Didier Raoult:hai assistito al più grande colpo che abbia mai visto in vita miaSOTTOTITOLI-SUBTITLES

Oct 22, 2020 17:00 · 392 words · 2 minute read toxicity succeeded saw eiffel tower

mr morandini listen to me for a second i will try to tell you again something you witnessed the biggest scam i have never seen in my life with cycle drug toxicity in china you saw it and it should ask you the question of knowing but wait are you lying to me or is it just there on the way in the flour you should ask yourself and I am amazed that we don’t ask it, something like this never happened never realize there are people who have been successful in trying to make believe and who have succeeded in making governments and om is what a drug that she is 70 years old which is one of the two most prescribed drugs in human history killed ten percent of people who were given how you and you understand why i didn’t when i was young i was told biggest stupidity is the eiffel tower has been sold 17 times to scrap dealers I understand how we can see it because we see how you had to the toxicity of chloroquine and I admit it’s mind-blowing if you you ask how we can explain that i don’t know i can’t understand and I do not understand why that you have faced it and your tables hours you should ask the question to know do you have believed in this rocklyn hydroxide toxicity story is what you got really believed that it was possible that a drug as well known as it could to be toxic to this point who and how a newspaper like the land 7 which had to having three or four editors 5 reviewer could have missed something such is something that should lead us to reflect on the state of our society because that is deeply the state of our societies that we can fool at an incredible point and which is so easy to fool that she forgot there five thousand five minutes after she was deceived in an absolutely incredible and besides you know very well that if you are sick you want I’m saying something mister morandini in a very big experience if you are sick next week you will call me i think here is no I think indeed there I am honest I know what is happening All the time [Music] .