How to work with Chaos Vantage? Animation, DoF, Hair, Interior. Final.
Jan 8, 2021 15:01 · 2533 words · 12 minute read
Hello everyone! With you - Andrey Krivulya Charly And this is the final episode about “Chaos Vantage”.
00:11 - The previous episode can be viewed in the pinned comment.
00:14 - In it I will show you how to: Export to “. vrscene” format and import to “Chaos Vantage”.
00:20 - Adjust fog. Change lighting to “Physical Sun & Sky”.
00:23 - Enable “DoF”. Render a picture with and without Denoiser.
00:27 - Make camera animation or record video - with actions from the viewport.
00:31 - Also, in this series - I will demonstrate the work of the interior from “Evermotion” And since “Chaos Vantage” does not support hair from “Ornatrix” and “V-Ray Hair Mtl” I will show you how to import them after all - using one clever trick.
00:43 - Are you ready to absorb some interesting information? Then let’s go.
00:48 - Also if you want to support this channel. Then write a comment, like, subscribe and share this video on social networks.
00:56 - This is very important for its development.
00:58 - Buy any of the plugins - follow the links in the pinned comment.
01:02 - Also, buy any of the models from my “CGTrader”, “Artstation” Or buy any of the prints there.
01:09 - So. To export a scene in “. vrscene” format you need to right-click and select “. vrscene exporter” at the very bottom.
01:18 - In the window that appears, specify the path to the folder to which you want to export.
01:23 - And that’s all. Everything else - I usually leave it as default.
01:26 - If you need to export animation, then just go ahead and enable this option.
01:31 - After that, I press the “Export” button. We do not pay attention to this warning.
01:40 - Next, close “3ds max”. So that it does not eat up precious “GPU” memory.
01:45 - Then - open “Chaos Vantage” Go to the menu File - Open Scene and specify the “. vrscene” -file that was exported.
01:54 - Logically, without 3ds Max - FPS should be faster. but not a fact.
01:58 - Based on my experiments, I concluded that in some cases this is so.
02:03 - And in some it is identical. Basically, you can get used to the “Vantage” interface.
02:08 - It’s not so complicated as to be intimidated by it.
02:11 - So, the scene loaded quickly enough, as you can see.
02:15 - FPS is slightly higher, but not much. The first thing I love about the inside of the interface is the ability to quickly add FOG.
02:23 - I don’t know why they made two versions and I don’t understand how they differ.
02:27 - Let’s try turning on “Fog 1”. So the fog appeared.
02:31 - With the first option - you can change the distance.
02:34 - If you make it smaller, then the haze will be denser.
02:37 - The only thing… While using “Denoiser” - strange artifacts appear.
02:42 - When I was recording this video, I didn’t notice it right away.
02:45 - But we’ll talk about this further. As you can see, the fog is rendered fast enough.
02:52 - You can make it even denser. Here, just - the “Denoiser” bugs are very noticeable.
02:57 - Where it did not have time to process the noise, incomprehensible black spots appear.
03:10 - And if you turn off “Denoiser”, then you will immediately see how these bugs disappeared.
03:14 - But again. As you can see, even without the Denoiser, the viewport is much faster.
03:19 - Than in the usual “V-Ray IPR GPU” Which I showed in the previous series.
03:24 - And this is considering that fog is included.
03:27 - By the way, if you decrease the distance without “Denoiser”, then there will be no bugs either.
03:35 - As I said earlier - I still don’t understand what is the difference between Fog1 and Fog2.
03:40 - This is what the second looks like. Yes, its color is slightly different, but the settings are the same as in the first one.
03:46 - This fog is more like the atmosphere of St. Petersburg or London.
03:50 - Or the same “Silent Hill” that I adore. By the way, sometimes on Koh Samui - I have met such nebulae.
04:00 - Therefore, you can use it for different tasks.
04:03 - By the way, besides HDRi - you can also use “Physical Sun & Sky” for lighting your scene.
04:10 - I’ll turn off “Bloom” because at the moment - it’s too bright and personally I don’t like it.
04:25 - As soon as you turn on the “Physical Sun & Sky” lighting, you will immediately be able to control the intensity of the Sun.
04:48 - It is desirable to reduce the intensity of the sky so that there are no such sharp overexposures.
05:09 - Further, you can enable control of the position of the Sun - using this option.
05:30 - With the help of “W, A, S, D” - you can also move around the scene.
05:34 - With the help of “SHIFT” - speed up a step, start running.
05:36 - And as you can see, the noise update is quite fast.
05:39 - Even without the Denoiser. Personally, this is very impressive to me.
05:55 - Even faster with Denoiser. Again - you can select the desired angle and turn on “Fog”.
07:07 - And thus - get a quick render of this view.
07:12 - Now, let’s check out how “Depth of Field” works.
07:15 - To enable it, you need to go to the camera settings on the left.
07:24 - Then, you can select this icon or press the “T” key.
07:27 - After that, we click on the object - on which we want to focus.
07:30 - As you can see, “DoF” is also fast enough. Even without the Denoiser.
08:05 - By the way, you can immediately turn on the “Automatic Vertical Tilt” option.
08:09 - Which aligns the camera angle. And then open the additional depth of field settings.
08:14 - There are also Boke settings and so on. Optionally, you can enable “Bloom”.
08:44 - Add “LUT” correction, go to render settings, and change something there.
08:59 - As it seems to me, there is no need to explain anything here, since everything is intuitively clear.
09:04 - Right there in the interface, you can adjust the exposure and, of course, there is the final render.
09:09 - To demonstrate it’s work - I set this angle to flowers with this “Depth of Field”.
09:13 - And now - I want to compare render with “Denoiser” and without it.
09:16 - To start rendering - you need to go to “Tools” and there you will find the “Render HQ Snapshot” tool.
09:22 - It allows you to save what you see in the “Viewport” - in a picture with the selected resolution.
09:28 - In fact, this is the same as in the “Unreal Engine” But unlike it, real rendering takes place here based on samples.
09:34 - I think 100 samples in 4K resolution will be enough for rendering.
09:38 - So. To render the image, press “Start” and indicate in which folder we want to save it.
09:52 - So, the render finished in 5 minutes. Now let’s turn on “Denoiser” and first render 10 samples, then 50.
10:07 - And be sure to turn on the “Keep Denoiser” option.
10:41 - Now let’s see what happened. So. This is the result without a denoiser for 100 samples.
10:47 - This is the result: 50 samples + “Denoiser”.
10:50 - And this is what the result looks like with “Denoiser” and 10 samples.
10:54 - As you can see, 10 samples is very little. And “Denoiser” didn’t do its job.
11:00 - Although, again, this is enough for a “preview”.
11:02 - A 4K render in 28 seconds is great. “Depth of Field” is clearly visible and the noise does not interfere with perception.
11:08 - But what I don’t particularly like about Denoiser is the blurring of small details and bokeh.
11:13 - If you look at two renders at once. You will see this difference in bokeh quality and detail.
11:19 - But again - if you care about speed. Then we put 10 samples without “Denoiser” for exteriors and this will be quite enough.
11:27 - So now about creating camera animations, etc.
11:31 - In a pinned comment - I will leave a link to a video that tells about all the nuances - with regards to this task.
11:38 - I will tell you more briefly and show the main points that will help you animate the camera or record “Viewport”.
11:45 - If you go to “Tools” and select the entry “Viewport” or press “CTRL + Backspace” All your actions will be saved to the video file.
11:53 - For example, I will move the camera and now change focus on different objects.
11:58 - Then press “CTRL + Backspace” again or go to the same menu.
12:02 - As a result, the record is saved. And it is located in the folder with the scene file.
12:07 - Yes, the quality of the course will not be so high, but for the preview, it will be enough.
12:16 - And also, you can record cameras or a smooth transition between them.
12:21 - For example, I chose this angle. To save it to a new camera, you need to go to its settings on the left and click on this icon.
12:29 - Then you can select a different angle. And also - keep the camera with it.
12:39 - Now - how to make a smooth transition from this angle to the previous one? First, you need to open the “Animation Editor”.
12:46 - Then drag each of the cameras to the “Timeline”.
13:00 - If you try to press “PLay”, there will be no smooth transition yet.
13:03 - But, if you select the first camera and press the right mouse button, a menu will appear in which you can activate a smooth transition using the “Add Transition After” option.
13:13 - As you can see, there is a smooth transition.
13:20 - For more detailed settings, see the video that I have pinned in the comment.
13:24 - And now - I will tell you how to record the animation of walking around the stage.
13:29 - More precisely, the span of the camera. For example, again, save this view, and after that click on this icon.
13:36 - After that, we activate the walking mode. To do this, click on this icon.
13:41 - Now, just walk around the stage. Next, click on this icon again to stop recording.
14:06 - Drag the camera to the “Timeline” and see what happens.
14:23 - Now, as promised, I will demonstrate the work of “Chaos Vantage” on the interior from “Evermotion”.
14:30 - For the demonstration of interiors - I will use the collection “Archinteriors Vol. 52”.
14:36 - This is a restaurant that eats up GPU memory quite well.
14:39 - First, let’s see how it works in “V-Ray 5 GPU IPR”.
14:44 - And then we export it to “Chaos Vantage”. So.
14:47 - I opened this scene in “3ds Max”. As usual - set “Performance” mode for “viewport”.
14:52 - And now I’ll check - how much “GPU” memory this scene is eating.
14:56 - As you can see, it eats up 7GB of video memory.
15:00 - I don’t know how well it is optimized. This is already a question for “Evermotion”.
15:05 - I launch “IPR” and see what happens. So, “V-Ray Log” showed a bunch of errors, and “3ds Max” crashed.
15:18 - Okay, so checking “V-Ray 5 GPU IPR” on this scene won’t work.
15:20 - Let’s try to export it to “. vrscene” and open it in “Chaos Vantage”.
15:53 - As you can see, “Vantage” opened this scene without any problems.
15:57 - Yes, V-Ray can render it too, but without “IPR”.
16:00 - The scene eats up 9GB of video memory. And in the “viewport” we have 17 FPS.
16:06 - In the interior - you can notice slight flickering on the light sources - when using the Denoiser.
16:12 - If you turn it off, the bug disappears. And slightly reduce the “Bloom” effect.
16:27 - On interiors - the update is a little slower.
16:30 - But, nevertheless - you can evaluate what is obtained.
16:32 - Since there is not so much noise as in the same “V-Ray IPR” And the scene update is quite fast.
16:37 - Of course - with “Denoiser” it is much more pleasant to explore all this.
16:40 - At 50% “Denoiser” flickering on light sources is less noticeable.
16:45 - That is, no problem - you can “fly” through the interior.
18:41 - And make edits, for example - move and rotate this chair, etc.
19:00 - Since I am working with grooming, I was interested in the question of importing fur and hair into “Chaos Vantage”.
19:06 - Unfortunately, it still doesn’t support full hair with “V-Ray” material.
19:12 - But there is one trick that will help you export.
19:15 - And no problem - open the hair in the app. Yes, this is not “Alembic hair” and they will be without material.
19:20 - But still - this way, you can quickly see what happens, than render in “V-Ray IPR”.
19:25 - So. The trick is that you simply assign “MeshFromStrands” and turn the hair object into an “Editable Mesh”.
19:33 - Usually, 4-8 cylinder sides are sufficient for good quality.
19:39 - But on denser hair or fur, this can lead to a huge number of polygons.
19:43 - Therefore, I personally do not like this method.
19:46 - But, in this case, on a ball with 10K hair, it turned out 5 million polygons.
19:52 - This object can now be exported to. vrscene.
20:37 - In “Vantage” turn off “Denoiser” and see what happens.
20:47 - Now I will try to carry out the same experiment on my old hairstyle, which I think everyone already knows.
20:53 - Here I left “Num. Size = 1”, as there are a lot of polygons.
21:01 - In this case, it turned out to be 50 million.
21:03 - Now export to “. vrscene” and see how long such an object will open in “Chaos Vantage”.
21:33 - As you can see, “Viewport” works quite fast with such an object.
21:41 - So that’s all I wanted to tell you in this final series.
21:45 - If “ChaosGroup” adds hair support, then I will continue to record lessons with this great app.
21:50 - And so… Now I will start recording a video with an important announcement - about plans for 2021.
21:56 - Thank you for watching and wish you a good mood. .