ShepparD.Empire shares secrets of his successful R6 career

Nov 6, 2020 21:15 · 1239 words · 6 minute read nothing list six november major

It was something like celebrity syndome after Raleigh Major. I was bored of aimless games. — I’m angry about that. — We play, we play, we play… We have to play with what we have. We lost 20 games in a row. You have to believe. You can get tired of the game. You know, having your hands cold. This bootcamp is the most succesful. — How to overcome your tilt state? — Impossible. The end. Let’s start! Hello ShepparD, how are you? Very good! What has happened on bootcamp today? We’ve outplayed Team Secred and secured the slot in Six November Major. — What are the dates for this Major? When can we root for you? — From 6 to 8 November. Let’s start with a couple of basic questions. In general.

01:03 - How is it to give interview only one per 3 years? That’s real good, no one bothers you with anything. You can just chill and do nothing. Let’s pretend that after you gave this interview the Juri Dud’ will come asking for another interview. What will you do? I’ll erase the old interview and will take the Dud’s invitation for interview session. Good thinking! I would do the same thing! Damn right! You keep acting like strong silent type. What’s your secret for cold- bloodness in the game and in real life? Even our coach on Six Invitational 2020 told that you have this special ability.

01:48 - So, what’s your thoughts? I don’t think it’s some kind of advantage or anything. It’s the sum of few factors like low blood pressure and some other things. It’s like I always have cold hands and it’s not so comfortable at all, if you think about it. Don’t know what else to add. That’s just the way I am. Do you think your “strong silent type” helps in-game or maybe hurts? It goes both ways. Sometimes you need to say something inspirational for your team. And you can’t do it because you don’t know how or what to say. On the other hand… When everyone is really nervous you can judge the situation clearly and make a thoughtful decision. When karzheka has left and Always came as replacement. The team was rebalanced. What are the current aims and objectives for you now? Tell us more. Except being the #1 team in the world. Tell something about more realistic plans. Global aims like achieving something? Well, I mean the exact in-game current aims. Well, then… After the Major in USA, and before that as well.

03:34 - Our main goal was to improve our communication. We haven’t used improvisation much. Played by default strats only. We play only defaults. And because of our enemies or some bans, because of enemy actions we could do something between rounds or even in the game, making some finely tuned adjustments. That’s it. And now.. We’ve swapped roles and everyone learns something new to his updates position. We’ve discovered how the reinforce works in a new way. If you crush it’s lower and upper parts. Not the full destruction of reinforced line, like before.

It can be done with single charge of Maverick’s torch. You just destroy an upper and lower line and the wall will become soft-breached. It can be done with Ace or Hibana as well. Everyone learns such tricks now on their corresponding in-game roles. And we keep improving our communication. We’ve won many clutches during Stage 2. And it depends heavily on improvising and communication. You can’t simply add improvisation to that list. You know how it goes.

05:00 - When you see that the rival team has no chance to win, you start to invent some things… Sometimes it can work out. R6: Siege is now called as “Gadget cleaner simulator”. Do you agree with such definition? Because the offence has to waste too much valuable resources to clean the defensive lines. So, do you agree? Totally. I’ve been cleaning devices all day today. And not only that. That’s it. Do you wish for old R6 experience to come back? Everyone wants that. Because the game turns into something like you’re waiting behind the stationary shield.

With many gadgets around you like Jager’s ADS, Melusi’s trap, Maestro’s cam. People rushes to kill and you can lose not because you’re playing versus some pro’s with mad aiming skills. We’re playing FPS, right? You can lose the round because you was unable to destroy one shield. Everybody is tired of current meta. Everyone would like to get back to old Siege. But you have to play the game you are provided with.

06:16 - Do you think there’s need to remove stationary shields from Wamai and Smoke? Or maybe they should be reworked somehow? Many people think that shields should be taken off from ops with high pickrate. Smoke, Wamai, you know. So that people would have to play such ops as Alibi who’s currently useless. In my opinion, the best way to solve this problem is to remove the windows from the shields of basic ops. And leave them be only on Goyo’s shields. It would be the best logical solution. The teams got better. Previously there were teams used to farm points by the others. I won’t name them, though. And now when you play vs anyone it’s gonna be rough match.

07:18 - We’ve got star sickness, you know, celebrity syndrome after Raleigh Six Major. When you are over-confident and so sure in your abilities to win over anyone, and when you can’t you just tilt so hard. And that’s why it got so bad. The same thing happened with G2. I think they understood that they can’t perform as before. And that they can’t play good even when they make some adjustments and fixes. And they need more time to perform as before, so they’ve just swapped some players. And they started to play differently.

07:55 - In my opinion the “ecosystem” of Rainbow Six got much worse. Everyone says they need to play bo3. ‘cause bo1 without overtimes is such a joke. Such a random thing. It’s hard to describe. I’m to angry to sort it out. Because in APAC region If you take this ranking. Amercia — bo3 with overtimes. Brazil: bo2 with overtimes as well. Or not? There might be a draw. APAC: bo1 with overtimes. EU: bo1 without overtimes. How’s that? The strongest region of them all and the worst picked system.

08:48 - And I have to say much more about Challenger League as well. But everyone sees it all. What do you think of playing vs those three teams on Major? There’s always a chance. You just need to believe. That you can win them all. Keep that in mind that you can be the winner. What about BDS? Are they really so touch? Such a strong team? Or do they have their weaknesses? Every team has weaknesses. Not so long ago, well, two Stages earlier they’ve changed… They’ve had a bit of morale boost after picking up BriD. And he played Stage 1 extremely good.

09:47 - The top performer of Stage 1 statistically. And then Stage 2’s best player was Shaiiko. He carried them. It’s a pro team just like anyone else. Players with good skills, high communication, game sense and every BDS player has its strengths. But it’s just another team in the end. .