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Dec 23, 2020 08:21 · 1188 words · 6 minute read acts sulfur jaundice enhances energy

Hello, this is a volcano. Today, we’re going to talk about the persistent arthritis and the crotch beetle that’s good for rejuvenating. The most similar plant to the stork is the stork. The way to distinguish between these two plants is that the blue future has a thicker stem. Blue thorns are very thin and feature small, sharp fine thorns. Sometimes they mistake the fruit for the chile tree, but when it is ripe, the fruit of the stethoscope will be cooked black.

Anyone can distinguish easily, so it won’t be that difficult. Its natural habitat is low in rural hillsides and fields. Use roots and stems as the main medicinal ingredients. But the thorns on the stem are very sharp, and if you’re stabbed, It’s toxic, and it’s allergic to it’s It’s better to drill the roots separately and use them as medicine. Roots can be collected from time to time throughout the year. It’s either dried in the sun and sliced into small pieces to be sweetened. If you dip it in alcohol, the effect will be several times greater. Especially, the root contains saponin in ginseng, It contains tigogenin, a type of sapogenin that enhances energy. And laxogenin, which relaxes joints, bones, and muscles. It contains a lot of vegetable steroids. Raxogenin stimulates muscle mass increases with purely spontaneous vegetable steroids.

It is known to act to block liver toxicity or cortisol. Cottisol is a substance secreted by acute stress reactions against stress. It will provide the necessary energy source for the body. It also increases muscle synthesis and reduces body fat. There is a great advantage that there are no special side effects because it is a natural plant resource. So it can be a cure for degenerative arthritis, which is becoming more and more regressive due to old age. It can improve neuralgia, back pain, and knee arthritis. Arthritis of old age is getting harder and harder to return to its original form. Before it gets worse, we need to use proper herbs, including storks. It’s not easy to move if you use it with alcohol in it’s It’s powerful enough to walk around a person who can’t walk.

02:17 - It is applied evenly to stroke, cerebral infarction, hepatitis, jaundice, dementia, and migraine. It is also used as a medicine to relieve stress of modern people. It has a sweet, bitter, warm, or plain personality. And so far, no toxic substances have been identified. It enters the liver, lungs, and kidneys. Especially when the whole body is stiff and relaxes muscles, it also acts as a supplement. A person who does strong exercises such as muscular muscle, bodybuilder, etc. If people with very weak bodies eat it, they can strengthen their muscle strength. In oriental medicine, roots and stems are called jumjusu, which is widely used as a medicine for pain, gale, and small bell. Reduce heat and remove moisture to release poison quickly and apply to cirrhosis, fatty liver, and hepatitis. So we use it to clear the blood circulation and untie the clump of fish in the blood vessels. It promotes blood circulation.

03:12 - It is also effective for the disease, which causes the fever and the tendon to pull together. It is used as a prescription for pain. If you eat 10 grams of roots regularly, your hands and feet, It can significantly reduce the pain associated with each joint. You can relax your muscles and make your body flexible. In addition, when contaminated with heavy metals such as mercury, cadium, or lead, It has an excellent effect of releasing all kinds of poisons. Especially, diuretic action is good, so mercury can be quickly excreted into urine.

03:45 - In the old books, he solved boils and vaccinations, They prescribed a chunky beetle to suck out the poison. Also, there are symptoms of blood coming out of the gums and cold gums. It’s written that you’re prescribing the pain as a medication to improve the symptoms. It also helps to relieve swelling that occurs frequently due to kidney inflammation, kidney inflammation, or bladder problems. It helps to communicate women’s menstrual cramps, uterine inflammation, and men’s prostate gland smoothly. If you dip it into the rice wine, you can strengthen the energy of men and women. chronic fatigue and lethargy by improving the health of the kidneys and bladder And you can see the effects of physical fatigue on your back. Also, it has a lot of steroids and saponin, which makes muscle strength and muscle strength strong. In particular, this component stimulates hormones to treat lack of erectile dysfunction. And it acts to promote the release of amino acids in the body.

It converts the liver to sugar to generate energy, creating a natural force. Fresh leaves are used to treat venereal diseases of men and women. It can be crushed into small pieces and attached to skin diseases or dried to make powder. There’s a lot of side effects in medication these days. Cheongsari vine is a natural plant resource that is not toxic and can be used safely by both men and women. And it contains starch, a polysaccharide made from glucose. It can be used effectively to treat diabetes by lowering blood sugar and normalizing insulin secretion. In the paper experiment, it is not only safe and excellent for diabetics, but also for the use of aldoz-reducing enzyme inhibitors. It was also thought to be used to prevent diabetes complications and develop treatments. Sulfur and sweet ginseng are added to diabetes.

Or if you eat 5 grams of pork potatoes together, It can improve vascular diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. (Promotion Method) In spring, young shoots and leaves can be blanched and mixed with vegetables. Use stems and roots as the main ingredient. Boil in water for a long time because the roots are hard and very stiff. You can heat it up until the essence is completely drained. You can drink 5 to 10g of dried medicine in water a day. You can heat it from high to low so that the drug is reduced by half. It is also used as a soup, exchange, or acid, and is also used as a liquor. If you’re dipping alcohol, wash the collected water cleanly. Remove any foreign substances attached to the root completely. Then dry it in the sun for three to five days.

Put the roots in the prepared glass bottle and pour the soju over 30 degrees. And then close the lid tightly. Let it ripen for six months to a year, and then drink a glass of alcohol a day. The tonic effect strengthens the energy and muscles and improves the couple’s gold chain. (Caution) Blue thorns have no side effects, but people with body heat should not eat too much. Since the ingredients are strong, make sure to keep the quantity. And from June to July, those born in Sashi, Oshi, and Misi should refrain from drinking. You should not take it immediately if your body reacts abnormally. Thanks for watching. It’s been a volcano so far. .