Dutch Sheets: Regional Breakthrough Topples Strongholds (Proverbs 21:21-22 TPT)

Dec 15, 2020 12:30 · 1297 words · 7 minute read care next decade gonna 04

  • Let me read a verse. I’m gonna be brief. What we’ll do is I’ll share for just a few minutes to just give us sort of a direction and, get our minds thinking the same way. And then we’ll start bringing people up to pray and when we do that, we just try to be really informal. Turn this into a prayer room, you can walk, you can sit, you can lay on the floor. We don’t care, we just, I’ll gather my team over here and we’ll bring them up one or two at a time, and the prayer will just keep flowing. But, we really don’t want it to be platform driven, per se.

00:39 - We want you to be agreeing, we want those of you joining us on the YouTube, online be agreeing with us. You’re allowed to do it out loud. (congregation muttering) You can be yes, you can agree and you can shout, hallelujah. And you can, just. (congregation applauds) Amen, all right. Let me read this great verse from Proverbs 21 verses 21 and 22 from the Persian translation. “The lovers of God” that’s us, right? (congregation muttering) “The lovers of God who chase after righteousness, will find,” there it is, “will find all their dreams come true.

01:33 - An abundant life drenched with favor and a fountain that overflows with satisfaction.” Well, that’s sort of the personal promise but then he goes on and he expands it to beyond just the individual. “A warrior filled with wisdom.” And that’s who we are tonight. We’re warriors filled with wisdom. “A warrior filled with wisdom ascends into the high place and releases regional breakthrough bringing down the strongholds of the mighty.” Isn’t that a great promise? That’s what we’re here to do tonight. (gentle music) Father, we thank you for your wonderful plans that you have for this nation.

02:35 - We thank you Lord that the verse is true, not just for us as individuals but as a nation. You know the plans you have for us, for good and not for evil, to give us a future. The word destiny there to give us our future and hope. And we boldly decree over this land right now, that every assignment and every strategy that has been working to rob from us our destiny, to serve you as a voice, a trumpet and the earth, for the gospel of the kingdom, to the ends of the earth. And every one of those assignments is now coming down.

03:13 - We decree that 50 years of momentum on the love that has drawn us away from you and it’s established humanistic ideologies and mindsets. We say that all of those, as all of that momentum is now being lost. It is being interrupted and it will not be regained because you are exposing all of those assignments. So we say every one of them is being dismantled. All the roots of evil are being plucked up and they’re gonna be torn down, overthrown, destroyed and then you’re gonna build and plant again. We bless this nation with a Third Great Awakening. We bless this nation with the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit the earth has ever seen. We bless the nations of the earth with the greatest outpouring of Holy Spirit the planet has ever seen. We bless the planet, the nations of the earth with a billion plus souls over the next decade or two. And we bless America with her role in this and we say you will not lose your destiny and your purpose America.

04:21 - We speak over the government of this nation. We say you are going to be revived back to him. We say America will be called back to her first love. We say America fall in love with her Creator God and Savior once again. We say there is a movement of Holy Spirit coming to reveal the father hand of God to America.

04:42 - And the veils will be lifted off of those of millions of Americans from the young to the old, from the rich to the poor, in the country and in the city. The veil is gonna be lifted off of America and great revelation is going to reveal the Savior, the Lord, the King, the Creator, God Yahweh. Once again, we say the Great Awakening is coming to the schools. (congregation chanting) And a great shift is coming to the youth of America, the millennials of America and the 20 somethings and 30 somethings and that which is taken decades to build in them as false ideologies and mindsets will be broken off of them as it were in a day, as the Spirit of the Lord God reveals himself to them. And a great delivering wind is coming to America.

05:40 - A great delivering wind is coming to America to deliver America from the evil strongholds of the principalities and powers that have trenched themselves to the point that they don’t believe they can be on untrenched. But the Lord says, I can do this, do not think that I can’t do this. I can do this, and I’m going to do this. (gentle music) Well, the Lord says before the enemy ever enacted his plan, I had the solution in mind. (gentle music) And that which I’ve raised up in the past years of prayer and repentance in this nation has not been for not for not. I have been listening in the bowls of intercession are filled, the Lord says, and watch and see if I don’t pour those prayers on to the earth, with my thunder and my lightning and my judgments, and break the strongholds of darkness and shatter them and begin to liberate, because I am coming because I am coming to liberate the Lord says.

06:47 - (congregation applauding) (gentle music) Lord we just release this spirit of deliverance. This salvation, the blood of the Lamb, the name above every name. We release the name of Jesus over America now. (congregation applauding) We say your Savior is coming to you, America. (congregation chanting) (gentle music) With honor, we ask for an honor. The application of the Holy Blood of Jesus. From east to west, north to south, all across this land. We are bold to say the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, and unrighteousness. (gentle music) Lord, you’ve been saying a lot about angels. You spoke recently, you said I’ve set Michael to help you with his war angels.

08:32 - (gentle music) We’re asking that as we decree your words that the ministering spirits will be released throughout this land. To prepare, to be messengers, to be those who uproot. To uncover, to expose. (gentle music) Lord, we pray over the church now. (gentle music) We thank you for the fire that’s coming to the church of America. A fresh baptism of fire. (gentle music) A holy invasion to the pulpits of America, the buildings, the organizations and we just dare to prophesy that a tidal wave of your anointing is coming.

10:30 - (congregation clapping) And return to first love. And the spirit of revelation will burn. Worship will go to new levels and the prophetic anointing will go to new levels. And Kingdom authority will rise higher and higher. (gentle music) And the complacency that has plagued some the compromise, you will come. You will reawaken passion. You will begin to give dreams in the night.

11:28 - (gentle music) You will blow on that which is barely an ember. You will fan it back into flame. (gentle music) Holy Spirit let that wind begin to blow. (congregation muttering) .