✅ Making $900 profit day trading AMD this morning | Full analysis and breakdown

Feb 5, 2021 21:00 · 3509 words · 17 minute read

hey everybody welcome back to the channel happy friday hope it was a really good week for you this was a green week for me i caught another live trade on the screen recorder i want to play that for you today today was a an interesting trade on amd i did get triggered to the short side again but it ended up taking i think a total of about 35 minutes which is as many of you know is a very long trade for me so i’m going to show that to you today and then i’m going to kind of break down what i saw on the trade update you on the progress i’m making on the platform i know i’ve had a lot of hiccups and issues and i’ve got some of those worked out i actually spent four and a half hours yesterday on hold with interactive brokers bouncing from support person to support person to get things figured out and i’m going to update you on ultimately what the resolution for some of my issues was and i want to let you guys know and gals know that coming soon i’m going to do a video on interactive brokers and how i have it set up so this setting you see right here i’m going to show you how i did that i’m going to talk about the bracket trades i’m going to get into sort of the ins and outs of the global settings for the platform so that’s going to come so know that’s going to come and then the only other thing to update you on is tomorrow at 11 a.

m eastern i’m going to do a live stream i want all of you to come on in and we’re going to talk about trade management trade plans you can bring your ideas and talk about back testing i’ll show you my spreadsheet on how i how i fill in the back test so that i can log them we’ll get into all that stuff but right now let’s just show you this video on my trade so you can see right here we’ve got this is the last 15-minute candle let me flip over here real quick just to set it up so the last 15-minute candle if i walk this back is actually let’s walk it back just a little bit more right there so this candle here is the 915 candle you can see it closed as a doji and as a lot of you know i’m only taking short positions on amd right now i’m not going long only short that’s what my metrics have showed me my win rate is almost 60 right now on only bearish plays on amd so i’m going to stick with that and let me just get that set up okay i’m going to stick with that and that happened again today so in the pre-market this did flash up and we had a big green bullish looking candle and so i honestly thought today that i wouldn’t get triggered in i was thinking that amd was just going to run to the upside and sort of leave me alone for the day but the last 15-minute candle right here in the pre-market put in a high of 88.

30 and a low of 88. 01 so i was looking to get short 10 cents below the low of this candle once the market opened so i went at 87. 91 as my entry and looking to take it short trying to get a 75 cent profit hit on the way down so i’m going to show that to you right now so when i hit play you’re going to see me get triggered right away you can see 87. 91 that’s my cell stop limit to get short and then i’ve got a stop loss 30 cents higher and then a take profit 75 cents below that so here we go let’s jump in so you can see i get triggered right there really nice fill you can see my fill is 86 and change basically 87.

87 and it goes in against me initially and then it starts to kind of just churn and push lower but volume was a little lower today and i sped the video up just because this did take a long time so i didn’t want you to have to watch this whole thing again but here is my entry where this uh red shaded area sort of has this hard line with the black on the chart that’s my entry 87. 87 and right here you can see i’m gonna pause it we got 40 cents of progress so once we get to that point i move my stop loss to break even so it’s going to be me changing the stop loss from 8817 to 87.

87 which is right where i entered so you’ll see that selection here i’m going to pick that out change it and then confirm it so i go 87. 87 click it and then i hit the update button very smooth there you go everything’s good you can see the the order right here so 87. 87 is the stop 87 12 is still the target now this one was interesting because it struggled at the half dollar which is a little bit of psychological support and then it breaks through it and it just keeps kind of hanging this one didn’t want to go quickly this one was i don’t know if um some larger buyers were accumulating a short position meaning letting the price run up shorting it shorting it shorting it leaving alone letting it breathe letting the price come back up short short short and just building a larger short position but you can see now we’re in the second 15 minute candle of the day so that means that it’s beyond sev beyond 9 45 eastern time so this pushes down and what happens and this is kind of an interesting thing i’m going to show you some details on this trade on the platform but i get a partial fill and once i get that partial fill i’ll pause it because i want to show you how slick this platform is for handling partial fills so it pushes down again we’re almost i was two pennies away right there and i was very you know i start getting those feelings of should i just close this should i just get out but i can’t i got to get the full the full fill so now we’re into the third 15 minute candle so this means we’re beyond 10 o’clock so here we go right there i’m going to pause it so you can see that triangle came out i just got a partial fill and you can see right up here i just filled 320 of my 1200 shares but notice what the platform did i still have 880 shares remaining and it went ahead and updated my stop loss to be for 880 because this could be a problem let’s say i get filled for 320 shares and i still have 880 to fill and then this runs all the way back up and stops me out i don’t want my stop loss to be for the full 1200 or else now i will have i’ll be long shares because it’s more than the 880.

07:01 - so itself updates this this stop-loss which is perfect which means i don’t have to touch anything i can just leave this alone so i’m going to hit play again it’s going to come back down to the 8712 level in just a second it’s going to give me another partial fill this gets kind of interesting so i filled 320 of my 1200 comes down again now look at this now i’ve filled 420 shares of my 1200 so i’m about a third that i’ve that i’ve logged out of or that i’ve lagged out of and then ultimately it’s going to give us a nice i believe that just a big push down where it closes the rest of the position but still have 780 shares and i am a little concerned that we’re going to put in a doji and then start moving higher so i am aware of that but it kind of hangs in the 8720s gets back into the teens and then ultimately decides to give a hard push down and close this all out so right there close the rest the position self-cancel the stop loss and that’s the trade but you can see one two three 15-minute candles that it took to get this one done so there was a little bit of mild anxiety about wanting or the urge to punch out of this trade early and the example i’m going to give this is just a conversation i had let’s say that i am trying to make 900 on this position and i come within 60 dollars that profit so let’s say i have hundred and forty dollars profit if i take that trade off sixty dollars early you say oh great great trading day not a big deal you didn’t get two point five are but you got close what if you took sixty dollars you know what if you took it off sixty dollars early on a hundred trades that’s six thousand dollars so what seems like this little minuscule thing of just taking your trade off a couple pennies early can translate into thousands and thousands of dollars if you do that repeatedly so this just hammers home here’s the takeaway from this trade stick with your with your metrics stick with your trade plan if your goal is 2.

5 risk units for profit you’ve got to get there because everything is based on that risk unit so if you’re willing to lose one unit to make two and a half you got to stay with that if you take two and a quarter or two or 1. 9 or you know whatever you’re potentially leaving thousands and thousands of dollars on the table over the course of what we like you know the law of large numbers the longer you go the hundreds of trades later you’re going to look back and you’re going to see thousands tens of thousands of dollars left on the table and that would be unfortunate so let’s flip over now because i want to show you how funny the timing was on this so we got out then so let me roll this forward so there’s that first candle and i’m actually gonna maybe back this out just a little bit okay there’s okay so there’s the three candles all right so i’m out you can see that when this candle closed it ended up being sort of a doji so if i walk forward a little bit more now we’re going green more green more green and that would have stopped me out that would have been a break even stop out so you can see that the low of this candle got down to 86 87 and i closed out at 12 so 97 7 so about 20 about 25 cents lower it went and then reversed so we got out at a beautiful time any more profit than 2.

5 r with a 30 cent stop loss i think would have been too much in this one it wouldn’t have gotten there or yeah i mean at one point today i thought i was gonna get within two pennies and then have it reverse on me but luckily we got that push down and the probabilities are working in our favor so we’re good to go so now let’s roll forward you can see what it’s done the rest of the day kind of gone higher it’s kind of it uh where it is it actually hasn’t moved at all compared to where it opened that’s interesting so amd dropping and then moving back up so for commissions on the day so here is my activity panel these are my trades i can expand them to show you all the all the exchanges the dark exchange the island exchange i can show you all the fills but ultimately to get short on this trade it cost me eight dollars and 47 cents and then to cover the position and get out on those three fills it cost me another six dollars i’m thrilled to pay this money for these amazing silky smooth fills if i click the summary tab here’s what we did today amd we bought and sold 1200 shares at my cell phone price was 87.

87 and then i got filled at 12. 75 profit and commissions for the day 14 47 cents for 1200 shares i pay per share for these commissions and then my real and i my realize p l after you deduct this money from my p l i’m left with 887 dollars worth of profit for friday so really good week that ends up i’m gonna just do a quick calculation um that put me up let’s divide this out and just see um where we are for the week but i i was trying to figure out how many r’s it puts us close to 5r on the week and again i’m going to do a recap for the month of february on the 1st of march i’ll have that out for you for all of you and we can take a look at how many r’s i make for the month of february but right now my r value is 360 so every time i put on a trade i’m okay with losing 360 for the opportunity to make 900.

13:09 - next month that’ll go to 420 and we’ll just kind of keep going on and on adding 50 to 60 bucks anything divisible anything divisible by 30 cents that’s kind of where i’ll go because that’s my stop loss now so 420 next month 360 this month and so far so good we’ll kind of see how things go um if i do show you guys my trader view account and i’ll show you kind of all the trades as far as how many green days for the month i had but if we consider let’s flip over there right now let’s go to trader view real quick okay so i want to show this to you in my trader view account um i filtered it by february 1st to february 5th just this week just so you can kind of see this but right now this is kind of what my week is looking like i don’t have friday logged in um ibkr doesn’t give you that downloadable file until later tonight so i’ll add that 900 on here but let me just give you a quick give you the quick do your month day so let’s look at our weekly amount so right now this is showing let’s add this up so 651 22 and i’ll add that 887 equals 15 38 22 for the week and this was sort of again feeling out phasing in week had a couple fat finger fumbles this week some weird stuff that left some profits on the table so overall um you know close to 1550 in profit if i divide that by 360 that gives us 4.

27 so about four and a quarter r on the week which is fantastic we will take that week in and week out because every month we’re going to be raising our risk level which will ultimately hopefully to arrive at a thousand dollar risk per trade at some point someday in the future so that would make 4. 27 rs that would be 4 270 at a thousand dollar risk level so that’s the ultimate long-term goal we’re playing the long game here we’re slowly increasing our r value every month right now we’re at 360.

next month we’ll move to 420 but that will get more and more interesting as we as we go along so pretty good friday really happy with it really happy with the patience on this one this was a tough one to sit around and watch because um you know when it started to dodgy out a little bit and started to act like you know maybe it didn’t wanna it didn’t want to drop anymore it was gonna pop kind of got me thinking about jumping out but as you guys know i’m trying to really hold on and either let the stop loss get hit or i get my full profit so i’m still a work in progress learning every day making improvements every day and i want to touch on what i found out on my four and a half hours of support time with ibkr yesterday we basically got into the fact that i was using the latest release of the software and what the technician did was they rolled me back to the stable version so they sort of have a beta version a latest version and a stable version and as things go as time moves on the everything from the latest version or the everything from beta will eventually end up in the latest and everything from latest that gets timed tested will end up in the stable version it’s sort of a trickle down thing where the stable version is like everything that’s bug free consistently for a period of time so now i’m on the stable version and things worked a lot better today so i didn’t get any error messages like you’ve been seeing my bracket worked really well the only thing that’s not working is that it’s not auto moving my stop loss when i get 40 cents of profit so i’m gonna just forget about that for right now i don’t know why that is but that functionality just doesn’t seem to work if you know how that works or you you know how to make that functionality work the self moving the stop loss where the platform does it drop me a comment below and let me know i’d love to figure that one out but really good friday tomorrow’s our live stream we’re going to get started at 11 a.

m eastern time 10 central nine mountain eight o’clock on the west coast come join me or if you’re in sitka alaska that would be seven a. m um come join me come hang out bring your questions we’re in truck we’re gonna talk all trade management trade plans i want to help get you all over that hump of consistency the consistency piece seems to be the hardest for everyone it seems like people go down a rabbit hole they get something figured out they start to use it and then when it doesn’t work they switch they jump to another strategy and the law of large numbers never has an opportunity to fully play out you have to accumulate a large number of occurrences to to be able to see the probabilities and the statistics play out um if you have a 50 win rate or 45 percent or whatever you in order for that to be realized as profits you have to give it a chance to work and that can mean 100 200 300 trades it takes time but join me tomorrow check that out it should be a lot of fun i’ve been chatting with a lot of you in the private facebook group and it seems like we’ve got some good excitement over there about coming in for the live stream tomorrow so if you’re new to the channel um subscribe if you enjoyed today’s video hit that like button and then come over to the banner the youtube page and just click the link to the private facebook group and i’ll get you approved and we can get you set up there about 200 and almost 230 of us now in that private group so come join us if you want to track your trades in a platform like this tradervue.

com it’s amazing i’ve used it for quite a while now they have a free version and two paid versions if you sign up and use a paid version it helps support the channel the link is in the description and the link is also in the banner of the youtube channel so feel free to check that out as well you can support the channel and i really appreciate it so hope everybody had a green week hope it was a wonderful friday we’ll see you all in the morning have a great rest of the day you.