Фильтр Zomei ND2-ND400 для смартфона. Обзор и тестирование!)

Jan 22, 2020 20:45 · 308 words · 2 minute read came directly smartphones package first

good afternoon everyone today we have another unpacking this time came nd filter Zomei variable type from ND2 to ND400 from 1 f-stop to 8 f-stop came in such a package besides the main mail package that came directly from china filter supplied directly with a clothespin its diameter 37 millimeters of the filter, as understood by clothespins, it is designed to mainly for smartphones in order to darken certain areas or receive corresponding type image milk water thereby increasing exposure getting the appropriate effects return part of the money for purchases in aliexpress with letishops cashback service it’s real money that can be withdrawn to credit card or top up balance phone be in trend buy with cashback from letishops link in description let’s see what is inside this package first here is such a filter as we see its name here specifically for smartphones nd filter variable type from 2 to 400 here the maximum value is shown and the minimum value here is appropriate risk indicating at the moment which you apply from options from minimum to maximum negative moment in that there is no fixation at the minimum and at the maximum and this is fraught with the fact that this filter suffer from the so-called “X” shaped the image is just here “X” shaped image appears directly beyond these limits of minimum and maximum by this kind of fact that there is no fixing you must ensure that you are not lost settings and if you look we see the dimming here it is maximum and now we have already left the minimum and let’s see directly how this filter behaves on a smartphone since we see everything quite well work thank you all for your attention to whom it was useful to all successful shopping unpacking and until the next video .