Brésil: Images du Covid Lettres de Brasilia

Nov 21, 2020 16:00 · 4117 words · 20 minute read 30 real capitalism revolt prevented

Hello I will answer your questions every two weeks on Sunday in a video at 4 p.m. feel free to ask me questions see you soon Hello we are going today to another continent of South America to see what is happening in Brazil at the time of the Covid-19 crisis So this is a document that was shot with the means at hand in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil from March to June 2020 during the peak of the pandemic which made I remind you in Brazil At a time when I am talking about more than 160,000 dead, it is a testimony from a resident of Brasilia on the management of epidemics by the authorities on the spot so certainly these are images that were shot in part with a cell phone but it simply reflects the revolt of this Franco-Brazilian against her administration so of course this document is militant but I really think it reflects the general atmosphere of the country Don’t be surprised it’s me who did the dubbing good here it is good viewing on revo ir April 19 we are in the fifth week of confinement Brazil is destabilized because the Minister of Health, Mandetta was dismissed by President Bolsonaro that same day Mr. Bolsonaro accuses the President of the Chamber of Deputies Rodrigo Maia of plotting against him “ He tells me that he doesn’t want to alleviate the problems, like fighting the vírus, sparing the economy, he wants to attack the federal government, it seems to me that he wants to get me out of the government. What you are doing, Mr. Rodrigo Maia, is not to do with our Brazil, it is a lack of patriotism ” “ Dehors Maia! You rascal, corrupt, thief. Outside Maia! »The day after this interview the has tag outside Rodrigo Maia has counted more than 1 million 600 thousand tweeds in 24 hours social isolation measures are decreed by the governors and mayors of the whole country President Bolsonaro decides to oppose it and establish a measure to concentrate power enact its own wills, i.e.

cancel 03:04 - the confinement decisions and restart the economy the supreme court invalidates this request which is considered unconstitutional because the president cannot annul the decision taken by the governors since the beginning of the pandemic of the demonstrations in all the country support Bolsonaro and attack the president of the national assembly and the supreme court it is a demonstration of support which takes place in front of the staff of the armies “Time of schemers is over, now it’s the people in power. » This afternoon, I witness in disbelief in front of the presidential palace a call for the closure of parliament and the supreme court so that Bolsonaro can finally govern the presence of parliamentarians in the demonstration led to the opening of an investigation by the federal court for violating national security law because judges want to know who organized this rally “the power belongs to the people - we want Bolsonaro.” “Bolsonaro, we are with you.” “Outside Maia.” The Bolsonarists are on the verge of war, the far-right Youtuber Sara Giromine, calls on her activists to establish a camp on the ministerial esplanade “Me and many other people here in Brasilia, we created the camp “the 300 of Brazil”. If you are not afraid of going to jail, getting tear gas in your face, you are welcome. The camp has no end date, it will only end when Maia falls.

Force our president Bolsonaro, outside Maia (president of the chamber 04:48 - of deputies), outside Alcolumbre (president of the Senate), outside Toffoli (president of the Supreme Federal Tribunal), We are the ones who run this country and they will learn it, by force, if necessary. As I take these images, the Minister of Justice, Sergio Moro, accuses President Bolsonaro of having sacked the Director of the Federal Police for no acceptable reason. And the minister resigns. The president told me, more than once, that he wanted to have someone close to him, from whom he could collect information, intelligence reports, whether it was the director or his superintendent. It is really not the role of the Federal Police to provide this type of information. I go towards the esplanade of the ministries which for a few days is the place of so many demonstrations weary low two small groups meet I approach the first group it carries the flag of the movement Brazil without abortion “I do not know of a bigger one sin that abortion.

There are four sins that prevent the entry to paradise 06:14 - willful homicide sensual sin against nature To oppress the poor and widows Not to pay the workers ” This mixture of politics and religion is the fruit of this populism I go in the direction of the second group embarrassed by the presence a demonstrator approaches me then takes a picture of me a few inches from my face it’s surprise intimidation I interrupt my recording she asks me are you on the move? I answer no, no, no, I’m not in the “Get the hell out of it!” Junk! Junk! Junk! Go away! She is a drug trafficker! Go Communist! Filth of junk! It is always difficult to film, under intimidation and insults. The accusations of Minister Sérgio Moro against President Bolsonaro lead to the opening of a new investigation at the Supreme Court. As proof, the Minister of Justice refers to the recording of a ministerial meeting, held at the presidential palace two days earlier. this video was made public by the supreme court “I get beaten up all the time to reach my family and me. I tried in vain to officially change people in our security in Rio to no avail.

If I can’t change this person, I will change their leader! You 08:01 - can not change the leader? I change the minister! Point bar! We’re not here to joke! Whoever does not accept my mottos, Damares, “” family, God, Brazil, armaments, freedom of speech, free market “, whoever does not accept them is in bad government. We must speak very openly about the issue of armaments here! I want everyone armed! Because an armed people will never be a slave ” God, family, Fatherland,“. The Bolsonaro government, propagates a primary anti-communism, it has updated an old saying dear to the military dictatorship which served so much in Brazil from 1964 to 1985… it thus fantasizes about these so-called communist enemies who would be ready to seize power by arms four days after the sensational departure of the justice minister the president appoints as the new director of the federal police a close family member, former security chief of his electoral campaign but Bolsonaro finally folded because this appointment was suspended by the supreme court which sees in it a conflict of interest “I respect the judicial power, I respect their decisions, but above all, we respect our constitution ” Mr. Ramagem, who should have taken office today, was prevented by a decision of a judge of the Federal Supreme Court.

09:48 - May 1 On May 1, 60 nurses pay tribute to colleagues who have died of Covid-19 and ask for more resources to deal with the pandemic. Mainly the professionals who are on the front line and who suffer daily from the lack of personal protective equipment, who also suffer from the working conditions which at the time of a pandemic have deteriorated. We are asking for more commitment from the federal and state government so that we can deal with the pandemic. arrive the supporters of Bolsonaro “I have children nurses, doctors and they do not spoil the Nation. “” You destroy our efforts to build this nation. You’re going to be fired. Poor leftists! “” I am fighting for my country, I am not a communist.

10:42 - We have the courage to fight, we have the courage! Because the day the entrepreneurs quit, you know what’s going to happen? You will no longer receive your small salary. » May 3 The behavior The behavior of the president seduces some, astonishes many, his statements occupy an important place in the media. , He refrains from drawing a plan to fight the virus,, He sabotages the effort of governors and mayors, Attack on the press. “Hello, another spontaneous demonstration of the people here in Brasilia, in defense of democracy, of freedom. I want a government without interference, which can work for the future of Brazil. “” Brazil demands the return to work.

11:36 - This irresponsible job destruction on the part of certain governors is unacceptable. The price to pay will be hunger, unemployment, misery. “” Today we know the effects of the virus, unfortunately many will be infected. Unfortunately, too, many will lose their lives. “We have to face this reality, we cannot make the side effect of treating the virus more harmful than the virus itself. “This Globo channel comes here to show a person talking nonsense. This chain has gone too far ” On this day seventeen states and the region of Brasilia announced the amplification of social isolation during the month of May to try to contain the spread of the virus However, the extremist group the” 300 of the Brazil ”, to set up their tents on the lawn of the Esplanade des Ministries. the Brasilia prosecutor’s office opens legal proceedings to dismantle the encampment the 300 are considered an armed militia “President! President ! I am one of the people who were in the demonstration of the health professionals, I beg forgiveness from each of the people who were offended but there were infiltrators. We just wanted to support the country, support you. “Bolsonaro:” Yes, you see how the press works here “” The media have overdimensioned it.

They have only one interest, to get us out 13:24 - of here. “Bolsonaro reporters:” Headlines in the Folha de Sao Paulo today, “New director of the Federal Police accepts and assumes its functions demand Bolsonaro”. What a rascal press this Folha from São Paulo! No! The word scoundrel is praise for this newspaper. Nobody from my family is targeted by the Federal Police, neither my sons, nor me, nobody! It is a lie reproduced all the time by the press. This is dishonesty! Shut up, I didn’t ask you anything! This headline is bullshit, a lie from much of the media, you media are not ashamed! “The president attacks the press, multiply the attack.

This is the case of investigative journalist 14:18 - Patricia Campos Mello of the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo, “We are living in a new form of censorship and harassment in Brazil generated by an army of patriotic ‘trolls’, amplified by robots on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and WhatsApp. “Women journalists are the main victims, much more frequently than our male colleagues. I have been threatened on multiple occasions covering the disinformation campaign and election manipulation through social media. “ ” Until last year I have never faced a trial in my life. I was followed by the president, who demanded that I reveal my sources. I was followed just to do my job. And I still face a trial from the President’s supporters. We have our parents and children unfaithful, our ridiculous appearances, our addresses and phone numbers exposed, and we are threatened both online and in real life. “ May 21 in one month the number of dead and infected have practically increased tenfold in Brazil in disagreement with the president who opposes containment and promotes the use of chloroquine the new Minister of Health resigns on General Pazuello without medical training now assumes the role of interim minister of health in this day two demonstrations meet “The salary of medical interns is not paid to us and yet we are in the front line, with health professionals. We worked 80 days, 50 of which were unpaid. It is proof of the government’s negligence with public health, education and the protection of professionals.

“At this 16:33 - time a request for the indictment of Bolsonaro is made; it is filed by the workers’ party with five other leftist formations as well as 400 entities of civil society, legal artists, intellectuals and political leaders” We are in the process of fighting against this genocidal government which causes so many deaths in Brazil. It is an ideological government with genocidal and racist allies. They don’t respect women, men, natives, blacks, or LGBT people. They don’t respect anyone. They want, above all, to evangelize our people, to do what the military dictatorship failed to do, to end with our culture, our territories, our lands. “This request is in addition to the 39 other requests that have already been made to the President of the Chamber of Deputies Rodrigo Maia” We are living in a very serious moment in our history, the world is facing the most serious health and humanitarian crisis, since World War II.

I speak on 18:31 - behalf of the Brazilian Parliament. The Chamber of Deputies brings a word of solidarity to these families who have lost their loved ones. “Despite numerous requests for impeachment, Rodrigo Maia does not open them, does not classify them without follow-up either, and asks for the union between the powers to prioritize the fight against the pandemic” We receive daily calls from those who are without work, without resources, without means of survival, without means of maintaining their businesses. In addition to dozens of requests for indictment of power, 8 requests for invalidation of the presidential election of 2018 are filed with the Higher Electoral Tribunal. Three of them refer to the mass dissemination of Fake News via WhatsApp during this election campaign.

At that time, 19:20 - Judge André Luis Barroso assumes the presidency of the Supreme Electoral Court. One of the priorities of his mandate: the fight against “fake news”. “As social networks have become protagonists in the electoral process, they have begun to suffer the perverse action of digital militias, which spread hatred and radicalization. They are virtual terrorists, who use moral violence as a tactic instead of participating in the debate of ideas in a clear and constructive way. “In parallel, the Federal Supreme Court, a fourth investigation, called the Fake News on threats made against the ministers of that meeting.

20:10 - “I ask you to pay particular attention to the following words because I would like to make a distinction, once and for all, between criticism and aggression, threats and coercion. “” That the daughters of mediocre judges of the Federal Supreme Court be raped and killed. “Nowhere in the world is this considered freedom of speech, this is banditry and criminality. “” In none of the 72 inquiries sent to the first instance, is it a question of freedom of expression, no critical ideas, not even insults, it is a question of threats, attacks, attempts at coercion by ministers of the Federal Supreme Court ” May 27 That day, a vast police operation targeted allies of the president as part of the Fake News investigation, Among these allies the Youtubeuse Sara Giromine, leader of the extremist group “ the 300 of Brazil “. “You’re not going to shut me up, in any way.

Wait for me Alexandre de Moraes, you will never be at peace again. We will make your life hell, we will know the places you go to, your housekeepers, we will know all of your life, until you ask to go. We will not obey absurd orders and we will set our limits on these matters. ” 6 deputies from Bolsonaro are auditioned and the facebook twitter and instagram accounts that sixteen activists are blocked “We will not obey absurd orders and we will set our limits on these subjects. ” How is it going to happen ? “I haven’t asked you anything, I’m speaking here.

We are not going to give up 22:28 - our freedom, this hate crime story is a device to censor social media . Social media that brought me to the presidency, now things have a limit, yesterday was the last day, it’s fucking over! “ May 31 This night the group of 300 from Brazil demonstrated with masks and torches in front of the Supreme Court” The Federal Supreme Court is not going to silence us! “June 7 Across the country at a time rises called we are 70% of the population these are anti-fascist anti-racist demonstrations in defense of democracy at this time the Ministry of Health does not publish the cumulative figures of the Covid the court Supreme orders their publication within 48 hours “Hello President! Today we have exactly 38,400 dead, I brought a little poster to show you , because really, 38,000 families are crying right now. I supported you during your presidential campaign, I voted for you, but you betrayed us, you are making alliances with the center by distributing important posts. The population is dying and you ignore it! “” All Brazilians must know the data of Covid-19, we are not in a dictatorship, we are in a free country , instead of informing, he is disinforming, because he is angry with the press, because he does not want the Covid figures to appear at 8 p.m. and we are adrift. “ We are now from June 13th back on the lawn of the esplanade of the ministries in front of the parliament some young people organize a peaceful demonstration” We have around 40,000 dead in Brazil, it is a full football stadium, and the president deals with this global pandemic as if it were a little flu.

This is absurd, we 25:04 - have thousands of families crying, burying their loved ones, their friends and the president is treating it like it’s a joke. He still thinks he is in the election period and he does not have the slightest responsibility for being in the position he occupies. “” It is a great sadness to see that, during these events, there is a person in the presidency who is constantly putting himself as the center of all the discussions, he is politicizing a pandemic, politicizing medication. “We already have dozens of Impeachment demands on the table of the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, and he must act on them. The opposition is not sidelined. She is in the process of acting, she has already asked for Impeachment, it is the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Rodrigo Maia, who is omitted.

He must start to act and he must follow through on 26:03 - Impeachment requests. “” This is a message I want to send to Rodrigo Maia. Rodrigo Maia you’re going to go down in history one way or another, I wish it wasn’t through your omission. Since May 1, Bolsonaristes have been fighting in court to keep their camp on the ministerial plaza. They did appeal. In this morning, their camp was dismantled by the Military Police.

” - It is not possible ! We are 26:41 - ready to die here! Suddenly members of the 300 from Brazil invade the lawn. The tension mounts, hateful comments erupt. “Where the fuck are your red flags!” Show it! “ ” Where are they? Bring out your red flags, damn it! “ ” Fuck, fuck! I’ll call the police! Brasilia! Brazil! Share that fucking “live”! “Get out Bolsonaro!” Fascist outside! “ Do you know how many people will be killed in my favela invaded by 50 traffickers who are there to supply you with drugs?” You know it ? “In response the youth show the constitution. “Do you understand what I’m telling you?” But you are revolutionaries, you are doing this for the Nation! But not us, who sleep in puddles, in the mud, to defend you in the Amazon! Enter Sara Giromine, leader of the group. “Aren’t you ashamed to be here? Do you have any idea of ​​what is happening in this country ? Do you really believe that you are an underdog? I’m sure you don’t live in a favela, I’m sure you live in a great place. Look at the wedding ring you wear? Dear, eh? Do you wear a little iPhone watch? The pennies that you had to pay to buy this and you are there fighting capitalism? Do you really believe it? Do you really believe that Bolsonaro is a genocidaire? Do you think I’m a genocidaire? Do you think Bolsonaro is killing black people? Do you really believe Reacted man! Are you in a much more privileged condition than mine and are you fighting for it? Aren’t you ashamed, man? “If you can, I can too!” The president is my boss! “” The fascist left will not pass! “ ” We really need to debate politics, culture with quality, with education, with respect, that is not what is happening here.

You arrived, you 29:14 - sat here and we are talking to each other but look at your colleagues, they came yelling. So, I ask you, do you really want to be part of this type of collective? “” If all our movements were standing, we would not be here right now. We have been prevented from expressing our opinion because we disturb. We are raising relevant questions that are changing the history of this country. In the last 35 years, we have not had a real democracy and today we do not live in a real capitalism, we already had communism established in our country and we ignored it.

”” Felipe, I want to be very sincere with 29:59 - you, I also have a lot of criticisms of previous governments but one thing is certain, we have never experienced communism here, moreover, there never was of real communism anywhere. “Evacuated by the police, the group kept trying to disrupt the motorcade against President Bolsonaro. The group continues the day by increasing acts against the Parliament and the Supreme Federal Court. “Prepare yourself, Bandit Tribunal, it is the people who rule the Nation. “The next day, the esplanade of ministries is prohibited by the police, a small group still manifest before the Ministry of Agriculture, Minister of Education is supporting.

30:55 - “What happened differently is that we woke up and today we can communicate via cell phone, via the Internet. That’s why they desperately want to silence us. “ ” The Law of Fake News! “” That’s why they want to end with Internet freedom. They want to silence us, but as long as we are free, they are not going to be able to. “” That’s why freedom of speech is the first thing we have to defend. If they shut us up, they will enslave everyone in this country. It is June 16 As part of the investigation into the anti-democratic demonstrations of April 19, the federal police issued 21 search and seizure warrants against President Bolsonaro’s allies , banking secrecy is also lifted for 10 federal deputies and a Bolsonarist senator, Sara Giromine and five other members of the 300 group from Brazil are arrested. Education Minister Abraham Weintraub resigns. The Federal Police find Queiroz, longtime friend of President Bolsonaro, hidden in the house of the lawyer of the Bolsonaro family. Fabricio Queiroz is prosecuted in a case of fictitious jobs while he was parliamentary advisor to Flavio Bolsonaro, eldest son of the president, who was a member of the Assembly of Rio de Janeiro. They tried to trivialize the Institutions as useless.

They wanted to trivialize 32:26 - politics, trivialize democracy, trivialize freedom of the press and freedom of expression, they wanted to trivialize evil. They sow fear to harvest hatred, they sow hatred to harvest fear. They are not impressed with the death count, they want confrontation as a form of domination. Disinformation as a new religion and chaos as a new God. After all, they don’t want the arbiter but totalitarianism itself.

33:10 - After the arrest of Fabricio Queiroz, President Bolsonaro radically changes his strategy and delivers conciliatory speeches We arrived and we looked for partners, particularly within the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate, then we faced a pandemic, and we did all we could to reduce the effects, but we did, along with our brave senators and deputies. In mid-August, Brazil still does not have stabilized control of contamination, it reached the sad mark of 100,000 dead and more than 3,000,000 infected and became the second country with the most cases of Covid -19 in the world after the United States. rs .