CuVoodoo #028 - every electron counts
Sep 17, 2020 07:05 · 318 words · 2 minute read
Welcome to CuVoodoo, the sorcery of copper. to calculate the humidity, you do need to know the temperature this is a Bosch BMP180 this is a Sharp GP2Y1014AU0F this uses the AMS AS3935 this is a noname DIY kit the panel is not specified for Standard Test Conditions (1000 W/m²) the bulb is a Philips MASTERColour CDM-TD 70W/830 RX7s 1CT/12 we got some elite voltage have a look at IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 for more details about photovoltaic measurement methods CuVoodoo #020 – spark abacus this is also not very accurate charging while measuring can induce some noise the current goes down once the screen dims for that it uses a 16-bit TI INA226 it slows down really fast U2P is the 4-button with PD switch variant it can be different than the one broadcasted https://www.bluetooth.
com/specifications/gatt/ 08:17 - detailed board description available in the wiki pattern recognition needs a bit of experience the matrix rain effect is by CGMatter *a pattern is repeating until 5 overflow = going beyond 255 first byte in a word IEEE 754 is the most common representation and discard it this is why libraries are written for and used but I wanted to implement it myself to learn about it the message format is documented in the wiki the source code is available in the git to have a stream of only the data, use its CLI counterpart TShark, with filters *passed through plus temperature and power the source code is available in the git https://git.cuvoodoo.
info/web-u2/ 19:01 - it will be powered by the micro-USB port *3 LEDs this is when the panel can see the sun, in between buildings LDO regulators have the same amount of current going in and out a bit more than constantly powering a standard LED I’ll let you figure out in the comments what the cause is.