BACKLAPPING - die Messer des Spindelmähers nachschleifen - so gehts!

Mar 25, 2020 11:00 · 754 words · 4 minute read grinding paste worry bloom course

Hello lawn freaks, yes I’m a little jealous of the Swardman, because it cuts the grass or paper really, really well, the sample paper. My Atco doesn’t cut at all, and that’s why I have the lower front edge here… The knife goes over the lower knife here, and the front edge, so that a really sharp corner is created here, I have now sanded over this front edge once. It already feels relatively sharp. We can test it. Now let’s test it, it also squeaks a bit. Nah, look at that, it doesn’t cut at all. In the middle… neither. But it’s howling, it’s… Neither. Here it almost cuts. It’s not that bad at all. Here it is creepy. If I turn it further, it will get louder. But the cut doesn’t necessarily get better. One more closer… now it’s really firm… but it still doesn’t cut well. It is terrible, it is cruel. Now I’m going to back lapping and since you may not have seen that in the old videos, I thought I’ll show you that again.

01:50 - Back lapping means turning the spindle backwards, and then put some grinding paste on here. We do that now. [Music] To do this, I have to remove the cover from the side, which is not a drama now. Zack, lid off… stock off… don’t lose ring… greasy fingers :( Here I go with a nut on it to make the spindle turn backwards. So freaks, here I have the lapping paste with 120 grit. that’s a tough paste with abrasive grains in it, very fine. There are also 80 grit, so if you have a very badly worn knife, you need 80 grit. Take a look at this… it will rust away. I think I have to renovate that too. Sh…. Boah ey, the machines wear out, it is now 15 years old. Boy, boy, but don’t worry, the main thing is that they work. What I need now is my dear wife, who is operating the drill. But 24, man. Fits… nut… grinding paste… A brush, if possible with a long wooden handle, so that you don’t get into the knives, and then spread the grinding paste on top of it.

04:01 - The other way around So turn against the cutting direction. He: Go! She: Good. She: Wait, wait… now… ohh it’s rolling So freaks, we’re going to take another step closer… click… and there too… click… and then again… I hope the camera survives. Now you can see all the paste on it… there… good. now we rinse it off. Such a bucket that lasts forever. There it looks… it looks greedy, it has become nice and smooth. Very nice… very good… then let’s start it. Now it gets exciting… now it gets exciting… yes… yes… yes…. wow… cool. Yeah, awesome action. So I’m really a big back lapping fan, because you can get your spindle sharp again, with home remedies, at home in the workshop. And that’s not so elaborate, I think. you don’t always have to grind the spindle. I’ve already got it… I don’t know when I last got it grinded. If you regularly back lap, you regularly regrind the spindle, by turning it backwards, it becomes super sharp again and it runs quietly.

08:57 - It’s awesome, it’s mega cool, so you can keep your spindle long without spending a lot of money on real professional grinding. Yes cool, and now we’re mowing! The lawn looks nice green, but you know what I see awesome, it starts. The lawn starts to bloom. First I got a shock but then… purple! That means the Poa pratensis starts to bloom. Interesting, the blossom are now coming out everywhere. madness So dear lawn freaks, Atco mows, Atco mows well.

10:22 - Now the sun is just coming out, it is becoming beautiful, wonderful, just enjoy it, enjoy the sun. Remains relaxed and relaxed. I’m going to mow very relaxed, and then I look forward to seeing you in the next video. At some point there will of course also be the exciting comparison between the Swardman and the Atco, or Allett these machines are called today. Yes of course that comes, the big comparison of which mower is the better, old versus new, modern versus classic. Yes it will be great. So subscribe tome ring the bell, and then you will be there when my new video is there. Thank you for watching. Until next time bye .