Apr 25, 2021 10:00 · 4170 words · 20 minute read
so so bye any thought sorry i haven’t thought about that because of my association with me yes wow that’s cool thank you you’re coming out with flying color thank you very much thank you for understanding um thank you how are you fine is that food in here you cook any food please don’t drop your book drop my gun drop your guys food in the kitchen go go go drop your food stop please come on get out here lisa please please get out here lisa you are lucky that i didn’t arrest you you are supposed to be arrested don’t near me don’t near me i caught you cheating i’ve been telling you go and read your books others were reading you were busy galavanting out through all through the day i’m sorry and now i caught you cheating don’t near me exactly now how are you doing okay good afternoon absolutely i heard you’re done with your sss every guys in this community knows and believes you are simply the best you are the most intelligent the most hard-working humble and i mean every good thing that surpassed you every creature is attached to your personality not the best and that’s why i’m dying every day i mean to get your i mean have your yes thank you hope you all believe in me i’m happy happy thank you all right so now you’re done with your exams i think it’s the right time to give me yes you can i’m sorry okay i’m not sure this is the right time for all this i’m not ready for any form of relationship no it’s not my agenda pleasing maybe i see all that just not just that i want to be an entrepreneur just please understand who is telling you that you cannot achieve or you want to achieve being a relationship you can be your bsc holder you can also be a good entrepreneur i’m not the hard type i mean i’ll free you to do whatever you want to that’s part one oh i say i bet i’m not ready for this kind of thing now that my mom is waiting for me see you later though it’s not right i i i said they love you tony i’m not going to leave you is thank you you know how brilliant congratulations should we hear your voice okay sorry okay stop crying stop flying okay stop crying my mom okay relax he’s okay she’s still around she’ll hear your voice sorry sorry my wigs why you bring this to me why tell me why i don’t love you i don’t love you and if i claim to love you why i don’t i will see myself you should be happy i’m i’m i’m being plain to you she is fake she does not love you and you know that you know my heart belongs to another perfect girl that fake girl the girl that does not love you i don’t know if she’s prettier than you or not the point is that i’m in love with another okay we know i love you you know that wait wait wait look at this guy this yellow purple because i love you you don’t want to um don’t worry yourself my friend will help you out cheesy people from dubai king my father my god tell me something please don’t touch me please don’t touch me you use i have you know before go down go down so sorry okay stop crying i don’t know you’d have told me she will hear your voice okay sorry okay stop crying stop crying okay stop crying i’m not dying yes all right my mom alpha what’s up so yeah i came back oh welcome welcome and you’ve seen us now village is as cool as the stream don’t want me to come back yeah that reminds me you’ve not heard tony lost her mom oh you lost her mom now when her mom died some few days ago was like a shock to everybody in this village she was not sick when i left the village now oh god history going to cook man how what what kind of predicament is this okay so uh uh i think i have to visit her yeah yeah you have to you have to have almost nice you have to at least to pay your contract yes okay now let me let me pick up something all right all right tell me where to hide yeah all right uh anybody home thank with thank you very much anytime okay good morning good morning my dear how are you fine if you’re hungry as and you don’t need so much work not in your present states what if an object was on your stomach jesus this woman but don’t worry about me now wouldn’t that be wrong where is the facial tie in the house so so that’s not a big deal if you say so i said let me come and check on you let me know how you’re doing you know i’ve not seen you for some days you should always confess to them when you want anything please let me know all right that my friend is not on does not mean i won’t take care of you so please if you need anything come to the house eh okay let me be going thank you all right thank you you’re welcome all right okay oh we are not saying anything oh oh my baby i get myself into his own predicted meals i wish i’ve never gone to julia’s village this wasn’t the plan i had for myself god what would happen to my future and who wasted that now i’ve lost my beloved mother as a result of this carelessness who would i go to now who would i run too i’m not okay so so good so what is the meaning of this why are you eating directly from default i got a plate in this house whoever comes in and sees you we think i don’t have plates in my house anyway that’s not my problem i hope as you’re eating from the pot now you have already removed some for me please you ask me a question and i will answer you at your age i didn’t have any reason to remove from my mother because i was already in my husband’s house if you want to know i had already given birth to you so you can imagine yeah i would like to move through that gift for my mother but you know what you you don’t want to make anything out of your life you all need to move around with any man that has it in front of his razors you are free but you know what i don’t blame you you are not ashamed i think your friends used to see your friends when they come home for christmas with their husbands and children but here you are dragging food with me asking me questions say yeah eat and grow fats i’m a sugary you are better eager better but i like okay a church function now you’re coming from a church function dressed like this what kind of church function is that talk now did the cat bite your tongue talk stamina how do i look in your eyes do i look like a child now you’re coming from a church when you’re dressed like this what is wrong with you you didn’t even sleep in the house being calm or there could you be moving back we’re sneaking in and out of every man’s bed do not shut up you’re getting much you’re telling me that you’re coming from the choice function dressed like this what i have for you is that if you get pregnant all those boys that you’re moving around with if any of them get you pregnant you come here pack your things and can’t live with him you cannot take the time come on i yes this company is so dead where is this girl how can i have a big girl like that and this place will be this dead i wonder where she has gone to what you went to see a friend this early in the morning when you are supposed to do your horseshoes yeah yeah boy what kind of a girl are you i thought i’m not on you i wish she was my biological daughter mama i don’t start nah it’s too hell is that comparing me without good formatting ah at least i’m not the one who is pregnant i’m not on you is one million times better than you and i’m not on it we never abandoned our domestic shots for our mother see mama i found much better that i’m not on you and if you think she’s better than me then adopt us your daughter now we shall have the opportunity so yeah anybody who oh yeah bye don’t you oh yeah tanya um take this one and go to the market and buy something possible there’s no food in your house how is going to cook when i talk from the market doesn’t mean you’re asking that person what kind of stupid question is that ah my mom asked you know because if i cook you then my food is not tasty and i don’t just want to waste my time to the market and come back okay in that case ask your mother i stand in my authority as your mother i am ordering you to go to the market and buy something i come across to eat okay now i’ll go to the market but let me say you’re going to force me to cook when i return to see my matcha can you where are you takena you have to take it easy on yourself you know i mean take it easy on yourself they do not understand how i feel you do not i oh toying anthony is missing she’s nowhere to be found in the village a week now i mean for some time i know what i’ve seen today he expect me to just put my hands and relax oh nah guys don’t say that that is the more reason why you should slow down on her taken slow down i mean do you know if she’s intentionally avoiding you um you’re only saying this because you’re not in my shoe if you’re in my shoe you understand the depth of this matter but you are not everything all right how can everything be all right wait i’m not on you is nowhere to be found i searched for her everywhere she doesn’t go out without telling me i don’t know if something bad has happened to her i’m so worried hey mama so it’s about a stupid girl again i pray she was tired i can have your full attention nonsense how can you wait for somebody to die where are you from what kind of child are you get away you ever soul rubbish why are you doing this to yourself what you cannot let go of that girl let go of her i mean she hasn’t even accepted to date you in the first place so why do you want to take your life taken out why they i mean have you ever thought of it this way that maybe she has decided to take her life yes because of all these pressures around her i mean her mom the rape the pregnancy and all of this it could make somebody to commit suicide you know okay now where are you going oh god help this guy could help him foreign hmm there is nothing for me nobody’s worried about you i should be seriously i should be worried i thought something wrong has happened to you i’m sorry okay not about playing backstage just came to the culture oh we’re going back now yes then let’s walk now fun wait man wait i’m coming what happened where have you been maybe she has decided to take her life yes because of all these pressures around her i mean her mom you read the pregnancy it could make somebody to commit suicide you know oh yes oh yeah i know you are alive i i just can’t sleep the day we talk to you by myself okay what are you doing here must have come to why did you come to my house i i went back to dawa’s spot now and i didn’t find you there again that’s why i came to the house unless you come to my house what if my mom have seen you and what’s wrong with your mom seeing us together everything is wrong by the way why do i sense anger in your voice everything is wrong you shouldn’t have come here listen it is only a we would get like you would would insult her mom the way she did you’re ready you even slapped me you now demon listen to me listen to me i beg you in the name of god stay away from me i don’t ever want to see around me again the next time i see you around this house i will kill you and bury you in this hot water listen if i see you close to my house again you see this i will bury you inside ah why can’t you recognize me hey i’m so very sorry you just have to do me how did you know this is don’t worry you’re asking us if we don’t know anymore i don’t even know where a box is is this my bathtub good for nothing right yes it’s me i’m good afternoon wow i’m by the way you really look good in your borrowed clothes you know thank you for your compliment you’re welcome this includes the answer they are mine i brought this for you okay just have it this is for you thank you god bless you thank you do you know what you came for just for me yes for you yeah thank you very much my fishing moments are never times i joke with anybody anger ball bring my paddle kkk basically um foreign foreign oh you just have to eat i beg you eat we should be hungry by now eat it it’s like yonko is back okay now i’ll take care of him yeah baby my husband you’re back yeah i’m gonna do yoga come and sit down please i was fishing today fine thank god i hope that girl is not in this house take it easy now just take it easy take it easy she’s a young girl just take it easy on her take it easy okay why not you go inside freshen up and have something to eat before we talk about her okay processing it could be a name of me hey maybe in a language the bedroom can understand they they read him melody and harmony after that just gets freshened up eh when you are my god one should just take it easy let’s buy gumby by god the little girl needs to just start living a life as well as well as well just now he’s my husband and i know how to handle him okay thank you you’re welcome um and see can i go sell the fishes on cooking they’ve taken it to where they’ll be smoking the faces i i i think um when they get it back it’s a good idea it’s a good idea you just go and send it off there are people already waiting okay okay thanks thank you you’re welcome anytime this business is very very lucrative like me very lucrative and apart from that this is our cultural heritage so we don’t need to do it with this so we don’t need to we don’t need to let this down no matter what you’re doing you need to think about how to take this to the next level when we personally before our rivers got polluted we used to go and we’ll get a lot of things to make a lot of money from this even my husband would know it send money to my children in school pay fees my dear but it’s quite unfortunate it’s that you girls of these days you have lots of value a lot of you are looking for white collar jobs out there forgetting that there are other things god has keeping you using surviving without any stress well auntie do you notice this way really i just learned a new thing oh my god i’m happy you’re happy it’s so fun i like it good afternoon i’m not on your late mother was the only sister i have before she was married away by a little father she almost did not want to get into that marriage because of the love she had for me what do i get now the product of that singular marriage i was taking away my older sister oh i’m sorry i didn’t tell my mom to die oh please stop making me feel guilty after killing my holy sister you still have the boss to talk to me because i am trying to get over it namaste please forgive me for my mom to die i’ve been too much since then i’m sorry i’m sorry um what all right this business is very very lucrative very lucrative and apart from that this is our cultural heritage so we don’t need to do it with this so we don’t need to we don’t need to let this down no matter what you’re doing you need to think about how to take this to the next level grace is sufficient for me daddy i sing your strength display perfectly for my weakness oh yes foreign yes this is why you’re so excited phone is this actually this is my phone you got yourself a phone yes now and you see i caught this phone at very cheaply yes you know all the money you’ve been giving to me i saved them all i can get this phone it’s a coherent phone see it got this phone i forgot that it should be good for the business through the phone it will promote our business yes and are we going to achieve that i don’t understand but don’t worry just leave that to you i’ll get it go across it hey easy guy you would not you would not stop surprising me i’ve always told your uncle this you’re a blessing to this family honestly i didn’t see this coming um but come to think of it how we gonna you know be sending the market across to people that will be ordering for it this one you say you will be talking to them through the phone i said don’t worry this is not me again just leave it for me okay okay okay definitely who am i you know these days you people have a way of of me entering through you have a way of getting to anything you want don’t worry it’s all right wow already what can the person wait till tomorrow let me ask you please ask him who was good news beautiful news wow that means i need to go into town to meet up with the crap merchants so we could book ahead of tomorrow to ensure that this delivery this very delivery is possible i’m the happiest person why are people taking so much of interest when they can actually going to fishing themselves maybe they don’t understand how to and the viewers implement used for specific kinds of vision oh my god is there anything she cannot do yeah yes yes me foreign all right all right knowing the importance of fishing and his derivatives even after i retired as a senior staff of the railways i never lacked much the fact i was able to take care of basic needs of the family i pay the children’s school fees i take care of my wife and living extended relations simply because i returned back to these noble occupations of our people the africans of the enjoy extraction that is fishing the importance of fishes are quite enormous it’s a wealth lively wood it enhances commands it’s a physical exercise it’s your case is the very abundance of nature and god creation more importantly it brings us to tourism through festivity today our rivers are polluted to a devastation degree we still have abundance in our rivers in our creeks and our angles so much of aquatic life so it’s a noble occupation anyone should venture to go in okay all these people they say they want to leave the ship they saw the video i mean you’re online they said they want to like you really want to let me have to fish yes you met me in my fishing attire the fact you are meeting me in my complete fisherman attire i will take you through the phases of fishing incidentally i do all kinds of fishing iwake i kuroma i don’t go to phone i do i put a carpet i do all forms of fishing activity so you are very lucky to come here i will personally make sure that i teach you on all these techniques is that okay yes man now a fishing we have the pork we also have no no that is the search for seafood that is oloko accidentally some of them are going next things but i tell you the truth i need efficiency we have different kinds of fishes can be caught with different kind of techniques and like if you need fish like again that i will take you through the practical aspect of the classes i will talk you and we will go into the river i’ll do the practical that would be very nice though we will go you will see this for yourself yes that would be very nice very nice oh cool and as we were searching on the facebook we saw that auntie buma posted a lot of things and she said that we catch those we begin we cash is some when the water is dry and see the mission of the india that those things come when the water is dry but we’re looking at the river we are not seeing them that is true you won’t see that because of the water because of the tide and most of those is some underneath you see them you get them when the water is completely dried and in a multi kind of environment during your explanation he said um the young guru is used to cut different kind of issues like now can um two people like when they go to river now like the young guru like just different i understand you’re gonna question your quran hello everyone my name because the distance between us seems to be able to okay let’s discuss more about foreign don’t you showing you don’t make me cry god you can talk about god’s faithfulness as you can see things are falling into pleasant places for me it’s the business i’m doing university yes woman i’m a 300 level student studying business administration university but i know that when i think whatever i advise you to stop waiting for other people to make something out of your life start thinking of how to improve myself i didn’t know i would actually make a living but as you can see as my get this community in obama so that they to make something out of their life just like you well the problem is lack of knowledge i suggest that there should be a sensitization program for the youths in this community because poverty is not a lack of money it is a lack of knowledge of making money this is it i think we should all come together and educate our youth yes mama i agree with i’m not talking to a daughter yes um thank you very much for educating me on the essence of creativity and then i also promise to enjoy you in sensitizing our youth to fight against poverty i also want to beg for your forgiveness for the way that i treated you in the past please forgive me in our women’s meeting i will tell other women so that we all come together and train our children to make something good out of their lives yes thank you they need this education.