Italien Off-Roadtrip im Expeditionsmobil,Toskana,Umbrien,Westalpen im Oldtimer Camper Fernreisemobil
Nov 6, 2020 17:00 · 2045 words · 10 minute read
Italy Off-Roadtrip with the expedition mobile part 2. in the last video we were two weeks with our Expedition mobile in the Abruzzo National Parks on the way to hiking and mountain biking. Great dirt roads, magnificent landscapes fantastic camp spots. The link to it you will find above. In this video we visit some well-known photo locations in Umbria and in Tuscany. Our built-in refrigerator gives up, we stick to the highway again We visit the largest fortress of Europe, I explore the Western Alps with the mountain bike, we visit the Mont Saint Michelle of Italy Annette hurts her ankle, and at the end we head for the Aosta Valley.
00:49 - After two weeks of hiking and Mountain biking in the Abruzzo National Parks we wanted a view of a few photos Locations in Umbria and Tuscany Civita di Bagnoregio is located north of Rome near the Bolsena Lake and is a village that is lies on a tuff rock that one can reach via a bridge. For five Euro entrance fee you can use the bridge into the village that despite Corona is very was well attended. To take photos without tourists you have to have a lot of patience. The next morning I got up at five o’clock to photograph the sunrise. I expected to be alone, but even in Corona times were some photographers on the way. That was after all very sociable.
Bagnoregio has a 01:40 - own camper van parking space we were alone. The access road is however quite overgrown and Italian tight. [Music] [Music] Driving with an expedition truck in Italy was much easier than feared. The transit roads through the Villages are actually always drivable, if not you will be redirected or the street is about to be closed. Our Isotherm refrigerator had in the last weeks daily less cooling capacity, In the meantime the butter has not yet been cooled anymore in the freezer.
There was 02:49 - electricity, the compressor was running, but no more cold was generated. From the error pattern it looked as if the refrigerant slowly escaped. The search for a Cool box is more difficult in Italy than one would like to assume. One cannot buy them in Italy just in the supermarket. After a long searching we followed an advertising poster and were lucky in the neighboring town. Pitigliano is another beautiful small town on a tuff rock and is surrounded by by a city wall. And to the photo spot at sunriseit is also not far. yes horny hey? The area was already under the Etruscans populated and is known for its Etruscan roads, we just did not know that. Yes, especially this one is so horny, you could go mountain biking there. The Etruscans buried the deads in the caves at roadside.
03:48 - At the latest the Romans then plundered them and today they are used as basements. There you can see clearly in the past not everything was better! And they already had road crossings as you can see. Cool! Old paint! Actually we wanted to stay in Tuscany, but it had every day well over 30 degrees and between 10 and 18 o’clock you can’t do anything but lie in the shade. That is why we have decided to to drive north into the Western Alps. The free freeways in Tuscany are a disaster, this is a single vibrating track.
At 04:42 - the navigation system is 280 kilometers straight ahead, and one has actually only the wish to get on a toll freeway with smooth asphalt. An adventure after the other: From Genoa direction Milan when driving up it whistles suddenly at the rear axle, probably the pressure relief valve. The car blocks at the rear axle and we barely just made it up to the hard shoulder. There we stand now in brooding heat. Adac has reacted immediately, sends someone, and someone from the freeway company came to protect us. However the car does not move of course any meter more. We cause our first traffic jam.
Yes, although they can 05:26 - drive the other lane. We are lucky, because it is Thursday, not a weekend! Uiuiuiuoiu! Isca, what do you say, we are about to be towed away, You are a bit tense! The rear wheels are blocked, he takes us now probably high at the front, elicits then in the back brake and tows us to the Meccedes dealer. We are pumped up! What you can get for probably 1000 Euro…! Now we are being pulled in! Hey you, how are you doing? Shit but I feel in good Hands Michele has it under control! I had hoped that by towing us the toll to be release but it was nothing, I had to cross the toll station over the truck and put my ticket in to pay. The Mercedes dealer has closed, allegedly only on Monday, today is Thursday.
Now he has dragged us to his place, 07:16 - somewhere in Genoa there you would never drive in. Now it goes up to the truck on the roof, I have to manage it somehow. We are now back down from the roof, to a truck dealer and stand there on a backyard. They have now investigated this they think there would be a broken valve. Today is Thursday they might fix it tomorrow. We would never have driven here, not to die, but it has really nice people. We do not have any chocks and the rear brake does not work, therefore we removed something of the pallets. It’s a heat here, you can’t stand it, Indian conditions! People, in Genoa there are moskitos, in other countries this would be called Fried chicken! They were sitting with hundreds of them on our mosquito nets and we pressed them inwards. When you look from the side to the mosquito nets one has seen how the have arched inwards due to the Pressure of the moskitos. The proboscis of the Schnaken, such things searching for two sweating Germans and a wet dog.
Well, it was not like this 08:34 - but almost! The fact was, if you wanted out first with the ventilator you had to Blow out the mosquito net! This also looks not good, I already noticed it during a break but now it’s really coming out. The towing was free of charge thanks to Adac, thank you very much, Spare parts and repair of the pressure regulator were then nevertheless almost the estimated 1000 Euro! [Music] [Applause] [Music] So I do not know now whether 33 degrees in the Toscana or 12 degrees in the Turin mountains at continuous rain is better, in any case it is different! The Fenestrelle fortress is the largest fortress of Europe and after the Chinese wall is the next largest wall. On the part that you see here they built for 122 years! These are 3 fortifications three Kilometers long 600 meters difference in height and through a staircase with almost 4000 steps connect to each other! The whole area was under Ludwig the 14 French, you can still see that today the on the city names. The valley was at that time protected by two fortresses. The cannons showed to the bottom right this was Savoy territory that were the precursors of Italy.
They 10:23 - then at some point thought nice corner we also like! They came with a army through the valley and with a further army from above. They attacked the Fortress on the left side. The French garrison on the right fortress was too far away to to be able to help, and after two weeks of siege the left fortress was conquered, the right fortress was thus cut off from the supply and had to give up after a while. The Savoyer have hurried then everything to rebuild, and turned the cannons by 180 degrees to the upper left. When the valley below is blocked, a clever Attacker comes from above, the smarter Defender builds even more fortresses above so that the entire valley is protected by a series of fortresses, which go up to 2800 meters. On an area of 1.
3 million 11:09 - square meters!! [Music] If you consider that at that time you only could build four months a year, the rest of time lay snow, it is an enormous Performance! The Assiette ridge road is for heavy vehicles blocked, you can drive up to 1800 meters to the beginning of the ridge road. Down there we slept, there is the parking space, on the half height I was yesterday, there is the next fort, and there! That is mega! The forts on the mountain range are at an altitude of about 2800 meters and are through an old military road connected the one for motorized vehicles is closed. Above the clouds at the end of time [gasp] The last remains of snow, or already the new snow. The weather forecast was actually perfect for mountain biking the However, weathermen have over Night changed her mind. Dude, did I mention that it has sleet here? I am still at 2500m, yesterday it snowed here too Cold is no expression at all.
13:38 - Up to here yesterday, it snowed too. And the view! If you have nothinh to see anymore just wait 30 seconds. A king later, Louis the 15th wanted the area back and sent an army of 20,000 men to reconquer. The Savoy had at that time only 6,000 men to Defense but a smart Commander, who had created at the Assiette Pass a stone wall several kilometers long and when the French were close enough they they simply put the stones down. That went bad for the French, since then it has been quiet.
14:17 - One may not say too loud, but the Italians drive on the Assietta ridge road with normal city cars with front wheel drive and do not yet let once the air off, they go there for the Picnic. All-wheel drive and heavy equipment is therefore rather not necessary, does not harm either! A few kilometers out of the valley direction Turin is situated on a ridge the Italian Mont Saint Michel, Sacra di San Michele, a famous pilgrimage church as well like Mont Saint Michel in the style of one of the Fortified church. The access road is for vehicles that are wider than 2.3 meters closed, but you can also wals up. We have there a torn ligament, anyway, and I bought the elastic band in the same color as the color of the toenail. He did a good job! Man at work. Bolognese sauce I can do! Doctor, cook, driver, photographer, Guide, mechanic, dishwasher, Therapist, washing machine, dog walker…
15:45 - I made this one lumberjack portion so that you get well faster. Super cooked, I would have done that myself not better. So what’s your plan? Now I take away the garbage first Then I do the dishes and then it gets wiped also vacuum and wipe, then the Spa area I still have to clean. The windows… In one hour I have to go to the baker for your sweet pieces. Do you still change your clothes because of the tomato stains on your shirt? Oh that one, that’s still possible! Last stop on the journey was the Aosta Valley, which is also accessible from Germany a little off the beaten track Itineraries.
16:47 - You have to put it above or below the big Saint Bernard through, for our truck it costs about 70 Euro. But we liked that so much that we were not here for the last time! On the right for pedestrians Difficulty level E, that’s right! Since Annette had only limited mobility I at the end made yet another totally cool way up through a old irrigation path with lots of Tunnels! In the next video the we make the promised Roomtour, there were already several inquiries. Stop I was not yet finished, we are happy as always aboutikes subscriptions and comments. Who still has ideas for offroading in Italy can please write this down in the comments, see you! .