Red Dead Redemption 2 [2018] [Episode 05] [Lang: En - Sub: En/Ar]

Nov 10, 2020 12:00 · 8998 words · 43 minute read sky dead horse 🤪 freedom

Easy now. Dead end. You got nowhere to go, bounty hunter. I ain’t here to kill ya. Wouldn’t matter if you were. There’s only one way outta here… and that’s through me. Come easy. I’ll say something to the law. It ain’t gonna be easy. You’re gonna have to draw on me to get me out. You mighta found me… but you won’t beat me, bounty hunter. Goddamn… bounty-hunting son of a bitch… damn you. Let’s tie up that shooting arm. Oh, hell. You take a bounty, you kill him. That’s what I done. We’re going back to Strawberry. You shot me. And you didn’t even have the decency to do it right. You duel a man and oughta put him down… Not knock him out, and tie him up. You got no decency, bounty hunter. You wouldn’t have got me in my younger days… I woulda put one in the middle of ya eyes Take a nap, old man. I wish you’d killed me back there! That’s Big Josh, alright. Hey! He looks heavy.

Can we take that bounty off of you?I 04:29 - I can manage him fine. They’re turning back… I guess I’m all yours. I don’t deserve this! I deserve to go out with some damn honor! I lived by the gun, let me die by it, dammit. That’s what I deserve you damn sneak! You damn gut shooter! Here we are… Strawberry. I hear the cells here are really comfortable. You trying to be Winsome, bounty hunter? Always… I’m a regular charmer… now come on. Got Brown here. Ah, Mr. Brown. Come on now. Make him comfortable downstairs. Lock me up. Forget about me. Now. leave me to my peace. Pay’s right here. He make you work for it? He dueled me, so I’d say that’s a yes. Lucky you’re still here. Honest of you.

07:01 - Hey, boy Who goes there? It’s me. Hope you’ve been good out there. Slow it up, now. Hello, Arthur So… we keep heading east. Is that the plan? For now. And when do we stop, when we reach Paris? Oh that’d be nice, join the Commune? We stop when we find someplace sensible, shake them that’s following us and lie low. This is lying low? We’ve turned into a bunch of killers, I mean it. We ain’t even got the delusion of being anything but a bunch of killers. We are just trying to survive, Hosea. We don’t have a choice. So, we moving? Yeah. This’ll end soon. Damn right it will. Constipated as usual. Micah told me of a place we can lie low. Look here… Dewberry Creek, he said. Okay. Maybe you and Charles can go take a look… clear off anyone you find… before the whole lot of us move in… looking so conspicuous. And how we gonna do that? I don’t know.

09:24 - Start dancing? Looks like I’ve turned into the goddamn errand boy. You have turned into my son… you worry, because I worry. We are just the same. Hey Charles, come on. I need you for something. Sure, this can wait. Okay, Feller So where are we going? Find a new spot to camp. We’re packing up and moving on. Again? We have to. And fast. We’d already pushed our luck too far before that mess we just made in Valentine. Ah, that didn’t sound good. Killed a lot of law. Killed a lot of Cornwall’s men. They must know where we are by now. So, we’re heading south? Yeah, area called Dewberry Creek. Dutch wants us to give it a look, make sure it’s clear and a good place to lie low for a while. I’ve only known him a few months, but…

the way he talks, I never thought I’d see him wanting to head south. Right… and I know by now, there ain’t no lying low. There’s too many of us for that. And, there ain’t no way Dutch is gonna just… hide away in a cave somewhere. Goes against everything he stands for. That’d be admitting we’re nothing more than low-down criminals. Which… we are. You don’t have to tell me. So where does it end? Where does what end? The moving, the running… Dutch don’t see it as running. Call it what you want. I don’t know. Before, put enough time and distance between you and the problem, eventually it went away. This is a big country. But now… with these Pinkertons… Hang on a second… I think that must be it up ahead. The old dried up creek. Seems very open. Yeah, it does. Ain’t sure it’d be the best in the rain, neither. Well, let’s take a look around. Hey, I see something over there. You see it? Someone on the ground there. He’s been shot. Let’s be careful, Arthur. There’s a camp just up ahead… Sure. Let’s get ready for business. Any issues… shoot first, debate second. I’m not gonna shoot for the sake of it. Alright, Charles, let’s go take a look. Look, here it is. Few tents, but… place looks empty. Let’s have a look around and make sure.

13:18 - Where is everybody? Maybe they heard us coming. Be careful. It’s okay… it’s okay… you can come outta there. You okay? We don’t mean you no harm. He said a-are you okay? In German: Do you speak German? G-German? No… now go on, get out of here. Go, we need the land. Go. Get the hell outta here. They took our father. Who did? M-men… last night. Where? Where did they take him? Ain’t no business of ours. I don’t even speak their language. You ain’t as tough and dense as all that. Come on, Arthur. The girl was pointing this way, let’s see if we can pick up a trail. There, tracks. Come on. I don’t see nothing. Hoof marks, this way.

14:52 - What’s going on with you? What you mean? You were just gonna send that woman and her children on their way? We’re wanted men. We got Pinkertons breathing down our necks. We should be moving camp, not running off on some wild goose chase. Come on, Arthur. That’s not how you are. Well, maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do. I think this is the right way. Give me a second. Okay, looks like they go down this way. So… what happened with those Pinkertons, anyway? When you were fishing with jack? Said they were onto us. Offered me freedom if I turned Dutch in. They picked the wrong man there. We should have moved right then, if you ask me. Bastards told me… Hold up, let me check this. Continues along the shore here.

16:21 - Anyway, what are we talking about? Bastards told me they’d killed Mac. Said it right in front of Jack. That kid… it’s gonna be tough for him. Yeah… but he has more folk looking out for him than most of the rest of us had growing up. john said he was going back to the auction yard to collect the money for those sheep. He’d be a damn idiot going anywhere near that town right now. He reckoned he’d be able to slip in and out. Oh, well… if it’s john’s idea, it must be a good one.

17:07 - What is with you and him? Well, he disappeared on us for a while… when jack was real young, a long while, a year or more. Wait a second, just want to look closer here. They carry on along this trail. So, you were saying? He did? And we was… family, you know? Guess I still ain’t fully forgiven him for that. There’s a camp up ahead. Be careful. Seems deserted. Let’s take a look. So where is this guy? I don’t know… but you know something? This is a better camp spot than back there. Much easier to defend. Maybe… There he is. Quick, cut him free and let’s get outta here. In German: Help. In German: Careful! Careful! It’s a trap! Careful! Take cover! I see three coming this way! You get the hell away from here. Why the hell you drag us into this, Charles? That all of’em? Doesn’t look like it.

19:23 - Look out! Riders coming in! In German: Stop this, please! In German: I just want to go back to my family! Who do you think you are? The last one making a run for it! Take him down! Well, that’s them dealt with. You get him untied and I’ll see what they’ve left behind for us. In German: Please let me go. In German: Cut me free! It’s okay, we’re getting you out of here In German: Thank you, my friend, thank you. Yeah okay. You wait there a second. Charles, go find Dutch, get the caravan to divert here. This spot should work for us. I agree. So, you were saying? Alright, come on. I’ll take you back to your family.

20:34 - In German: Did my family send you? In German: So I’m coming with you then? In German: Where are you taking me? What the hell did you do to those fellers? In German: What did you say? Those men back there, why did they take you? Geld. Money. In German: My family has a gold mining business. They wanted to send a ransom. How did someone even come up with them words? In German: You’re taking me to my family? In German: Oh thank you…how did they find you? Look I’m sorry, friend, I can barely speak English. There they are. In German: Oh, thank god. In German: Darling! Andreas! Andreas! In German: I thought you were dead… In German: I nearly was. In German: My darlings… In German: my precious darlings. In German: Wonderful. In German: You are a great man… In German: a great man. In German: We are blessed… - In German: to have met you. - Thanks. Go on now, get outta here. This place ain’t safe.

22:35 - Get outta here! - In German: Yes, yes, we’re leaving. - In German: Come on! Come on. In German: I have something for you. In German: just a second. In German: Thank you. Thank you. In German: Thanks a lot. From the bottom of my heart. Guess it was a pleasure. You were right. Oh, this place… it’ll be perfect for us. Hello, Arthur. Dutch. Miss Grimshaw, Mr. Pearson… put everyone to work. Make this place a home. Well, I don’t know where the hell we are… but, we are going to make the best of it. Chapter 3: Clemens Point A few days later… Hi. Morning. Hey, do you think… do you worry… Do you worry that maybe we’ve lost our way? Do you worry that maybe we’ve lost our way? How do you mean? - Ignore that. - I won’t pretend ignorance, I know just what you mean. But I don’t know… things seem bad. The world is changing, and… I’m not making much sense, am I? Listen, we’ve got outta of worse situations than this.

25:40 - Done plenty of bad things that we’ve all forgotten about. Don’t take Dutch’s patter about redemption too seriously. How you doing, old friend? Fine. It’s funny… us ending up down here. My daddy died in a field in Pennsylvania, fighting this lot. I ever tell you that? Many times… I see I’m boring you, Arthur. Worrying me… we lost men back there. We have lofty goals, Arthur. We’re trying to reform society to a kinder, truer, better way, now of course there’s gonna be casualties. We’re thieves… in a world that don’t want us no more. We are dreamers in an ever duller world of facts, now I’ll give you that, but come on… We got the day. It’s nice out.

26:56 - Old Hosea says that there’s a creek around here. I reckon it’s full of fish. Hey, old girl, come on down here, why don’t you show us this creek you been pissing in. Hey, you don’t look too rosy, old friend. I thought this warmer weather would… My days of looking good are long over, Dutch… Always dream crushing and bubble bursting, you. Come on, Hosea, let’s go fishing. Alright, gentlemen, let me show you how it’s done. Why don’t we just fish here? There’s a whole lake of ‘em. Because I need to get out for a bit… me and the old guard. Before any of them back there… there was us. The curious couple and their unruly son. It feels good here. You did well finding that spot, Arthur. More Charles than me. It’s like I can breathe again. Thick and soupy as this air is. Might even do your whistling pipes some good, Hosea. I was once in this country with Bessie… oh, it feels like a lifetime ago. It was a lifetime ago. But what a life we have lived… how well we have fought. Especially both of you. I hope so. But now, when things are desperate, we have to stick with the plan. Make enough money, then find somewhere where nobody’ll find us, where we don’t have to hide. Eh, like where? I got some ideas hatching, but I need you with me, not against me. Both of you. ‘Course. Still, we do need money.

29:27 - So keep a low profile, especially in the local town. After Valentine, I want everyone on best behaviour here, no trouble… , but start turning over the soil and the rocks… see what turns up. Dutch… we have gotta be discreet. Imagine what a slew of rich simpletons there must be down here. This is perfect for you, Hosea, you’ll be able to play them like a fiddle. Nothing would give me greater pleasure, but… No buts… not today. We fish and we enjoy the day. Looks like law up ahead. Play it cool. Hello, gentlemen. Well, look what the cat drug in. I seem to have gotten myself in a spot of bother. Quiet back there. Let’s see if we can’t sort this out. How are you, boys? Fine. This is quite some country you have here. We like it well enough. Hoagy Macintosh, at your service. Leigh Gray. This is my deputy, Archibald Macgregor. It is good to meet you. You a Scot? Partly… the best part. Of course. Now, tell me sir… What did the silly fancy fop back there do? Nothing too terrible I trust. He was accused of running a gold mining investment scam. Oh no, no, no, no… I’m sure he wasn’t. He is a magician, I know him. He’s a fool… but, he is not a bad feller. Now can we… can we just… I wouldn’t do that if I were you, I… Shit! The Anderson boys. I can’t have more scandal. Well, allow us to help, my friend. Arthur… Chase wanted men? A-and, and… Take Archibald with ya. just what I signed up for… come on, big guy. Perhaps we can discuss the foolish magician? Let’s go! After that train! And do not shoot them, you hear me? Come on, hurry. All right. Come on, we’re losing them. Will you relax? We’re not losing ‘em.

32:05 - Pull me up, damn it! Faster, come on. What’s your name, sir? Arthur. Arthur Callahan. Faster, Mr. Callahan, please. My neck is on the line here. I get it. I’m doing my best. So what are these fellers wanted for? Looks like the son of a bitch is gonna make it. You sure I can’t just shoot him? No. Did I not say that? You’ve said plenty. Look at you two fellers all cuddled up! Idiot. Now get after the others, come on! The train is slowing down to go through the station. Now’s our, chance. See if you can get alongside the train.

32:53 - Hurry, get alongside it! Get alongside that flat carriage. You think you can jump on there? Me? Why me? Because you ride like my grandmother. You are something else. You cop bastard… I didn’t do nothing… Go to hell! Get the hell off me! Stay on them! Where are you gonna run to? Running ain’t gonna help you! C’mon, shit bag. Go! Get after them! You cop bastard! Damn bastard. Get the hell away from me. Come on! You stop them, I’ll stop the train! You, hold it right there. You’re only making it worse.

34:15 - Excuse me, coming through! I’m coming for you next! I’m going to ride ahead and stop the train! I guess it’s just us then, lawman. Come here. Do we need to bother? Let me go. I can’t do that. Come on. Come on… just don’t kill him. Are you sure? Sadly so… I’m right out here if you need me. Do it. Watch yourself, he’s as dirty as they come. You think you’re tough?! Hello? Is everything alright in there? Well… I don’t think he’s dead… but I think I won the fight… just about. Bring him out here. Deputy. Sounded like quite a commotion. Is that him? I sincerely hope so. Old Anders Anderson. So, what now? We take him in, come on. A fine job, well done. And a pat on the back for me for stopping the train.

35:51 - Load Anders onto the back of your horse there… and we’ll take him to Sheriff Gray. There you go, you’re a natural. Alright, let’s take him in. Follow me. What about the others? Oh, we’ll round them up. Antlers back there is the brains of the operation, and that’s really saying something. You’re the boss. That was mighty impressive, sir, I have to admit. I’d hazard a guess you’ve served the law yourself at some point Well, I wouldn’t exactly say that.

36:22 - Are you familiar with the area here? No, not really. On your right here, these tobacco fields. This is part of Caliga Hall, big estate belonging to the Gray family. Looks bone dry. Yes, we are in dire need of some rain round here, let me tell you. The Grays have lived at Caliga Hall for generations. Fine people. My family’s been working for them for years. Sheriff Gray’s the one I know best of course, but they own half the businesses in town. Which town? Rhodes, sir. You don’t know it? Where we’re headed right now. Ain’t what it was before the war, but it has its charms. I’m sure you already know of the Braithwaites? Like I said, we just got down here. Another big family in these parts… they have an estate West of here. Awful people, truly awful. They’ve been fighting with the Grays for as long as I can remember. Sounds like quite the place you got here. We’re going to bear left here. Here we are, welcome to Rhodes. Up there on your left is the Rhodes Parlor House.

38:00 - Very reputable saloon, owned by the Gray family. We also have a general store, gunsmith, post office, train station, of course. What more do you need? Oh good, they’re back. And that’s your friend, right? Yep. Okay, we’re gonna stop just ahead on the right, outside the Sheriffs office. Can you grab Anders off your horse and carry him in for me? Carry him over then. Hey, fellers. just bring him here. Mr. Gray! We got him… Very good. I told you Arthur would deliver… man has a passion for justice. That’s wonderful. So, about my friend here… Your idiot friend is free to go… but no more trouble from you, partner.

39:07 - I promise you, this was all just a big misunderstanding. However, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I’ll pretend to appreciate that. Mr. Macintosh… it has been a real pleasure. The mostly good citizens of Rhodes… we welcome you. Well, we’re just honored to be here. And make your friend behave. We got enough trouble from some of the residents. Old timers who’ve gone sadly to seed and lost their dignity. How terrible. Come along now. I will keep this fellow on the straight and narrow. Well, come back and see us sometime soon. Excuse me, gentlemen. Now, Beau… these better be ugly rumors.

39:49 - Is it true you were seen talking to that wretched Penelope Braithwaite? I can’t thank you enough. Where have you been? Around… And where you staying? I’m renting… a caravan… on the edge of town, behind the church. It’s horrible, but no one comes looking. The whole town is trapped… in this interminable feud between the two families. His lot, Grays… and Braithwaites. Interesting. Two old plantation houses… and falling out over rebel gold and… marrying cousins and not marrying… - Arthur, Hosea… - that sort of thing. you start poking around… see what you can find out about that. I have missed you boys. I’ve heard about bounties. There’s been a price on my head for thirteen years… it’ll take ‘em months to find us down here… and it seems like… we can have a little sport. Well they’re good bounties.

40:37 - Where you hear this? Some fellers I met at a camp near the state line… said there was talk of it… in bars in the north and west for five hundred miles. There was talk of super agents, or some such. Super agents… I’d love to meet one. It’s just talk. I’m sure it is… but I couldn’t not tell you. Stay outta trouble. Thank you, gentlemen. Okay, so these two plantation families… Arthur, you start sniffing around the Grays’ place, see what the story is there. Yeah, I passed by it earlier with our friend Archibald. Good.

Hosea, 41:24 - you see what you can find out about these Braithwaites. Alright. Thank you, Arthur. Quite a fishing trip… There’s still time. I’m up for it. How ‘bout you, Arthur? Or have you had enough of the chase for one day? Sure… why not. Great. Hosea? Why don’t you lead us to that spot you were talking about? I kind of like this place. Okay, let’s see if we can avoid any more excitement. Folk in town whispering about that boy, whoever hell he is. Alright, gentlemen, follow me.

42:42 - So how far is this creek? It’s a bit of a ride still. And it’s not a creek. It’s the same lake we camped on, just a different part. It’ll be worth it… I saw some big drum and sturgeon there… should be rock bass, bluegills, perch, pickerel too. It’s a good spot. We’ll see if you’re as good at catching fish as you are at catching criminals, Arthur. Trelawny owes me for that. Trelawny owes… everyone for something, but his information is good.

43:12 - Plus we are now ingratiated with the local law, I’d say it was a worthwhile diversion all round. Trelawny’s like a bad penny. I’m not sure how good a magician he is, but he’s certainly good at disappearing when he feels like it. Where does he go? Everywhere and nowhere, it seems. We wouldn’t have got Sean back if he hadn’t been weaseling around down that way, though. Hey, Dutch, remember that time you found him in the outhouse? Oh yeah… we hadn’t seen him in weeks.

43:49 - We stopped in some dead-end town in the middle of nowhere, don’t even remember the name. You and Bill were off doing something, Arthur. So we pick up some supplies, I go to relieve myself, open the door and there’s Trelawny, sitting there, newspaper in hand, “Mr Van der Linde”. I say, “What the hell are you doing here?” and he said “I could ask you the same thing.” “Now if you wouldn’t mind giving me a little privacy, I ate a rotten oyster”. Hey, maybe there are actually a hundred Trelawnys. What a terrible thought. So what Trelawny said about those bounty hunters. What you think? I told you, I’ve had bounty hunters after me for years. When was the last time I didn’t have a price on my head? Seems a little bigger now, Dutch. ”Super agents”… that’s just Trelawny over-egging the pudding like the showman he is.

44:56 - Unless there’s a new breed of special man I don’t know about. So, do nothing? Not until I’ve thought it through. Interesting about those two families. This is the spot, down to the left there. Easy! I saw some boats around last time. Be good to get to deeper water. Yes, over there on the shore. I’m sure nobody would mind if we borrowed one of these. Come on. Alright… this looks like a fine vessel. Okay… come on, Arthur, let’s get her in the water. I got a good feeling about fishing here… supposed to be some incredible sturgeon. Okay, here we go. Let me row…

46:41 - you boys are too old for real labor no more. And you’re too dumb for anything else. You’re still too quick for me, old man. I enjoy picking on children… Now take us to the deeper water… and pray for… good luck and stupid fish. But what about stupid luck and good fish? That’ll do too. Keep going. I think here’s good. Alright, good luck gentlemen. Come on, Arthur, don’t be nervous. Should really come here at dawn or dusk. That’s when you catch the best fish. We should use a lake lure, that’ll give us a much better chance of hooking something big like a sturgeon. What’s wrong with a good old worm? Worms are good for tiddlers like bluegill and rockbass, but you’d have to be real lucky to catch a sturgeon with one. Lures it is then. You heard the expert, Arthur. Let’s bait up. Keep the lure moving slowly on the water so it looks like a little fish just asking to be eaten.

48:25 - You got a bite there, Arthur? Fish on the line, Arthur. Something’s nibbling. There we go! Damn it, I lost him. Ok, that’s was a bite. Got him. That feels like a bite. Got one! Ah, I should’ve had that one. Hey, look at this beauty. There you go. Well done, Arthur. They can grow a lot bigger than that. Feller told me he once saw a monster lake sturgeon near the mouth of the river just southwest of Saint Denis. Fifty-pounder, he reckoned. I’d like to see that. Hey Hosea, you remember that time we sent Arthur out fishing? He came back with three beautiful bass? Not this again… I don’t think I do. Oh yeah, you do. He was maybe twenty, twenty-one.

49:50 - Walked in all full of himself, we had a big feast, toasted him all night. This was fifteen years ago. Oh I remember now. Then the next week, Arthur and I are at the market, and fishmonger calls out, “So how did you enjoy those bass?” Look, you can fish, or you can go drinking all day, rob someone, and buy some fish. just gotta reel him in now, Arthur. There he is. I used to go fishing with this feller back in the day. Wesley, his name was. Real miserable bastard, but he loved to fish. We’d go out all the time. But… one day, we were river fishing… when we see a funeral procession going over the bridge and out of the blue, Wesley stands up, takes off his hat, bows his head.

50:47 - Then, he sits down, picks his rod back up and carries on, doesn’t say a word. So I’m a little surprised and say, “Wesley, that was nice of you.” And he replies, “Well, felt I had to. After all, I was married to her for thirty years.” Oh, there he is. Oh dear God… I might swim to shore. Nice, you hooked him. Remember those big salmon I caught in Montana last year? We had a banquet planned that night until Copper went and scoffed the lot. You never had control of that dog, Arthur. He had some spirit, though.

51:28 - Never lost the puppy in him, right to the end. You know I remember us saying how Blackwater was the further east we’d ever been, as a group I mean. Feels like the more we try to head west, the further east we end up. We had all those safe spots picked out to lie low in New Austin after the ferry job. I liked it there. Still open and wild, the way it should be. Somehow the desert makes you feel closer to the sky. No point us trying to get back that way any time soon. The Pinkertons have patrols out all over Tall Trees and Great Plains. We saw when we went back for Sean. Well, look at us now, huh? It could be worse. Plans change, that’s just how life goes. Did I ever tell you my mother’s buried in Blackwater? Really? She is? Apparently so. I only found out from an uncle of mine years later.

52:31 - Last I knew she was still outside Philadelphia. I left home at fifteen and didn’t see her again. She and I didn’t always see eye to eye. I wasn’t always a very obedient child. I can only imagine. Still I loved her, in my own way and she me in hers. Somehow, even from the grave, she managed to have the last laugh. Nicely done, Arthur. Looks like you got a bite, Arthur. That’s on the hook, Arthur. You’re getting the hang of this. That’ll grill up nice. Hey, I reckon we call it a day, fellers. Already? You ain’t been chasing down outlaws. Alright, think we got a decent haul here. Pearson will be happy.

Should we head back? 54:25 - We could keep the boat, not too far back to camp from here. Good idea, could be useful. What about the horses? Oh, they’ll find their way back. just follow the shore south, Arthur. That was fun. Thanks you boys. Now, Hosea… Yes. How about a song? Okay… alright, I’ve got one for you. ♪ I asked that gal to give me some… ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ ♪ I asked that gal to give me some… ♪ ♪ she says ‘wait untill the taters is done’ ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ ♪ I couldn’t wait till the taters was done… ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ ♪ I couldn’t wait till the taters was done…

♪ 55:10 - ♪ Threw her on the floor and knocked out some… ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ ♪ I wish to God I’d passed her by… ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ ♪ I wish to God I’d passed her by… ♪ ♪ Taters got burnt and so did I. ♪ ♪ mmm hmmm, mmm hmmm. ♪ That was… that was pretty good… but you know what song we should be singing? What? Well, look at us… three mariners. Ah, of course. ♪ Well, we be three poor mariners, newly come Erom the seas. ♪ ♪ We spend our lives in jeopardy, while others live at ease. ♪ ♪ Shall we go dance this round a round a round…

♪ 55:55 - ♪ shall we go dance this round a round a round. ♪ ♪ And he that is a bully boy… ♪ ♪ come pledge me on this ground, a ground, a ground. ♪ ♪ We care not for those martial men, that do our states disdain ♪ ♪ But we care for the merchant men, who do our states maintain. ♪ ♪ To them we dance this round a round a round… ♪ ♪ to them we dance this round a round a round. ♪ ♪ And he that is a bully boy…

♪ 56:25 - ♪ come pledge me on this ground, a ground, a ground, a ground, a ground, a ground, a ground. ♪ Oh bravo! Bravo. Well you know, we should not let the folks back at camp… think that we had too much fun. Indeed not. Careful. Alright… I think… I… well, I mean we… are gonna be okay. I know… I always know… whenever I got… you two by my side… things are gonna be just fine. This place will be good for us. For now, anyway. I hope so. Well, I am going to take in the View. I’ll give these fish to Pearson. You know, I think I’ve heard enough of your opinions, miss. Is that so? Yeah, now make yourself useful… and the first part of useful is not driving me insane…

58:13 - Arthur, Arthur, how you been? I’ve been real worried. What do you want? Don’t be like that… just a… just a few bucks. I’m short. Get lost. Well, I’ll go try someone with a heart. You do that. and I thought to myself, “What a pair of feckless bastards”. Was up near North Elizabeth, Yeah, they left the ladies in port. And you prefered that, did you? Sometimes… depending on the ladies. Or should I say, the women… Hello, Arthur. Uh huh. Well, still alive. Great. Herr Morgan… Herr Strauss.

02:13 - How are you enjoying yourself here? Well enough I guess… and you? Well, it turns out the pursuit of freedom… is not a cheap business. Not for us… and not for some of the locals. Sharking already? I prefer to call it banking. You ain’t the one handing out the beatings. No, but I am the one feeding… the women and children in the camp. What choice do we have, Mr. Morgan? Ah, I don’t know, I… Well, come on then. Tell me who. Here’s the list. Refinery worker turned hunter… by the name of Winton Holmes. You’ll find him up in the hills north of Strawberry. Ah, an apprentice undertaker. This one working in Rhodes… his name was Gwyn Hughes. And how many of them…

02:54 - do you think will be able to pay? With enough encouragement… both of them. - Evening Arthur. - Come on now, boy. Still don’t look quite right… I ain’t never gonna get the hang of this… Stop it, stop it… Gwyn Hughes? You start picking out a box for yourself if you don’t got that money you owe Leopold Strauss. Well, I-I don’t… I-I… I need more time. Doesn’t everybody? That casket for you or you want another? Wait! Wait-wait-wait-wait-wait, I… I can get it for you! But, uh… well, uh… Come with me to the churchyard? And stay close… Alright. Oh, this ain’t right… I mean, I’ll get you your money, but, uh… well, you will see… What ain’t right is borrowing money you can’t pay back.

05:45 - I guess, I guess, I guess you’re correct, but uh… this, it ain’t exactly right… what we’re doing. You ain’t the first to put his hand in the collection box and you won’t be the last. Rest a little easier knowing churches been taking more then they need off poor folks since time began. Well like I said, well… the morality of the matter is a little more confusing than that. Okay. You head on into church, I’ll keep watch. Well, it ain’t in there. It’s under here. I’m digging up Mrs. Claypole. jesus! Well, she got a bunch of jewels in there that she don’t need. Oh, dammit. There’s a bunch of people here. Oh, I got it, I got it.

06:49 - Look, you clear ‘em off, and I’ll wait right around here. But don’t hurt nobody! We don’t want no fuss. Don’t be shy, ain’t no one around! just my auntie. Your auntie’s long past… Get out of here, kids. Move. Come on, I knew we shouldn’t have been here. You missed your chance, boy. Ma’am, would you mind clearing out of here for some maintenance work? Gladly. It’s about time this place got cleaned up. It’s all clear. Alright. Now go watch the gate. I’ll get to this, uh… this exhumation. Hello there, sir. Sorry. Church grounds are closed. Okay.

It’s, uh, good of you do be doing it out of hours, I guess. I’ll come back in the morning. There’s them’s that born to it, and there‘s everyone else. Uh huh. That’s how it is. Things was done on merit, you and me would be running things. Sure would. Uh huh. Yup. Gentlemen, church grounds are closed. I don’t care very much what they are. We’re looking for some privacy. You get this guy? Huh? Goody two shoes. Get the hell out of this churchyard, or you boys gonna need yourselves a preacher.

09:28 - You hear this feller? I heard him, alright. We’re gonna lick you, bastard. You gonna get it. Shit. I hope this hole’s dug. Well, there’s your payment. Forgive me, Mrs. Claypole. What you find? She had a broach, here. Looks like diamonds. This’ll do… Now get out of here before someone sees you. Can’t believe it’s come to this… Alright, well, uh… I’m outta here. That-that should more than, than clear what I owe you. Oh, hey, you there! Think you could help a lady out? My horse up and died on me, twisted my ankle something fierce.

11:57 - Think you could give me a ride? Yeah, sure. Hop on. Oh, thank you, sir, thank you. You know Emerald Ranch? Mind taking me there? Sure. Sure. Think you might’ve got twisted around. Think you might’ve got twisted around. * hmm, is that place is near 🤔 * * It’s too far 👀 * Glad I ran into you… I raised that horse, you know? Raised it since it was just a foal. Oh, losing a horse is hard. Sorry to hear that. Yeah. That horse did right by me. Better than my husband, truth be told. Hey, what are you doing? Get back on your horse! * anyway, she left it with her dead horse 🤪 * Hey, we can’t walk your horse back, come on.

13:15 - Wait, wait, don’t leave me here! Might as well just have left me to walk! What? I just don’t understand this at all… Hey, over here! Sir, can I show you something? What’s the problem? Problem? N o, there’s no problem. Quite the contrary. Well, there is a problem… for me, but not for you. Alright, I ain’t got time for this. No, wait, no, wait… give me a minute of your life. I might just change it forever. I’m sure you will have heard of me… Máximo Cristóbal Valdespino. The renowned explorer. Can’t say I have. There has been much written about me. I once had high tea with the Viceroy of India. I helped liberate South America. I’ve climbed mountains, and swam across seas. I have had… many women. I have spent the last three months… hunting treasure on the American frontier.

15:05 - Beautiful country, reminds me a lot of Almeria… but, tomorrow I set sail for the island of Shikoku… in the Japanese archipelago… in search of the legendary Tokushima Sapphire. Well, good for you. No, no, hold on. You see this map here? It was made by the jack Hall Gang. They robbed banks all the way from here to California. Yeah, I know who the jack Hall Gang are. Oh, them you have heard of, but me…

15:34 - Well, rumor has it, they buried gold somewhere in this area… but were killed before they could retrieve it. They created two maps to ensure it was well hidden… this is the first, and should lead you to the second. You just need to follow the landmarks drawn here. Me? Yes. Unfortunately I am out of time now. But I am prepared to sell it to you for the low price of… ten dollars. A trifle in investment for a man such as you… given the potential returns. Well, I’m interested in the map, but not so interested in the haggle. Why don’t you just hand it over instead? Yes… you’re funny… Listen, give me the map. I’m done asking. Oh, oh my! Here, take it. just let me be! In Spanish: I refuse to die for that stupid map… The framing, yes. But the lighting, hmm. Hello. Hello. Quite a day, isn’t it? Sure. What a country. I’m working on a project… photography. Yeah, I guessed that bit. Of course… Wildlife, that’s my thing… or that’s what I want to be my thing. If I have to take another picture… of a grumpy house frau, or… pompous middle class burgher… I will feed myself to the lions. Stand here. Here? just… there. Albert Mason. Arthur Morgan. Pleasure. I’m trying to find and capture images… of our great predators… before our greatest predators…

19:37 - kill them all and stick them on some club house wall. Good luck with that. Yes… not the easiest… but, well… I love a challenge. The trick… is to leave a big load of meat… and relax, and pray they don’t mistake me for lunch. Oh! Good heavens. My bag, that thing is robbing me! Go, good heavens. Don’t worry. That “thing” is a coyote! A sneaky one too. “Wildlife” photographer. Drop the bag! And coyote, don’t think about coming back! Well, well. I got your bag. Oh thank you, thank you sir. Bag full of meat will tend to bring out… the worst in the local population.

21:57 - You are a gentleman The bag also had a lot of my supplies, you’ve saved me days. I’m… Can’t thank you enough. I’m… I’m… Thank you. Don’t worry about it. I’m a… You take care, sir. I ain’t the one trying to get myself eaten. Yes, I realize I am a fool. Forgive me… and thank you very much once again. Winton Holmes? I didn’t expect to see anyone out here. Funny… how far a man’s debts’ll follow him. You got some money for me, boy? I seen your name in our ledger. You’re with the German? Look, I got it for you. It’s just… I don’t got it yet. I-It’s up in them hills. You panning for it? Hunting it. I tracked this cougar. It’s rare… lily white coat… the pelt’ll more than cover what I owe. If I’m skinning anything… I’m skinning you, boy. Please. I’m outta work… it’s the only way you’ll get paid… a-and all the hard work’s already done. Fine. Move. We’ll, uh, uh, need our horses. It’s, um, quite a trip. Yeah, yeah. Come on, Pal. Alright. Drive, boy. Let’s get where we’re going. Drive. Okay, follow me. Drive. I’m driving. Make me come out here. Make me chase all over this goddamn mountain. Hey, you, uh, knew it was a risk… I didn’t know nothing. Your name is all I knew. Well, the German-speaking feller then. Mr. Strauss. He knew my- work situation was… precarious… that this whole things was a… risky venture. Wait.

Risky? Am I at risk now? 25:26 - Are you threatening me Winton Holmes? I ain’t. No. Certainly not. Sir… I’m… I’m merely stating… a man without a job… with limited prospects… at those rates… repayment was by no means guaranteed… I said I’d do my best… and I did… You’re continuing to annoy me. We’re going right here. Up the stream. Hey, how about this then… I guarantee repayment. ‘Cause I’m going to get that money outta you… If I got to squeeze you like a lemon, it’s coming out. Yeah, of course. We’re onto it now, okay? We’re onto it now. The cash is in that cougar, mister. Sure as pumpkins ain’t cauliflowers, the cash is in the cougar. It better be… or I’ll turn you into a goddamn cauliflower. Up here. We ain’t too far now. What I know about cats… this one’s rare as hens’ teeth. I mean, you ever seen an alabaster wild cat? The big thing about cougars… is they see you, not the other way around. That may be, but… you’d see this one. I been hunting with my pa… shot all kinds of cats… never one like this…

27:01 - In another life I’da sought my fortune outdoors… not in the hot, stinking belly of a tar pit. I ain’t interested in your regrets or your life story, Mr. Holmes. just your damn money. Now drive. This is it. Her den. We should leave the horses. Alright… show me. You’ll see her soon. Quiet now. Won’t be able to miss her, shining in the dark. You hear that? There’s a cougar in here, and I bet she’s white as virgin cotton. The tunnel diverges up here. I’ll take the left, you go right, and we’ll see if we don’t converge down a ways. And look out for her. Yeah, yeah.

29:05 - Holmes? Winton Holmes? Don’t mess around with me, boy. She got him. Crap. Damn dead debtor. Penniless idiot. Got ya, you hellcat. It’s white… better be rare. Get out of here, horse. Your man ain’t coming. Come on. Thank you. You ain’t feeding this horse ride. If you want me to keep him overnight, there is a room in the stable. No papers, huh Well I can’t give you a full price on account that might be stolen. Come back and see me. Oh Jesus, oh Jesus! Easy. I won’t die to no wolf! Oh, oh, you there! Please help me! I’m out! Oh, God, I’m out! Easy, there. Easy Yes, yes! That’s it! Oh, thank God! That animal was a goddamn menace.

35:50 - You saved me, partner, whoo! I was almost a meal there. This way. Come on. Easy, boy. Gotta be done. I travel alone. Boy. Whoa, whoa, easy. Easy. Easy, there. Easy, it’s okay. Go Easy, boy. Who’s there? Hello, sir. Mr. Morgan. Hi Arthur. Oh, hello. Say whatever you damn well please… but I tell you, if I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to kill somebody. And if you don’t stop hissing at me, I’m gonna kill you. Come near me, sailor… and I will slice you up! You put that knife down or you’re going to be missing a hand, lady. What is wrong with you two? I ain’t chopping vegetables for a living. Oh, I’m sorry, madam…

44:18 - was there insufficient feathers in your pillow? Look, I ain’t lazy, Mr. Morgan. I’ll work, but not this. Well ain’t cooking work? My husband and I… we shared the work… all of it. I was out in the fields… I can hunt… carry a knife or use a gun. But I tell you, you keep me here… I’ll skin this fat old coot and serve him for dinner! Watch your damn mouth you crazy, goddamn fishwife! Enough! Both of ya. Well come with me then. You wanna head out there? Run with the men? So be it… but we do more than just hunting… we’re hunted. And them things hunting us… well they got guns of their own. I ain’t afraid of dying. Good. You need anything, Mr. Pearson? Maybe me and Mrs. Adler are gonna take a little ride. Yeah, sure. Here’s my list and… can you post this letter for me… while you’re there? Sure. Come on, princess. Are you coming with me then, woman? So I’ve graduated from chopping vegetables to shopping? Shut your goddamn mouth…

46:00 - You cooled down then yet? I guess. And I ain’t no scullion, and I sure as hell ain’t taking orders from that sweating halfwit. Well, I guess we all gotta do our share, Princess. Where’s that letter? Oh, you reading his mail now? Oh, robbing and killing’s okay, but letter-readings Where we draw the line? Here. “Dear Aunt Cathy,” You are something else…

46:33 - “I haven’t heard from you in some time, so I prayed to the Lord above that your health has not deteriorated further”… blah blah blah, it’s boring… Oh! Wait a sec. Listen to this… “Since we last corresponded, I have traveled widely, making no small name for myself.” “Before you ask, I am still yet to take a wife, but I can assure you it’s not for a lack of suitors…’ He ever actually even talked to a woman he ain’t paid for? Look, we’re all hiding behind something… And what’s this? “Return to Tacitus Kilgore.” Oh, that? Now that’s Dutch’s idea. All mail to be sent to the same alias.

47:29 - Whenever we set up somewhere new, Strauss, he heads into town, tells ‘em to start expecting mail from a Tacitus Kilgore, or whatever they changed it to… Here, gimme that back. We got work to do. Okay, here we are. So? What’s the plan? I shoot the shopkeeper while you… No. You insane? Well, I thought we was outlaws… Outlaws… not idiots. We rob fools that rob other people. These people, they’re just trying to get by. So you head on in there, and you buy us some food to eat. And no guns… Are you sure? This time. There’ll be time for killing soon enough.

48:12 - What are you doing? I’m gonna go check the mail, nothing exciting… Can I help? How do you do, sir? Can I help you mister? Yes, I’d like to post a letter. Alright. Okay, no trouble. Thank you. Bye now. Talking about that boys you got killed in Rhodes. That comes with no surprise. How do you do. and he came out bright blue. I’m trying. Try harder. I think this is everything. Thanks… here, take that for yourself, okay? Thanks… Well, give it back then. Jesus… I didn’t ask for his goddamn help. Okay, get on, I’m about done here. Hop on, I’ll be right with you. Why don’t you drive? Okay. Come on, lady, get a move on. I like Sadie, not lady. I know. So, you get everything? I think so. And some… new clothes, I see? Don’t start. I can wear what I damn well want.

50:58 - Like I told you, my husband and I shared all the work. I wasn’t some little wife with a flower in her hair baking cherry pies all day. I don’t doubt that. You sure look the part now. Won’t be long before you’re smoking cigars and playing the harmonica. I’ll have you know I used to love playing the harmonica before, well, my house and everything I owned got burned to the ground. I know… I’m real sorry. About what you… you know. Maybe I’ll keep my eye out for another one. I don’t want no pity. just treat me equal and know… nobody’s taking nothing from me ever again. just don’t kill the camp cook… please. Hey there. Hey. What are you folks up to? just heading home. You’re in Lemoyne Raider country. You need to pay a toll to pass through here. You’re in Lemoyne Raider country. You need to pay a toll to pass through here. Keep it cool, Sadie. You’re in Lemoyne Raider country. You need to pay a toll to pass through here. No, I don’t think so.

52:12 - You don’t think so? How about you pull over right now? Pull over? That’s what I said. Hey. how’s about this? Go, go, go! Shit, let’s get the hell outta here, go! Sonofthebitch, got me! What the hell was that?! They was gonna rob us. A new pair of pants and you think you’re Landon Ricketts. I’m gonna run this son of a bitch down! Well you wanted to see some action, lady, now you got your wish! Got another one behind me, in the rocks! You okay there, Sadie? Of course. You think I can’t handle these fools? Told you I could shoot a gun, didn’t I? I don’t remember asking you to prove it. There, see? Not many still standing now.

53:27 - Only ones paying a goddamn toll is you sons of bitches! Lady, you are enjoying this far too much. Yeah, you run, you goddamn coward! I think we’re good here, Arthur. Nice shooting. Alright. I’ll drive us back. Probably shouldn’t linger here too long. What are you doing? We should get outta here. No, pass those reins here. Why? Because you’ve caused enough trouble already. I’m fine. Careful! We showed those bastards, huh? Remind me not to get on your bad side.

54:20 - And they was clearly planning to bushwhack us. You did good, but that’s a lot of mess to make near camp. Hope it don’t bring anyone sniffing around. Are you going to tell Dutch? Maybe, if he asks. But maybe not. So who did they say they were? Lemoyne Raiders? Yeah, something like that. Who knows… Anyway, don’t you go ribbing Pearson about that letter. How dare you? I wouldn’t dream of it. Right you wouldn’t. “I have traveled widely making no small name for myself.” I won’t be giving you no mail to post any time soon, that’s for sure. I just want a peek in that journal of yours. The mind boggles. Not a chance… You didn’t get yourself killed then, Miss Adler? Not quite.

55:21 - Well, I’d like to say I missed your refined conversations, but… I’d be lying. I… I enjoyed myself out there. Yes, we err… Mrs. Adler did okay. At shopping? Yes, at shopping… Thank you, Mr. Morgan. Don’t mention it. I would ride with you again, Mrs. Adler… if you will ride with me. Maybe… if you prove you can handle yourself. Well, they say I lack finesse, but… I ain’t afraid of gun smoke. We got this, Arthur… you’ve already done me a big favor today. Okay, Miss High and Mighty… And… nice pants, by the way. Oh, shut up. Arthur. Next Episode Come on, get across! Gotta beat that train, Morgan! .