Burn Pile Day, Coffee Grounds & Compost | RangerRob Country Living
Oct 28, 2020 13:00 · 459 words · 3 minute read
foreign our videos are made possible by ranger rob poopy bags available at amazon right now hello everyone this is ranger rob and welcome to ranger rob country living the time has finally come to start burning so what we’re doing here is we have a very large burn pile that is too big so we’re going to break it off over here where we did all of our chips start the fire over here and do a slow burn and keep everything under control so we do have extra hose around here we have a water out here that’s on and i’m gonna do a time lapse uh to see how well we’re breaking everything down larger pieces are down here and we’ll add those in appropriately so uh let’s get this started okay guys we have fire so we’re gonna keep it down to a minimal sherry’s like wetting down the ground just be safe um maybe we’re being too over cautious but i don’t think so anyway it’s already too warm and toasty and this is the only size we want this pile to be so uh we are doing a time lapse of this and so uh um you might get a kicker watching how fast the pile goes down oh yeah i forgot to tell you don’t forget to stop by your coffee or starbucks or the local coffee shop around your place ask them if they have a leftover coffee grounds i got two more bags right here from starbucks you guys throw those in a compost bin hey it’s great for the compost bin so my compost bin smells like starbucks that definitely helps break everything down to some really good soil well we’re coming along pretty good this may be a two-day burn wind’s starting to pick up and it’s into oregon we tend to have our winds pick up around three or four so uh we have a lot of grass and stuff like that and that’s what it takes harder to burn than the branches so uh we’re going to let this one burn down and stop here before the winds really start picking up because the last thing we want is a an issue so anyway guys i hope you enjoyed our video take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world and uh go down the description and say hello we appreciate it so uh hey the pile’s getting a little bit lower so we’re getting there talk to you later bye thank you very much for watching our video please take the time to like subscribe and share our videos all over the whole wide world thanks you .