Getting Rid of Evil Jinns Presence, Demonic Entities, Blocking Mind Possession

Jan 15, 2021 23:22 · 4506 words · 22 minute read

Negative energy and unnecessary and uncontrolled fear of people in the heart.

00:16 - How to get rid of it from the heart? “A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem. ” The fear and anxiety is the immensity of negative energy and again we talk about energy but to some people they think why you don’t talk in Islamic terms? Because energy actually is the highest level of reality of malakut (heavens), they’re so used to kindergarten level of teaching that actually the spiritual teaching and energy teachings and light teachings is the quantum reality of Islam so energy is the easiest to learn and the hardest to achieve.

01:09 - And that when you’re sensitive to energy these anxieties these difficulties these fears are the overwhelming theme of what we’ve been talking about, if you notice that when you’re asking a question during the talks if you write and take a life in which to write, write means not to write articles but to write the teachings of the shaykh.

01:36 - So when you write the reality is that you begin to understand, ‘Oh these were already answered before I asked them,’ because everyone’s coming with a signal not from their head but whatever is emanating from their heart it’s coming in to this field and in this field it’s a wi-fi already the heavens know the answer of what is in your heart and the emanation of the talk is directed from hearts to heart.

02:09 - So when they’re clever trying to catch it they’re writing and they may be so focused in the writing that afterwards they can read what they wrote and that was the answer to all those questions.

02:25 - So Allah (AJ) knows there’s an overwhelming anxiety and fear everywhere, a fear of your money running out fear of your dying and catching this thing fear of every type of devil fear of keeping your faith, yeah you name it the list will go on.

02:42 - So then the tariqah (spiritual path) comes with the solution.

02:45 - We again watch somebody and they’re very popular and everybody will start emailing, ‘Oh this one he’s like that he’s like that. ’ It’s not, it’s not important only to tell people, ‘One plus one, one plus one one plus one,’ but what’s the answer? That he doesn’t say, you’ve now political opinions and, ‘This Yajuj Majuj is this and this event is this and now they need money from here they took the gold from here,’ no benefit whatsoever.

03:17 - You’re now part of the problem and you’re not the solution, the solution is everybody has to be with Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

03:28 - You’re going to die in that understanding and die holding the feet of Prophet ﷺ so that you open your eyes within a flash you’re at the feet of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

03:39 - That’s it. That’s where the goal was to be so then the solution for all of these then are they’re coming with the teachings, wash keep your wudu (ablution) keep your salawats (praises upon Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) keep your practices keep your head covered keep your sunnah (traditions of Prophet ﷺ) keep your ring keep everything that they’re teaching - is a shield and an armour for the believer.

04:04 - That do your practices do the madad (support), we’ll try to come with the step by step for the madad, most basic for now just sit and meditate asking to visualize yourself in the presence of the shaykh and that the shaykhs in front of you and that, ‘I’m nothing and that please your light Seyyidi come into my heart. ’ You’re not going to the shaykh you’re not going to go into his station that’s very difficult to achieve but say that, ‘In my low position and in my nothingness fill my heart with love.

’ That Allah (AJ), “Ittaqollaha wa kono ma’as sadiqeen. ” Have consciousness because only conscious people who have taqwa (Consciousness) they have yaqeen (Certainty) over their senses, can achieve.

04:50 - That’s why Allah (AJ), “Ittaqollaha wa kono ma’as sadiqeen. ” Because we said before who are the taqwa? They have consciousness.

05:00 - Who are the muttaqeen (those with high level of consciousness), They’re most conscious from where? From their five senses- are not working in had e dunya (limit of the material world).

05:09 - They have taqwa means to be conscious and Presence of Allah (AJ) that’s actually a description of Maqamul Ihsan (Station of moral excellence).

05:17 - How you can be conscious, you’re not conscious of your name you’re not conscious of the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ but you want to be conscious of Allah (AJ)? You think it’s that easy? So no, then the consciousness and these verses of Allah (AJ) will all point you to, you should be making tafakkur.

05:37 - You should be making your contemplation because he’ll teach you how to sit and build your taqwa.

05:45 - That I want consciousness from my ears Ya Rabbi, then He’ll teach, ‘Sit and stop listening to everything.

05:52 - Play My Qur’an and play salawat on Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ so that your ears will have a taqwa.

06:01 - Give them a rest from this world and remind them of their paradise reality.

06:08 - Sit and close your eyes and give your eyes a taqwa and a consciousness that your eyes are looking at too much garbage all day long sit and close your eyes,’ and then you begin to see all these images I’ve been seeing, ‘Oh my gosh they’ve been destroying my heart, these images. ’ Then take a life in which you’re continuously closing your eyes knowing there’s nothing here Ya Rabbi I’m in my grave I want to be in that light I want to be in Madinatul Munawwara (Luminous city of Prophet ﷺ) and Rauza Sharif (Holy burial chamber).

06:35 - If you can’t visualize that then, ‘I want to be at the Holy ka’bah,’ take a picture of the ka’bah and look, ‘I just want to be at the holy ka’bah Ya Rabbi dress me from these lights. ’ So every sense of ours, ‘I want my breath I want my breath I wasted my breath talking all day long to nonsense people I want my breath to be in zikr (Divine remembrance) of Allah (AJ). ’ Then they teach you how to breathe [shaykh inhales exhales ‘Hu’] ‘My touch, I don’t want to touch anything I don’t want any simulation from my senses and I just want to feel the real touch from my soul.

’ So when you’re sitting and meditating you begin to sense energy and your sense of touch is becoming much much sharper it becomes a sense of touch from the soul, you feel energy you feel when bad energy is coming you feel when good energy is coming.

07:29 - So then this taqwa this. . all your senses having a taqwa that’s then what Allah (AJ), “Wa ittaqollaha. ” Right? Have all your senses be trained and if they trained if you have consciousness of ears would you be sitting around with people listening to rap music all day long? Was not “Kono ma’as sadiqeen,” I won’t be like that.

07:54 - That’s why the second part came to confirm if you really want to taqwa show me who your friends are I tell you who you are.

08:03 - Right? This group you hang with and these things that you do is affecting you.

08:09 - So when Allah (AJ) is giving this as a formula, “Ittaqollaha wa kono ma’as sadiqeen,” get a consciousness now these sadiqeen will actually teach you how to be muttaqeen, how all of these senses have to have a consciousness of Allah (AJ).

08:27 - So if I want to clean my ears I want to be with people who talk about zikr of Allah (AJ).

08:34 - I don’t want to hear about these crazy things I spend so much time trying to clean them why I want to sit now keep doing that? When I clean my eyes I don’t want to be with people who’s not healthy for my eyes their thoughts their whatever they’re doing they watch the inappropriate things, that’s the second part where Allah (AJ), ‘If you really want to fix your eyes then you should be with sadiqeen, they don’t do those things.

08:59 - They don’t encourage those things, then they teach you your breath what you hear what you see, how to touch how to feel how to feel these Divine Lights then we understand that Allah (AJ) was giving an isharat (sign) on how to reach to malakut, ‘Have you seen those who made the ascension. ’ We said every verse of Holy Qur’an that talks about the Ka’bah is Allah’s (AJ) code because He wanted you to study hadees to understand His Qur’an.

09:29 - He wanted you to love Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ. Qur’an is a lock its key is Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

09:38 - You love somebody you say, ‘I don’t want to give you the secret myself,’ it’s not showing an ihtiram (respect) to the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

09:46 - If you don’t study the hadees and don’t connect your heart don’t wash and keep yourself to be clean Ya Seyyidi Ya Rasulul Kareem ﷺ (The most generous Prophet) that these hadees that awliyaullah (Saints) teach I don’t need to read the whole law book because I’m not trying to be a judge I need to know the laws and the realities that you gave in relation to my reality and that’s why the turuqs (paths) they teach specific hadees that make you to reach to your reality, ‘Know yourself you know your lord.

’ Look at my life then I have to take my path off to know myself so then this hadith opened the Qur’an.

10:30 - These hadiths that teach us to to be with sadiqeen that Allah (AJ) is talking about the ka’bah he’s talking about ka’bah hadith comes and tells you that, ‘Nothing in heaven nothing on earth but the heart of the believer. ’ Also Allah’s (AJ) ka’bah is really the heart Allah’s (AJ) house is really the heart of the believer, then you begin to understand the code.

10:51 - The key enters into ayatul kareem (generous verse of Holy Qur’an) and unlocks it.

10:55 - When Allah (AJ) talking about Ka’bah he’s talking about your heart.

10:58 - When Allah (AJ) talking about taqwa He’s teaching about make your consciousness to be trained, who going to train you about your senses? Sadiqeen.

11:11 - Some guy from… who is a former rapper and now making youtube he’s not going to teach you how to have taqwa because now everyone with a youtube channel is teaching you meditation, ‘Breathe like this you know like this,’ it’s not that like that but Allah (AJ) gave the formula, ‘Find the sadiqeen, whom they’re truthful in their actions and their deeds they’ll teach you now how to have that reality how to be dressed by that reality.

11:35 - The abundance of light is what we need to push away this negativity what did we say that movie was last night, ‘Pitch Black. ’ That he was surrounded by demons and they were going to kill and eat him and the only thing that would stop them was light they didn’t like light.

11:58 - What Allah (AJ) gave as an example like that for? That’s exactly it if you don’t put a light in your heart these demons are going to eat you alive they ravage you they attack you all day and night and wait until you have no faith you have you feel empty within yourself of everything and then you go on to the other side of the scale in which you harm yourself and harm others.

12:21 - They’ll empty you out when that’s not good enough they fill you with themselves, so then don’t let the darkness overtake you and this is the greatness of the reality of light.

12:33 - Allah’s (AJ) but, ‘One match is enough to light up an entire dark room. ’ So your hasanat (goodness) never goes away just do good deeds good actions go back to what is holy what benefits your soul to reach to these lights inshaAllah.

12:51 - As salamu alaykum Seyyid, When doing zikr and salawat I feel pressure and pulsating on the forehead is this something bad.

13:02 - I also feel it when looking at the phone. No there’s all sorts of energies that remember we’re like a bus filled with all sorts of negativity.

13:16 - You have all this you know garbage that people come to zikrs with and our daily life all of us no one is excluded.

13:24 - As soon as we enter the zikr there’s the force of positive coming pushing out the force of negativity so there’s going to be many energy feelings maybe headaches maybe energies maybe feeling fatigued and tired because there’s a cleansing happening.

13:39 - So there’s something normal not normal there’s nothing normal in tariqah it’s whatever Allah (AJ) wants for the servant.

13:46 - But zhikrullah (Remembrance of Allah) and salawat is blessed so it’s always good, it’s not the zikr that causing the problem it’s other things that we do that are causing the problems then we have to go back with our muhasabah and begin to figure out when we meditate that, ‘What did i do that you know brings a negative energy to me that it has such a difficult cleansing in the zikr. ’ That, one thing for the phone is, yes the phone is a tremendous source of negativity so try to you know control your use of it and to make sure that you have wudu (ablution) you when you’re dealing with it that its energies are not pulling your energy.

14:29 - And when you’re doing the actual zikr and the khatams and the salawats try not to use the phone because all sorts of negative energies are coming, it will take your energy.

14:43 - We’ll try to put it down as much as possible we only have to look at it just to make sure that the comments are being commented on and whatever you have to do but best not to have anything so that you have your own God-given energy you don’t have anything from mankind interrupting and the jinn (unseen beings) world interrupting your flow of energy inshaAllah.

15:07 - My right knee hurts when sitting and trying to do tafakkur, at times the leg goes numb.

15:13 - If you’re older and you have arthritis and then you sit in a chair if going numb then you know you try to sit in a chair whatever you can do to accommodate yourself so that not to cause any damage to your body but if people who are young and they just don’t want to do it because they’re lazy then better to push yourself and do that so that you don’t get sleepy when you meditate.

15:40 - If you’re older and you start to get arthritis that’s why you can’t, I can’t sit with my legs crossed on the floor my knees will start to have extreme pain it doesn’t go away for days so as you get older then you can’t do some of the things you did when you were younger and Allah (AJ) gave us a grant of a chair it’s a great ni’mat (blessing).

16:00 - Imagine before somebody invented a chair you were continuously in back pain and leg pain and how much people suffered before imagine with all the back pains people had to ride horses all everywhere.

16:12 - It didn’t matter your back is broken you’re not in good health, so Allah’s (AJ) ni’mat and it’s a rahmah (mercy) and blessing from Allah (AJ).

16:22 - Seyyidi if something is attached onto us and inside us how do we make it go away or remove it? I’ve been in wudu for many days doing daily awrad and istighfar plus durood sharif, still don’t go.

16:36 - InshaAllah. Be patient do the meditation put the taweez make your salawats make the taweez on yourself and in your home and as long as you’re doing all your positive energies and energy practices don’t worry about the rest, ‘When it’s going to go not go,’ that’s not important as long as you know that you can do those practices you’re not possessed.

16:58 - When someone is possessed they can’t even type for help that shaitan (satan) won’t do anything that will ravage them and start to cut them so you’re not there nobody’s there as long as they’re reaching out they’re not like that.

17:13 - So everything else could be in your mind could be what you think could mu’min (believer) beings around so it’s not important, the most important is that you’re doing the zikr you’re doing your awrad (daily practices) you’re able to do the wudus your salah (prayer) everything Allah (AJ) asked from you and at the same time then you’re able to sit in to do your tafakkur (contemplation).

17:32 - The tafakkur then brings a tremendous amount of energy; and charity.

17:37 - Charity take away every type of calamity. We said when the person dies the only thing when they go back to ask Allah (AJ), ‘Ya Rabbi let me go back to finish my accounts to become saliheen. ’ Not, ‘Let me go back and make up my salah,’ because it had the most effect on zaki on their purification and their purity was by their selfless act that they did what they did not for a person they didn’t give it because of the person they gave it for Allah (AJ) and Allah (AJ) is the one who gives the servant his reward.

18:20 - So all of these are the formulas that Prophet ﷺ gave to us, when we do all those then alhamdulillah don’t worry about anything else.

18:30 - Everybody has a difficulty Grand Shaykh (Q) was in khalwah (seclusion) five years with a snake around his neck for the first forty days, Allah (AJ) want to test you what’s your focus? You’re focusing on the problem or focusing on the solution? If you focus on the problem shaitan already got your attention all day long you’re just, ‘What’s this problem what’s this problem. ’ Don’t worry about that.

18:55 - If that’s not stopping you from your worshipness then just go headstrong into your worship and do your thing do your thing.

19:02 - So many times that shaykh may get attacked and have many difficulties and he has to just be patient with his practices until Allah (AJ) relieve him from that difficulty.

19:13 - But don’t focus on it and thinking give me a salawat make everything go away it’s McDonald’s I want fries and coke with that too.

19:21 - Haji Rizwan, he’s looking at me like, ‘Ah Fries and coke that sounds good. ’ As Salamu alaykum Ya Seyyidi, how to do the Allah (AJ) zikr with the heart it’s difficult for me to concentrate in zikr with heart.

19:43 - Yeah these again these are not easy stations so it’s not meant to be easy but when you’re trying to do the zikr of Allah (AJ) in the heart you’ll realize that you don’t have the ability to move from one Allah (AJ) to the next without training.

20:00 - So you close your eyes and you can’t push from one Allah (AJ) to the next Allah (AJ) the next Allah (AJ) to the next Allah (AJ), especially beginner stages, doesn’t come like that.

20:14 - So then the tasbih (prayer beads) serves that purpose so when you’re meditating to do silent zikr this actually becomes your thumb.

20:28 - Right? So My index finger will act like my tongue yeah not my thumb my tongue, ‘Tongue, Thumb’ [shaykh laughs].

20:42 - So just trying to sit and say ‘I’m gonna do Allah silently,’ you can’t push to the next one you’re not able and trained on how to push the zikr through and push it, something sounds so primitive but it’s very basic.

20:55 - So the tasbih comes and acts, this finger [index finger] will act like my tongue.

21:02 - As I go like this [shaykh does tasbih] silently so visualize I’m looking at my heart and I’m saying Allah silently to myself and my fingers [shaykh pushes beads back one by one].

21:18 - Would be weeks months until you trained yourself and you move your zikr without it but you train with your finger that’s the khafi zikr (silent chanting).

21:38 - So the khafi zikr then will be training by your finger so you move the finger and the zikr is now rotating and you’re able to move to the next zikr and that’s for all of them, you say, ‘Hasbunallah Rabunallah Hasbunallah Rabunallah,’ or salawat on Prophet ﷺ same thing [shaykh recites silent].

21:59 - Even harder without the. . so when you don’t use the tasbih very difficult for people to move the zikr in a khafi mode so then you just use the tasbih inshaAllah.

22:09 - There’s actually quite a few questions regarding the daily awrad quite a few people.

22:16 - As Salamu alaykum Seyyidi, if I only do the first part of the awrad from the app daily will I be connected to the Naqshbandi Wi-Fi? Someone is also asking Yeah Everything is based on the minimum don’t do more than the minimum.

22:34 - The minimum is the 1500 ‘Allah’ and the 300 salawat and 500 on Wednesday for the salawat.

22:44 - Stick with the minimum. In life you say I’m going to just do the minimum that’s my basic I did my obligation I’m on the wi-fi, you have more time do 10,000 ‘Allah’ it’s okay but if you take for the higher level and you don’t keep making it and then you don’t finish the awrad then we’re going to have problems.

23:04 - And time management like anything else in work you know, did you want to take half a pay cheque every month is that okay with you? If that’s okay with you then no problem do half the awrad.

23:20 - So no, since you want the full pay cheque from Allah (AJ) then do the full awrad.

23:24 - Now it’s a matter of time management. So the first part and the short surahs (chapter) we inshaAllah) will all memorize that, that takes 15 minutes.

23:36 - Surahtul Inshirah, Surah Falak, Surah Nas, Fatiha.

23:41 - So the first part to the du’a and ihda (Dedication), 30 minutes.

23:45 - You can do that, then we said with time management you said, ‘Now I have to do my ‘Allah’s’ and my salawats.

23:51 - On the way going to work I’ll do my ‘Allah’ then I’ll sit [shaykh closes eyes and chants].

23:56 - And on my way coming home I’ll do the salawats so that my awrad is finished for the day.

24:01 - You can do it at one time, alhamdulillah. You’re driving all the way to work and you can do your 1500 ‘Allah’ and that’s why we have the 200 tasbih.

24:11 - That there’s a speed in it than having the small one when you have the small one it’s a lot of rotations and a lot of changings you have to go to here to count ‘one-hundred thousand, Here’s another thousand, here’s another thousand. ’ So before this two-hundred tasbihs they move very fast so doing 1500- only seven times and one seven around and one.

24:35 - You finish it in ten minutes only driving, it’s not it’s not something hard so then just time manage.

24:44 - I’m going to do my ‘Allah’ all the time at the beginning and I’ll do my salawats on the way coming back but that’s the awrad the etiquette is done then I have my Suratul Ikhlas and then I have all my other salawats that I want to make for the rest of the evening so I’ll do that and do all my salawats all night long.

25:04 - Watch tv whatever you’re doing keep making salawats keep making salawats until the heart is in the durood sharif in thousands to build the energy and to build the connection with the presence of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ and take away every type of nefarious activity and creature that coming around because truth and false they don’t match.

25:25 - “Allah humma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad.

25:28 - Allah humma salli ala Sayyidina Muhammad wa ala ali Sayyidina Muhammad” Prophet’s ﷺ ruhaniyat (spirituality) is going to be all around you giving you back salaams (greetings).

25:35 - The ifrit (powerful demon) then run at that time, that becomes the immense power for the ahbab and the lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

25:46 - Every time we do these deeds that are dear to Allah (AJ) imagine the immense power that they have.

25:56 - We’re teaching everyone how much Allah (AJ) loves Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ, then imagine then the servant who’s continuously making salawat on Prophet ﷺ just the mere barakah (blessings) of that Allah (AJ) shatters every type of difficulty around them, as a result of that.

26:14 - This has immense… that’s why you describe the immense relationship and love that Allah (AJ) has for the creation of Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ as soon as we enter into that centre we’re the benefit of this immense love, that’s why all of these practices have so much power when it’s done with that understanding because Allah’s (AJ) immense love for Sayyidina Muhammad ﷺ.

26:43 - As a sister in tariqah, can we make madad on the lady saints? On the who? lady saints.

26:54 - Sure, yeah. But don’t go searching now for lady saints because that’s less prevalent and that’s the thing if you don’t have access to them and you don’t have a channel in which to learn that’s. . we have other talks about bouncing around to so many places today’s episode I think was based on that.

27:15 - That just bouncing around to different people and before you know it you’re neither here nor there.

27:22 - Ila sharifin Nabi ﷺ wa aali wa sahbihil kiram, wa ila mashayikhina fit tariqatin Naqshbandiyatil ‘aaliyah, wa sayiri sadatina wa Siddiqin.

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