Sage Franch - Developer, Entrepreneur
Feb 7, 2020 20:51 · 174 words · 1 minute read
- [Sage] Ever since I discovered code, I was hooked. When I entered the industry, I realized that there was a lot of discrimination against women, people of color, people with disabilities that really didn’t need to be there. (upbeat music) So I decided that I would solve that problem myself, and I started Crescendo which helped people to break down bias and discrimination in the tech industry. One of the big reasons that women haven’t been joining STEM careers is because of the systemic bias and discrimination that exists. I’m not saying that every women should pursue a STEM career, but I think if it’s something that excites you, if it’s your passion, you should 100% pursue it because that’s how you will make your biggest impact in the world.
00:40 - What’s really exciting about being in tech today is that, from anywhere in the world, all you need is a computer and an Internet connection to make a huge difference. I’m Sage Franch, I’m a developer and entrepreneur in Montreal, Quebec. .