Avustralyalı Yatçı Nick Moloney Gündemi Değerlendiriyoruz

Mar 20, 2021 08:15 · 16241 words · 77 minute read

welcome ladies and gentlemen today is called zero sailing and racing academy me and my teammate Burak we are hosting with atam divana our broadcast is streaming live now youtube facebook channels besides turkey instagram platform by our digital director fatih there was a little bit a global internet problem so obvious we delayed a little bit uh today our guest will be legendary sailor lick melanie uh welcome nick thank you thank you thank you so much for joining us it’s a big pleasure being with you i will try to present to you he is a yachtsman adventurer speaker ambassador executive coach storyteller record breaker two times america’s cup sailor three times worst iconic yacht races fifteen times worth sailing speed and endurance records it’s not easy to describe your selling career in a few words obviously it’s much more than this no doubt it’s really a extraordinary selling resume welcome once again nick thank you thanks for having me it’s great to be here thank you so much uh let’s start with a american cup if it’s okay for you because as you know you joined america’s cup twice in 1992 and 1990 uh five five yes and uh america’s cup was the one of the hottest topic uh hottest topic uh lately as you know emirates new zealand won the trophy and they will keep the defender position uh what’s your comment about the final races and uh luna rosa and emirates new zealand performance yeah i i think it’s uh it’s been pretty incredible for me because i actually even sailed back into 12 meters with kookaburra etc after the 87 america’s cup and the america’s cup really came onto our radar as kids in 1983 when australia won it so that was huge for me being australian and a kid in australia who loves sailing so a lot you know i’ve seen a lot happen since that point and when i did the america’s cup it was in the americas cup class which was the international america’s cup class and then actually i stayed on a few other campaigns as an advisor or a coach and the last time i was with the america’s cup was for san francisco with artemis and that was when we went into the foiling era with uh multi-hulls etc but to see these new boats was just crazy and to be honest when when the concept first came out i thought are they going to make this work you know it was i thought the same thing so far-fetched in terms of uh what was achievable and then obviously you think is it going to be competitive will we see decent racing and sure enough this week we’ve seen crazy racing in terms of right the competitors being close together you know the design platforms looking really different yet performing really similar um i think you know obviously if the attains had have gone a really small foil package for argument’s sake there would have been some some more more consistent crossovers as well so yeah i was super surprised and super impressed and then you talk to the sailors because a lot of them are good friends and they are just buzzing with the experience that they’ve had on these boats they will will rate them as as the best boats they’ve sailed which is which is a big claim from guys of this level that sail everything and that’s that’s and it looked wonderful i mean as a as a passionate catamaran sailor uh i was like uh you know we’ll see how this goes it kind of looks a bit crazy you know it’s far-fetched how are those uh foils hanging out going to decapitate someone you know they were expecting all kinds of craziness and then yet they delivered they delivered some of the best racing we’ve seen for a long time absolutely and and for me i’ve got a real uh soft spot for foiling i don’t know if you ever remember a guy called rowan veal he was the first guy to use a foiling moth in the world championship now he and i were it was like 2003 i think it was if i remember correctly and he and i were both part of the victorian institute of sport in australia and um he wanted to use the moth he wanted to use this foil technology that he and andrew mcdougall had been working on but yet it was high risk so i sponsored him um in terms of financially to develop and get to the point where he was comfortable to use the technology and he went and won the world championships eight races straight so it was a real and now look at the moth you know it’s just royal all the way and it has been the platform for what we’ve grown into i guess so yeah i think it goes back a long way in in my heart and uh and i just look at the boats and i’m just like that is crazy how good is that you play a pivotal role in the development of foils well i only came up with some money because i was believing in it and it wasn’t a lot of money because you know obviously back back in those days it was very it was very you know refined and it was quite agricultural and and uh rowan just needed a few dollars to to try and get the package working properly and and sure enough it was a real i think it was real thrill for me to have a small part in that but to see where it’s gone now is crazy you know really mind-blowing and you know watching tom slingsby in the last last moth worlds was just so unbelievable in terms of dominance power refinement um you know skill so yeah it’s pretty radical to see where the sport is today and as a youngster you must be you know a lot of young sailors out there must be thinking oh my god you know this is full on yeah and you know i we hear many of these naysayers talking about oh this is not sailing you know it should be back to 12 meters you know that was real america’s cup oh the back in 80s that was that was the best you know all the dial-ups and all that i mean how how do you feel on these developments do you think it is taking away from something of that the matching and the dial-up phase of the sport or taking it to another level i think it’s still i certainly takes it to another level but that’s the role of the americas cup that’s the re that’s almost the responsibility the americas cup has to the marine industry is to be that platform where it’s developing all the time and coming out with these freaky boats that and technology that we’re all looking at and going oh my god yeah this is another step in evolution and we’re looking at a monohull boat flying off a lured foil and you know a year and a half ago you wouldn’t have thought that was possible especially doing 40 knots upwind exactly you know you know and and it is really really crazy the numbers these boats are doing so i think the america’s cup we can talk about history and we can talk about the j classes and we can talk about 12 meters and the iacc boat et cetera the catamarans even but it’s all a part of evolution and the historical race around the isle of wight back in the old days that’s long gone uh its role now is to blow our minds if you will you know and it does it continues to do and uh and i hope that it keeps that way and if you if you really are a purist the sport of sailing is so diverse that you can find it you can go and sell another class and you know i remember when i was doing the world match race tour when we were competing in the americas cup we were sailing such diverse boats all around the world they were all monohulls but they’re all so different some were planing some were heavy displacement it was really really different and it made you a really good sailor because you had to learn very quickly how to make each different boat go fast and then you throw in the match racing tactics and strategy etc on top of that which changed depending on how fast the boat was going so yeah it really honed us we spent a lot of time focused spent a lot of time partying in those days too but we spent a lot of time focused on boat speed it felt like it felt like the the dial-up dial-up times could have been a little longer for these boats and that would make the matches more interesting what do you think in terms of the pre-start time or yeah yeah yeah i think so i think we needed to get an option where they were either having to come off their foils and close gauge or even end up on the port lay line you know like some things where they get further away from i guess the starboard lay line or to the to the boat end or the pin in as soon as you can burn as much time the boats get out of that sort of out of that realm and if they want to stay in that corner then they’re actually going to get quite close if they’ve got longer periods of time or they’re going to have to keep on if it’s light they’re going to have to keep foiling by circling or they’ve got to keep running right because they can’t stop and when they stop right they’re toast so so um so yeah i think it would have been interesting there’s a lot of opinions about what people thought was maybe a way of spicing it up a little bit but um yeah i think as a first runner i did a damn good job that’s for sure yeah in the next a couple of uh cycles apparently they just released the news with the challenger of record being the royal yacht squadron they said they’re going to continue with the class for another two cycles which i think is a fantastic deal because i’m sure these boats are going to dwell develop i mean look at how the 12 meters developed from the first time they were introduced to their later period and we’re going to see some amazing boats coming out yeah they certainly won’t be what we’ve seen in new zealand you know over the last few months they’ll be very different and you know raw yacht squadrons at the end of my street so i’m look i’m pretty so excited that uh that they’re coming to the uk you know in terms of some some sort of duty gift events or whatever but um you know it it it is it’s it’s super exciting i’m glad that um that ineos team uk have been the the ones that have put their hand up to to to to to to be the first challenger and um you know i think i think ben and his team have felt a bit of perhaps um bias or a little bit of um you know situation where you know teams can sort of stray or make it unfair for others so i think this is their opportunity to really make it as fair as it possibly can be i’d like to see more challenges but more more good challenges every cup that i did i remember in 1995 we i can’t remember how many we had but we had a whole bunch of boats and there’s a few in that fleet that are just just not going to do any good and and um and and that drags out the series if you will so i’d love to see some really good campaigns but more of them and i think if we stick with the boat it may become more cost effective i’ve got my own theory on cost-effective ways of running the cut but it definitely has to be i mean although america’s cup let’s face it it’s a billionaire sport uh it’s not gonna be you know it’s not gonna be world match racing tour or something like that it has to be hard to get there but it has to be realistic too you don’t want to have four challengers that that makes it really boring and a lot of times you have such a big difference between the defender and the challengers some of the matches become boring yeah yeah i’ve always this is a little bit off track but i’ve always felt that the nationality rule was important you know particularly for australia we’ve had we’ve got a lot of you know obviously got jimmy on prada well you got the best sailors it’s easy for you to say what about but you can develop you know if you’ve got a pipeline you know any nation can develop at sailors if they have the vision and right you know when you say the motivation it’s really the inspiration when people get close to the americas cup and you know if the turkish sailing youth start to aspire to it and they start doing you know foil week in lake garda and all these things and and they don’t work for teams they don’t need to sail for the teams that they can work like my first america’s cup with euro de venezia i was an italian and it was a national it was a national program like you had to be italian to sail on the boat but i i worked in the sail loft and i sailed on the second boat with john collius who is american so that’s how i got that experience and then with uh 95 america’s cup it was still national and so we were obviously i sailed with australia so it was just it was special you know you’ve got glen ashby who’s such a big influence in dean new zealand you’ve got jimmy spithill such a big team influence in in in luna rossa and you know you’ve got the slingsbus who was a really big player in uh you know oracle and all the rest so um i’d like to see that come back but i think i’d like and my mates uh will probably you know beat me up when they see me next but i’d like to see a bit of uh a bit of sort of campaign budget caps it’s managed it’s managing other sports and i think it should like you guys did in extreme series i mean the extreme series how it controlled it and how it made it more efficient that was perfect i mean that’s again one of uh your creations with mitch yeah oc sport and extreme 40 class i mean it made it a really good it was one of the most difficult races to win it had the best teams um yeah but the nationality rule uh i think they they they wrote it so that jimmy still can’t be in the prada campaign that he wrote exactly so that yeah i think jimmy can continue with the italians i think actually i i think it was the kiwis who uh you know who who originally broke the cycle you know when they wanted to go to elingy they they obviously had to have to get out but uh i i think i can see benefits for it not being national because then you know a turkish guy for argument’s sake can sail in the in the um british team get that experience take it back to turkey um but there are other ways in which um in which uh this can happen um but yeah it’s one of those things i i would like to see as you say you mentioned the extreme sounding series you know that was quite well controlled from a um from a costing perspective because um you know because we all shipped our boats together they’re all the same um we weren’t developing the boats and we all had pretty similar hotel packages and it just came down to who got paid what really and no one was really getting paid much so it was uh it was interesting from that from that so it was a hell of a lot of fun and if you think about the extreme sailing series you know we had probably eight boats ten boats on average but we did nine races a day yeah oh full on you were four days yeah you’d come back from those events just broken physically broken and it was two days i was just laying in bed just doing nothing for sure and it was like it was i you know i was in the military and i was uh i was a commando it was like the hell week over and over every month we had a hell week this was this was the extreme series yeah yeah you’d fall on the wall yeah you’re trying to fly home and just be out cold it was uh yeah but it was a family there too i mean all the sailors yeah all the members of the oc i mean i’m really thankful you guys have really believed in us giving us our team a chance really it was it it was there was some bunch of turkish companies that backed us but it was also you guys that believed in us and then gave us a push to get into this and then other sponsors came in so again once again in front of everyone i want to thank you well no problems at all like it was important for us that um you know to to go to istanbul and have an event in istanbul yeah it was great super important for us to have a a team so you know great good on you for having the initiative to put that together because it it certainly wasn’t easy and um and we loved we absolutely loved istanbul as a venue that that would be the event that most of our sponsors would go to and most of our family members would go to because it was so different to everywhere else culturally etc you know really fabulous and great sailing uh we gotta do it again yeah we gotta bring we gotta bring more international events uh back to turkey that’s for sure i think so like it really exposed turkey for a lot of us um and um and had we not have had you know this is this is pretty consistent for a lot of sports people if you don’t have a competition there you don’t often get a reason to go somewhere like actually even going to some petersburg in russia also a lot of us yeah a lot of us probably would never have gone to russia in our lives because it’s difficult from a passport visa perspective and all the rest and because we had the opportunity to go there for sport and a competition we went to this fabulous place as as with istanbul and um yeah it was yeah we’re lucky in that respect that i guess sport gets us off the sofa and out into the big wide world but we i i still have the dream of having an event with you guys starting istanbul and ending gallipoli yeah go there and do a race here together in gallipoli yeah that’d be super cool and yeah it would be it would be grand spectacle yeah definitely definitely still there’s a lot of adventures and fun things to do that’s not sure you really you really chipped so many of your list i mean again before we came to this uh program i was looking at your history it’s like it is really i don’t i’ve never seen anybody who has such a variety in their resume it’s insane yeah i was super flattered um um bruno peyron who is a really famous french uh adventure sailor if you will um part of the payron family uh uh right you know includes uh yeah really really amazing people yeah great people yeah and also fantastic yeah exactly and and crazy good sailors really yeah and and then you know even though they’re french they’re fantastic yeah but one of the biggest compliments i think i’ve ever had was bruno when we finished the jules verne bruno described me to the media as a complete sailor somebody who had done so many different things and i was the first person uh ever to to to do the the volvo ocean race or the ocean race of whitbread and then the jules verne record and the vonde globe and those three things are so crazy different in terms of what they are and how to achieve them one is full crew with stops monohull around the world the others multi-hull biggest you can go as fast as you can go around the world and then the other solo so that the skill sets were crazy and it was like 10 years of working towards that you know and and on that journey i you know i broke records on windsurfers and all sorts of things so i’ve always had this thing in my life that um and this is going to sound pretty strange but i’ve always felt like you should live like you’re dying i know that sounds ridiculous but you know this time last year i was coming back from returning from antarctica and that was a drama to go to antarctica it’s not easy to do but i one of my dear friends damian foxl who i’d done a lot of offshore sailing with he was skipping a boat down there and i went this is my chance the year that he’s down there he was down there for three months and i just went i’m going and you have to push everything out of the way and just say i’m doing that and just completely you know there’s no if you if you lose your house along the way finances money nothing nothing is a factor other than the end goal and uh and and i’m fortunate that that i’ve taken great pleasure in it all you know every one of those journeys ever like i’ve raced across the atlantic or established records or whatever across the atlantic 20 atlantic crossings and they’ve all been amazing journeys for me i remember in the in the jules verne record you know where we’re going around the world doing like 40 knots at times in the middle of the ocean southern ocean etc and i remember someone was mentioning something about how much they get paid or whatever and footballers and all sorts of things and i just went you know what if bruno called us all and said hey we’re going to go around the world on this big catamaran we’re going to try and break the record for the fastest non-stop round-the-world speed record but i can’t pay you we wouldn’t have cared at all i’m coming for sure you know yeah so we live in that you know and i think that sport in general it’s not a job we’re fortunate every now and again we get paid and um and we are driven by that huge emotional draw to the goal and and for me the goal changed you know i got really addicted to speed records i was um my first ever speed record was uh the 24 hour non-stop uh 24-hour distance record in the ocean was on the way to the start of the 1997 whitbread and i remember it was big storm in the gulf stream in the grand banks in north atlantic icebergs whatever and i remember with the team we got across that mark that datum 24-hour mark and we’d sailed further than any yacht had ever done any monohull yacht had ever done in history and i remember climbing into my bunk and thinking that is awesome you know we’ve just gone further than anybody ever and i and i straight away had an addiction to it i wanted more and more records and then i got caught up with steve fawcett i don’t know if you remember the big catamaran playstation crazy stuff on there with mitch with mitch you were on board with mitch there yeah mitch you did a bit and then mitchie went into club med and um right back back in the day uh 2001 i think it was 2001 we had the race which is again bruno peyron who’s the master he he basically conceived this race around the world of no limits so their club med playstation that team phillips boat which was that crazy twin mast thing that pete goss built yeah so it was just mind-blowing crazy time it was crazy time you guys had the the orma orma series were going on also really that was a incredible time there was so much money being thrown into sailing back then yeah and we were out of control we did not know what we were doing we’re hanging on to these boats just doing crazy speeds and just you know white knuckled with their eyes closed half the time it was so much fun so much fun and uh you know we had some big i remember with playstation it was like a hundred and we lent it to like 125 feet or something because it kept nose diving and i remember we were doing this record attempt from new york to the uk and i was driving and we were just hammering along trying to stay in front of this storm and we went straight bows down in this wave and stood like this hundred and ten foot catamaran on its nose just standing up like cartwheeling a beach catamaran of sixteen foot beachcare because it was a hundred feet people are falling everywhere one guy falls down the tubes and broke his leg and all sorts of that was crazy and uh you know we just we were just on the seat of our pants the whole time it was it was pretty cool unbelievable yeah nick what what was your biggest challenge during these journeys um i’d like to say not having enough time to do everything but um i think the biggest challenge and and this is probably pretty consistent with everybody um is you are super selfish and we know that but we can’t get over it and that this sound that sounds really strange but you know in my 20s and 30s i missed so many of my friends weddings and births of their children’s and all these things you just on your mission doing your thing super selfish life um you you know relationships are difficult because you’re on a plane all the time and you’re and you’re traveling with your you’ve got a few families and those families are the people that you’re starting with on different boats yeah i think um it’s not a regret but i think um that’s the biggest challenge was feeling this bit of deeper guilt particularly miss with with your family like my mum was really nervous about some of the risks we were taking and i i ignored that you know and and i and now i’m a father i think of my children doing that i’m like no no way so i now sort of understand what my how my mom felt and i feel more sympathetic if you will so um yeah i don’t have a lot of regrets um but i yeah there’s there’s a lot of things that you know that i that i did that i that i you know i don’t think about a lot nowadays it’s great to have these conversations with you guys because i i remember you know i think back to you know like this this is a guinness world record certificate yeah that’s a world sailing record and you just i i’ve only just recently started to put some reminders around me because you know i’m getting on now and we’ve all been locked down no racing and so to chat to you guys gives me an opportunity to think about it and remember a bit and and i greatly appreciate it because it’s been a pretty cool ride that’s for sure uh you you you’re definitely giving it what it’s worth well i think we all we all should you know i think it i really do believe in that whole thing if money was no object what would you do then do it and i really do believe that nobody gets to their to the you know their their death bed if you will and wishes that they spent more time in the office you know you know i think we all i think wealth is memories i really feel that you know and i believe that and um if you you know you’ve obviously got to be happy with who you are as a person and if you’re content with who you are from from human perspective and how you treat people and you know you’re generally spec for other people and for the environment and all the rest of it and if you really bring ring life out then you’re a happy person for sure true words of wisdom yeah so yeah very lucky jorah jorah go ahead yeah it’s really interesting because yesterday i watch your documentary and there your mother says he didn’t know windsurf when he’s throwing to tasmania yeah i started from because uh tasmania is an island off the south of australia and i started from victoria which is um near melbourne you know melbourne’s in the capital victoria so i started from the south coast of the may of the big island and went across to the to the small island state of tasmania and it’s 230 kilometers yeah so it’s pretty crazy and i mum says that i didn’t know how to windsurf and it’s not far wrong you know um i was thinking i was doing the whitbread and i was like thinking about you know you spend a lot of time just thinking about life and and i thought oh when i get back from um from this race i’m gonna try and wind surf across bastrop be the first person ever in history and it’s crazy to think that in this day and age you could still be the first person to do something you know that’s everything’s been done right so um so i thought that was cool in fact i was really inspired by a a woman who who still inspires me today and her name’s uh lainey bisho and she was originally lainey butler and she was a olympic rep for america in the windsurfing and adam bishol is from a really famous um sounding family in australia ex-team new zealand member he and i shared a house with laney during the americas cup in 1995 and during that period she wind surfed from newport california to ensenada in mexico and i followed her in a chase boat and navigated for her and and that gave me the idea maybe i could win surf across bastrop but then i couldn’t actually win surf so i had to learn how to windsurf so i finished the whitbread went back to australia spent about four or five months really learning how to wind surf and getting good enough to win serve for 22 hours and um and then got to a point where i ended up that the weather roger battam who’s the meteorologist for team new zealand he did the weather for me and he just called me and said tomorrow’s the day go so i just turned up and rigged up my windsurfer and took off to tasmania and uh and it was a crazy trip and 22 hours 11 minutes later i got to the other side and uh became the first and still the owner still the only person actually to have done it’s been a couple of attempts since and no one’s got there and my friends joke they say the only reason why he got there is because he doesn’t know how to turn around [Laughter] yeah it’s difficult when you first learn to windsurf it’s always a problem you always just go one way it’s very difficult to get back yeah my eldest daughter’s into windsurfing now so uh that’s pretty cool yeah you know a couple years ago we had this crazy british guy john o’donnett who did uh is windsurfed he first win served iran britain and then he went ahead and did a windsurfing tour around europe wow he started in norway and he went all around europe came through gibraltar came to turkey went through the dardanelles went through the bosphorus did the turkish black sea coast and then did the black sea and then got on a bicycle and then biked across to the starting point to norway unreal that’s okay i got in touch with him and we got connected and i kind of helped him uh plan his way on the turkish coast and then help them go through the channel in on the boss for us he’s you should connect with him i should yeah let’s go i’ll connect you guys it’s another crazy adventure how do you plan to break a record for example are you trying to find out which record did not break i should focus on this what’s your planning during breaking the recourse yeah there’s a few um where you know you can individually pick some records that you want to break the first one um with a 24-hour distance record was an accident we we were just pushing as fast as we could and then our navigator andrew kate said hey we could break the record here we didn’t even and then we were like okay let’s go so we pushed and pushed and pushed for the last few hours to make it happen then others uh you know like playstation for argument’s sake steve fossett had some records that he really wanted to achieve and uh sir richard branson sailed with us as well from virgin um of the empire and he um he he’s been chasing the atlantic sailing speed record for forever it’s eluded him he has it in the you know in aviation he has it in the power boat and he really wants it in sailing so um so he he uh yeah so these guys often say this is a record we’re going to do can you come and help us and then and then there’s other ones where um we you know i’ve chosen that hey i really want to do that record and and you focus on it train for it and try and make it happen so there’s probably three different different approaches to it and um you know like just even recently last year were all locked down and you know i had a personal had an idea that i wanted to paddle my outrigger canoe around the isle of wight which is not far 90 kilometers but it’s small and you just set yourself these small objectives and you go for it and you know records are cool because on that day on that time you do something that nobody has ever done and um you know it’s it’s strange i was talking to paul larson last week who’s a really good friend you know he’s a fellow australian and he is the fastest man in the world you know in in cell rocket so um it was great to talk to him about that whole campaign and we were just catching up you know as friends but we we just talked about the future and what what it looks like for us and you know he’s looking at a a couple of other projects that are very speed orientated etc and and um you know i’m like bring me in i’m i’m i’m keen let’s go type thing so but it feels like it’s getting more and more difficult to break these records because all the garbage that is floating in the ocean and now that the boats are getting faster and they’re getting on foils all these offshore boats are foiling and all these record attempts are have been disastrous in the last few the juventu attempts we had with uh zhitana they they just kept breaking their foils hitting some things um is it isn’t there anybody working on these surface-piercing sonar systems where we can avoid because it doesn’t seem like this garbage problem is going to go away no it’s a really big problem you know obviously it’s two conversations one is about the ocean environment and um ocean health if you will well yeah well that’s the biggest issue of course yeah yeah oh it’s so sad we can’t break the record yeah yeah and then and then you do as you say like i’ve i’ve obviously you know i’m really passionate about the jules verne record because in all the record breaking that i was doing i identified that record to be the best record in oceanic sailing for me that was number one and i remember when when we got that record it was my birthday it couldn’t have been better and wow really yeah yeah it was my birthday and and i i remember and my parents had flown over and nobody had told me it was all a big surprise and there was hundreds of thousands yeah it was a french team i was the only non-french person so it was just crazy the french went berserk and it was the most amazing day and um and i remember you know thinking that’s it that’s the greatest record i could ever aspire to and today we hold that record and i i stay with the jules fern because i do believe that it is the greatest oceanic offshore speed record um so i follow it avidly i’m really envious about you know the the cidabo and the emmerdale child programs etc because the foiling side is another story but i look at it and when you think of when you think of ocean health everyone talks about gyres a rubbish giants where there’s a accumulation of debris etc and there’s a huge problem on the inner south atlantic on the approach if you will or or half halfway between you know sort of brazil or south america and south africa where there’s a lot of debris in the water and um you know i don’t know the foiling boats are going to get around you know they’re all sort of crashing and burning in that area or a little bit further on and you know we’ve also got to remember that you know it’s it’s it’s a home for for sea life you know and whaling has been a obviously something in when i was in antarctica last year was a big focus of our trip down there because there is so much remnants down there of um you know old whaling stations and how whaling population was almost wiped out you know is you know 100 years ago not that long ago so um since the whaling has been more controlled if you will there’s a huge resurgence of whales as an example now sailing around the world on any boat that’s a huge concern now foiling at 45 knots then the concern level goes up through the roof you know imagine hitting a whale or ship container or big piece of debris when you’re up hydrofoiling at that speed and your you know your your you know your canoe body foils just plows into something a new cartwheel you know this is this is really serious consequences so um you know i i you know we can argue one or the other but ultimately it’s um it’s going to be hard to get really hard to get i think it’s probably going to go to a non-foiling multi-hole before it goes to a foiler if it ever goes to a foil and i think the bondo globe is interesting because it’s all foil foil foil you know and and the boats didn’t handle the southern ocean very well you couldn’t depower them you know so that the the older boats with standard dagger boards were better performers in some points of the race so um you know it was a lot of talk if we had gone and put a lot of design effort into the standard daggerboard boat would that have easily won the last bondi globe and lots of big decisions now for the ocean race because it’s not a standard course you’re heading into china again so you’re going across the equator four times the foils are draggy and light wind so lots of things to to think about and maybe we’ve gone big step forward and maybe we’ll come back and find something that is the right place to be but foiling in the jules verne course you can’t even imagine that somebody’s going to go 40 days without a breakage at that speed yeah it’s pretty exciting if someone you know if tomokovil called me up and said hey come for come let’s do the jewels burn i’d be like my bag’s packed let’s go you know for sure you are the first person to compete in offshore racing three greatest challenge as you mentioned when the globe volvo ocean race and you’ll burn therapy do you have any insider tips that you would like to share with first-time racers as a tactic as a boat or as a maybe later conditions um i think uh one of the things about offshore sailing is you have to find a love for it um you know you do i was inspired by it i just thought it was adventurous that was a big thing for me i wanted to know what other sailors were experiencing you know on vast horizons and in the middle of the ocean so so that was that was a real drive for me but if you’re not really active on board and you’re not playing playing a big part of trying to achieve the goal with the boat then it can be boring in some respect a lot of people get seasickness which is an issue um you are very isolated so people feel overpowered by that and overwhelmed by that when um when the effect of the global pandemic became a big problem initially and people started working from home and they were isolated and people living alone et cetera um we a lot of sailors particularly vonda globe sailors were called upon by corporate companies to try and try and extend a little bit of um advice on that front and if you and i think we had a lot to give because we were trained to do that suddenly everybody’s forced to do that we were never forced to do it we wanted to do it and we specifically trained to do it so we had some learnings that we could pass on that were we felt were important but it’s if you’re not in love with it and you can’t find beauty in it it’s a pretty wild place to be you’re in the middle of the ocean in any case if you’re doing the fastnet race or the middle sea race or across the atlantic you can be in the middle of the ocean and feel so vulnerable and and i’ve seen you know admittedly for me i’ve only seen it in the southern ocean but you see that overpower people the sense of vulnerability the fear and um you know because it can be scary and we are just a small speck when you are in the middle of the ocean you are tiny and it’s humbling and it’s a good thing you know it’s a good thing so i think work towards it is probably the the answer to your question go a little bit of distance then go a little bit further a little bit further find a role that you’re really happy to play whether that’s for me that’s mostly driving the boat or whatever so and then if it’s a race be in the competition and if it’s cruising find beauty in everything because if you’re a lot of people get on board and their world closes up but when you look out of what’s happening on the boat you will never see more beautiful sky at night you know you never see more beautiful cloud formations on the horizon but some people just don’t see that they get so overwhelmed by the fact that they’re on this little boat and they don’t they don’t take it all in and i have had nights in the ocean where the stars have reached the horizon you’re like i’m in a dome of stars and no light pollution all of these elements that we just don’t get or often get on land and and being just so mesmerized and blown away by the beauty of of that situation right and uh you know it’s it’s a fortunate thing and and if i didn’t you know people say why do you do it and i often say because it’s beautiful it is so beautiful being in the middle of the ocean and uh and that’s fortunate because you know you know we all have beautiful places coastlines etc we get to visit them and you know particularly in our lives we’ve been very fortunate but um yeah finding beauty in the ocean is uh is another thing yeah not a lot of people can do it yeah it’s also a big mental uh power to yeah the ocean i’m thinking about you mentioned for sure and and i and i haven’t always had it in the vonde globe i was so lonely and i ended up my world closed in on me and um and i was i was lonely and i was scared i got in a really you know it’s a long story and i probably shouldn’t bore you with it but i had a really bad accident in 1999 where i almost drowned solo sailing and um that has always stuck in my head you know when you when you had to go to brazil brazil with the boat um no when i went to i went to spain i was doing the mini transat oh okay in 1999 yeah and um and i it was pretty dramatic traumatic you know and then you really nearly drowned so i thought after that was the first time i ever thought i could die sailing i always felt invincible and then i was then i thought well actually there’s consequences here so i was really nervous and in solo sailing i was never nervous in a crew but solo sanding i always thought what if you fall off the boat you know and the boat sails away it’s on autopilot sails are trimmed perfectly and you’re you’re in the ocean and and and you perish and that would be terrible for me to experience or anyone really but um but and i i left i was really lonely in that race couldn’t break the loneliness felt um felt a long way away from everybody and then i got in this huge storm in the indian ocean and um and it really frightened me and i’d been in a lot of storms in my career at this point it was my my third round the world race you know so i’d seen a lot of action at that point and i’d been a professional sailor for 25 years or something but it was really different it was super powerful the the boat was obviously a mocker boat so 60 foot long big powerful carbon fiber boat and the waves were hitting the boat and just rolling it on its side or even upside down and and the force was like a truck just i could hear this roar as the wave was coming towards me and this is happening probably every 45 minutes a wave would just bang and then just roll me over and uh i was trapped downstairs there was so much crazy waves breaking on the boat it was too dangerous to be on deck and i just felt like i was in i felt like i was in a floating coffin i thought i was gonna die and that was when i went through the whole process of of convincing myself that i was going to die it was so violent so scary so noisy and i ended up um you know i ended up i’m a i’m an ambassador for inmarsat communications and it’s a really genuine relationship because i’ve lent on their tools and their network and their services for critical moments many times in my career and that one in particular i used the phone to call my father and really and just honestly just tell him i was gonna die and and it was so difficult to say hey we all knew that this could happen one day but this is it i’m gonna die here and it was so heavy really crazy situation so after that took me a long time to build my confidence back and that really was probably it’s probably about two weeks you know that i was broken for and then um then you know managed to find some strength again through my shore team and my friends and my family all encouraged me over the sat phone and sending me messages etc and it just helped me rebuild and and keep going so it hasn’t always been beautiful i think that’s my point but you have to always feel lucky always feel like there is something out there that can be positive and um i i feel like i’m pretty good at finding that generally yeah yeah you better be otherwise i mean just hearing about it hearing about it is horrible but it’s beautiful at the same time i mean beautiful and humbling at the same time reminds you how small we are like you said i mean yeah absolutely particularly in the southern ocean and you’re a long way away from anywhere and you know realistically you are three days from any real aid in that storm there was a a survey vessel or you know supply vessel in kirkland islands and the search and rescue teams were trying to communicate with them to tell them that myself and jean-pierre dick was another competitor in the race were in a lot of trouble and they just couldn’t get off the dock so you knew that you’re alone and you knew that that was it and you had to do do everything you could to survive but the real tough thing for me is that i love starting with crew because people say to me oh you know solo sailor blah blah you know i’m not really a solo sailor you know i was fortunate that i won my division in the route to rum and that was a really big thing you know the route to rum from france to guadalupe is is one of the it’s probably the biggest contested solo race in the world right and yeah it’s huge it’s so many people yeah i’ve been to a start a few years back yeah it was insane it was like a it was like an intergalactic race too there’s all kinds of different pods and vehicles and all crazy shaped boats everything is differently tweaked yeah madness and and i was living in saint marlow the start locate start port um for that race beautiful spot yeah and people like there’s thousands and thousands of people and you know coming out in the morning and my car is covered in flowers and all this stuff it was just really intense and it was a 2002 it was a really crazy windy year and it was a lot of carnage and a lot of boats broke etc and um and i ended up you know i was like i was i think i was the fifth boat or something a fifth or seventh boat to arrive and that was out of the multi-hulls the stormer 60s on a 50-footer and uh i think it was fifth boat to arrive and i broke the course record and i ended up winning and and i thought i thought was the most awesome trip and even though it had been crazy gnarly and big rough winds and all the rest of it i loved it and uh and i thought to myself oh perhaps i could do the vonde globe and you know it’s just keeping in mind too that i i was you know in a team with alan mcarthur who was very famous uh he’s you know she’s obviously very famous still for her vonde globe second place and her round-the-world solo speed record so i was in you know i remember being on the ferry with her on the way to the the um prize giving with with our ultimate manager mark turner um and i knew when i got on that ferry that they were going to try and convince me to do the bombay globe and by the time i got off the ferry at the prize giving you know we had made a plan to do the bondo globe and that was it so uh yeah that’s crazy yeah our olympic sailing projects uh but before uh for the uh turkey instagram uh videos uh there’s a technical limit for instagram so we want down the broadcast then they will need to recon reconnect to uh turkey instagram accounts uh okay for the other big failing projects yeah the caroline uh with carolyn you are creating this new project yeah yeah adrian carlin and myself have um have uh you know we’ve we’ve put our hand up to have a have a go for the uh for the olympic uh offshore medal for paris 2024 um good on you mate yeah it’s been a bit of a crazy journey because i went full-on into it and that was for me the goal and when i think of everything that i’ve done you know all around the world races and the america’s cup etc the thing that really has eluded me is is an olympic campaign at a high level so i thought this is it this is the right time and um and i just threw everything at it and mentally and resources and and then covert came so adrian couldn’t travel out of australia i felt perfectly positioned to be in europe to be able to compete against the french who are the best and um and i just thought this is going to work out perfect and then world shuts down so i spent a good time period of time last year trying to work out what was the best boat to sail etc so i’m trying to build uh the the figaro beneteau figure 03 fleet i live in france so we’re going to try and replicate something in the uk to train with and then go to france hopefully being a bit more competitive and we’ll see what happens the ioc haven’t signed off on the mixed offshore medal yet we’re hoping that’s going to be before may so we’ll know pretty soon um and then you know to be honest it’s it’s a it’s a big hurdle it’s that we don’t really know what what’s going what the format’s going to be what the boat looks like um you know it’s expensive you know i i i can’t i i can’t shy away from that i was quite surprised when i started budgeting for an olympic campaign just how expensive it can be um so especially for this offshore class isn’t it yeah definitely you know you know a lot of people say oh it’s not much more expensive than a necro campaign because you’ve got lots of boats and blah blah but but it is it’s it’s difficult you know um all my career has been commercially funded so i’ve always worked with sponsors and i have today you know my watch sponsor in dalmar uh got me to antarctica and we made a 200 was was the 200th anniversary of the discovery of antarctica and we made a watch just 200 limited edition watch for it and in marsat also helped me go down there to build the narrative between arctic and antarctic for satellite communication or remote communication so without sponsors and my partners i don’t really get to do anything zyke as well had me down there testing clothing for them so that’s the only way that i can do these things and sure when you go to the olympics and it’s not so commercial it’s a very different world and you know patronage is one thing you know a lot of people say you know i want to be on that journey with you and they will pledge some funds towards trying to help you um but the boats are expensive you know it’s different to buy a nacra 16 as as it is to buy a you know a better toe figaro 3 or a genoa or something it’s a little which which which is not sure which class is going to be either still it’s ridiculous that they haven’t fully declared what class it is yeah i could go on a lot about it yeah i can but what do you why why is the french so good at offshore sailing i mean they’re breaking all the records van der glob jules verne you know router rome you know all of those jacques farb anything i mean and but they they suck at racing like america’s cup or the sale gp or extreme sailing series you know what what’s the logic there i i i really because i’ve lived in new zealand and i’ve lived in france i had 15 years in france so when i was doing my short course racing like the americas cup etc i lived in the us and new zealand because that’s where the best racing was that we were able to get paid in the us and we’re able to really hone and learn our skills in new zealand so you go where the best is and the and they the kiwis and the americans really focused on short course sailing then you go into adventure sailing and the only place to be today is in france although that was the british that started the ocean race it is it is in that sense but when you take it to extremes like big multi-hulls and crazy parameters the french are dominating so i try always trying to identify why and it’s really clear to me that it’s it’s about these legacy and inspirational pathways and this is this is really important to me for turkey for argument’s sake the kids that won or the team that won the america’s cup the blair tux pete burlings etc they were all completely inspired to follow in america’s cup pathway or to eventually do the america’s cup by fred butterworth russell cootes so you’re going to yeah exactly you’re going to france and those kids have grown up with um alan gortier michelle desjardins if you want to roll it right back um you know all of these famous french adventurers races human endeavor you know driven people have inspired like the vonde globe is part of the curriculum every kid in that country follows that race you know and it’s radical so when you’re in france as a as a solo sailor particularly at the root of ram or the vonde globe you are genuinely famous you’re like a formula one driver you can’t it’s true it’s all over the news it’s all front page it’s mainstream basically but i think hubbard lee was a big er turning point that he made that he was hanging out with all the celebrities he was you know with alain de long bridget bardo you know he was doing all that stunts yeah you know it was such a shame uh rest in peace uh it’s fantastic guy yeah but yeah no for sure and um and they they really embraced it um like you mentioned the uk and you know i’ve got to be careful here that i’m not critical because you’ve got amazing uk legacy right shade life surrounding johnson amazing i love him yeah absolute legend but in the uk and he’s actually he he and rob knox johnson etc they’re all exceptions to the rule because they have established greatness that can’t be tarnished yeah but you know other sailors that will try and aspire to become a household name in the uk will often get punched up by the media if you will and the public whereas in france they don’t very often attack their heroes you know um if that sounds right and i know that in in 2002 when we’re doing the route to rum there was all this carnage happening boats were breaking and somebody mentioned something about the cost and the public went we don’t want to know about the cost we just care about the human endeavor element what these solo sailors are doing that is the most important thing to us whereas in australia new zealand uk everyone will go oh that was so expensive what a waste of money blah blah blah where whereas in france they just they go for the passion they don’t also like when when somebody dies in the anglo-saxon world it becomes like a huge tragedy whereas in the french newspapers it’s like he’s a big hero you know he’s like this is a horrible horror story one side the other side oh he did he died while he was doing what he loved you know yeah yeah but i guess i guess the short answer to it is the kids kids in france grow up and these monday globe sailors the jules verne sailors the roots of ram sailors jackpots they’re they’re heroes they read about them at school they’re part of their day they see them on the news they you know because you are i remember with the with the fondo globe we would close out the news every evening in france the vonde globe special would be you know a snippet from all of our boats and everybody sees that the reach was just enormous i remember getting off a train in paris in paris uh train station walking out and and looking up and there’s this massive billboard of me with all my scandia branding as my sponsor and it’s like what you know it was just crazy didn’t even know it existed didn’t know it was there and you’re just like this is madness you know and scandia hadn’t put it up there it was the it was the event and the people that were following it you know there’s a demand for it they just have it everywhere it’s crazy and i’ll never forget the jules verne record um when we left for that record it was um it was raining and not much was happening it like not many people felt we could get the record and um we were very young team and 64 days later we came back to you know when we left there was probably 25 people waving us off when we came back there was hundreds of thousands of people there it was crazy and i remember thinking that although and i wrote this in my book actually because i’ve written a book about the jules verne and um and uh here we go i’ve got a copy here i think but um but i uh yeah so that that for me just is the whole story you know and um and i write in there that that we don’t we don’t really as sports people sailors whatever we don’t bring a lot to society in general but actually we we make people dream and believe and that was really evident to me when we finished the jules verne not many people believed that we could get around but when we finished on that day 5th of may 2002 everybody felt everyone who was there felt on that day anything was possible it was so radical and they the idea it’s cool and i love the trophy every time i go to paris i visit the maritime museum and then visit the jules verne trophy it’s a cool flavor hopefully one day we’ll have a turkish boat uh yeah try it oh look and if you can i think it’s you know i really do think it is the it is the greatest and i remember when i first saw the trophy because you you know it as you as you know it’s it’s a it’s a hull of a yacht that suspends on opposing magnetic field and so it hovers in space and um and i remember looking at it and going oh my god you know it’s a couple of meters long and it’s something really cool when you get that trophy when you’ve actually broken the record and they officially hand you the trophy for us it was paris boat show and um yeah they we we all got there as a team philippe was the only one of our team that didn’t make it he was in australia but all the rest of the guys had come together and we’re in our team uniform and they give you these black silk gloves and you’re standing there in in front of the base and they take the hull out of a box and these security guards give you the hull and you’re standing there with all your mates and you’ve got your you know your hand out and they put the hull in your hand you walk towards the base lower your hand the hull starts to hover and as you pull your hand back this black silk sheath drops off the base and reveals all of our names crazy and my name is right in front of me and i was just like the best thing ever and that’s close yeah you know and actually really strange thing the night that the that we got awarded the trophy i went back and obviously had a few beers and whatever else but i went back to the hotel and i just typed to the end and that was the last text that went in the book ah nice yeah so cool i i think it’s it’s so i find jules verne especially inspirational for our sport i think it’s fantastic that this 10 000 year old sport which is kind of the manifestation of man’s uh creativity man’s ability i think sailing is just it’s all it’s something else it’s over the sport and yet this 10 000 year old technology is now with jules verne you you are achieving something that a machine cannot achieve the boats the records that you’re breaking a nuclear submarine cannot break that record and i think that’s fantastic i mean yet i mean you it’s just man’s ability to harness the nature and being in tune with it it’s it all it’s all more powerful than all the machines that we are creating with nuclear energy and whatnot so i think that’s that’s just beautiful to do to do this trophy yeah pretty it gets pretty pure um you know in the end and it’s just it is really humans against the elements with pretty radical machines and um the i guess the stress levels really high um that’s something that i you know perhaps don’t miss is the is the um just that grinding away of the pressure day after day after day and the motion and the screaming of the boat you know you’re doing 30 knots all the time in big waves you’re stewing over the weather you know looking for bad storms and how do we avoid them and all the time you know that even in even in our boats we just knew that if we hit something at that speed non-foiling we were in big trouble you know big trouble so um you know you’ve got to put the blinkers on and not think too much about it but just even the motion you’re in a you’re in a like a tube and you’re sleeping you’re like on a roller coaster and it just really takes a toll physically and mentally and and i remember we nearly capsized the night before we finished the jules verne it was crazy we just got that little bit lazy and started thinking about the finish thinking about seeing our families was sitting around talking not paying a lot of attention a big gust hit the boat and uh and we nearly went over and then from that point onwards we were back like concentrating full and nobody celebrated until we were well and truly over the line uh it was very stressful very stressful yeah but um yeah yeah it is but as you say it’s pure and you can’t nothing can buy you um nothing can buy you luck you know you can spend all the money you you have in the world and trying to get the jules verne recording yes they they the last spin drift they have been trying for the last few years they did so many attempts yeah just didn’t work yeah with big budgets and all the rest yeah but you you need i think anyone who finishes that race win lose or draw anyone who gets around the world is just pure and simply lucky like it’s you know it’s a crazy thing and i remember when i first finished the whitbread and i i remember i had blow up globes of the world and i had them kicking around my house and every time i’d trip over one i’d think i sailed all the way around that thing and it was super cool when i when we started from southampton and now i’m living on the isle of wight the needles has a really which needles is a is a there’s a heap cluster of white um small pinnacle rocks that that go off the western corner of uh of the island it’s like a diamond and on the western part portion of the diamond there’s these white pinnacle rocks and when we sailed around the world first time the day that we let we we started from there and i remember looking back and seeing those rocks and thinking the next time i see those rocks i will have sailed all the way around the world and i remember coming to the finish on the final day and just staring at the horizon to see those rocks again and uh and then when i saw them i just thought it’s done you’ve done it it’s sad around the world and it’s a cool thing to do in one’s life it’s such a privilege and i will forever feel incredibly lucky and incredibly privileged for the opportunity and all of everyone who’s sponsored me everyone who’s helped me and given me advice or anything anyone who supported me and i think most of all my teammates everyone i’ve sold with on those journeys you know they’re my brothers you know we’ve done these things together and that’s that’s like my my short team with the vonde globe you know sure i’m on the boat on my own but the team that support you in that project um you know in my case heading up with mark turner and helen king running the the the shore side and johnny hildebrand a boat captain i was talking to one of the guys today nick black who was one of our boys on the team just we’re just having a ching wag catching up they’re your family forever because you do something so crazy together and it’s a really really amazing thing really beautiful all right [Music] we talk about french media how is it australian media because you have very good olympic system and you have very good saviors out there in australia they are famous or how it’s going uh i think um i think australia’s still we have the sydney hobart race which is a really big race yeah and a lot of people love it um so um that becomes pretty special we have 18-foot skiffs which also yeah yeah really love them um but i think when it comes to um you know obviously some of the bigger sailing i think the australians think it’s a bit maybe elitist or for the rich or something i don’t think we’ve done a very good job in australia of um telling stories about people who have come like i didn’t have any family that sailed i didn’t have any access really to sailing i had a really dear really i’m so surprised with this this i didn’t know no i had a wow i mean it’s not about you about uh the australians approach i mean view on sailing that they see it like oh it’s a rich man’s thing and privileged thing yeah they do yeah you know we’re big surfing culture in australia right obviously um which is pretty cheap right everybody serves and you know um and then and and then you know one of the big problems that we have um and i think it’s one of the things that france is really good at is in australia and england and a lot of other places we have somewhat uninviting yacht clubs now what i mean by that is there’s a security guard on the gate if you’re not a member you don’t feel welcome and you can’t go to the bar all these sorts of things whereas in france they have yacht clubs but it’s not a yacht club cultured fraternity they go sailing and then they go to the bar or the restaurant or whatever there’s not many yacht clubs where people can hang out you know and you don’t pay to be a member and all these sorts of things so i think yacht clubs are detrimental in some respect they build a wall between public and some of that public is really interested well sure public’s not the right word but non-members and members um and if you like i’ve walked into yacht clubs many times and i’m a bit lost i’m going there to speak as the evening speaker or whatever and people are looking at me like who are you what are you doing here you’re not a member i’ve never seen you before and i’m i feel super uncomfortable you know and that’s a guy that’s grown up with sailing now right so imagine to imagine a parent whose kid really wants to learn how to sail and they’ve got no connection to sailing goes to a yacht club to ask somebody about how they could get their kid involved or whatever and them feeling uninvite that uninviting atmosphere it’s a complete turn off you know what i mean it’s not consistent and it isn’t the case across the board but when you do turn up at a yacht club and there’s a security guy and there’s ferraris in the car park or whatever of which elitist yeah none of them are mine but um and then you can’t go to the bar you can’t have a drink all these sorts of things you you sort of think maybe that’s not for me um so australia has that um but we have and obviously the the maxis in the hobart get a lot of attention and they’re generally owned by quite wealthy people um so it sort of builds that stigma if you will but i think one of the things that’s super important is you know the stories like ella mcarthur who’s not you know doesn’t come from wealthy background um is it just that you know she’s just your average inspiring woman who is you know has had nothing given to her ever and she’s earned everything she’s got and if i look back at australia and i think you know not you know we didn’t do a really good job in australia in some sense telling my story about how i didn’t have any family that sailed and had to find my own way into the sport and that yacht clubs aren’t that intimidating in fact they’re quite welcoming and if i got to tell that story it breaks down the walls a little bit um but we’re not getting enough of that out and that goes back to the inspiration side where you know we talked about tabalia is an inspiring person etc one of the responsibilities we have with the sport i think anyway is that we have to be open enough communicating well enough that anyone thinks that they could get involved with it especially in this day of age yeah for sure especially since i mean i think our what makes our sports and our culture our unique common culture as sailors which i think it goes beyond borders or religion or language which makes our culture so beautiful and unique is it binds us as long as you are passionate whether you’re a billionaire or you’re broke but if you’re a passionate sailor you’re at the same level you got a huge common thing to talk about and that’s i think that’s what makes our sport so unique and i appreciate some of the clubs having some kind of a control well i think they have to relax it a bit and maybe have their own fraternity room where they can smoke their cigars and where they can have some of the esteem members only can enter but you gotta let the public more involved just makes the sport it’s better and yeah and to be honest that’s that’s changing it is happening happening a lot and particularly in australia there is more the more opening more welcoming but i remember as a youth you know when i first started sailing as a youth women weren’t even allowed in the bar in australia they shouldn’t be there so so you know that that’s like whoa you know that that’s sort of really especially when you think what my mom can’t come to this shop club and have a drink so that all changed too long ago not too long ago that’ll change pretty quickly but um but you know now now it’s very open and all the rest of it but i think my point is just be careful about how welcome it’ll be because you’ve got to break down the intimidation you can’t be intimidated in any step along the way women sorry if it’s a purpose that gives you purpose i would never go to a bar that there is no girls what’s the point well the beauty in its freedom as well right and you need freedom of access is part of it so um you know women should feel like they should be part of it you know particularly if you look at royal hong kong yacht club for argument’s sake or any any yacht clubs around the world the local kids feel like should be able to feel like they can knock on the door and find out how to get involved these are important things regardless of where they come from or how much money they have or whatever because some of the best sailors in the world you’ll probably find uh you know underprivileged kids in in the back streets of of your local yacht club um so yeah i think i think it’s all changing and evolving but you know i think we need to break down all the intimidations because the language you know in english you know we’ve got cunningham you know vang all these out all these things and people like what when i get involved i have to learn this crazy language to start with and see them in turkey yeah so so there’s intimidation after intimidation after intimidation just simplify it you know and make it as comfortable and as welcoming as possible and and you know to answer your question you know australia loves their sailing um but they they they get more into the 18 foot skiff rough and tumble and you know a bit of crashing like we all you know extreme starting series boats flipping over all the rest a bit of swearing maybe all that sort of carry-on because australians i think deep down are a bit wild so they like a bit of a bit of a bit of a brawl if you will um so yeah it’s cool and and that actually you know i feel quite proud to be in australia as australia and and i didn’t really think we were getting any recognition for what we were doing but in 2000 not in 2000 i received a australian sports medal and i had no idea that that was even on the cards you know so it was a huge surprise to me and i think what it did when it happened i remember i was doing a transatlantic record with with uh steve fossett and my mum told me just before we left and i was like are you sure they got the right person you know because a letter from the queen and all sorts of stuff and i’m like really did is it my name on the on the letter you know it just was so mind-blowing but it was an indication that yeah australia was watching and people were following and it did mean something yeah okay i think it’s it so inspirational that uh you’re sharing all this experience and now there is this new hype with social media and connectedness and these stories can ripple across uh the world and it would affect so many people and now uh like all these new guys coming in the sport uh becoming all heroes like tom slingsby spithill glenn ashby and the likes of them i think there’s a total new age that is going to open up with with your experience with you backing up with you mitch and all the you know the more experienced guys who came and saw how it was back then and how it is now it’s it’s gonna open up so many new opportunities i think yeah yeah i hope so and i hope we do get the chance or we do we we are you know i remember magenta project is a really strong female sailing program it’s international but it’s it’s quite well founded in the uk and they’ve got a mentoring program where some of the women from even tracy edwards’s around the world races and things like that they’re very predominant in the mentoring program which i think is super important because even though we’re not maybe not sailing the the most high performance boats now it’s still the ocean still the wind you know yeah the crafts have changed we felt like you know if you say michi and myself as examples there’s plenty of us brian thompson damien fox a lot of guys that we feel pioneered certain periods of of sailing and different boats um and that’s cool it has something and it’s not um maybe not as cutting edge as it was today but you know look at that boat there on the screen you know it was a crazy crazy machine and and um and not much it’s the same mentality if you will it takes the same same approach to it and it’s not all about moths and ac boats and hydrofoiling big cats sounding’s really diverse and um yes you know if we can bring something to that then cool and you know that’s what i like i like having you know i was gifted with the documentary that was amazing thing for um you know for sunset and vine to do for for me with oc sport and the team and and it’s something that’s vaulted it’s a part of my life that is recorded and you can watch it and then to have written a book you know my kids and my grandkids and their kids have got this wad of paper that is a story from from my life if you will so i think as i’m getting older legacy’s quite important to me and um you know even today i think of you know i was talking recently to uksa which is the sailing academy here on the isle of wight and you know i have an interest in these sorts of organizations because you know is that my legacy to pass down some of the learnings to to provide a bit of encouragement here or mentoring if you will and with the figaro and the olympic campaign part of the training process is myself and and brian thompson and several you know the mike goldings and dekafaris and shirley robertson etc to be able to pass down collectively pool our knowledge collectively learn from each other but also vault it and package it so that the those coming through can actually absorb it as well not to say that we have all the answers because it’s a two-way street these young guys coming through guys and girls we’re learning so much from them as well so it’s just a good thing and you know pretty lucky to to have something to offer i i i hope anyway and nick also uh you are an international speaker and sea level executive and corporate team performance coach what is the similarity between corporate life and the sailing um the corporate life is uh like if you know the speaking as you can tell i talk too much so that comes pretty easy um yeah you’re a great storyteller yeah exactly people say to me you know if i’m going up to if i’m going to give a corporate presentation and it might be dinner speaking whatever people often say to me are you nervous and i’m like no i’m just telling the story of something that happened and and um it’s the truth so i’m just telling it and uh so i don’t necessarily get nervous people say to me are you here to motivate us and i’m like no i’m just here to talk about what tools i’ve used to try and achieve my goals and i think the greatest motivation for anyone is to have a goal so i just in my storytelling i try and encourage people to establish a clear goal and then i leave them with certain tools to work towards that goal and pretty much guarantee that they can achieve that goal so that’s what i leave with them in my presentation and all that’s become natural and and in my in my corporate coaching side if you will the executive coaching that i do i make no apologies when i first go into that that all of my work with them will be based on the analogy of sport because i think that success in sport right and success in business are exactly the same and i cannot be i cannot find a any other any parameter to prove me wrong and i think if you can find a way like oh you know we’ve got young guy in our i own a company called apsu which is a which is a superfood multivitamin and we sponsor a lot of elite athletes and uh you know we’re wider compliant and all the rest of it so working with world champions olympic athletes etc and for me these people who you know one guy in particular lincoln jews a paddler from australia stand-up paddleboarder two times world champion and what he could bring to an organization purely by identifying a goal and working out a way to achieve that goal the application the processing the the the commitment dedication focus all the rest of it is really applicable every company needs to have goals every individual in a company needs to have goals and every unit every business unit needs to have goals so there’s no real difference um in between sport and business and um and you know i like to share that i really think it’s strong and people that a lot of people i speak to think they aren’t goal orientated they go oh no i’m not really into goals we’ve got a goal every day even if even if that’s just to get to the end of the day everybody’s got goals you know it’s just about refining them and identifying them and making them work for you don’t just get to the end of the day get to the end of the day having done something great and um you know program people to think because the mind’s manipulative you know can you make your mind do a lot of different things it’s about training your mind to be either more positive or more determined or more focused or um more willing to to push harder so yeah but on the corporate side i’m often more of a person that people can just confide in because if in business a lot of people that are successful are quite lonely and uh and to not go too deep when you’re really successful in sport um you are pretty lonely as well you know and i’ve got some you know my greatest friends because we’ve divided our life to this right so so many of my dearest friends are uh my competitors interesting yeah and there’s always going to be something there that is is is divides us there’s always something and i remember actually when i had a period where i was breaking a lot of records a lot of things were going my way 2002 for argument’s sake got the jules verne record then won the route to ram was on a huge high and one of my best friends brian thompson is he’s these multi-whole sailor in the world you know he’s set like i don’t know probably 40 world speed records a guy’s just a freak and he was with maiden and our boat was breaking and a few things that weren’t getting the records and i felt guilty because i was having the luck and he wasn’t and i never forget they got the transatlantic record if i remember correctly one major record i’m pretty sure it was a transatlantic record male and female me that the that the luck and the accolades were now shared if you know what i mean it sounds weird um but i think when i felt when i was successful people are like there’s a bit of resentment because we are jealous of each other regardless of what the hell how happy we say we are of each other um we wish it was us when someone wins um but uh yeah yeah i think when you’re really on top of it you can be really lonely and i see a lot of f1 drivers and things like that that have their own little circle of people that are with them um and you know i felt at times i would have liked to have had that circle of trust and and um yeah we are here for you there you go if i if if i ever find success again i’ll come to turkey you are you are very successful and you’re very inspirational and really on this note i think uh we should on the high note we should end it for now because i think this should be a continued uh interview not uh i mean we cannot break it up like this but i don’t wanna uh we don’t wanna keep hiring you more um we’ve been we had you for two hours already no no no no it is such a pleasure and a true honor to have you here and i’ve always felt uh it was an honor to have you on my wedding day with us in sydney uh it was it was really inspirational while when i was in sydney seeing that whole culture of maritime and just joy and people and it was just so wonderful i said okay i’m gonna get married here and then you were there so you are you have a special spot in my heart thank you for accepting our invitation and being here and sharing your heart and your feelings with us uh it’s it has been a really amazing interview but i can i will only let you go if you promise you’re gonna come back to the show again because there’s so much more to talk about we just we just covered like the tip tip of the iceberg it is it’s just too much maybe we can do it face to face well you have to come to turkey there you go we already talked about this you gotta come to turkey this summer and then uh we’re gonna we organize everything that’ll be a nice setting at your place with the water boats yeah and our our yacht club approach is everybody is welcome everybody who loves the sea who loves the life and the sea is is our member maybe maybe we can do an interview and then i’d do some storytelling to your guests one night over dinner why not it will be that will be you’re great you’re just too much you’re just too much yeah oh no no thanks for that look at it and from my perspective you know it was a great honor to to be on you at your wedding day which was fabulous and a beautiful day on sydney harbour and uh you know when i talk about sailing in australia you know it’s contradictory to look across sydney harbour on a day like that and it was full of sailing boats and beautiful sunshine setting and you know when i think of that yeah we are a sailing country from that perspective but uh it has been a great thrill and i’ve loved racing against you and all the rest of it and being part of your life and and particularly always special day and uh thanks very much for having me i really appreciate the opportunity really a huge pleasure thank you so much thank you thank you nick you rocket the program today yes sorry it’s probably talk too much rocket racket yeah our guest was legendary sailor nick maloney uh today and thank you so much for joining us once again nick it was a big pleasure and privilege being with you actually there are lots of questions in our our mind still and we hope to see you once again in our program if you have time thank you so much all right thank you thank you thank you bye-bye take care keep safe and healthy.