Om Internetdagarna | För alla som älskar internet
Feb 11, 2020 09:26 · 178 words · 1 minute read
I love coming here! The best thing about Internetdagarna is that everyone is here, who has something to say about on the Internet, about the Internet, and love the Internet, just as we do. It was just a great crowd of people. You could see all the networking going on. There was so good energy in the room. The people are great. How do i pronounce it? Internetdagarna? The best thing about Internetdagarna is the major issues being explored. I love that, because I think it’s such a big topic. The different perspectives that are represented, both seen to people, but also issues raised. So many people are so passionate about the Internet.
00:35 - Both the past and the present – and its future. Even though we live in such a strange world of Facebook versus Twitter versus “I live in China and use Wechat” versus whatever. It’s still about connectivity. It’s people getting together. Serendipitous conversations. It’s thinking. Diverse thinking. Clashing. And new amazing ideas resulting. People collaborating and becoming friends. The Internet is everything! .