How ray tracing looks like on GPD WIN MAX original screen? You could find here
May 22, 2020 10:20 · 323 words · 2 minute read
We have tested the GPD WIN MAX With eGFX at last time Today we will test the original display with Ray Tracing, how was it will work eGPUR is TX2080 First let me show you GPD WIN Max runs Battlefield Ⅴ itself Here are GPD WIN Max spec 8”screen 800g Processor is I5 1035-G7 16GB 3733 RAM It’s will be start pre sell At 20th May in JD There are all low setting And you have to open DX12 Then FPS will raise a little bit You could check the FPS out It’s could be 25-30FPS That’s feel smooth when you play The frame looks also good But no comparison, no harm Now let’s connect eGFX With all high and ray tracing effects Some guys are asking Can eGFX support plug and play Answer is YES Now I will show you how Here I set up my WIN MAX ready Here without eGFX You just only can see the iris graphic here Now plug TB3 in You can heard the voice from laptop Then RTX2080 appeared in device manager If you go in to game The game will go through RTX2080 Let’s open the system option You could see the ray tracing DXR option is selectable Open DXR, system hint you have to reboot game Ok, then we tweak settings to all high Then reboot games All high effects with ray tracing That’s a totally different game Deep snow and footprints Snowflakes were dancing in the air under the street lamps You could feel the ray tracing here In fact we have seen this scene before But with eGFX The effects like worlds apart This video isn’t recommend you need an eGFX to play with WIN MAX Just show the TB3 practicability to you Becasue many GPD user have good graphic already So this port reinforce the expansibility of WIN MAX WIN MAX’s playability Extended much I thought that’s very good function .