EP.39, Nissan Leaf battery and doors removal - 4-motor Monster Truck Project
Dec 22, 2020 21:00 · 1899 words · 9 minute read
hey everybody i’m peter from offroad electric welcome back to the channel that is about building a four motor extreme off road monster truck from two tatras and four nissan leafs and this is episode 39. sponsored by a wonderful patreon patron’s team thank you very much guys for your help and also for your patience because we had to have a necessary break if you would like to purchase the t-shirts of course there is a link down below in a few days i have to leave for uk and all the parts that i wanna sell must go with me so let’s not waste any time we have to jump on it as quick as possible but of course we have to wash it first because the pictures on ebay must be very shiny yeah almost like new not really okay let’s start working on it finally so before we touch this car i will tell you something about it this is obviously nissan leaf fully electric car this is 19 this is 2012 year and the most important thing is probably the state of battery you can see that on this bar all the way under on the right it is 2 4 6 8 10 it says 11 bars the maximum when the battery is new has 12 bars and it has only 31 000 miles over here this is the most important thing i picked this model mostly because it was cheaper it’s cheaper than newer years but the motor and the inverter are separate since 2013 the motor the inverter and the charger is the one compact box and it wouldn’t fit my purpose so that’s why i have this here we got some parts here probably some shop to put the headlights off to inspect the damage one looks good i don’t see anything broken i can get some money for this one we got some cracks over here i’m not sure what i can do with this probably nothing the first thing we will do we’ll remove the battery and i think i will use the ramps from the trailer for the front axles we’ll get it higher and then i will use the hydraulic jack to lift up the back of the car i can see i can’t do it because i have to get rid of the front obviously it’s too low take off this plate so we can actually get on the ramps is i will try to remove this guard or from the bottom and it’s all you can see the radiator damage over here so we got it in the air at least the front to make enough clearance to remove the battery hopefully we will have enough now we will lift up the back with a hydraulic jack but i just want to secure it to the top it will not move this i guarantee you so what is our clearance it’s about 45 centimeters in front almost 50. and here 45 the battery is highest at the back so we’ll lift up the back a little bit more and then we’ll be fine i think so we got roughly 50 centimeters it should be enough to drop the battery down plus the space for the for the palette let’s take a look underneath over here here is the guard it’s from plastic and underneath is directly the battery that’s where we are going to i have some strange feeling to go under that i don’t really want to go under that you want to do it for me so the correct procedure is to disconnect the auxiliary battery first obviously this one is dead so we are going to disconnect this tatra battery here okay we are still safe if you don’t know that the battery has about 380 volts so if you touch anything you are fried now we have to do the safety disconnect or whatever it’s called it’s on the top of the battery and your access is there from here so we need to get there inside that so we have to disconnect these three bolts and there is the quick disconnect which disabled the battery so what is inside it’s orange and it has the reason why it’s orange i’m going to wear a glove so you never know and wash my hands okay we are going to use the lovely glove because of the procedures everything must be correct we want to survive today okay if i remember that correctly i need to push this button and pull this green up and pull it out and now the battery is disconnected and it should be safe now to work on it okay we’ll take off the front part of the guard it reminds me tatra broken bolts it shouldn’t be rusty like this it’s just few years old okay look at the beauty over here obviously it’s it’s the main main two cables where all the power goes and this is bms battery management system wiring i was looking for another one for the cooling somehow it’s not here okay let’s do another cover we got it out wow it looks nice and the last last cover wow that’s beautiful look at that we got some ground connections over here between battery and body of the vehicle they must go and some on the back and now we’ll disconnect the main cable some strange feeling even with this glove and bms cable really and now finally i have quarter of ton of battery just above me so let’s unscrew the bolts just few of them right now okay so these two in front two of them on the back and then i will put the pallet jack under that and we will do the sides okay front and back are done now we will do the sides and we’ll drop the battery out of the vehicle we got three bolts on each side so i will take the middle one and put the palette there i need to get as close as i can without damaging the car so hopefully we’ll be fine the most of the weight is on the back so it reacts that way so i have to help myself with this wow it looks good doesn’t it wow we got it on the floor that’s awesome wow we got it out this is the most difficult part of the work i’ve never done that before it’s out i’m really happy perfect now it can rest in peace so we got the battery stored i just tape all those outlets because we don’t want any mess to get there so this is how nissan leaf looks without the battery and now we’ll put the nissan leaf on the ground again yeah we got it down and now the front unfortunately it doesn’t move anymore so let’s continue we are too close if i drop it down i will rip off probably the charger got it down in the back of the wheels that is secure on the ground i can move it wherever i want how are we alone that’s perfect we got the battery out of course that that’s not for sale don’t even ask now we will probably start removing the doors uh they are for sale so let’s try to take off this mirror i have no idea how the wiring is inside so we’ll see it should be only clips here camera woman is sitting on the driver’s seat i have to work here so how do you think it is done can i remove the wiring is there the connector inside what do you think so no connector here so far finally why it always looks easy on internet voila yay awesome we are getting somewhere we have a mirror i’m looking for a main harness connector i believe that connector should be here somewhere i don’t think so this will be all one piece yay super no here is no connector here anywhere so i think i will have to pull out all of this pull out through the door and out then i can remove the door i’m not sure if there is a connector it might be if this is a connector that’s the worst place you can possibly keep it i think there is a connector over here i think so but i can’t open it because the door is in the way this is so stupid i thought the tatra was frustrating it seems like there is a connector over here i don’t want to destroy the harnesses by cutting that and i don’t really want to disconnect million things over here so i think there is a connector over here but i can’t open it because the door is in the way this is so stupid look at that see this is opening the connector probably i will be able to pull it out if i will be able to fully open this one and the door is in the way what the hell wow unbelievable unbelievable how long time we have been doing this 30 minutes unbelievable ah camera woman found out when i close the door a little bit there is more room this lever to be opened you cannot open it this way but if you do that this you can open it i almost destroyed the whole wire harness cables next time i will hold the camera and camera woman will do this no no wow respect for camerawoman wow that was painful second side before i forget it piece of cake like i have done that for all my life now you have to close the door a little bit close the door to be able to open it look at that now you can open it and now i can still close it maybe right now hallelujah that genius really genius okay second one is out number two done there is no connector over there so we will see what surprise is waiting for us over here there is no connector there so we might spend some time over here to figure it out they hold there because they are glued i have to pry it look at that okay next side heavier and heavier can’t open the fifth door because it’s electric let’s try something i don’t think so it will work but let’s try a miracle i opened the door unbelievable the main battery is out i just connected the auxiliary one and i open the door wow look at that a lot of wasp nests that was a big surprise so where is the connector over here or over here so that connector must be here only what comes here goes here is this hose for the washer that’s all okay i think we got it free why did i disconnect this and this is only the hose that’s all on it now only the mechanical stuff and that’s all for today if you like this video please consider to become our patreon and don’t forget to like share and subscribe stay tuned for the next episode because we are going to continue on this one thanks for watching and see you on tuesday .