File management with LibreOffice 6.4 on Windows 10
Apr 17, 2020 11:03 · 701 words · 4 minute read
Are you a user? The person registered on the PC is also referred to as a user. There is a personal folder structure for each user account, some of which already exist automatically. What is “file management”? The word “file management” consists of “file” and “management”. What exactly does “file” mean? For the user, files on the computer are usually documents, photos, videos or music. For example, files are used in programs such as the text program “Writer”.
00:43 - When you have finished editing a file, you should save it What exactly does “management” mean? The management of the files is similar to that in an office. In the office there are folders in a cupboard and the folders contain documents. Label these folders so that you can find your documents again. The principle on the PC is analogous. There are storage media in the PC on which folders for files can be created. Where are the files stored? For example, files are stored on the hard drive or SSD in the computer.
01:23 - When it comes to data on the PC, a basic distinction is made between “Operating system”, “Programs”, “Own data” and “Others”. You are dealing with “Own data” here. Many files accumulate over time. To keep the overview, use the folder structure and adapt it. How can I organize my files? The folder structure already available to users in the Windows 10 operating system consists of at least the “Pictures”, “Documents”, “Music”, “Videos” and “Downloads” folders. Here the user can create their own subfolders at will. In the case of Writer files, deal with the “Documents” folder.
02:05 - In Writer you can access your files with the menu options Open or Save. Or you open the file explorer to reach your files. To do this, click on the “Start” icon in the task bar of the PC and then on “File Explorer”. Or you press the key combination Windows+E. You will now create new folders under the “Documents” folder. Start File Explorer and left-click on the “Documents” folder. Click the “New Folder” icon to create a new folder. Enter the name “Letters” for the new folder. Press the Enter key. The new folder “Letters” has now been created. Below the “Letters” folder, create two more folders. Select the “Letters” folder.
02:57 - Click the “New Folder” icon to create a new folder. Enter the name “Letters out” for the new folder. Press the Enter key. Select the “Letters” folder again. Click the “New Folder” icon to create a new folder. Enter the name “Letters in” for the new folder. Press the Enter key. You will now change the names of the two subfolders. First select the “Letters out” folder and right-click on it and select Rename. Place the cursor behind “out” and conclude with “going” and press the Enter key. Then select the “Letters in” folder and right-click on it and select Rename. Place the cursor behind “in” and conclude with “coming” and press the Enter key. The “Letters” folder now contains the two subfolders “Letters incoming” and “Letters outgoing”. These subfolders are still empty.
04:14 - Annotation: How files are generated is not part of this description! 10 files were placed in the “Letters outgoing” folder. You will now mark and copy the files. Left click on the top file. Hold down the Shift key and click on the third file from the top. If you now hold the Ctrl key, you can mark additional files. Click on the white area in the file explorer, the markings will be removed. If you hold down the Ctrl key, the incoming files are marked. Right-click on the last highlighted file and click Cut. Right-click the “Letters incoming” folder and click Paste. You have now positioned the incoming letters by cutting and pasting them in the correct folder. Copy a file. To do this, right-click on the file. Click on Copy in the menu. Right-click on the “Letters outgoing” folder and select Paste. The “Letters_03 incoming” file is now located in the “Letters incoming ” and “Letters outgoing” folders. Delete a file.
05:36 - Now delete the “Letters_03 incoming” file. Right-click the file and choose Delete. .