Nov 22, 2020 18:28 · 1570 words · 8 minute read could spark fuel would enter

Evidence against Formula 1 DNA and a new engine for Ferrari that is already generating controversy before it even reaches the circuits, let’s talk about it now. Hello friend of Ressaca Formula 1, welcome to another video I am Matheus Pucci and we already have two very interesting news this Sunday, the first is about McLaren’s Andreas Seidl talking about Formula 1 DNA and how the tests we we recently had mainly from Turkey can be seen as good or bad and of course talking about everything that happened in Turkey with that unpredictability due to the track conditions, so he says the following “we had a lot of comments in both directions, if that is positive or negative for F1 what we saw on Friday and Saturday of course a race like that we have to admit that we saw several races with complicated conditions like this that yielded good tests, it is obvious that everyone wants to see the cars fighting on the track, to see overtaking, either seeing different cars at the end, people climbing the pack after starting at the bottom but at the same time F1 under normal conditions is about building, having the best car, and getting the best performance before him and it is normal for the best car to be ahead in the qualifying and in the race this is part of the Formula 1 DNA ” I think we have a lot of positive things coming from 2022 with the new technical regulation that should allow the cars to ride closer and that should also allow more overtaking we still have the financial regulation that should help in that I also believe that there is no reason to be pessimistic “what Andreas is talking about basically is about the criticism and praise for the track conditions in Turkey where a freshly resurfaced asphalt ended up bringing a very atypical circumstance that was, for example, Mercedes not being considered the favorite, neither in the dry nor in the wet and even so Hamilton ended up winning but anyway it was a proof that the unpredictability was much higher than normal until even greater than in other races we had this year where we had at least interesting results like Italy for example. I agree with Andreas that the Formula 1 DNA is a lot about building, F1 has had this since its inception and in its first decade of existence it implemented the constructors’ championship where the team that builds the best car, builds the best set and ends up getting the best out of the car / driver set so F1 has a lot of that, we can’t get away from this type of situation, we can’t get away from this type of thinking, the new regulation of 2022 which is that something we talk about a lot here in the hangover Formula 1 is a regulation that excites me because he will still have the question of building the DNA but he will give the Grid a little more balance so that something is not absurdly fired for one team or another we will have favorites but it will be on a smaller scale if this regulation really does be done together with the budget ceiling and we will only know in practice when 2022 arrives for us to know if it really worked or not main mind 2023 which is when things should start to come but don’t mold what we expect. Before we go to the next news, which is very important, I just want to remind you to like it, do not forget to enable Tink to subscribe so you don’t miss anything and also receive F1 content from other channels, p YouTube understands when you like it on the channel if you graduate he understands that you want to receive content from the category so let there be also our group of supporters that you are competing for a miniature and you will receive our magazine so well there at the grand prize of Bahrain so stay tuned and anyway also have notice so we will make a video on the issue of Hamilton receive the title of ‘Sir’ and also on a statement somewhat controversial stay tuned here on the channel. So, let’s move on to the next piece of news, which is very important because this important news? We recently brought a statement from Binotto talking about the Ferrari engine that Ferrari is going to make an engine that he is very confident about, that it will be much better next year, and that even in 2021 they hope to fight with Renault and Honda again and being a little behind Mercedes he even says that he has about 50 horsepower less than Mercedes the current Ferrari engine which is a lot we have to say that 50 horses is really a lot.

Anyway, 04:50 - the news we have here is very interesting because there are those who say that Ferrari, this is already coming out in the most diverse portals, is doing, developing better saying an internal combustion engine with very fast ignition and it is being called superfast what does this imply for the question of engines this would be precisely in the combustion engine there V6 and ferrari would also be working on an improved performance of its MGUH, but in any case this question of this superfast opened a series of arguments on social networks and not only on social networks but even in the articles that are being published around the world there is a story about motorsport, there is a story in F1 Mania, there is a story in several places about that Ferrari could even be already making a new engine so let’s say in the gray area of the regulation how was the engine of 2019, this technique that they want to use from Superfast or rather that are already impl According to the news, it comes close to the ignition speed of diesel engines, that is, the fuel would enter the engine faster and more efficiently, resulting in more power and even so that the system works optimally the inputs and engine outlets are also adjusted so that air can be pumped through the system more quickly so ferrari would be developing a system that is as revolutionary for these engines and what draws attention is that just revolutionizing at this level can result in breaking regulations , Ferrari already had a problem last year so everyone is watching it regardless of whether they support Ferrari or not we are just talking about the facts nobody knows what actually happened with that Ferrari engine we just have a very good explanation poorly elaborated both by Fia, Formula 1, and Ferrari itself, the Ferrari engine was in a gray area, sportiness that nobody knows if it really was adulterated and the fact that Ferrari was doing so badly this year, being so badly in relation to its engine further increases our perspicacity our let’s see how the engine will look like irregular if she is already working on something so revolutionary making it even compared to the diesel engine means that she is working on an absolutely fantastic technology but one that may once again be there in the gray area of ​​the regulation. This is due to the fact that Mercedes, which has been the main engine builder of Formula 1 engines since 2014, has not presented any kind of ingenious or revolutionary solution in this sense. Of course, Mercedes has developed for example party mode and some other improvements but such revolutionary things to the point of making the engine of such a big jump from one year to the other, only Ferrari presented what was exactly from 2018 half of 2018 there in Belgium until 2019 when the situation of Ferrari where it could be with the adulterated engine and now once again she wants to make this leap from the cat either in the right direction or in the wrong direction for 2021. Everyone will keep an eye on Ferrari and this could spark the alert in both F1, Formula 1 and the rest teams that Ferrari may be working on some more ingenious solution there if I’m not mistaken it was also Ferrari that started a solution where it took advantage of the gases coming out right there from the car to be able to also also generate more power and this was also banned if my memory serves me right now in 2019 something like this 18 but anyway we are seeing technologies being developed which is very good, this is very good for the industry but sports speaking will give for sure a lot to talk about this new Ferrari engine in 2021 especially if it makes the leap and Binotto himself said that he hopes that if Ferrari is going badly, nobody will want to know why it is not harming anyone but if it gives a performance leap you can be sure that we will have a new Ferrari Gate we will call it where we will investigate this Ferrari engine which is always very controversial. I want to know your opinion and of course don’t forget to subscribe here on the channel for more news, debates and curiosities, a big hug, thanks and spoke. .