Кабель Ult-Best SATA 22(7+15)Pin& mSATA 13(7+6)Pin. Обзор, подключение Zidoo Z10 и Blu-ray/CDrom!)
Jan 15, 2020 20:46 · 470 words · 3 minute read
good afternoon everyone today we have another unpacking again from under heaven came there are also several cables objects that we need in order to test the functionality of this cable again this is a Zidoo Z10 media player we also upgraded the toshiba satellite a660-1en laptop namely, the drive was changed to the slide in which they installed an additional hard drive and we have this drive by the way, too one cable that connects via USB 3.0 and in this version came a SATA cable on micro or mini SATA mSATA i.e. 22 pin to 13 pin like times to connect a DVD drive directly to the Zidoo Z10 media player he came here in addition to this option return part of the money for purchases in aliexpress with the cashback service letishops this is real money that you can withdraw to a bank card or top up your phone balance stay in trend buy with cashback from letishops link in description ordinary standard mail package there is already a bag but in unlike the cable that we had directly SATA 22Pin itself ULT-Best Chinese is provided here the length itself is also about 30 centimeters like the previous cable which we watched and demonstrated directly to connect hard drive so this cable is already for drive connection inside we have the cable itself repeat length 30 again centimeters and there are connectors thanks to which directly and two of these devices are connected namely the drive and media player Zidoo Z10 Now I’ll show you what I’ll do here there is a SATA connector we inserted yes there is still a dvd disk which is present we will see because blu-ray no drive there is only a DVD drive therefore dvd so we installed it safely Now let’s see how it all interacts with each other directly cable and DVD drive by the way who has a blu-ray drive and either a 4k blu-ray drive that is, you can use it here if there is such a need, we are the whole thing connect directly to playback source and see whether to connect this DVD drive directly on the menu Zidoo Z10 media player as we see everything is fine with us connected everything is playing even the menu shows a DVD on which you can select particular episode options either sound settings and so on this cable is working and in technical specifications Zidoo Z10 media player directly indicated that it is also possible to connect an external drive there DVDRom CDRom blue-ray ROM and so on blue-ray 4k and it will all be safe play directly with this Zidoo Z10 media player thank you all for your attention to whom it was useful to all successful unboxing purchases until the next video and bye .