Holiday Ops: Presents, Bonuses, and Missions From Chuck Norris [World of Tanks]
Dec 4, 2020 11:07 · 1015 words · 5 minute read
The holidays are coming! That time of miracles when every house gets filled with a magical atmosphere. This year, the celebration has moved from the Garage in the woods to a cozy festive town in the mountains. And the first thing you’ll see in the new Garage is your first gift. A Tier IV German tank destroyer with an autoloader and some other nice little bonuses. Fill this town with magic and decorate it to your liking.
00:52 - Apart from the usual decorations, there are some new ones. Unpack decorations from Small Boxes and create your own unique holiday atmosphere. Small Boxes can now be received along with the standard rewards for completing daily missions. As well as for completing missions from a special guest. Don’t worry. Let’s roll. This year, it is Chuck Norris himself who will preside over the festive atmosphere. Want to be as cool as him? Complete Missions from Chuck. Complete special missions and, in addition to Small Boxes, earn unique and useful rewards: a special Holiday Ops vehicle slot, inscriptions, decals, a medal, a 2D style, and, of course, Chuck Norris. When you have completed most of his tasks, he will become the commander of one of your vehicles. And what a commander he is! He will have 3 skills already trained: Brothers in Arms as a zero perk, Repairs, and Sixth Sense, as well as enough experience to train one more skill or perk. And, most importantly, he will have a unique voiceover.
02:40 - “The only person who can harm Chuck Norris is me, Chuck Norris.” Also, long-awaited credit discounts for researchable vehicles make their return this year. Choose any vehicle in the Tech Tree and reduce its price. You can even apply the discount to unresearched vehicles. Chuck will give you a new mission every day. They are cumulative and can be completed at the same time. If you skip several days, you will be able to complete all the accumulated missions in one go. Each one of them can be simplified twice to receive rewards more quickly. Your Garage will become more and more magical with each new Festive Atmosphere level. And for that, you will receive festive presents: a medal, Personal Reserves, blueprint fragments, Antiduplicator charges, new female crew members, Crew Books, and a festive 2D style.
03:48 - At the fourth Atmosphere level, the first of four holiday guests will arrive in your Garage. Choose one of the Snow Maidens and receive a gift from her. Visit the Snow Maidens every day to receive your gift and increase the special Present Level. The higher it is, the higher the minimal level of decorations that you can receive from Maidens. To fill this scale completely and receive only Level V decorations from the Snow Maidens, you’ll have to visit them 19 times, but not necessarily in a row. It’s okay if you skip a couple of days. Your progress will be saved.
04:31 - The Present Level can be increased faster with shards. You can receive them by breaking the decorations you don’t need. You can create new decorations from shards using the special Decorider. Use the Antiduplicator to guarantee receiving a decoration that you don’t yet have in your collection. But use the Charges responsibly, as there are not many of them. There are four collections in total: New Year, Lunar New Year, Christmas, and Magic New Year. For each completed collection, you will receive corresponding decals and a festive 2D style. Each of the four collections has its own style. They can be applied to any vehicle, except those with unique exterior. There is also a special decal. You will receive it after collecting all four of the new Large Decorations.
05:31 - They are animated this year and they make the Garage even cozier. After you reach Festive Atmosphere Level X, you can complete your collections from previous years. Use shards to receive the required decorations or the whole collection at once. And receive the long-awaited reward. Complete this year’s collections to receive the Holiday Ops bonus to credits. Increase the Festive Atmosphere to Level X, then collect at least 72 decorations in each collection and all Large Decorations to receive the maximum bonus to credits.
06:17 - And that’s not all that awaits you during Holiday Ops. Starting from Festive Atmosphere Level V, you will start unlocking Holiday Ops vehicle slots that will give you bonuses to Combat Experience, Free Experience, or Crew Experience, depending on the vehicle type. This year, there is a new, special slot. You will receive it after completing five Missions from Chuck. At first, you can put only Tier V vehicles of any type in this slot. But each Festive Atmosphere level will also increase the tier of vehicles that you can select for this slot.
07:02 - And the best thing about it is, you can choose yourself what bonus to receive. You can change the vehicle in any slot for free after some time. But while the tank is in the slot, you can apply a festive 2D style to it. Sooner or later, all holidays come to an end. But not in World of Tanks. The Holiday Ops atmosphere will stay with you almost until the end of January, along with the Holiday Ops vehicles. In addition to the bonus to experience, vehicles will receive the credits bonus. You will have as many slots as you managed to unlock. Vehicle Change Freeze time will increase, but you will be able to change vehicles using credits after each battle if you want. The vehicles will continue to receive the Holiday Ops bonus to experience and credits as long as they remain in the slots. The credits bonus will be equal to the maximum bonus you achieved during Holiday Ops, even if you broke all your decorations and decreased the Festive Atmosphere level.
08:23 - Holiday Ops is coming! Get ready to decorate your Garage, receive valuable presents from the Snow Maidens, and celebrate the holidays with your dear ones and old pals. .