole being and guidance is under the reality of Sham as-Sharif.
08:23 - So, means then my heart and my whole life is about being vigilant over my heart, to purify my heart, to clean my heart and to wash it.
08:34 - And we said before when we circumambulate means that we focus on something.
08:39 - If my life’s focus is on my heart that everyday when I’m making muraqabah (spiritual connection) and contemplation and I’m breathing, I’m focusing my breath, I’m focusing my thoughts upon my heart that, ‘:et the light enter into my heart.
08:53 - That Ya Rabbi let my heart to be clean, let my actions to be clean. ’ Then I’m washing it, I’m purifying it with zikrullah (remembrance of Allah), with salawat (praising’s) on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
09:05 - My tawaf (circumambulation) is my focus, that everything I do I have to think to myself that if my heart is trying to be a Ka’bah, is this action going to be beneficial to my heart and to my reality? Is my purpose beneficial and my actions beneficial for my heart to be like a Ka’bah and to be pure and purified in that reality? At the same time that Prophet ﷺ was teaching then Madina, Madina has to be sanctified and safe.
09:38 - If Madina is safe then is my faith. . because this is Islam, Iman (faith) and wa Maqamul Ihsan (station of moral excellence).
09:49 - When my Islam and my heart and my being has that love for Allah (AJ) then it comes to the reality of my faith.
10:01 - When Prophet ﷺ described that, ‘Your faith is not complete until that you love me more than you love yourself. ’ So, then all my practices are for this faith and light of my soul to become Muhammadiyun.
10:16 - That am I immensing myself, immersing myself in this immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
10:26 - That with my salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), with my mawlids (celebration of the birthday of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), my participation in the live mawlids, my making of durood e-sharif (praising upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ), my salawats on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, my nazar (gaze) and focus that ‘Ya Rabbi let me to be a good ambassador for that reality; let me to be Muhammadiyun so in which Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ to be happy with me, pleased with me, proud of me.
10:51 - That the nazar of Prophet ﷺ to be upon me with good character’ that Prophet ﷺ described and emphasized the khuluq and the character.
11:01 - Allah (AJ) emphasize: ‘You’re of a magnificent character. ’ That means then my whole life is about the perfection of my faith.
11:10 - That I’m busy scrubbing and cleaning my heart, meditating that make sure my heart is good – Did I harm someone? Did I do something wrong? Is something wrong entering into my heart? Is my heart in a good condition with Allah’s (AJ) nazar to be upon it? And that are my practices spiritual and emphasizing the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
11:34 - Because these alamat and these signs were not for us to go and run to find where Yajuj Majuj are hiding and to dig them out, ut these signs were for us that Allah (AJ) saying that, ‘Judgement day is coming and if you’re not going to prepare for judgement day then know that this event of Armageddon and these events of the last days, these events of mushkilats and difficulties are upon you, and what are you doing to safeguard yourself?’ It’s not a matter of surviving them all; it’s not a matter of exactly foretelling the date of when Sayyidina Mahdi (as) will arrive.
12:17 - None of that is important. What was important that Allah (AJ) gave us an isharat (sign) through the holy hadith of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ that only Mecca and Madina and Sham as-Sharif would be safe, make our hearts to be a Mecca in which Allah (AJ) says, ‘I’m not in heaven, I’m not on earth but I’m on the heart of my believer. ’ And that the heart of that servant become like a Ka’bah in which the love of Allah (AJ) is there.
12:44 - And Allah (AJ) says, ‘I’m with nabiyeen, siddiqeen, shuhadai, wa saliheen, and these are the best of company. ’ So means their heart is like a Ka’bah, as a result people are coming towards them; people are attracted towards that heart and whatever information that heart is sending out as a signal, people are attracted to that reality.
13:08 - And that’s what it means to be a Ka’bah and a qibla (direction of prayer) because the Ka’bah itself is not something that is worshipped, it’s merely a direction.
13:17 - Nobody’s praying to the Ka’bah but the Ka’bah is our compass and our direction that, ‘This is what I’m focusing. ’ So, to make our heart a Mecca means to bring this good character, so that our entire focus is in our life is on our heart.
13:35 - That this heart of mine Ya Rabbi every night to make my muraqabah, to make my cleansing, to make my attention and the reality of my soul it has to love and it will only be with whom it loves.
13:49 - And its primary love for Allah (AJ) and the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
13:56 - Am I reaching towards that love and is my soul becoming Muhammadiyun in which my light is changing from ‘Me’ and is changing into a ‘Muhammadan light,’ a blessed light, a purified light.
14:10 - The reality of light in which Allah (AJ) wanted as the most truthful light, the most light of haq (truth) is the haq of Nabi Muhammad ﷺ.
14:20 - And then Sham as-Sharif which represents the sultanate (kingdom) and awliyaullah, that if we want that reality, am I in the company of awliyaullah? Am I in the company of those whom are trying to reach towards that reality? Do they teach me about the reality of awliyaullah from their wazifas (spiritual practices), from their du’as (supplications), from all of their practices? These are not practices that we make up and that we put together and some people read a book and they tell a few people, ‘You should recite this and you should recite that.
’ These are the etiquettes that these huge awliyaullah that we believe them to be the king of saints – Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abdullah Faiz ad-Daghestani (Q), Sultan al-Awliya Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil Haqqani (Q).
15:06 - What legacy they gave of their etiquettes, their du’as, their prayers that they recited on daily basis’s, on weekly basis’s, on monthly basis’s, all of those passed down through these shaykhs and put out and these are the etiquettes that these shaykhs teach.
15:24 - Recite these, do these practices so that we can be from them, be accompanying them, be under their nazar so that we are under the nazar of these awliyaullah so that our heart is a Ka’bah, our soul is Madani and in the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.
15:42 - So, then we have the safety of Mecca being our heart; we have our soul as a Madina and we have our entire surrounding of energy as Sham as-Sharif, at that time that person should feel that dajjal cannot enter into that person.
16:00 - And that’s the safety. it’s not about me taking my physical place and my physical being into a holy environment and by virtue of that environment I’m safe, but Allah (AJ) says, ‘You have to make yourself that environment.
16:18 - You have to be Mecca, you have to have the character and the cleanliness, the goodness of that reality.
16:27 - You have to be Madani and Madina like. We have to have that love and respect for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ in everything you do and that your life should be always around awliyaullah that they are the people of Sham as-Sharif, they are the people of Yawmul Mahshar (Day of Gathering) in which Allah (AJ)… why Sham as-Sharif was so immensely important? Because that’s the day and that’s the location of judgement day, when the throne of Allah (AJ) will be brought down upon Damascus.
16:59 - Mawlana Shaykh’s teaching is that all Prophets and all the saints, sahabi (Holy companions of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) and Ahlul Bayt (Holy family of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) all prayed that ‘Ya Rabbi wherever we die that bring angels to take our souls to be buried in Sham as-Sharif so that we can be raised first amongst those people for Yawmul Mahshar and the day of judgement and to be under the intercession of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. ’ We pray that Allah (AJ) in these day of difficulty grant for us an understanding to be from a reality.
17:32 - It’s not a matter of running to a location but to be from that location and the location to reflect its reality upon ourselves so that we all become from the safety of Mecca and that our souls are under the safety of Madinatul Munawwara (luminous city of Prophet ﷺ) and our entire encapsulation is under the nazar of these awliyaullah for Damascus and Sham as-Sharif, and so that wherever we go, it become Sham as-Sharif inshaAllah.
17:59 - Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen.
18:04 - Bi hurmati Muhammad al-Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha. .